Racist Blacks

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hi, katsteve. Respectfully, could you clarify your reference to "black American citizens"?

katsteve, when you write about "black American citizens", are you referring to our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness...


Are you referring to significant numbers of segregation-minded, apparent slow-to-evolve, freedom-loving "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens, ILLOGICALLY believing they have a right, as well as duty to LOUDLY and HATEFULLY demean, denigrate, bully, taunt, harass, and in some instances threaten with violence, our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members of African descent?

katsteve, "Sell-out" "C^^n" and "Uncle Tom" are just a few HATEFUL, denigrating terms "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" American citizens use to LOUDLY demean and intimidate our peaceful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent.


katsteve, in my opinion, based on a wealth of evidence and my personal experiences, large numbers of perfectly healthy black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent raised, nurtured and socialized by "PRO BLACK" minded Americans have, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, experienced a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition known as 'CHILDHOOD TRAUMA' (#ACEs).

Am I the only reasonably responsible, as well as reasonably well-adjusted American citizen recognizing a significant population of "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens LOUDLY declaring black or American citizens of African descent are being denied equal rights and the opportunity to achieve success in TODAY'S ever-evolving American society...

...are IN FACT the VERY SAME apparent emotionally or mentally ill "PRO BLACK or Conscious Black Community" American citizens who are LOUDLY, as well as actively attempting to IMPEDE or PREVENT our free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from enjoying their INALIENABLE RIGHT to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN individually unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness???


YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

"Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll"

katsteve, now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka "Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly confirms is a "game changer."

Video search terms: "Oprah Winfrey, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect & Maltreatment

The vast majority of "Black citizens" that I know and am associated with are normal people with families, responsibilities and s positive outlook on life. And that SAME majority are pro black, not "anti anyone"

They want their children and their children's children to not be catagorized as "suspects", or shot down like a dog in the streets based on "what they look like" or because of the sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity of those who prejudge based on stereotypical beliefs.

It appears to me that you are of the belief that being pro black and aware as well as successful are qualities that are impossible to exist within the same person.

they are NOT being shot like dogs/categorized by what they look like--but for their ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are usually shot in self defense/they are a threat/etc-NOT like a dog

Take a tranquilizer for your hysteria.

While you are engaged in your obsession with searching the internet for as much news about black people as you can find, look up ""PER CAPITA" rates of UNARMED black people shot in the back by law enforcement".

I've been over this before--many times with MUCH evidence--unlike you
there is NOT a major, chronic problem of cops shooting ANYONE, much less blacks
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
most of the shootings are justified

there are over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
and only 233 blacks fatally shot
do the math if you can
blacks commit more crime per capita---DUH---guess what????...take a guess Mr Genius
cops have to deal with blacks at a higher percentage!!!!! duh

It is likely "Mr. Per Capita", that I read and understand mathematics and numbers far better than you do. SO make up your mind. You use the per capita argument when it is convenient, and then switch to raw numbers.

I understand the application of relative population size as well. Law enforcement agencies do not spend anywhere near the MAJORITY of their time "dealing with just blacks.

Caucasoids represent approximately 62% of the population and looking at raw numbers, they commit more crime but at a lower rate based on the size of their population. Which means that the majority of arrests made for crimes all types equals more contact with police by the white population. But black people are fatally shot while unarmed at a that is over three times that of relative population size. And in far too many of those cases, an arrest could have been made without deadly force, because the suspects were unarmed.

You should think a little bit more before making statements that are completely ignorant.

Police killings of black men in the U.S. and what happened to the officers

1. you have not proven there is a major problem of police shootings--but I have proven there is not
2. you have not proven a majority of the unarmed [ hahahaha ] blacks were not justifiably shot
The question was, "Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people?" Read all the words then talk.
I did. I said yes. Are you learning impaired?

No. And you can't trust what every white person writes about blacks. Most of it has been proven inaccurate.

I've done better than you in life. I'm prey sure. And I don't appreciate the claims you make about me just because I refuse to accept the lie pf white supremacy. Fuck that. Whites gave written about us for the past 400 years or so and most of it has been wrong.. Fact. And when we look at our history, the laws and policies made by whites has denied us opportunities as well as lost income are the reason for the problems blacks face today. There has been tremendous psychological damage caused to our community because of continuing white racism that is at the root of behaviors you whites want put on our culture because you are too cowardly to admit that racism causes psychological harm. You don't study these things or the impact thereof. All you do is get online and post up white racist drivel. I have studied these things pretty much since 1983. You don't have to like what I say, but the facts support me, not you.
I’m pretty sure you haven’t done better in life than me. I’ve looked at history as well. You are the coward, you can’t admit that blacks can be racists. You blame everything on white people. You post racist drivel. You have proven time and time again that you are a scumbag. I couldn’t care less if you appreciate what I say. You sir are a racist. Plain and simple.

LOL! I am black. Therefore I know and understand how backs feel abut whites. You do not. You allow yourself to ignore 242 years of continuing bullying from wits and that if we respond with "I don't like whites" after being bullied for that long your dumb ass wants to call us racists. This is how stupid your argument is.

Just like every other black here I have asked the whites here to show evidence of blacks doing to them what whites have done to us. Yu can't answer that question but we get juvenile responses like yours.All racism is not al the same. Whites have taken it further than just looking at people and judging them by color. Whites have enacted laws, created policies, and created institutions supporting a belief in their racial superiority. This is what blacks are talking about when we talk about white racism. You are talking abt blacks calling you names or blacks who say that whites have been racists. That is not the same thing and half of it isn't even racism. This is how stupid your argument is.

I blame whites for what they have done. The root cause of the problems black face today derive from white racism. That's a fact which can be proven. Whites should not have done what they did and whites need to quit making excuses for what they do now. Take some responsibility son. I've done that and it is why I say what I do.

Well that's a grand opening statement; you think Blacks are the only ones who can understand how Blacks "feel". What if I told you I am racist against only one group: OTTOMANS!!!!

Now do I understand how you feel? K'noath I do, buddy!!


I don't give a damn what you think. You don't understand one thing about blacks. Trump is leading us out of nothing. More whites are on welfare idiot, yet you hold on to that false stereotype. That's how dumb many of you whites here at USMB are.
It's not even a color thing. Anyone who has that perpetually angry/bitter/prejudiced/victim mindset, needs a new mindset. It could apply to any person, actually.

And that's why I say whites need a change in mindset. Because whites continue to be racists and that makes people angry. End white racism instead of thinking you can define others by their reaction to it and a lot of things change.

If you think all whites are racist, you're just proving my point. First of all, you are judging people by the color of their skin, or as members of a group, not as individuals. That is the exact thing that you don't like people to do to you, correct? So if you don't like being judged by the color of your skin, why do you do that to others? Second of all, it shows that you have that victim mindset, which as I said, is in part due to the powers-that-be who continually evoke that anger, bitterness, and that "us against them" mindset. The powers-that-be purposely promote racial division, because it keeps groups fighting each other, preoccupied, distracted, never looking to who the real enemy is. It's control and manipulation. Divide and conquer. You're being played by the very people who you keep voting for.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that white racism doesn't exist. Of course it does. But you are being counterproductive when you believe that ALL whites are racist, and when you fall prey to those who want to keep you down by promoting that negative mindset and perpetuating that neverending cycle.

Since I don't believe all whites are racists and never said that, do not automatically claim that I am saying all whites are anything when I say whites do something. If I am referring to all whites I am capable of placing the word all before whites. Do you understand? I'm tired of you whites here pulling this bullshit. Learn how to read the words written.

Just because whites have meant all blacks when they have said things here doesn't mean I am doing the same thing. Whites have been racists, that's not a judgment, it is a fact. And this judging people as individuals crap doesn't apply to this argument when you have 242 years of whites behaving in this manner. It has not been done by a few individuals but by 10's of millions.

So let me explain to you the difference you don't seem to understand. Whites judge blacks based on falsehoods they created about us. We are talking abut things whites have actually done to us.
You have said all whites are racist. You got caught in your own web of bullshit. Fuck off Jr.

I have never said that.
You have constantly said that. Stop lying.
It's not even a color thing. Anyone who has that perpetually angry/bitter/prejudiced/victim mindset, needs a new mindset. It could apply to any person, actually.

And that's why I say whites need a change in mindset. Because whites continue to be racists and that makes people angry. End white racism instead of thinking you can define others by their reaction to it and a lot of things change.
End all racism is the correct answer. However you are to racist to get that.

Ending white racism will change a lot of things. What you call black racism is the angry reaction we have to what whites do to us. But you are too racist to see that.
As usual you are wrong. Racism is racism no matter the color. You spout off your dumb bullshit and try to act and be superior. You are a self imposed victim.

I am right and you live in denial..
Keep telling yourself that, as you play out being the victim that can only whine about things.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

So Blacks American citizens have a monopoly on being HATEFUL? Are you serious?

Hi, katsteve. Respectfully, could you clarify your reference to "black American citizens"?

katsteve, when you write about "black American citizens", are you referring to our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness...


Are you referring to significant numbers of segregation-minded, apparent slow-to-evolve, freedom-loving "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens, ILLOGICALLY believing they have a right, as well as duty to LOUDLY and HATEFULLY demean, denigrate, bully, taunt, harass, and in some instances threaten with violence, our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members of African descent?

katsteve, "Sell-out" "C^^n" and "Uncle Tom" are just a few HATEFUL, denigrating terms "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" American citizens use to LOUDLY demean and intimidate our peaceful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent.


katsteve, in my opinion, based on a wealth of evidence and my personal experiences, large numbers of perfectly healthy black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent raised, nurtured and socialized by "PRO BLACK" minded Americans have, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, experienced a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition known as 'CHILDHOOD TRAUMA' (#ACEs).

Am I the only reasonably responsible, as well as reasonably well-adjusted American citizen recognizing a significant population of "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens LOUDLY declaring black or American citizens of African descent are being denied equal rights and the opportunity to achieve success in TODAY'S ever-evolving American society...

...are IN FACT the VERY SAME apparent emotionally or mentally ill "PRO BLACK or Conscious Black Community" American citizens who are LOUDLY, as well as actively attempting to IMPEDE or PREVENT our free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from enjoying their INALIENABLE RIGHT to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN individually unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness???


YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

"Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll"

katsteve, now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka "Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly confirms is a "game changer."

Video search terms: "Oprah Winfrey, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect & Maltreatment

The vast majority of "Black citizens" that I know and am associated with are normal people with families, responsibilities and a positive outlook on life.

And that SAME majority are pro black, but not "anti anyone"

They want their children and their children's children to not be catagorized as "suspects", or shot down like a dog in the streets based on "what they look like" or because of the sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity of those who prejudge based on stereotypical beliefs.

It appears to me that you are of the belief system that being pro black and aware as well as successful are qualities that are impossible to exist within the same person.

It also appears that your intent here is to continue to post as much negative imagery and "creative", but thinly veiled stereotypes about black people as you can.

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

So Blacks American citizens have a monopoly on being HATEFUL? Are you serious?

Hi, katsteve. Respectfully, could you clarify your reference to "black American citizens"?

katsteve, when you write about "black American citizens", are you referring to our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness...


Are you referring to significant numbers of segregation-minded, apparent slow-to-evolve, freedom-loving "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens, ILLOGICALLY believing they have a right, as well as duty to LOUDLY and HATEFULLY demean, denigrate, bully, taunt, harass, and in some instances threaten with violence, our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members of African descent?

katsteve, "Sell-out" "C^^n" and "Uncle Tom" are just a few HATEFUL, denigrating terms "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" American citizens use to LOUDLY demean and intimidate our peaceful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent.

katsteve, in my opinion, based on a wealth of evidence and my personal experiences, large numbers of perfectly healthy black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent raised, nurtured and socialized by "PRO BLACK" minded Americans have, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, experienced a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition known as 'CHILDHOOD TRAUMA' (#ACEs).

Am I the only reasonably responsible, as well as reasonably well-adjusted American citizen recognizing a significant population of "PRO BLACK, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens LOUDLY declaring black or American citizens of African descent are being denied equal rights and the opportunity to achieve success in TODAY'S ever-evolving American society...

...are IN FACT the VERY SAME apparent emotionally or mentally ill "PRO BLACK or Conscious Black Community" American citizens who are LOUDLY, as well as actively attempting to IMPEDE or PREVENT our free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from enjoying their INALIENABLE RIGHT to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN individually unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness???

YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

"Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll"

katsteve, now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of 'The Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka "Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

Knowledge Oprah exuberantly confirms is a "game changer."

Video search terms: "Oprah Winfrey, Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect & Maltreatment

The vast majority of "Black citizens" that I know and am associated with are normal people with families, responsibilities and a positive outlook on life.

And that SAME majority are pro black, but not "anti anyone"

They want their children and their children's children to not be catagorized as "suspects", or shot down like a dog in the streets based on "what they look like" or because of the sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity of those who prejudge based on stereotypical beliefs.

It appears to me that you are of the belief system that being pro black and aware as well as successful are qualities that are impossible to exist within the same person.

It also appears that your intent here is to continue to post as much negative imagery and "creative", but thinly veiled stereotypes about black people as you can.

I could not agree more with your sentiments in the first part of your post. But the latter half is problematic. What is "pro-Black"? Blacks I know are not African-anything and they pretty much want all the benefits of Western Economies and all hail to that. They want their kids to live feely and happily. Good stuff; I love that. There are some, of course, who DO neglect and prey on their own and that is just a fact of life, especially in isolated communities. But the main danger to Blacks isn't WHITE police; it's others of the same colour here and also in America where Black enclaves of a sort have resulted in poverty and neglect. And of course it's not ALL; your observations seem somewhat oversimplified. I know many successful Black people and count some of them as my friends based on the CHARACTER, especially their sense of humour. I am also aware of the challenges. As for stereotypes; you sure you aren't falling into the same trap?


Feel free to point out where I stereotyped anyone in particular. There are some people who do it regularly though. What does pro black mean? The people that I know personally would interpret it this way:

*To be self reliant and be aware. Support and reinvest in black owned businesses.
* Have a voice in your local PTA.
*Exercise your vote, for what suits your self interests.
Exercise your right to bear arms. Follow the legal process

I did not state what the police are the MAIN danger is to black people. But what I AM stating is that it is a fact that there are far too many examples(per capita) of young unarmed black people being killed by people in uniforms with guns and badges in situations that could have ended differently.


"stupidity of those who prejudge based on stereotypical beliefs."....police.

there are far too many examples(per capita) of young unarmed black people being killed by people in uniforms with guns and badges in situations that could have ended differently
......................where/when/why??? Examples please.

It is sad whenever ANYONE dies unnecessarily; an Aussie lass was killed by Police in the US not that long ago. Senseless waste, and the cop was BLACK. He made a mistake; pip happens.


I never specifically mentioned "whites", but is true that there are good cops and there bad cops, who make poor decisions.

As far as "examples", there are plenty. If you google "number of unarmed blacks killed by police" you will see what I am referring to.
There re many things written that are true. Many things that blacks have written aren’t true. You are a racist piece of shit. Your posts prove it, this dialog proves it. You hate white people. Period. You come in here and blame everything wrong in your life on white people. Hey over it. You are fucking pathetic.

The question was, "Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people?" Read all the words then talk.
I did. I said yes. Are you learning impaired?

No. And you can't trust what every white person writes about blacks. Most of it has been proven inaccurate.

I've done better than you in life. I'm prey sure. And I don't appreciate the claims you make about me just because I refuse to accept the lie pf white supremacy. Fuck that. Whites gave written about us for the past 400 years or so and most of it has been wrong.. Fact. And when we look at our history, the laws and policies made by whites has denied us opportunities as well as lost income are the reason for the problems blacks face today. There has been tremendous psychological damage caused to our community because of continuing white racism that is at the root of behaviors you whites want put on our culture because you are too cowardly to admit that racism causes psychological harm. You don't study these things or the impact thereof. All you do is get online and post up white racist drivel. I have studied these things pretty much since 1983. You don't have to like what I say, but the facts support me, not you.
I’m pretty sure you haven’t done better in life than me. I’ve looked at history as well. You are the coward, you can’t admit that blacks can be racists. You blame everything on white people. You post racist drivel. You have proven time and time again that you are a scumbag. I couldn’t care less if you appreciate what I say. You sir are a racist. Plain and simple.

LOL! I am black. Therefore I know and understand how backs feel abut whites. You do not. You allow yourself to ignore 242 years of continuing bullying from wits and that if we respond with "I don't like whites" after being bullied for that long your dumb ass wants to call us racists. This is how stupid your argument is.

Just like every other black here I have asked the whites here to show evidence of blacks doing to them what whites have done to us. Yu can't answer that question but we get juvenile responses like yours.All racism is not al the same. Whites have taken it further than just looking at people and judging them by color. Whites have enacted laws, created policies, and created institutions supporting a belief in their racial superiority. This is what blacks are talking about when we talk about white racism. You are talking abt blacks calling you names or blacks who say that whites have been racists. That is not the same thing and half of it isn't even racism. This is how stupid your argument is.

I blame whites for what they have done. The root cause of the problems black face today derive from white racism. That's a fact which can be proven. Whites should not have done what they did and whites need to quit making excuses for what they do now. Take some responsibility son. I've done that and it is why I say what I do.
You have taken no responsibility. You whine and complain. I don't need to apologize because I haven't done anything. You keep going back to 242 years ago. As far as I know, no one is still alive from back then. You use a pathetic excuse that all the black problems stem from the whites. If that were true there wouldn't be any successful blacks. I am not talking about blacks calling names. You try to trivialize what some blacks do. That shows your cowardice and inability to be honest. You are a racist and you show it every day.
I did. I said yes. Are you learning impaired?

No. And you can't trust what every white person writes about blacks. Most of it has been proven inaccurate.

I've done better than you in life. I'm prey sure. And I don't appreciate the claims you make about me just because I refuse to accept the lie pf white supremacy. Fuck that. Whites gave written about us for the past 400 years or so and most of it has been wrong.. Fact. And when we look at our history, the laws and policies made by whites has denied us opportunities as well as lost income are the reason for the problems blacks face today. There has been tremendous psychological damage caused to our community because of continuing white racism that is at the root of behaviors you whites want put on our culture because you are too cowardly to admit that racism causes psychological harm. You don't study these things or the impact thereof. All you do is get online and post up white racist drivel. I have studied these things pretty much since 1983. You don't have to like what I say, but the facts support me, not you.
I’m pretty sure you haven’t done better in life than me. I’ve looked at history as well. You are the coward, you can’t admit that blacks can be racists. You blame everything on white people. You post racist drivel. You have proven time and time again that you are a scumbag. I couldn’t care less if you appreciate what I say. You sir are a racist. Plain and simple.

LOL! I am black. Therefore I know and understand how backs feel abut whites. You do not. You allow yourself to ignore 242 years of continuing bullying from wits and that if we respond with "I don't like whites" after being bullied for that long your dumb ass wants to call us racists. This is how stupid your argument is.

Just like every other black here I have asked the whites here to show evidence of blacks doing to them what whites have done to us. Yu can't answer that question but we get juvenile responses like yours.All racism is not al the same. Whites have taken it further than just looking at people and judging them by color. Whites have enacted laws, created policies, and created institutions supporting a belief in their racial superiority. This is what blacks are talking about when we talk about white racism. You are talking abt blacks calling you names or blacks who say that whites have been racists. That is not the same thing and half of it isn't even racism. This is how stupid your argument is.

I blame whites for what they have done. The root cause of the problems black face today derive from white racism. That's a fact which can be proven. Whites should not have done what they did and whites need to quit making excuses for what they do now. Take some responsibility son. I've done that and it is why I say what I do.

Well that's a grand opening statement; you think Blacks are the only ones who can understand how Blacks "feel". What if I told you I am racist against only one group: OTTOMANS!!!!

Now do I understand how you feel? K'noath I do, buddy!!


I don't give a damn what you think. You don't understand one thing about blacks. Trump is leading us out of nothing. More whites are on welfare idiot, yet you hold on to that false stereotype. That's how dumb many of you whites here at USMB are.
Who said anything about welfare?

1996: Hillary Clinton on "superpredators" (C-SPAN)

Now when you hear her mention blacks in this speech let me know.

You say you voted for Trump

For the long followers of Trump’s career, however, none of these incendiary remarks are especially surprising. Trump has a long record as a provocateur on matters of race and ethnicity.

It starts in 1973, when the United States Department of Justice went to court with a discrimination complaint against the Trump family business, which rented apartments across Brooklyn and Queens. Coming from the administration of Richard Nixon, who was hardly a civil rights agitator, the complaint was based on an investigation that found four different Trump employees confirming that applicants for leases were screened by race. One rental agent said Trump’s father had told him not to rent to blacks and that he actually wanted to reduce the number of African Americans in his buildings. Three doormen said they had been instructed to deflect blacks who came to Trump buildings to apply for apartments.

In 1989, he told Bryant Gumbel in an interview, “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market…if I was starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really do believe they have the actual advantage today. “ In fact, all the serious studies refuted that. However his statement did serve as a kind of shout-out to those who were ignorant about the racial dynamics in the U.S. economy.

Earlier in that same year Trump helped fan the flames of racial resentment when black and Latino teens were arrested in the infamous “Central Park jogger” attack. Trump alone chose to pay for $85,000 worth of full-page newspaper ads trumpeting, in capital letters, “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY. BRING BACK OUR POLICE!” In the text Trump objected to then-Mayor Ed Koch’s plea for peace: Mayor Koch stated that “hate and rancor should be removed from our hearts. I do not think so.”

Next in the Trump record on race came a 1991 book by John O’Donnell, who had been president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City. O’Donnell quoted Trump saying,“ Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes… Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else…Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that’s guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

O’Donnell’s report was shocking, but Trump did not contest it at the time. In 1997 he was interviewed for Playboy by author Mark Bowden and he confirmed that the O’Donnell book was “probably true.”

In his businesses, which are private entities not subject to affirmative action policies, Trump did not establish an impressive record for diversity in the executive suite. He has spoken often about providing employment to minority workers, but in 2015 The New Yorker quoted a former Trump casino worker who said that in the 1980s black employees were hidden from view when Trump and his wife Ivana were around.

Is Donald Trump Racist? Here's what the record shows

You have severe mental and emotional problems. Work on them.
The vast majority of "Black citizens" that I know and am associated with are normal people with families, responsibilities and s positive outlook on life. And that SAME majority are pro black, not "anti anyone"

They want their children and their children's children to not be catagorized as "suspects", or shot down like a dog in the streets based on "what they look like" or because of the sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity of those who prejudge based on stereotypical beliefs.

It appears to me that you are of the belief that being pro black and aware as well as successful are qualities that are impossible to exist within the same person.
they are NOT being shot like dogs/categorized by what they look like--but for their ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are usually shot in self defense/they are a threat/etc-NOT like a dog

Take a tranquilizer for your hysteria.

While you are engaged in your obsession with searching the internet for as much news about black people as you can find, look up ""PER CAPITA" rates of UNARMED black people shot in the back by law enforcement".
I've been over this before--many times with MUCH evidence--unlike you
there is NOT a major, chronic problem of cops shooting ANYONE, much less blacks
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
most of the shootings are justified

there are over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
and only 233 blacks fatally shot
do the math if you can
blacks commit more crime per capita---DUH---guess what????...take a guess Mr Genius
cops have to deal with blacks at a higher percentage!!!!! duh

It is likely "Mr. Per Capita", that I read and understand mathematics and numbers far better than you do. SO make up your mind. You use the per capita argument when it is convenient, and then switch to raw numbers.

I understand the application of relative population size as well. Law enforcement agencies do not spend anywhere near the MAJORITY of their time "dealing with just blacks.

Caucasoids represent approximately 62% of the population and looking at raw numbers, they commit more crime but at a lower rate based on the size of their population. Which means that the majority of arrests made for crimes all types equals more contact with police by the white population. But black people are fatally shot while unarmed at a that is over three times that of relative population size. And in far too many of those cases, an arrest could have been made without deadly force, because the suspects were unarmed.

You should think a little bit more before making statements that are completely ignorant.

Police killings of black men in the U.S. and what happened to the officers
1. you have not proven there is a major problem of police shootings--but I have proven there is not
2. you have not proven a majority of the unarmed [ hahahaha ] blacks were not justifiably shot

How does one prove anything to someone who either refuses to or is incapable of reading and comprehending?

It is very clear that the RATE of unarmed blacks who are killed by police is three times higher than whites.

You have certainly NOT proven that that the majority of unarmed blacks were justifiably killed.
Whites know what you angry, racist blacks will say.
I never get angry with white people when talking about race. because that is what white people want because they go into victim mode "big black man is scarying me" type stuff. I learned that at school the moment you react to white peoples bullsh*t with anger, your done, because they go into victim mode and call the cavalry.
OK. So what are black racists doing to treat others negatively on the basis of race ?
murder/hate crimes/rape-we've been over this before
they commit more --- don't look at this--turn your eyes away-- PER CAPITA
So you got your stats from the FBI ?

The FBI have illegally sabotaged & assassinated every black leader from Garvey to MLK

The FBI have a history with black people of
  • Planting false stories in the press.
  • Planting false witnesses in court trials.
  • Sending false letters to create distrust and division among leaders.
  • Planting informers everywhere and then falsely named others as informers.
  • Got people fired at work.
  • Breaking up marriages.
  • Breaking into people’s houses to search them.
  • Arresting leaders for minor traffic violations.
  • Framing people for murder and other false charges – to lock them up or at least keep them tied up in court till something stuck.
  • Committing murder.
They killed Fred Hampton (A black panther leader in Chicago) That was proved in court.


They had the Chicago police break down his door in the middle of the night and gun him down. The FBI had been keeping a file on him even before he joined the Panthers.

They framed Geronimo Pratt (Below) for murder.


And they made sure one of his defence lawyers was an FBI informer

Panthers secretly working for the FBI talked about the FBI blowing up department stores and giving the police an excuse to arrest top panthers and throw them in prison.

The press and the police did the FBI’s bidding. The Panthers found much of its leadership killed, sent to prison or driven out of the country.

Dick Gregory was such a powerful opponent against systematic racism, J. Edgar Hoover ordered the FBI to use the mafia to murder him.


And J Edgar Hoover was a cross dressing gay man who hated black people and he had a lover who was one of his top FBI Agents. Also the FBI wrote an anonymous letter to Martin Luther King encouraging him to kill himself ?

Or how about MKULTRA and those deeds? FBN and CIA connections with international crime syndicates and co-operation to bring in tons of drugs for the consumption of inner city blacks.

That started in the 1940’s and devastated whole cities eventually. A book about that and the whole war on drugs by Douglas Valentine: The Strength of the Wolf: The secret history of America’s war on drugs.

Even today the FBI has just released BIE (Black Identity Extremists). Another crock of B.S

Their objective is to murder innocent black people and use this BIE thing to kill even more of us. So when black folks protest or file citizen complaints about illegal searches and seizures, police theft of property, police violence in the form of needless beatings and brutality; cases of blatant police disrespect for the dignity of black people and actual state-sanctioned murders by police, their names will be placed on the terrorist watch list by the FBI.

So black people are being extreme if we hate or distrust an institution brimming with white supremacists.

And these are your sources for your facts ? Right ?
you have not proven those statistics are wrong
try again
ADD the fact the blacks commit murder at much higher rates--
If you are participating in a statistical research project that demonstrates that some "racial" groups are more violent than others, then yes, you are more likely than not involved in a racist enterprise.

If this scientific research then has the most curious and interesting repeated finding that blacks are almost always the most violent group, then you are most certainly involved in a project which furthers white supremacy.

If you look around the room and your fellow researchers who are making this amazing discovery are almost all white, then you are most definitely involved in a white racist project.

If one is cool with that then so be it; do not run away from the implications of that choice.

Racism in 2018 is not a racism were people say "Kill these blacks".

Racism in 2018 is saying things - RIGHT UP UNTIL - it's clearly a racist statement.

So white supremacists (like you) will not say "Black people are violent savages" but they will throw out 'stats' about so called crime and murder rates

They won't say "Black people are stupid" but they will throw out stats about black people have a low IQ. They say think things that lead up to an obvious conclusion "Black people are violent and stupid"

White supremacists (like you) are always trying to masquerade their internal chaos into a form of rationality.
blacks commit at much higher rates:
plain and simple--CANNOT be denied/disputed
that's all there is to it
Do you have any proof for that ?
Most black racists are not very effective at being racist

At best they say things like "white devil" this, "white devil" that -- they may object to interracial dating -- call any black person who is a republican a coon without knowing that person's political aims -- but outside of that, that is about all I see from black racists..

They have some work to do if they want to be truly racist -- maybe they should form think tanks and craft policies that the democrat party can pass that strips away the rights of white people to vote, allows banks and credit lenders to unfairly redline them, and some good old fashion church bombings just to remind whites to keep in line

Right now, black racists don't have that kind of pull -- that is why the scariest black racists that white folks usually bring up are Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and Obama --- neither of which are really that scary when you rank them up with the all time greats of racists
Here is your answer Lumpy.

These events are part of republican history and are major reasons blacks left the party.

1876 US ELECTION: The Corrupt Bargain -- Republicans (Hayes) made a back room deal with the Democrats to gain control of the Presidency

The period after the Civil War, 1865 - 1877, was called the Reconstruction period. Abraham Lincoln started planning for the reconstruction of the South during the Civil War as Union soldiers occupied huge areas of the South.


The Compromise of 1876 and the removal of federal troops from the South by order of President Rutherford B. Hayes on May 1, 1877 ended Reconstruction. Reconstruction was the time between 1865 and 1877 when the federal government set the laws in which the southern states were allowed to be readmitted back into the United States. All former Confederate states were admitted back into the country by 1870.

FACT: The Republicans (Hayes) sold out African Americans in the South to gain power of the White House.

1927 Great Mississippi River Flood: Republicans (Hoover) made a back room deal with Robert Russa Moton and then experienced selective amnesia...

The final Report of the Colored Advisory Commission Appointed with The American National Red Cross and the President's Committee on Relief Work in the Mississippi Valley Flood disaster of 1927. Extremely scarce copy, owned by
The Freeman Institute Black History Collection. The American National Red Cross, Washington DC, 1927 (illustrated 30 pages). Less than a month after the nation's biggest flood disaster, a 17-member commission of prominent African Americans, led by Tuskegee Institute's Robert Moton submitted their report on the disaster. They had been charged with learning whether African American victims of the flood were subject to discrimination "in matters of treatment, living conditions, work details, and relief given."

BACKGROUND: Secretary of Commerce during the Coolidge administration, Herbert Hoover had his eye on the presidency. When President Coolidge placed Hoover in command of all flood relief operations during the disaster, it seemed to be the perfect vehicle to raise his national profile and revive his reputation as the "Great Humanitarian." Drawing on lessons he had learned feeding the starving European victims of World War I, Hoover swept into action. He cut through bureaucratic red tape, got aid to victims devastated by the flood and was dubbed a hero by the national press. There was only one thing that could tarnish Hoover's glowing image -- the treatment of African Americans in the Washington County levee camps. Hoover had visited the area and had approved the local flood relief committee's decision, under the leadership of Will Percy, to keep the African American refugees on the levee.


Moton's Final Report

But as conditions deteriorated in the camps, word slowly filtered North, and the scandal threatened to derail Hoover's presidential ambitions. Hoover's friends urged him to get what they called "the big Negroes" in the Republican Party to quiet his critics, and Hoover turned to Robert Moton for the job. Hoover formed the Colored Advisory Commission, led by Moton and staffed by prominent African Americans, to investigate the allegations of abuses in the flood area. The commission conducted a thorough investigation and reported back to Moton on the deplorable conditions. Moton presented the findings to Hoover, and advocated immediate improvements to aid the flood's neediest victims.

FACT: Herbert Hoover experienced "selective amnesia" with the non-delivery of his promise to Robert Russa Moton...which made Moton angry.....angry enough to launch an anti-Republican movement. Enter the New Deal in the 1930s and one can see how the anti-GOP movement has steadily changed the way African Americans have voted.

Great Mississippi Flood of 1927: Blacks put in Concentration Camps



Black Oppression and the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927

Black Lives Sacrificed to Flood Control

In 1927 as the rivers spilled over, black work gangs were rounded up to toil in dangerous and ultimately pointless attempts to stay the water. In Mounds Landing, Mississippi, north of the main Delta town of Greenville, over 2,000 black men were forced at gunpoint to fill and throw sandbags onto the levee. On April 21, the levee was breached, releasing water with a force greater than Niagara Falls. Many in the work gangs who were reinforcing the levee were swept into the torrent. The official account, by a National Guard officer at the site, stated, “No lives were lost among the Guardsmen.”

The federal government didn’t contribute a dime of direct aid to the thousands of flood victims, despite a record budget surplus. The Red Cross established racially segregated camps in the flood zones. Black families lived in floorless tents in the mud without cots, chairs or utensils, eating inferior rationed food. Sometimes forced to work on the levees without pay, black men had to wear tags identifying that they were laborers in order to receive rations, and to show which plantation they “belonged to.” Women with no working husband did not get supplies unless they had a letter from a white man.

Policing the camps, the National Guard supervised the workers, whipping and beating the men. At least one black woman was gang-raped and killed by Guardsmen. Typhoid, measles, mumps, malaria and venereal diseases ran rampant among destitute tenant farmers and mill workers already weakened from illnesses endemic to poverty, such as tuberculosis and pellagra. The Chicago Defender (4 June 1927) even reported that “those who die are cut open, filled with sand then tossed into the Mississippi River.” Such horrors were stark proof that the poisonous legacy of chattel slavery still infected the land some 60 years after the Civil War.

Black Oppression and the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927

Todays republican party is the party of racists. It is why prominent long time republicans have left the party.

What social science tells us about racism in the Republican party

By Max Ehrenfreund
December 11, 2015

An expanding body of research by psychologists, economists and political scientists suggests that voters' racial biases help the GOP win elections, and critics say the party is capitalizing on that fact. Though researchers haven't settled how successful dog-whistle politics are at tapping into those prejudices, some believe that race will become more, not less important in the party's future campaigns.

"There's a good deal of evidence that white resentment of minorities is linked to support for Republican candidates, their policies and conservative ideology in America," said Robb Willer, a political psychologist at Stanford University.

What social science tells us about racism in the Republican party

The Disturbing Data on Republicans and Racism: Trump Backers Are the Most Bigoted Within the GOP
Racists are more likely to be Republicans—and the most extreme among them are Donald Trump supporters.
By Chauncey DeVega / Salon
July 8, 2016

At present, the Republican Party is the United States’ largest white identity organization. There is a mountain of evidence in support of this claim. The Republican Party nurtures and cultivates hostility towards non-whites among its voters for the purpose of electoral gain. What is known as “The Southern Strategy” of racist “coded appeals” against African-Americans and other people of color has dominated Republican politics since (at least) the end of the civil rights movement. And during the Age of Obama, American politics has been poisoned by racist conspiracy theories such as “Birtherism,” lies that Barack Obama is a type of Manchurian candidate who actually hates America and wants to destroy it from within, efforts to rollback the won in blood gains of the Black Freedom Struggle, as well as unprecedented efforts by the Republican Party to abandon its basic responsibilities of governance in order to delegitimize the country’s first black president.

Donald Trump is not an outlier or aberration. In many ways, he perfectly embodies the racist attitudes and beliefs of the Republican Party in the post civil rights era. Likewise, Donald Trump’s supporters have enthusiastically embraced the Republican Party’s racism towards people of color, in general, and against black Americans, in particular.

The Disturbing Data on Republicans and Racism: Trump Backers Are the Most Bigoted Within the GOP

Every time we bring up what whites have done from the past we get the stop living in the past comments from you hypocritical bastards. So stop living in the past. Democrats had a black president. What about republicans should we listen to when republicans can't even nominate a black candidate for governor? You don't know any self respecting blacks son. You call all self respecting backs racists.

:lol:... still no answer, just peon propaganda.. enjoy serving your, "totally innocent" white/black/Democrat masters... :wink_2:
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Why do they always seem to be dedicated Democrats?
What's a racist black person ?

Hello, Paul. Do you equate racism with HATE & HUMAN IGNORANCE.


Please see my USM signature for more info about HATEFUL black American citizens.


So Black American citizens have a monopoly on being HATEFUL? Are you actually serious?

You claim to have been a police officer.

Did you have an objective mindset in that role? Or did you assume that most, if not all blacks were "dangerous and mentally ill"?

I am curious as to what the intent in what you post really is.

katsteve, I've already asked you the following question in another discussion and you declined to offer a reply. Frankly until you offer a cogent reply to the following question, I will continue asking you and others the same question.

katsteve, in all seriousness, what is your opinion of the teen and adult MOTHERS responsible for raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy American newborns, maturing into apparent depressed, frustrated, angry, emotionally ill, sometimes violent SUIC!DAL, HOMIC!DAL, DOMESTIC AMERICAN TERRORISTS (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) causing COMMUNITY VIOLENCE, COMMUNITY FEAR, TERRORIZING, gunning down, killing American Babies and Elders, as well as impugning the image of our peaceful, responsible black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent?

I am referring to a significant population of apparent emotionally damaged teen and adult fellow American citizens, WHO THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, experienced a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood upbringing at the hands of a significant population of SELFISH, immature, apathetic mostly "PRO BLACK" minded single mothers failing to recognize that placing ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional well being of our Nation's most precious assets, will most likely result with a fairly or wonderfully happy child maturing into a reasonably responsible teen and adult citizen embracing compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful, as well as less fortune neighbors.

In my opinion, the APPARENT 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims appearing in these recordings UNKNOWINGLY are providing a disturbing symbol for America’s Culture of African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect & Maltreatment evolving from America’s oppressive, multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

Sadly, each of the apparent emotionally or mentally ill suicidal/homicidal thinking Americans (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) appearing in these horrifying recordings are exhibiting self, people and community harming behaviors that I, as well as a growing number of my responsible, caring American neighbors believe are impeding our responsible, peaceful black or American neighbors, friends and co-workers of African descent from fully experiencing the respect and equality all peaceful Americans have a right to enjoy.

katsteve, I look forward to reading your reply, with hopes of intelligently discussing SOLUTIONS for PREVENTING large numbers of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets from experiencing, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!
"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri

Are Single Mothers Destroying their sons?


"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community" ~LadyMocha

Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community


"How black Women sabotage their sons" ~~Law of Polaris -North Star-

How black Women sabotage their sons

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me" ~Law of Polaris -North Star-

How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost Killed Me" • r/mentalhealth

If you watch both Polaris Law video broadcasts and do not want to offer him a hug or hand shake, accompanied by kind words praising, as well as thanking Polaris for showing his strength and imparting his hard earned wisdom, you may need to take a long look in the mirror.



I did not decline to answer your question, but what I did was my own research. And I do not believe as you are attempting to prove that, "A culture of mental illness and suicidal as well as homicidal behavior" exist in the average black household, and is caused by "pro black" mothers.

Mainly because I know far too many black families and black mothers who have raised successful, well adjusted mentally and emotionally stable sons and daughters.

It appears as though you are purposely attempting to redefine "pro black" into something evil and sinister to suit an agenda of pushing negative imagery about black women, black children, and black people as a whole.

I do not see where you are introducing any solutions as you claim to be doing for the "epidemic" that you claim exists.
How about when you said if you could you’d order the children of white South Africans be gang raped and murdered by blacks in front of their parents?
Like I said, just look in the mirror, you are a heinous racist of the worst kind.
You have to speak the language of the white man and the white man only understand violence. So you have to talk in way that he understands


  • The American Revolution. That revolution was for what ? For land. Why did they want land ? Independence. How was it carried out ? Bloodshed.
  • The French Revolution. That revolution was for what ? For land. Why did they want land ? Independence. How was it carried out ? Bloodshed.
  • The Russian Revolution. That revolution was for what ? For land. Why did they want land ? Independence. How was it carried out ? Bloodshed.
You haven’t got a revolution that doesn’t involve bloodshed

There was no love lost. There was no compromise. There was no negotiation.

I’m telling you, you don’t know what a fking revolution is cause when you find out what it is, you’ll get back in the alley; you’ll get out of the way

Whites know what you angry, racist blacks will say.
I never get angry with white people when talking about race. because that is what white people want because they go into victim mode "big black man is scarying me" type stuff. I learned that at school the moment you react to white peoples bullsh*t with anger, your done, because they go into victim mode and call the cavalry.
Says the black victim. You are so full of your own shit.
The question was, "Do you think it's logical for a black person to trust and believe the written words of white person in regards to black people?" Read all the words then talk.
I did. I said yes. Are you learning impaired?

No. And you can't trust what every white person writes about blacks. Most of it has been proven inaccurate.

I've done better than you in life. I'm prey sure. And I don't appreciate the claims you make about me just because I refuse to accept the lie pf white supremacy. Fuck that. Whites gave written about us for the past 400 years or so and most of it has been wrong.. Fact. And when we look at our history, the laws and policies made by whites has denied us opportunities as well as lost income are the reason for the problems blacks face today. There has been tremendous psychological damage caused to our community because of continuing white racism that is at the root of behaviors you whites want put on our culture because you are too cowardly to admit that racism causes psychological harm. You don't study these things or the impact thereof. All you do is get online and post up white racist drivel. I have studied these things pretty much since 1983. You don't have to like what I say, but the facts support me, not you.
I’m pretty sure you haven’t done better in life than me. I’ve looked at history as well. You are the coward, you can’t admit that blacks can be racists. You blame everything on white people. You post racist drivel. You have proven time and time again that you are a scumbag. I couldn’t care less if you appreciate what I say. You sir are a racist. Plain and simple.

LOL! I am black. Therefore I know and understand how backs feel abut whites. You do not. You allow yourself to ignore 242 years of continuing bullying from wits and that if we respond with "I don't like whites" after being bullied for that long your dumb ass wants to call us racists. This is how stupid your argument is.

Just like every other black here I have asked the whites here to show evidence of blacks doing to them what whites have done to us. Yu can't answer that question but we get juvenile responses like yours.All racism is not al the same. Whites have taken it further than just looking at people and judging them by color. Whites have enacted laws, created policies, and created institutions supporting a belief in their racial superiority. This is what blacks are talking about when we talk about white racism. You are talking abt blacks calling you names or blacks who say that whites have been racists. That is not the same thing and half of it isn't even racism. This is how stupid your argument is.

I blame whites for what they have done. The root cause of the problems black face today derive from white racism. That's a fact which can be proven. Whites should not have done what they did and whites need to quit making excuses for what they do now. Take some responsibility son. I've done that and it is why I say what I do.
You have taken no responsibility. You whine and complain. I don't need to apologize because I haven't done anything. You keep going back to 242 years ago. As far as I know, no one is still alive from back then. You use a pathetic excuse that all the black problems stem from the whites. If that were true there wouldn't be any successful blacks. I am not talking about blacks calling names. You try to trivialize what some blacks do. That shows your cowardice and inability to be honest. You are a racist and you show it every day.

If you knew what responsibility was, I would take your comment seriously. No one has asked for your dumb ass to apologize. Learn how to read. I said this:

You allow yourself to ignore 242 years of continuing bullying from whites

You do understand that isn't going back 242 yeaes don't you?

I said the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. That's not an wxcuse. It is fact.

5 Ways Government Policies Have Made Black People Poorer Than Whites
By Taylor Gordon December 5, 2014

Racial Classification System Based on Skin Color Determined Who Could Escape From Poverty

Between the Civil War and the Great Depression broad policies were put in place that classified citizens based on their skin color. “Those broad policies called forth more specific policies from the census bureau, state legislatures, courts, and other institutions that sought to label, classify, order and otherwise manage people of mixed or ambiguous or merely foreign descent,” according to a report by Harvard University’s Jennifer L. Hochschild and University of Virginia’s Vesla Mae Weaver. These policies ultimately kept people of darker complexions trapped in poverty.

Eventually the Government Deemed Europeans and Mexicans as White and Jim Crow Laws Concentrated on Blacks

Once 1930 hit Europeans were classified as white and Mexicans protested to earn the same classification. This change left Blacks as the only ones to be targeted by Jim Crow laws and the “consequences of being labeled as Black deepened,” according to the report by Harvard University’s Jennifer L. Hochschild and University of Virginia’s Vesla Mae Weaver. Jim Crow laws essentially kept Blacks from being able to be a part of the political process and thus made it nearly impossible for them to climb out of poverty. It was only a matter of time that the inferior status that was placed upon Blacks led to “subordinate economic and political status” as well.

Changes in Financial Aid Policies Forcing Black Students Out of College

In today’s economy, it is stressed that a college education is key as many entry level positions that didn’t call for degrees in the past are now looking for college graduates to fill those spots. Unfortunately, Black students are struggling to make it through college after a change in financial aid policies left them without much help at all. Under the Obama administration, financial aid policies checked the last five years of a parent’s credit history, as opposed to the last 90 days, which was the case under previous policies. According to Breaking Brown, this change has forced 28,000 HBCU students to drop out for financial reasons and placed them at a severe disadvantage in the job market

Preferential Tax Treatment For Wealthy Investors

Reports have shown that years of financial hardships and struggles have kept many Blacks from taking the necessary risks to invest. In a sea of other factors that contribute to Blacks’ lack of wealth, a tax system that is dedicated to helping those who are already wealthy leaves little room to help African Americans. “Preferential tax treatment for large estates costs taxpayers and provides huge benefits to less than 1 percent of the population while diverting vital resources from schools, housing, infrastructure and jobs,” a report by the Institute on Assets and Social Policy titled “The Roots of the Widening Racial Wealth Gap: Explaining the Black-White Economic Divide” explained. These types of policies are essentially giving preferential treatment to those who are already wealthy and leaving low- and middle-income Americans, who are mostly Black, without much help from the government.

Racist Housing Policies Including the Systematic Exclusion of African Americans From GI Bill Loans

[URL='https://atlantablackstar.com/2014/12/05/5-ways-government-policies-have-made-black-people-poorer-than-whites/']Homeownership is a key factor in obtaining wealth in the long run, as explained in the report by the Institute on Assets and Social Policy. Unfortunately, housing policies have long placed Blacks at a disadvantage including the systematic exclusion of Blacks from the GI Bill loans. The bill was meant to help over 5 million Americans obtain homes through the Veterans Administration but because banks failed to approve loans for African Americans they composed an incredibly small portion of the population that was actually able to obtain a home through the bill, according to a report submitted by the U.S. Housing Scholars and Research and Advocacy Organizations. By keeping Blacks from owning homes and using other policies to keep them segregated from predominantly white neighborhoods, the country’s racist housing policies have also contributed to the overall wealth gap between Blacks and whites.


I don't make excuses. Blacks have done none of this to whites. These among many other things whites have not faced from black people. You are the one lacking honesty. You are the racist.[/URL]
I did. I said yes. Are you learning impaired?

No. And you can't trust what every white person writes about blacks. Most of it has been proven inaccurate.

I've done better than you in life. I'm prey sure. And I don't appreciate the claims you make about me just because I refuse to accept the lie pf white supremacy. Fuck that. Whites gave written about us for the past 400 years or so and most of it has been wrong.. Fact. And when we look at our history, the laws and policies made by whites has denied us opportunities as well as lost income are the reason for the problems blacks face today. There has been tremendous psychological damage caused to our community because of continuing white racism that is at the root of behaviors you whites want put on our culture because you are too cowardly to admit that racism causes psychological harm. You don't study these things or the impact thereof. All you do is get online and post up white racist drivel. I have studied these things pretty much since 1983. You don't have to like what I say, but the facts support me, not you.
I’m pretty sure you haven’t done better in life than me. I’ve looked at history as well. You are the coward, you can’t admit that blacks can be racists. You blame everything on white people. You post racist drivel. You have proven time and time again that you are a scumbag. I couldn’t care less if you appreciate what I say. You sir are a racist. Plain and simple.

LOL! I am black. Therefore I know and understand how backs feel abut whites. You do not. You allow yourself to ignore 242 years of continuing bullying from wits and that if we respond with "I don't like whites" after being bullied for that long your dumb ass wants to call us racists. This is how stupid your argument is.

Just like every other black here I have asked the whites here to show evidence of blacks doing to them what whites have done to us. Yu can't answer that question but we get juvenile responses like yours.All racism is not al the same. Whites have taken it further than just looking at people and judging them by color. Whites have enacted laws, created policies, and created institutions supporting a belief in their racial superiority. This is what blacks are talking about when we talk about white racism. You are talking abt blacks calling you names or blacks who say that whites have been racists. That is not the same thing and half of it isn't even racism. This is how stupid your argument is.

I blame whites for what they have done. The root cause of the problems black face today derive from white racism. That's a fact which can be proven. Whites should not have done what they did and whites need to quit making excuses for what they do now. Take some responsibility son. I've done that and it is why I say what I do.

:lol:... you still won't directly answer a very simple question, you may be black but luckily you represent a minority of blacks, the blacks I truly respect .. respect themselves, you don't, you insist on being an uninformed pouty adolescent.

I am going to answer your question Lumpy. Again. And please stop trying to speak for blacks white boy.

mmm .. a lousy drum roll... and you ended up with no Kaboom...
The vast majority of "Black citizens" that I know and am associated with are normal people with families, responsibilities and s positive outlook on life. And that SAME majority are pro black, not "anti anyone"

They want their children and their children's children to not be catagorized as "suspects", or shot down like a dog in the streets based on "what they look like" or because of the sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity of those who prejudge based on stereotypical beliefs.

It appears to me that you are of the belief that being pro black and aware as well as successful are qualities that are impossible to exist within the same person.
they are NOT being shot like dogs/categorized by what they look like--but for their ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are usually shot in self defense/they are a threat/etc-NOT like a dog

Take a tranquilizer for your hysteria.

While you are engaged in your obsession with searching the internet for as much news about black people as you can find, look up ""PER CAPITA" rates of UNARMED black people shot in the back by law enforcement".
I've been over this before--many times with MUCH evidence--unlike you
there is NOT a major, chronic problem of cops shooting ANYONE, much less blacks
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
most of the shootings are justified

there are over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
and only 233 blacks fatally shot
do the math if you can
blacks commit more crime per capita---DUH---guess what????...take a guess Mr Genius
cops have to deal with blacks at a higher percentage!!!!! duh

It is likely "Mr. Per Capita", that I read and understand mathematics and numbers far better than you do. SO make up your mind. You use the per capita argument when it is convenient, and then switch to raw numbers.

I understand the application of relative population size as well. Law enforcement agencies do not spend anywhere near the MAJORITY of their time "dealing with just blacks.

Caucasoids represent approximately 62% of the population and looking at raw numbers, they commit more crime but at a lower rate based on the size of their population. Which means that the majority of arrests made for crimes all types equals more contact with police by the white population. But black people are fatally shot while unarmed at a that is over three times that of relative population size. And in far too many of those cases, an arrest could have been made without deadly force, because the suspects were unarmed.

You should think a little bit more before making statements that are completely ignorant.

Police killings of black men in the U.S. and what happened to the officers
n 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post.
...you need to get some reading glasses before making statements that are completely ignorant --and buy a dictionary to read
...and unarmed does not mean not a threat---
..and whites are not as stupid/mentally screwed up/etc to not comply
  1. 1.
    of very great extent or quantity; immense.
  1. 1.
    the greater number.

My vision is fine and I understand the definitions of the words, so please save your dictionary copy and paste jobs.

Maybe YOU had to look those words up due to your own need to learn what they mean?

If you are capable of it, you should read the information in the link that was posted. If you did so, you would see that in the case of those shootings, that there was not a justifiable threat that required deadly force in almost all of the cases.

In fact, in similar cases to these, the majority of the time a white suspect is apprehended without being shot or killed.

And it is not because they are less stupid or more compliant as you insist.

Is your head really as thick as it appears to be?

‘We only kill black people,’ a cop told a woman — on camera. Now he’ll lose his job.
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Here is your answer Lumpy.

These events are part of republican history and are major reasons blacks left the party.

1876 US ELECTION: The Corrupt Bargain -- Republicans (Hayes) made a back room deal with the Democrats to gain control of the Presidency

The period after the Civil War, 1865 - 1877, was called the Reconstruction period. Abraham Lincoln started planning for the reconstruction of the South during the Civil War as Union soldiers occupied huge areas of the South.


The Compromise of 1876 and the removal of federal troops from the South by order of President Rutherford B. Hayes on May 1, 1877 ended Reconstruction. Reconstruction was the time between 1865 and 1877 when the federal government set the laws in which the southern states were allowed to be readmitted back into the United States. All former Confederate states were admitted back into the country by 1870.

FACT: The Republicans (Hayes) sold out African Americans in the South to gain power of the White House.

1927 Great Mississippi River Flood: Republicans (Hoover) made a back room deal with Robert Russa Moton and then experienced selective amnesia...

The final Report of the Colored Advisory Commission Appointed with The American National Red Cross and the President's Committee on Relief Work in the Mississippi Valley Flood disaster of 1927. Extremely scarce copy, owned by
The Freeman Institute Black History Collection. The American National Red Cross, Washington DC, 1927 (illustrated 30 pages). Less than a month after the nation's biggest flood disaster, a 17-member commission of prominent African Americans, led by Tuskegee Institute's Robert Moton submitted their report on the disaster. They had been charged with learning whether African American victims of the flood were subject to discrimination "in matters of treatment, living conditions, work details, and relief given."

BACKGROUND: Secretary of Commerce during the Coolidge administration, Herbert Hoover had his eye on the presidency. When President Coolidge placed Hoover in command of all flood relief operations during the disaster, it seemed to be the perfect vehicle to raise his national profile and revive his reputation as the "Great Humanitarian." Drawing on lessons he had learned feeding the starving European victims of World War I, Hoover swept into action. He cut through bureaucratic red tape, got aid to victims devastated by the flood and was dubbed a hero by the national press. There was only one thing that could tarnish Hoover's glowing image -- the treatment of African Americans in the Washington County levee camps. Hoover had visited the area and had approved the local flood relief committee's decision, under the leadership of Will Percy, to keep the African American refugees on the levee.


Moton's Final Report

But as conditions deteriorated in the camps, word slowly filtered North, and the scandal threatened to derail Hoover's presidential ambitions. Hoover's friends urged him to get what they called "the big Negroes" in the Republican Party to quiet his critics, and Hoover turned to Robert Moton for the job. Hoover formed the Colored Advisory Commission, led by Moton and staffed by prominent African Americans, to investigate the allegations of abuses in the flood area. The commission conducted a thorough investigation and reported back to Moton on the deplorable conditions. Moton presented the findings to Hoover, and advocated immediate improvements to aid the flood's neediest victims.

FACT: Herbert Hoover experienced "selective amnesia" with the non-delivery of his promise to Robert Russa Moton...which made Moton angry.....angry enough to launch an anti-Republican movement. Enter the New Deal in the 1930s and one can see how the anti-GOP movement has steadily changed the way African Americans have voted.

Great Mississippi Flood of 1927: Blacks put in Concentration Camps



Black Oppression and the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927

Black Lives Sacrificed to Flood Control

In 1927 as the rivers spilled over, black work gangs were rounded up to toil in dangerous and ultimately pointless attempts to stay the water. In Mounds Landing, Mississippi, north of the main Delta town of Greenville, over 2,000 black men were forced at gunpoint to fill and throw sandbags onto the levee. On April 21, the levee was breached, releasing water with a force greater than Niagara Falls. Many in the work gangs who were reinforcing the levee were swept into the torrent. The official account, by a National Guard officer at the site, stated, “No lives were lost among the Guardsmen.”

The federal government didn’t contribute a dime of direct aid to the thousands of flood victims, despite a record budget surplus. The Red Cross established racially segregated camps in the flood zones. Black families lived in floorless tents in the mud without cots, chairs or utensils, eating inferior rationed food. Sometimes forced to work on the levees without pay, black men had to wear tags identifying that they were laborers in order to receive rations, and to show which plantation they “belonged to.” Women with no working husband did not get supplies unless they had a letter from a white man.

Policing the camps, the National Guard supervised the workers, whipping and beating the men. At least one black woman was gang-raped and killed by Guardsmen. Typhoid, measles, mumps, malaria and venereal diseases ran rampant among destitute tenant farmers and mill workers already weakened from illnesses endemic to poverty, such as tuberculosis and pellagra. The Chicago Defender (4 June 1927) even reported that “those who die are cut open, filled with sand then tossed into the Mississippi River.” Such horrors were stark proof that the poisonous legacy of chattel slavery still infected the land some 60 years after the Civil War.

Black Oppression and the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927

Todays republican party is the party of racists. It is why prominent long time republicans have left the party.

What social science tells us about racism in the Republican party

By Max Ehrenfreund
December 11, 2015

An expanding body of research by psychologists, economists and political scientists suggests that voters' racial biases help the GOP win elections, and critics say the party is capitalizing on that fact. Though researchers haven't settled how successful dog-whistle politics are at tapping into those prejudices, some believe that race will become more, not less important in the party's future campaigns.

"There's a good deal of evidence that white resentment of minorities is linked to support for Republican candidates, their policies and conservative ideology in America," said Robb Willer, a political psychologist at Stanford University.

What social science tells us about racism in the Republican party

The Disturbing Data on Republicans and Racism: Trump Backers Are the Most Bigoted Within the GOP
Racists are more likely to be Republicans—and the most extreme among them are Donald Trump supporters.
By Chauncey DeVega / Salon
July 8, 2016

At present, the Republican Party is the United States’ largest white identity organization. There is a mountain of evidence in support of this claim. The Republican Party nurtures and cultivates hostility towards non-whites among its voters for the purpose of electoral gain. What is known as “The Southern Strategy” of racist “coded appeals” against African-Americans and other people of color has dominated Republican politics since (at least) the end of the civil rights movement. And during the Age of Obama, American politics has been poisoned by racist conspiracy theories such as “Birtherism,” lies that Barack Obama is a type of Manchurian candidate who actually hates America and wants to destroy it from within, efforts to rollback the won in blood gains of the Black Freedom Struggle, as well as unprecedented efforts by the Republican Party to abandon its basic responsibilities of governance in order to delegitimize the country’s first black president.

Donald Trump is not an outlier or aberration. In many ways, he perfectly embodies the racist attitudes and beliefs of the Republican Party in the post civil rights era. Likewise, Donald Trump’s supporters have enthusiastically embraced the Republican Party’s racism towards people of color, in general, and against black Americans, in particular.

The Disturbing Data on Republicans and Racism: Trump Backers Are the Most Bigoted Within the GOP

Every time we bring up what whites have done from the past we get the stop living in the past comments from you hypocritical bastards. So stop living in the past. Democrats had a black president. What about republicans should we listen to when republicans can't even nominate a black candidate for governor? You don't know any self respecting blacks son. You call all self respecting backs racists.

:lol:... still no answer, just peon propaganda.. enjoy serving your, "totally innocent" white/black/Democrat masters... :wink_2:

You got the truth. And your answer.

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