Racist groups vs Free Speech, i've converted...

As many other fellow posters, I too face that dilemma as to whether fully allow KKK members, WS and neo-Nazis to openly spew their hatred or opt to stop their Constitution-allowed speech.

It is a tough conundrum. The problem rests with how that hate speech manages to recruit gullible and somewhat ignorant young people to join in that hate-filled ideology.

The best comparison I can make is whether we would opt to STOP radical Muslims to recruit disenfranchised young people to become terrorists for a dubious cause....After all, we sometime monitor what may go on in a Mosque to intervene if that environment is spewing hate filled and violent behaviors......

We all must make a choice regarding our love of free expression, and our desire to be safe from the spreading of more hatred.

When you qualify acceptable types of speach, you start down the path toward fascism.

You know that path well lil one.
The moment the UnAmerican Activities Committee (investigating subversive activities within the US) was dissolved in 1975, more and more anti-American and hate groups have flourished and gained ground subverting our original framework within the Constitution, spreading their filth in all areas.

Take THAT u with Avatar, Mac and Tigger (above.)
I'm a strong believer in freedom of expression. I don't want to stop anyone from expressing themselves, I don't want to shout them down, and I want everyone's voice to be heard, even if I don't agree with it.

While I have zero (0) use for Ann Coulter, for example, I strongly defend her freedom of expression at college campuses.

How about you?
The moment the UnAmerican Activities Committee (investigating subversive activities within the US) was dissolved in 1975, more and more anti-American and hate groups have flourished and gained ground subverting our original framework within the Constitution, spreading their filth in all areas.

Take THAT u with Avatar, Mac and Tigger (above.)

Btw should we take this to mean you want to recreate the committee for unAmerican activities? With Republican congress?
If you are a biased Ignorant Bigot who only gives a fuck about winning an election and is willing to sacrifice American Freedoms, Divide The Country only because you only Value Political Power, I'd say that's your personal Malfunction and your biased interpretation will suit your agenda.

No Fucking Statue Stopped Barak Obama From Being President in a country where his ethnicity only represents13% of the population.

Fuck your political aspirations for 2018 and 2020 and burn them on the pile of books you want banned. Then throw yourself on the fire with them.

I'll pay to build a monument to your stupidity and your Fascist Agenda.

Where was The Fucking Neo Fascist Left with this issue when Obama was President and The Left held a Super Majority?

Fucking Fascists Hucksters. This is nothing but a Political Publicity Stunt!
Do you know why there are statues of General Lee in both the North and South?

Of source you don't cuz.. Talking Points!

Lee did not want to fight for The Union because he did not want to fight against his neighbors in his own state.

He and his wife ran a school for black children teaching reading and writing right out of their home in direct violation of laws passed by Democrats outlawing such schools and dared anyone to come stop him.

He also organized and paid for slaves before during and after the war to be relocated to Liberia, so you could legitimately argue that Lee Founded Liberia.

Lastly, Lee had the materials and manpower to wage war for another 2-5 years, but for the good of the country decided to end the war, and then spent the rest of his life being an activist for reconciliation.

But by All Means Let's Tear down his statues because The Democrats are desperate to take back The House and Senate and have no fucking message at all for The American People but Divide and Conquor and Kill The President.

Fucking Ignorant Savages!
Funny how the Left is trying to erase their own racist history so people won't recognize their current racist policies.
Taking down statues isn't erasing anything, it is stopping the glorification and celebration of these figures in public spaces. The "erase history" talking point is so weak and overused.
You still miss the point. A statue is a symbol and a monument, it is not a biography about every aspect of a persons life. Which is why the argument about Washington and Jefferson being slave owners is not a strong one. There are simple questions that need to be asked... What does this statue stand for? Who is it celebrating or symbolizing? If the answer is that it is a symbol of racism and confederate values then take that fucker down. If it is part of a better story and that is accurately communicated then keep it. If there is a conflict in how it is interpreted then put it in a museum so the full story can be told. I know a little about Lee and I know that he did some good things for his community before and after the war... The question is, is a statue of him in a park symbolizing a racist confederate value or a historical figure?
Calm down drama queen, we are just having a discussion. I've never giving the statues a second thought. If I walked by one i'd probably give it a look then keep on walking. If I notice that a black person saw that statue as a racist symbol or if I saw a KKK group taking photos by it then i'd think twice. Thats what this discussion has done, brought I different perspective to my eyes. I can't deny that those who see those statues as racist symbols have a point in many cases. Most of those statues were erected during a time when the south was instituting Jim Crow laws and making a point that whites still rule the south. That is disgusting and unAmerican. So if there are statues or symbols, like the confederate flag, that celebrate white power in the USA then I have no problem taking them down. I also really like the idea of erecting some Union monuments or black soldiers triumphing over the confederates next to the statues to give context in a way that fits better with our values.
Preaching hate is free speech, but through that hate speech calling for violence they are actually creating that violence, which is being given a pass.
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How the violent ones are able to be not arrested, or arrested and bailed out by the hate groups which incited the violence to begin with, and then get charges dropped or light sentences given, is ridiculous.

The cycle will continue and more violence will erupt each and every time they are given a free pass.
No conundrum at all. Let people speak. If we can't beat people in the arena of ideas, we don't deserve to.

Freedom of expression is about speech we DON'T like, not speech we DO like.

So, you're in full agreement that radical Muslim recruitment should NOT be curtailed or hindered by us, correct?

As long as they are not planning any form of terrorist attack on the American Public let them speak just like letting the Nazis speak...
As many other fellow posters, I too face that dilemma as to whether fully allow KKK members, WS and neo-Nazis to openly spew their hatred or opt to stop their Constitution-allowed speech.

It is a tough conundrum. The problem rests with how that hate speech manages to recruit gullible and somewhat ignorant young people to join in that hate-filled ideology.

The best comparison I can make is whether we would opt to STOP radical Muslims to recruit disenfranchised young people to become terrorists for a dubious cause....After all, we sometime monitor what may go on in a Mosque to intervene if that environment is spewing hate filled and violent behaviors......

We all must make a choice regarding our love of free expression, and our desire to be safe from the spreading of more hatred.
No problem with:

What do we want?
Dead cops!

When do we want it??

Fuck you!
But the moment any violence is incurred by any one individual or group, stiffer sentences need to be mandated.
No conundrum at all. Let people speak. If we can't beat people in the arena of ideas, we don't deserve to.

Freedom of expression is about speech we DON'T like, not speech we DO like.

So, you're in full agreement that radical Muslim recruitment should NOT be curtailed or hindered by us, correct?

As long as they are not planning any form of terrorist attack on the American Public let them speak just like letting the Nazis speak...
There is no discussing Facism, Book Burning, Banning Movies and Literature, & Destroying Historical Monuments for political gain.

So Fuck that shit you serpent tongued Devil. Where was The Left on this issue when they had a Super Majority?

It wasn't an issue so take your fake outrage and shove it up your Fake Ass!

Your Party Leadership already made comments about tearing down The Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument.

Your party also made commets that they feel The Constitution is an Antiquated and Outdated document that no longer pertains to current America.

Welcome to Venezuela!

We are not going to let your ugly camel head in to our tent.

So Forget it.
Discussion Over!

Go buy some gasoline and a lighter and start your "Book Drive" Fireman!

If you are a biased Ignorant Bigot who only gives a fuck about winning an election and is willing to sacrifice American Freedoms, Divide The Country only because you only Value Political Power, I'd say that's your personal Malfunction and your biased interpretation will suit your agenda.

No Fucking Statue Stopped Barak Obama From Being President in a country where his ethnicity only represents13% of the population.

Fuck your political aspirations for 2018 and 2020 and burn them on the pile of books you want banned. Then throw yourself on the fire with them.

I'll pay to build a monument to your stupidity and your Fascist Agenda.

Where was The Fucking Neo Fascist Left with this issue when Obama was President and The Left held a Super Majority?

Fucking Fascists Hucksters. This is nothing but a Political Publicity Stunt!
Do you know why there are statues of General Lee in both the North and South?

Of source you don't cuz.. Talking Points!

Lee did not want to fight for The Union because he did not want to fight against his neighbors in his own state.

He and his wife ran a school for black children teaching reading and writing right out of their home in direct violation of laws passed by Democrats outlawing such schools and dared anyone to come stop him.

He also organized and paid for slaves before during and after the war to be relocated to Liberia, so you could legitimately argue that Lee Founded Liberia.

Lastly, Lee had the materials and manpower to wage war for another 2-5 years, but for the good of the country decided to end the war, and then spent the rest of his life being an activist for reconciliation.

But by All Means Let's Tear down his statues because The Democrats are desperate to take back The House and Senate and have no fucking message at all for The American People but Divide and Conquor and Kill The President.

Fucking Ignorant Savages!
Funny how the Left is trying to erase their own racist history so people won't recognize their current racist policies.
Taking down statues isn't erasing anything, it is stopping the glorification and celebration of these figures in public spaces. The "erase history" talking point is so weak and overused.
You still miss the point. A statue is a symbol and a monument, it is not a biography about every aspect of a persons life. Which is why the argument about Washington and Jefferson being slave owners is not a strong one. There are simple questions that need to be asked... What does this statue stand for? Who is it celebrating or symbolizing? If the answer is that it is a symbol of racism and confederate values then take that fucker down. If it is part of a better story and that is accurately communicated then keep it. If there is a conflict in how it is interpreted then put it in a museum so the full story can be told. I know a little about Lee and I know that he did some good things for his community before and after the war... The question is, is a statue of him in a park symbolizing a racist confederate value or a historical figure?
Calm down drama queen, we are just having a discussion. I've never giving the statues a second thought. If I walked by one i'd probably give it a look then keep on walking. If I notice that a black person saw that statue as a racist symbol or if I saw a KKK group taking photos by it then i'd think twice. Thats what this discussion has done, brought I different perspective to my eyes. I can't deny that those who see those statues as racist symbols have a point in many cases. Most of those statues were erected during a time when the south was instituting Jim Crow laws and making a point that whites still rule the south. That is disgusting and unAmerican. So if there are statues or symbols, like the confederate flag, that celebrate white power in the USA then I have no problem taking them down. I also really like the idea of erecting some Union monuments or black soldiers triumphing over the confederates next to the statues to give context in a way that fits better with our values.
You know, you are so obviously blind to any violent ones on the left or those calling for that violence, it's sickening.
As many other fellow posters, I too face that dilemma as to whether fully allow KKK members, WS and neo-Nazis to openly spew their hatred or opt to stop their Constitution-allowed speech.

It is a tough conundrum. The problem rests with how that hate speech manages to recruit gullible and somewhat ignorant young people to join in that hate-filled ideology.

The best comparison I can make is whether we would opt to STOP radical Muslims to recruit disenfranchised young people to become terrorists for a dubious cause....After all, we sometime monitor what may go on in a Mosque to intervene if that environment is spewing hate filled and violent behaviors......

We all must make a choice regarding our love of free expression, and our desire to be safe from the spreading of more hatred.
No problem with:

What do we want?
Dead cops!

When do we want it??

Fuck you!
As many other fellow posters, I too face that dilemma as to whether fully allow KKK members, WS and neo-Nazis to openly spew their hatred or opt to stop their Constitution-allowed speech.

It is a tough conundrum. The problem rests with how that hate speech manages to recruit gullible and somewhat ignorant young people to join in that hate-filled ideology.
And, for this reason, you should never vote and should be castrated.

You let your little feelings get hurt too easily. If we allow you to control everything based on your little fee fees, nobody would have freedom.
I think the problem isn't censoring hate speech right now...it's what gets censored after that hate speech. When do we start letting "uncomfortable speech" turn into "hate speech". Don't get me wrong, I can't stand the KKK and groups like them, however as ugly as they might be-they do have all of the same constitutional rights as everybody else.

We don't have the right to not be offended.
There is no discussing Facism, Book Burning, Banning Movies and Literature, & Destroying Historical Monuments for political gain.

So Fuck that shit you serpent tongued Devil. Where was The Left on this issue when they had a Super Majority?

It wasn't an issue so take your fake outrage and shove it up your Fake Ass!

Your Party Leadership already made comments about tearing down The Jefferson Memorial and Washington Monument.

Your party also made commets that they feel The Constitution is an Antiquated and Outdated document that no longer pertains to current America.

Welcome to Venezuela!

We are not going to let your ugly camel head in to our tent.

So Forget it.
Discussion Over!

Go buy some gasoline and a lighter and start your "Book Drive" Fireman!

If you are a biased Ignorant Bigot who only gives a fuck about winning an election and is willing to sacrifice American Freedoms, Divide The Country only because you only Value Political Power, I'd say that's your personal Malfunction and your biased interpretation will suit your agenda.

No Fucking Statue Stopped Barak Obama From Being President in a country where his ethnicity only represents13% of the population.

Fuck your political aspirations for 2018 and 2020 and burn them on the pile of books you want banned. Then throw yourself on the fire with them.

I'll pay to build a monument to your stupidity and your Fascist Agenda.

Where was The Fucking Neo Fascist Left with this issue when Obama was President and The Left held a Super Majority?

Fucking Fascists Hucksters. This is nothing but a Political Publicity Stunt!
Do you know why there are statues of General Lee in both the North and South?

Of source you don't cuz.. Talking Points!

Lee did not want to fight for The Union because he did not want to fight against his neighbors in his own state.

He and his wife ran a school for black children teaching reading and writing right out of their home in direct violation of laws passed by Democrats outlawing such schools and dared anyone to come stop him.

He also organized and paid for slaves before during and after the war to be relocated to Liberia, so you could legitimately argue that Lee Founded Liberia.

Lastly, Lee had the materials and manpower to wage war for another 2-5 years, but for the good of the country decided to end the war, and then spent the rest of his life being an activist for reconciliation.

But by All Means Let's Tear down his statues because The Democrats are desperate to take back The House and Senate and have no fucking message at all for The American People but Divide and Conquor and Kill The President.

Fucking Ignorant Savages!
Taking down statues isn't erasing anything, it is stopping the glorification and celebration of these figures in public spaces. The "erase history" talking point is so weak and overused.
You still miss the point. A statue is a symbol and a monument, it is not a biography about every aspect of a persons life. Which is why the argument about Washington and Jefferson being slave owners is not a strong one. There are simple questions that need to be asked... What does this statue stand for? Who is it celebrating or symbolizing? If the answer is that it is a symbol of racism and confederate values then take that fucker down. If it is part of a better story and that is accurately communicated then keep it. If there is a conflict in how it is interpreted then put it in a museum so the full story can be told. I know a little about Lee and I know that he did some good things for his community before and after the war... The question is, is a statue of him in a park symbolizing a racist confederate value or a historical figure?
Calm down drama queen, we are just having a discussion. I've never giving the statues a second thought. If I walked by one i'd probably give it a look then keep on walking. If I notice that a black person saw that statue as a racist symbol or if I saw a KKK group taking photos by it then i'd think twice. Thats what this discussion has done, brought I different perspective to my eyes. I can't deny that those who see those statues as racist symbols have a point in many cases. Most of those statues were erected during a time when the south was instituting Jim Crow laws and making a point that whites still rule the south. That is disgusting and unAmerican. So if there are statues or symbols, like the confederate flag, that celebrate white power in the USA then I have no problem taking them down. I also really like the idea of erecting some Union monuments or black soldiers triumphing over the confederates next to the statues to give context in a way that fits better with our values.
Wow, talk about letting your emotions hijack your intellect. You are a shining example of that... A real snowball. If your done ranting and want to get back to the subject at hand, not relitigating the past and accusing me of things that people I don't know or agree with said, then we can talk. Im sorry to say I don't have much faith in your ability to have a rational debate though. Try taking a walk or something... get some fresh air.

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