Racist groups vs Free Speech, i've converted...

No conundrum at all. Let people speak. If we can't beat people in the arena of ideas, we don't deserve to.

Freedom of expression is about speech we DON'T like, not speech we DO like.

So, you're in full agreement that radical Muslim recruitment should NOT be curtailed or hindered by us, correct?
No conundrum at all. Let people speak. If we can't beat people in the arena of ideas, we don't deserve to.

Freedom of expression is about speech we DON'T like, not speech we DO like.

So, you're in full agreement that radical Muslim recruitment should NOT be curtailed or hindered by us, correct?
If it's legal, yes. Although I'd hope it could be stopped from within the religion. How about you?

The first thing we need to do in that area is get some Americans to stop spinning and deflecting for that religion, while at the same time launching attacks on Christianity.

But that's for another thread.
I flirted dangerously close in many discussions to promoting the shutdown of speech for white supremacist groups. I saw them as threats, conveyers of hate speech and given their history which has resulted in millions of deaths I was ok with suppressing their speech and shutting down their causes by whatever means necessary. But, I've had a change of heart.

All sides have killed millions.

Furthermore much of what is described as 'White Supremacist" was merely just "Greed"

Slavery for example was about greed, it was a business for goodness sake.

But, the elites have brainwashed the idiotic masses into thinking slavery is White Supremacist.

Oh really? When was the last time that a true White Supremacist wanted to import Blacks into his own backyard like Slave-masters did?
Well you had Nazi's chanting about eradicating Jews from our country just last weekend and you have the KKK and other groups fighting for the right to segregate and live in communities and run businesses that only include whites. You don't find that as reprehensible?

Yes...white racists are bad...I don't notice you calling out the black racists..the ones who actually matter now......white racists are tiny in number, made only important by the left wing media who want to use them to smear Trump.....how about the blacks on colleges who want segregated dorms? Have a problem with that? The real problem with racism now is coming from the democrat party and their groups....la raza..hispanic racists, black lives matter, black racists....they are embraced by the democrats and they are hard core racists......

If you don't like racism, call all racism out....
See there you go, you suffer from the same pathetic unawareness that Trump does.... "Yes...white racists are bad... But..."

You don't say "but the left..." you put a PERIOD after White Racists are bad.

No...you suffer from "white racists are the only problem"....the ones who have been murdering police officers and violently attacking peaceful protestors for close to 2 years.....you ignore.
Whats wrong with you man... What have I ever said to imply that white racists are the ONLY problem? I'm just pointing our the importance of make a strong statement denouncing them and not doing the quick pivot back to the left like you and our leader do. There are plenty of problems with ANTIFA and BLM and the Left and the Right. We can talk about those when the time is right. Talking about them when the White Racists are making a push only fuels their cause.
Which conservative or Right news outlet that you respect did not cover Charlottesville? I'm sick of the finger pointing to the Liberal media, it's a scapegoat. The Right media covers the same shit, just with a different spin.

It isn't the conservative media that are the problem....it is CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, PBS, MSNBC, CNN and all the other left wing outlets that hide and lie about black lives matter and antifa....those outlets still dwarf conservative outlets as far as viewership goes....and the conservative outlets don't hide their bias...the left wing ones claim to be fair...they aren't.
You dodged the question. Try again. Name one Right wing media outlet that you respect. Lets see if they didn't cover this nothing of a story.

Not even a decent question. Who said it was a nothing story....the whole point is the lack of coverage of antifa and black lives matter and their violence..........
You just said "These racist groups......are so small in size that what you saw in Virginia is pretty much all of them in the entire country.....they get more coverage than they actually deserve because the democrats in the press want to use them to smear Trump."

Why is it not a decent question for you to name one conservative media outlet that covered the events fairly. You are blaming the leftist media of overblowing the coverage of the story. So name a conservative outlet and lets look at their coverage.

I will say right now that the wall to wall coverage is annoying and overblown. But I see both CNN, MSNBC, and FOX all covering the same stories. Virtually the same line up, just different pundits and different spin. Its all about ratings and conflict. Those networks are more about entertainment than news. Just stop blaming them for everything. We all have the ability to think for ourselves.

All of the conservative outlets covered the event fairly....the left wing media outlets didn't. You are missing what I am saying.
Thats because you are talking nonsense. Trying to make excuses and deflect blame. Try for some objectivity and awareness. I argue on the Liberal side for many topics yet I posted this thread which is a denouncement of what ANTIFA is doing, I'm standing up for free speech, yet you continue to try and attack me for ignoring and defending these groups. Do you see why it is hard for me to respect what you say? You act like a partisan hack and not an objective thinking open to intelligent discussion
Slade3200 , I strongly urge you to stop by YouTube and check out videos by people like Sam Harris, Dave Rubin, Maajid Nawaz, Christopher Hitchens (RIP Hitch) and their compatriots - these are proud liberals who are horrified by what has happened to the Left, and the way it works so hard to suppress freedom of expression.

In fact, it was Mr. Nawaz, a former jihadist who now risks his life fighting for an Islamic Reformation, who coined the term "Regressive Left".
Do you know why there are statues of General Lee in both the North and South?

Of source you don't cuz.. Talking Points!

Lee did not want to fight for The Union because he did not want to fight against his neighbors in his own state.

He and his wife ran a school for black children teaching reading and writing right out of their home in direct violation of laws passed by Democrats outlawing such schools and dared anyone to come stop him.

He also organized and paid for slaves before during and after the war to be relocated to Liberia, so you could legitimately argue that Lee Founded Liberia.

Lastly, Lee had the materials and manpower to wage war for another 2-5 years, but for the good of the country decided to end the war, and then spent the rest of his life being an activist for reconciliation.

But by All Means Let's Tear down his statues because The Democrats are desperate to take back The House and Senate and have no fucking message at all for The American People but Divide and Conquor and Kill The President.

Fucking Ignorant Savages!
Funny how the Left is trying to erase their own racist history so people won't recognize their current racist policies.
Taking down statues isn't erasing anything, it is stopping the glorification and celebration of these figures in public spaces. The "erase history" talking point is so weak and overused.
No conundrum at all. Let people speak. If we can't beat people in the arena of ideas, we don't deserve to.

Freedom of expression is about speech we DON'T like, not speech we DO like.

So, you're in full agreement that radical Muslim recruitment should NOT be curtailed or hindered by us, correct?

In this country we prosecute actions, not ideas. When you folks understand that the better off we all will be.

Which conservative or Right news outlet that you respect did not cover Charlottesville? I'm sick of the finger pointing to the Liberal media, it's a scapegoat. The Right media covers the same shit, just with a different spin.

It isn't the conservative media that are the problem....it is CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, PBS, MSNBC, CNN and all the other left wing outlets that hide and lie about black lives matter and antifa....those outlets still dwarf conservative outlets as far as viewership goes....and the conservative outlets don't hide their bias...the left wing ones claim to be fair...they aren't.
You dodged the question. Try again. Name one Right wing media outlet that you respect. Lets see if they didn't cover this nothing of a story.

Not even a decent question. Who said it was a nothing story....the whole point is the lack of coverage of antifa and black lives matter and their violence..........
You just said "These racist groups......are so small in size that what you saw in Virginia is pretty much all of them in the entire country.....they get more coverage than they actually deserve because the democrats in the press want to use them to smear Trump."

Why is it not a decent question for you to name one conservative media outlet that covered the events fairly. You are blaming the leftist media of overblowing the coverage of the story. So name a conservative outlet and lets look at their coverage.

I will say right now that the wall to wall coverage is annoying and overblown. But I see both CNN, MSNBC, and FOX all covering the same stories. Virtually the same line up, just different pundits and different spin. Its all about ratings and conflict. Those networks are more about entertainment than news. Just stop blaming them for everything. We all have the ability to think for ourselves.

All of the conservative outlets covered the event fairly....the left wing media outlets didn't. You are missing what I am saying.
I hear what you are saying, i'm just smelling the bullshit. So did you watch every conservative network and every left wing media outlet? Is that how you know that all the Right outlets were fair and the left weren't. How do you have the time to do all of that? Your blanket bias and assumptions are both ignorant and transparent. I have plenty of issues with the media and have spoken out against it plenty of times. But if you want to be taken seriously you have to be objective and sane. Your over-bloated generalized statements don't warrant serious consideration.
They aren't Regressive. They are Leftist Neo Fascists.

The Left turns out in Mass to Protest "Free Speech" in Boston.

Only they weren't allowed to bring their weapons this time.

Epic Failure for them.

Slade3200 , I strongly urge you to stop by YouTube and check out videos by people like Sam Harris, Dave Rubin, Maajid Nawaz, Christopher Hitchens (RIP Hitch) and their compatriots - these are proud liberals who are horrified by what has happened to the Left, and the way it works so hard to suppress freedom of expression.

In fact, it was Mr. Nawaz, a former jihadist who now risks his life fighting for an Islamic Reformation, who coined the term "Regressive Left".
The moment the UnAmerican Activities Committee (investigating subversive activities within the US) was dissolved in 1975, more and more anti-American and hate groups have flourished and gained ground subverting our original framework within the Constitution, spreading their filth in all areas.
Do you know why there are statues of General Lee in both the North and South?

Of source you don't cuz.. Talking Points!

Lee did not want to fight for The Union because he did not want to fight against his neighbors in his own state.

He and his wife ran a school for black children teaching reading and writing right out of their home in direct violation of laws passed by Democrats outlawing such schools and dared anyone to come stop him.

He also organized and paid for slaves before during and after the war to be relocated to Liberia, so you could legitimately argue that Lee Founded Liberia.

Lastly, Lee had the materials and manpower to wage war for another 2-5 years, but for the good of the country decided to end the war, and then spent the rest of his life being an activist for reconciliation.

But by All Means Let's Tear down his statues because The Democrats are desperate to take back The House and Senate and have no fucking message at all for The American People but Divide and Conquor and Kill The President.

Fucking Ignorant Savages!
Funny how the Left is trying to erase their own racist history so people won't recognize their current racist policies.
Taking down statues isn't erasing anything, it is stopping the glorification and celebration of these figures in public spaces. The "erase history" talking point is so weak and overused.
You still miss the point. A statue is a symbol and a monument, it is not a biography about every aspect of a persons life. Which is why the argument about Washington and Jefferson being slave owners is not a strong one. There are simple questions that need to be asked... What does this statue stand for? Who is it celebrating or symbolizing? If the answer is that it is a symbol of racism and confederate values then take that fucker down. If it is part of a better story and that is accurately communicated then keep it. If there is a conflict in how it is interpreted then put it in a museum so the full story can be told. I know a little about Lee and I know that he did some good things for his community before and after the war... The question is, is a statue of him in a park symbolizing a racist confederate value or a historical figure?
The moment the UnAmerican Activities Committee (investigating subversive activities within the US) was dissolved in 1975, more and more anti-American and hate groups have flourished and gained ground subverting our original framework within the Constitution, spreading their filth in all areas.

Take THAT u with Avatar, Mac and Tigger (above.)
If you are a biased Ignorant Bigot who only gives a fuck about winning an election and is willing to sacrifice American Freedoms, Divide The Country only because you only Value Political Power, I'd say that's your personal Malfunction and your biased interpretation will suit your agenda.

No Fucking Statue Stopped Barak Obama From Being President in a country where his ethnicity only represents13% of the population.

Fuck your political aspirations for 2018 and 2020 and burn them on the pile of books you want banned. Then throw yourself on the fire with them.

I'll pay to build a monument to your stupidity and your Fascist Agenda.

Where was The Fucking Neo Fascist Left with this issue when Obama was President and The Left held a Super Majority?

Fucking Fascists Hucksters. This is nothing but a Political Publicity Stunt!
Do you know why there are statues of General Lee in both the North and South?

Of source you don't cuz.. Talking Points!

Lee did not want to fight for The Union because he did not want to fight against his neighbors in his own state.

He and his wife ran a school for black children teaching reading and writing right out of their home in direct violation of laws passed by Democrats outlawing such schools and dared anyone to come stop him.

He also organized and paid for slaves before during and after the war to be relocated to Liberia, so you could legitimately argue that Lee Founded Liberia.

Lastly, Lee had the materials and manpower to wage war for another 2-5 years, but for the good of the country decided to end the war, and then spent the rest of his life being an activist for reconciliation.

But by All Means Let's Tear down his statues because The Democrats are desperate to take back The House and Senate and have no fucking message at all for The American People but Divide and Conquor and Kill The President.

Fucking Ignorant Savages!
Funny how the Left is trying to erase their own racist history so people won't recognize their current racist policies.
Taking down statues isn't erasing anything, it is stopping the glorification and celebration of these figures in public spaces. The "erase history" talking point is so weak and overused.
You still miss the point. A statue is a symbol and a monument, it is not a biography about every aspect of a persons life. Which is why the argument about Washington and Jefferson being slave owners is not a strong one. There are simple questions that need to be asked... What does this statue stand for? Who is it celebrating or symbolizing? If the answer is that it is a symbol of racism and confederate values then take that fucker down. If it is part of a better story and that is accurately communicated then keep it. If there is a conflict in how it is interpreted then put it in a museum so the full story can be told. I know a little about Lee and I know that he did some good things for his community before and after the war... The question is, is a statue of him in a park symbolizing a racist confederate value or a historical figure?
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I did not give an opinion. What I did do is explain the resulting cause of its demise. It is a conundrum, guaranteed, but that is what these groups (communists, socialists, real white supremacists, et al) banked on with its dissolution.
The moment the UnAmerican Activities Committee (investigating subversive activities within the US) was dissolved in 1975, more and more anti-American and hate groups have flourished and gained ground subverting our original framework within the Constitution, spreading their filth in all areas.

Take THAT u with Avatar, Mac and Tigger (above.)
The moment the UnAmerican Activities Committee (investigating subversive activities within the US) was dissolved in 1975, more and more anti-American and hate groups have flourished and gained ground subverting our original framework within the Constitution, spreading their filth in all areas.

Take THAT u with Avatar, Mac and Tigger (above.)

If you want to regulate speech, amend the constitution. Till then there is no dilemma.

You know, if you side with the truth, you don't need to feel threatened by lies. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be so insecure you are worried about stupid nazis saying stupid things

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