Racist Milli Vanilli ASU students receive disciplinary action from the university

And they are mad. They harassed 2 white guys at the "multicultural" center and now fancy themselves as victims.

Students who filmed viral incident at ASU multicultural center say they are being disciplined by the school​


They sound like a couple of middle school students.
You think this is funny? If you wonder why schools are so hostile.....this video is case and point. Obama wanted this to happen....and it's only going to get worse.

How is this any different than what the Southern Democrats did with Jim Crow laws?

This little Bword thinks she has the right to be a bigot toward people because of their race. To any rational person, this is what MLK and Malcolm X fought against.....and you can thank Barack Obama and his media friends for bringing CRT into our education system.

One of these days this little racist is going to meet the wrong person and get the crap beat out of her, or cause a mass shooting in yet another school.....and this is by design. They want to turn black kids into domestic terrorists that are supported by systemic racism in our government.

To be fair its what Malcolm X fought for after his epiphany in Mecca, before that he was a Black Separatist/Nationalist.

And then they killed him for having a change of heart.
They sound like a couple of middle school students.
Any Country That Pays Students Will Lead This Century's World Economy

More proof of my statement that college is for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. Normal maturity requires having the income from a full-time job, starting at age 18.

Graduates don't have to be afraid of growing up anymore, because they will never grow up.

A typical example is a classmate of mine who when he was 16 was as mature as a 25-year-old. After 4 years of college and law school, he was as immature as a 16-year-old. Those who mandate this indentured servitude don't want us to ever stand up to them like grown men would.
Stone cold racists.
This is the definition of racism.
Expecting special considerations because of your ethnicity.
These young ladies are the products of CRT racist indoctrination.
They firmly believe that it is impossible for them to be racist because they believe that they are victims, therefore they have a right to be racist as hell.
The Left has lost credibility with reasonable rational people.
These young ladies are the products of CRT racist indoctrination.
They firmly believe that it is impossible for them to be racist because they believe that they are victims, therefore they have a right to be racist as hell.
The Left has lost credibility with reasonable rational people.
Most libs want to avoid threads like this like the plague....because it illustrates everything that is wrong with their ideology.

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