Racist groups vs Free Speech, i've converted...

Btw should we take this to mean you want to recreate the committee for unAmerican activities? With Republican congress?

Obviously NOT............bear in mind that Roy Cohn......McCarthy's chief counsel (and cross-dresser) was ALSO Trump's more influential mentor.....thanks to KKK sympathizer, Fred Trump.....
Btw should we take this to mean you want to recreate the committee for unAmerican activities? With Republican congress?

Obviously NOT............bear in mind that Roy Cohn......McCarthy's chief counsel (and cross-dresser) was ALSO Trump's more influential mentor.....thanks to KKK sympathizer, Fred Trump.....

Toooooo Funny !!! Fred Trump was no 'kkk sympathizer' - that BS WaPo story has been discredited so many times it's laughable.

As to the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities - I do believe the DNC has a complete lock on that already, along with their mindless media minions - but they call it "RUSSIA-GATE".

Thanks for the hoot, oh ye of little minds.

BTW: If you REALLY want to EDUCATE your mind, instead of using the current MMS aka FAUX NEW SERVICES lock-step mantras, try reading this one - a factual and accurate history of Sen. Joe McCarthy - you can even get it for free from many e-book sites, like gutenberg.org

Blacklisted by History by M. Stanton Evans - assuming you can read above a sixth grade level, and comprehend.
As many other fellow posters, I too face that dilemma as to whether fully allow KKK members, WS and neo-Nazis to openly spew their hatred or opt to stop their Constitution-allowed speech.

It is a tough conundrum. The problem rests with how that hate speech manages to recruit gullible and somewhat ignorant young people to join in that hate-filled ideology.

The best comparison I can make is whether we would opt to STOP radical Muslims to recruit disenfranchised young people to become terrorists for a dubious cause....After all, we sometime monitor what may go on in a Mosque to intervene if that environment is spewing hate filled and violent behaviors......

We all must make a choice regarding our love of free expression, and our desire to be safe from the spreading of more hatred.

The First Amendment exists to protect unpopular speech, as popular speech obviously needs no such protections. Regarding your comparison to Muslim terrorist recruitment, that's a little different. Muslims terrorists are actually harming and killing people. If there is ample evidence that someone is planning an attack that isn't free speech. However, someone just being affiliated with or conversing with a radical element shouldn't necessarily be illegal. With the exception of that tard in Charlottesville with the car, the KKK and neo-Nazis and those other white supremacists jagoffs haven't done lynchings and shit like that in decades. They're basically neutered organizations, who quite frankly, if everyone would simply ignore and stop confronting and giving them all of this media coverage would go back into the holes they crawled out of.

Are you one of the dumbasses who ignores that Trump is emboldening and encouraging white nationalist racists with his words and dog whistles? Sounds like it...

I wonder why it only regressive who hear these dog whistles? BOW WOW LMAO


They are exactly like those superchristians who see demons behind every rock and run around rebuking anything and everything they disagree.

Yeah, it funny how those supernatural powers are only possessed by fanatics on both sides.

Ah, so you disagreed with the college students who impeded Ann Coulter's right to speak.

The Coulter moron has every right to speak......UNLESS, she/he is demanding the school's money to spew her stupidity; then students have a right to tell her to go shave around her Adam's apple.
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As many other fellow posters, I too face that dilemma as to whether fully allow KKK members, WS and neo-Nazis to openly spew their hatred or opt to stop their Constitution-allowed speech.

It is a tough conundrum. The problem rests with how that hate speech manages to recruit gullible and somewhat ignorant young people to join in that hate-filled ideology.

The best comparison I can make is whether we would opt to STOP radical Muslims to recruit disenfranchised young people to become terrorists for a dubious cause....After all, we sometime monitor what may go on in a Mosque to intervene if that environment is spewing hate filled and violent behaviors......

We all must make a choice regarding our love of free expression, and our desire to be safe from the spreading of more hatred.

hate speech is still constitutionally protected.

but that doesn't mean you can't call them losers.

the proper response is to counter what the walking failures say with reality and by standing up to the losers.

You only give them validation by doing so.

The best that can be done, when they speak, turn your back and cover your ears.

Let them understand that the freedom to speak does not mean anyone has to listen.

That goes for those assholes on the altleft as well. They speak, I ignore.
I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It - Voltaire

The Oath of Enlistment (for enlisted):

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

The Oath of Office (for officers):

"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the _____ (Military Branch) of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God."

'Nuff said.

Actually if you look it up, the quote you attributed to Voltaire was written by and attributed to a woman who did a book on Voltaire.


Voltaire was the pen name of François-Marie Arouet who died in 1778.

I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It | Quote Investigator
The left frequently calls anyone who disagrees with them as racist regardless of why they are disagreeing.

ONLY when such right wing expressions are displayed, don't you think?


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Hyup - nuttin' but ad hominen - When you can't attack the argument, attack the person.

Saul Alynski 101

Or, to put it more bluntly; If ya can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, Baffle 'em with BullSh*t.

btw: Al Jazeera and ISIS fully support the DNC - and contribute mightily to them. Just sayin' ....

How many pallets of money were loaded in the wee hours of the morning onto an un-marked Jet, to be laundered through SWISS BANKS for delivery to a TERRORIST NATION - and who was it that dun did dat ?

Oh, yeah - We fergits - dem specifics of a United States Agreement aren't allowed to be seen by us mere deplorables. Dey be under lock and key - heaven forbid we deplorables should be told anything about ACTUAL TREASON.

As many other fellow posters, I too face that dilemma as to whether fully allow KKK members, WS and neo-Nazis to openly spew their hatred or opt to stop their Constitution-allowed speech.

It is a tough conundrum. The problem rests with how that hate speech manages to recruit gullible and somewhat ignorant young people to join in that hate-filled ideology.

The best comparison I can make is whether we would opt to STOP radical Muslims to recruit disenfranchised young people to become terrorists for a dubious cause....After all, we sometime monitor what may go on in a Mosque to intervene if that environment is spewing hate filled and violent behaviors......

We all must make a choice regarding our love of free expression, and our desire to be safe from the spreading of more hatred.

This question was debated, and answered by the Courts long ago. We have a policy, and we have the limit on Free Speech set in law.

What Does Free Speech Mean?

The limits are there. "Hate Speech" does not exist. I can stand on the street corner and shout that I hate green people. At most I may need a permit, and there may be some law about how loud I can be, but basically, it's protected speech.

That is why people can shout that they hate Trump just about everywhere. The limits to that free speech are already decided, decades ago, by the Courts. The link above, to the US Courts dot gov website gives you all you need to know.

Yes, it is absolutely protected speech to make an ass of yourself by saying that you hate minorities. That is why the Courts issued the permit to protest to the idiots in the first place.

Unprotected speech is shouting "Get them" to the crowd inciting them to violence. There are other phrases that are prohibited, but unless you are thicker than a Neutron Star, I think you get the idea. Free speech is absolutely for the protester.
Toooooo Funny !!! Fred Trump was no 'kkk sympathizer' - that BS WaPo story has been discredited so many times it's laughable.

Here.....just to help with your constipation........(Fred was just hanging out with the wrong folks.....LOL)

The Times account simply names Fred Trump as one of the seven individuals arrested at the rally, and it states that he was released without charges, leaving room for the possibility that he "may have been an innocent bystander, falsely named, or otherwise the victim of mistaken identity during or following a chaotic event."
No conundrum at all. Let people speak. If we can't beat people in the arena of ideas, we don't deserve to.

Freedom of expression is about speech we DON'T like, not speech we DO like.

So, you're in full agreement that radical Muslim recruitment should NOT be curtailed or hindered by us, correct?

recruiting people to join a terrorist action is a crime, a criminal conspiracy.....hating on the U.S. is not a crime. Free speech for everyone, and even "hate speech" is protected...in fact, it is specifically protected.
recruiting people to join a terrorist action is a crime, a criminal conspiracy..

You're missing my point....as expected......

If I attend a Mosque where the Imam is telling me that US troops are carelessly bombing my former country and killing children as collateral damage, BUT that Imam is NOT telling me to get in a car and ram at a crowd.......

recruiting people to join a terrorist action is a crime, a criminal conspiracy..

You're missing my point....as expected......

If I attend a Mosque where the Imam is telling me that US troops are carelessly bombing my former country and killing children as collateral damage, BUT that Imam is NOT telling me to get in a car and ram at a crowd.......


No. When he tells them to come back so they can organize an attack, then he breaks the law.
What is it with you left wing nut jobs........you want Tom Cruise "Pre-Crime" laws in order to make mass arrests...please...just admit it and we can call it a night.
What is it with you left wing nut jobs........you want Tom Cruise "Pre-Crime" laws in order to make mass arrests...please...just admit it and we can call it a night.

Don't be an eternal idiot and stop reaching "conclusions" that suit your biases.
As many other fellow posters, I too face that dilemma as to whether fully allow KKK members, WS and neo-Nazis to openly spew their hatred or opt to stop their Constitution-allowed speech.

It is a tough conundrum. The problem rests with how that hate speech manages to recruit gullible and somewhat ignorant young people to join in that hate-filled ideology.

The best comparison I can make is whether we would opt to STOP radical Muslims to recruit disenfranchised young people to become terrorists for a dubious cause....After all, we sometime monitor what may go on in a Mosque to intervene if that environment is spewing hate filled and violent behaviors......

We all must make a choice regarding our love of free expression, and our desire to be safe from the spreading of more hatred.

The First Amendment exists to protect unpopular speech, as popular speech obviously needs no such protections. Regarding your comparison to Muslim terrorist recruitment, that's a little different. Muslims terrorists are actually harming and killing people. If there is ample evidence that someone is planning an attack that isn't free speech. However, someone just being affiliated with or conversing with a radical element shouldn't necessarily be illegal. With the exception of that tard in Charlottesville with the car, the KKK and neo-Nazis and those other white supremacists jagoffs haven't done lynchings and shit like that in decades. They're basically neutered organizations, who quite frankly, if everyone would simply ignore and stop confronting and giving them all of this media coverage would go back into the holes they crawled out of.

Are you one of the dumbasses who ignores that Trump is emboldening and encouraging white nationalist racists with his words and dog whistles? Sounds like it...

People like you have also encouraged them with your constant, childish accusations of all Trump voters being racist, people only opposing Obama's policies because he's black, telling white people they are supposed to feel guilty about their skin color because of some alleged privilege they have, rants about "toxic" masculinity, and all of this other social justice warrior garbage you nut jobs have been spewing for the last few years. You guys brought these jackholes out of the woodwork and gave them a platform, so take a look in the mirror, clown. You're just as guilty for creating the divisions.
You guys brought these jackholes out of the woodwork and gave them a platform,

Interesting........So, the fact that all of these "jackholes" have come out in full support of Trump does NOT bother you in the least??? Its all "liberals' fault?

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