Racist groups vs Free Speech, i've converted...

A demonstration in Boston today to support the concept of free speech.

A counter protest by the filthy ass Alt Left to speak out against the concept of free speech. As un American as it gets.

The Alt Left is the scum of this country now. Assholes all around. The Brownshirts of our time.
How funny is it to hear rightwing bigots of various stripes demanding their constitutional right to oppose constitutional rights?

Right here is the problem, everyone who disagrees with the left is a bigot, racist or what ever, they have to be demonized and dehumanized to justify the hate coming form the left, while they attempt to claim some moral high ground. The reality is this poster and many others are nothing but Alinksy acolytes who wish to destroy the very fabric of the country.

Bovine excrement! Nothing but an ad hominem and a red herring to make us the bad guys who want to destroy the country. Think about that shit for a minute !
When people publicly profess idea which are clearly contradictory to the most fundamental founding principals of America, it should be considered sedition.

Especially when they are members or allies with a political organization which has engaged in promoting the destruction of the U.S. government and has engaged in genocide (i.e. the KKK and NAZIs)

Many people considered to be Alt-Right do not engage in promoting these ideas, but they should be careful to not be associated with these groups.

You mean folks like the CPUSA that just love endorsing commiecrats? According to regressives anyone who wants to see our laws enforced are Alt Right and part of a hate group. BTW violently suppressing free speech goes against our founding principles.


The CPUSA has been illegal since the 1950s. They are seditious without a doubt.

Progressives support enforcing the laws of this country except when those laws violate the founding principals.

Free speech is not an unlimited right. Suppressing groups that profess sedition is justified.
It's been a crazy week and i've engaged in many heated discussions about the events of Charlottesville. I have to admit that i've been greatly conflicted about my anti-racist feelings and my support of free speech. I flirted dangerously close in many discussions to promoting the shutdown of speech for white supremacist groups. I saw them as threats, conveyers of hate speech and given their history which has resulted in millions of deaths I was ok with suppressing their speech and shutting down their causes by whatever means necessary. But, I've had a change of heart.

I think we can be smarter than that and not empower these assholes to strip us of our freedoms. It is a slippery slope once you start suppressing speech. We have legal censorship in a variety of areas which i'm fine with, but shutting down groups from holding rallies, having websites and protesting is only going to lead to bad things. Note that I in no way support any provocation of violence or destruction resulting from rallies or protests. If that happens then shut them down immediately and make arrests.

I would promote fighting these douchebags by ignoring them and minimizing them in a SMART way. Don't lower yourself to fight with them and fuel their cause. Take away their statues and flags that empower them in public forums and show them that our communities outright reject their hateful views. Or construct monuments and statues of civil rights leaders next to the confederate statues and tell the story about how we prevailed and fought agains their hate, and WE WON. Ignore their rallies and don't give them the exposure or attention that they crave. Speak louder and stronger for equality.

I still think that the Presidents comments that minimized the ugliness of the Nazi's and White Supremacists were wildly inappropriate. He tried to spread the blame to the left for the anti-protests and it deluded his message of condemnation that should have been crystal clear in opposition of the hate groups. He should have spread the message in a better way to fight against it. I don't want to relitigate Trumps actions in this OP but I did want to share my change of opinion and open up a discussion about productive ways to move forward that combats the hate and preserves our right of free speech.

Racists have a right to free speech - but they need to once again be subdued and pushed back into their peckerwood holes.

It is absolutely incredible what is happening in this country. I never thought we would ever see magazine covers like that about our POTUS. He seems unphased... It really is unbelievable

And I'm not sure what to make of it. Given Trump's past, none of his actions are surprising. I'd like to chalk this up to Hillary being so bad, and our allowing illegal immigrants to be here is a bad joke, but it's hard not to notice a nativist/xenophobic strain to wanted to lower the number of skilled workers we take in.

Hillary wasn't "so bad". I think she would have made a fine president. I would have much preferred stability over chaos.
I think the problem isn't censoring hate speech right now...it's what gets censored after that hate speech. When do we start letting "uncomfortable speech" turn into "hate speech". Don't get me wrong, I can't stand the KKK and groups like them, however as ugly as they might be-they do have all of the same constitutional rights as everybody else.

We don't have the right to not be offended.

Who determines hate speech? The government?

If I say Donald trump is an orange cheeto face, should the government arrest me for hate speech?

How about if I say "the bible teaches that marriage between a man and woman is ordained of God"?

I don't want someone prosecuted for either. Should any man have that power?
A demonstration in Boston today to support the concept of free speech.

A counter protest by the filthy ass Alt Left to speak out against the concept of free speech. As un American as it gets.

The Alt Left is the scum of this country now. Assholes all around. The Brownshirts of our time.

So says the sleaze bag that posts a picture of the single greatest traitor against this country as his avatar along with a signature consisting of the symbol of the same.
It's been a crazy week and i've engaged in many heated discussions about the events of Charlottesville. I have to admit that i've been greatly conflicted about my anti-racist feelings and my support of free speech. I flirted dangerously close in many discussions to promoting the shutdown of speech for white supremacist groups. I saw them as threats, conveyers of hate speech and given their history which has resulted in millions of deaths I was ok with suppressing their speech and shutting down their causes by whatever means necessary. But, I've had a change of heart.

I think we can be smarter than that and not empower these assholes to strip us of our freedoms. It is a slippery slope once you start suppressing speech. We have legal censorship in a variety of areas which i'm fine with, but shutting down groups from holding rallies, having websites and protesting is only going to lead to bad things. Note that I in no way support any provocation of violence or destruction resulting from rallies or protests. If that happens then shut them down immediately and make arrests.

I would promote fighting these douchebags by ignoring them and minimizing them in a SMART way. Don't lower yourself to fight with them and fuel their cause. Take away their statues and flags that empower them in public forums and show them that our communities outright reject their hateful views. Or construct monuments and statues of civil rights leaders next to the confederate statues and tell the story about how we prevailed and fought agains their hate, and WE WON. Ignore their rallies and don't give them the exposure or attention that they crave. Speak louder and stronger for equality.

I still think that the Presidents comments that minimized the ugliness of the Nazi's and White Supremacists were wildly inappropriate. He tried to spread the blame to the left for the anti-protests and it deluded his message of condemnation that should have been crystal clear in opposition of the hate groups. He should have spread the message in a better way to fight against it. I don't want to relitigate Trumps actions in this OP but I did want to share my change of opinion and open up a discussion about productive ways to move forward that combats the hate and preserves our right of free speech.

Racists have a right to free speech - but they need to once again be subdued and pushed back into their peckerwood holes.

It is absolutely incredible what is happening in this country. I never thought we would ever see magazine covers like that about our POTUS. He seems unphased... It really is unbelievable

I agree. I'm almost 71 and I've never seen anything like it. Trump is the first blatantly and dangerously racist president in my lifetime so far.
I know you probably won't agree with me but I don't really think Trump is racist. I think that he just doesn't care about racial issues or other peoples feelings. He serves his own perceived self interests and most of all he protects his ego which prevents him from giving in to political pressure.
I think the problem isn't censoring hate speech right now...it's what gets censored after that hate speech. When do we start letting "uncomfortable speech" turn into "hate speech". Don't get me wrong, I can't stand the KKK and groups like them, however as ugly as they might be-they do have all of the same constitutional rights as everybody else.

We don't have the right to not be offended.

Who determines hate speech? The government?

If I say Donald trump is an orange cheeto face, should the government arrest me for hate speech?

How about if I say "the bible teaches that marriage between a man and woman is ordained of God"?

I don't want someone prosecuted for either. Should any man have that power?

The standard is the principals of the Declaration of Independence and the philosophy of the enlightenment.
I think the problem isn't censoring hate speech right now...it's what gets censored after that hate speech. When do we start letting "uncomfortable speech" turn into "hate speech". Don't get me wrong, I can't stand the KKK and groups like them, however as ugly as they might be-they do have all of the same constitutional rights as everybody else.

We don't have the right to not be offended.

Who determines hate speech? The government?

If I say Donald trump is an orange cheeto face, should the government arrest me for hate speech?

How about if I say "the bible teaches that marriage between a man and woman is ordained of God"?

I don't want someone prosecuted for either. Should any man have that power?

Our laws should determine "hate speech" - and prosecuted accordingly. "Hate speech" is much like pornography - most of us know it when we see or hear it.
A demonstration in Boston today to support the concept of free speech.

A counter protest by the filthy ass Alt Left to speak out against the concept of free speech. As un American as it gets.

The Alt Left is the scum of this country now. Assholes all around. The Brownshirts of our time.

So says the sleaze bag that posts a picture of the single greatest traitor against this country as his avatar along with a signature consisting of the symbol of the same.

So say the stupid pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bat Alt Left asshole that tries to justify protesting against free speech.
How funny is it to hear rightwing bigots of various stripes demanding their constitutional right to oppose constitutional rights?

Right here is the problem, everyone who disagrees with the left is a bigot, racist or what ever, they have to be demonized and dehumanized to justify the hate coming form the left, while they attempt to claim some moral high ground. The reality is this poster and many others are nothing but Alinksy acolytes who wish to destroy the very fabric of the country.


Not all Conservatives or even alt-right people are considered racists or bigots by the left. Lot's of their views are respected if not agreed with. Economic populism, anti free trade are a few.

The fact that these people have allowed themselves to become associated with groups that profess extremely un-American views is their won fault.

If you consider the KKK and NAZIS to be part of the 'fabric of this country', then yes, we definitely want to destroy that fabric.

He dumb ass, you're making assumptions that I'm in any way associated with those retards. Standing up for the free speech rights of all Americans is not associating with anything but our laws and Constitution and your claiming otherwise makes you part of the problem.

"Witches against White Supremacy" LOL!

Can these Alt Left morons be any more bat shit crazy?

It's been a crazy week and i've engaged in many heated discussions about the events of Charlottesville. I have to admit that i've been greatly conflicted about my anti-racist feelings and my support of free speech. I flirted dangerously close in many discussions to promoting the shutdown of speech for white supremacist groups. I saw them as threats, conveyers of hate speech and given their history which has resulted in millions of deaths I was ok with suppressing their speech and shutting down their causes by whatever means necessary. But, I've had a change of heart.

I think we can be smarter than that and not empower these assholes to strip us of our freedoms. It is a slippery slope once you start suppressing speech. We have legal censorship in a variety of areas which i'm fine with, but shutting down groups from holding rallies, having websites and protesting is only going to lead to bad things. Note that I in no way support any provocation of violence or destruction resulting from rallies or protests. If that happens then shut them down immediately and make arrests.

I would promote fighting these douchebags by ignoring them and minimizing them in a SMART way. Don't lower yourself to fight with them and fuel their cause. Take away their statues and flags that empower them in public forums and show them that our communities outright reject their hateful views. Or construct monuments and statues of civil rights leaders next to the confederate statues and tell the story about how we prevailed and fought agains their hate, and WE WON. Ignore their rallies and don't give them the exposure or attention that they crave. Speak louder and stronger for equality.

I still think that the Presidents comments that minimized the ugliness of the Nazi's and White Supremacists were wildly inappropriate. He tried to spread the blame to the left for the anti-protests and it deluded his message of condemnation that should have been crystal clear in opposition of the hate groups. He should have spread the message in a better way to fight against it. I don't want to relitigate Trumps actions in this OP but I did want to share my change of opinion and open up a discussion about productive ways to move forward that combats the hate and preserves our right of free speech.

Racists have a right to free speech - but they need to once again be subdued and pushed back into their peckerwood holes.

It is absolutely incredible what is happening in this country. I never thought we would ever see magazine covers like that about our POTUS. He seems unphased... It really is unbelievable

I agree. I'm almost 71 and I've never seen anything like it. Trump is the first blatantly and dangerously racist president in my lifetime so far.
I know you probably won't agree with me but I don't really think Trump is racist. I think that he just doesn't care about racial issues or other peoples feelings. He serves his own perceived self interests and most of all he protects his ego which prevents him from giving in to political pressure.

No, I don't agree! However, the fact remains that he is "emboldening" and "encouraging" racists for political gain - which may even be worse.
Hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections; acting on that hate is not.

Moreover, the right to freedom of expression is not ‘absolute’ – it is not a right to say anything one wishes at anytime, anywhere.

First Amendment jurisprudence affords government the authority to place reasonable restrictions on speech consistent with that jurisprudence – restrictions on speech that are content neutral and ensure ample alternate channels of expression are perfectly Constitutional, for example.

Most importantly, the rights enshrined in the First Amendment concern solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or private organizations.

Consequently, one private person cannot ‘violate’ the right of free speech of another private person.

That’s why private persons or organizations who oppose the hate speech of neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and others on the hateful right are not ‘violating’ the free speech rights of neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and others on the hateful right – the notion that they are is as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Last, those who oppose the hate speech of neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and others on the hateful right have no desire to ‘silence’ or otherwise ‘prevent’ the expression of hate speech, neither through official government action nor through private acts of ‘intimidation’ or ‘coercion’ – to maintain otherwise is a lie.

Are you kidding? ...those on the Left who oppose "hate-speech" (according to their definitions) are desirous of shutting it down.....get real.....
You don't really understand what Clayton is saying do you? Private persons have every right to speak out against hate speech-whatever the goals are. They are exercising THEIR freedom of speech.

Re-read Clayton's last paragraph......his claim is bogus....
You know, you are so obviously blind to any violent ones on the left or those calling for that violence, it's sickening.
As many other fellow posters, I too face that dilemma as to whether fully allow KKK members, WS and neo-Nazis to openly spew their hatred or opt to stop their Constitution-allowed speech.

It is a tough conundrum. The problem rests with how that hate speech manages to recruit gullible and somewhat ignorant young people to join in that hate-filled ideology.

The best comparison I can make is whether we would opt to STOP radical Muslims to recruit disenfranchised young people to become terrorists for a dubious cause....After all, we sometime monitor what may go on in a Mosque to intervene if that environment is spewing hate filled and violent behaviors......

We all must make a choice regarding our love of free expression, and our desire to be safe from the spreading of more hatred.
No problem with:

What do we want?
Dead cops!

When do we want it??

Fuck you!
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The issue is not the advocacy of violence, the issue is the advocacy of hate, bigotry, and racism – the sole purview of the right.

Unlike most on the right, ‘the left’ doesn’t seek to disadvantage gay Americans, transgender Americans, women, and Muslims.

And unlike neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and others on the extreme right, ‘the left’ doesn’t practice the hateful bigotry and racism hostile to religious, ethnic, and racial minorities.

Moreover, no one on ‘the left’ condones the violence committed by any faction, which is not the case with neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and others on the extreme right, who condone acts of violence against Muslims, Hispanics, and African-Americans.

Consequently Trump, his apologists, and most others on the right are in fact wrong – it is not ‘both sides.’
No, that's convoluted bullshit. That is so November 7th and why you lost.
Another picture of the hate and stupidity of the Alt Left that was shown today. The Moon Bat bitch would have made a great Nazi, wouldn't she?

In World War II, we crushed Nazism by force of arms.

I wonder, with a movement in the US to revive Nazism, why shouldn't we be able to do the same, by the same method?

Lets think about this.

You are proposing giving Donald Trump the power to use violence to suppress Americans who say something you don't like.
"Yeah, I'm all about freedom of speech n' stuff, as long as it doesn't offend me, if I don't like the way it's said, or if I think it should offend someone else, or if I just don't like it in general."

What the fuck. What happened to this country?

Did you not learn about the Declaration of Independence or enlightenment philosophy in school?

It seems that where this country went wrong is that too many Americans forgot the basic principals that this country was founded upon.

Those who oppose those principals are un-American and void their rights under those principals.

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