Racist POS loses his business for being a racist POS

Who the fuck is doing that?????

Racism in America isn't institutional anymore.

You act like racism must be totally eradicated. As if being a racist should be a capital offense.

Good luck with that.
Since when has it not been institutional?

How long was it institutional before that?

Any lasting effects from the institutional racism we've had in this country for that length of time?

If so, what were they?

If not, how do you know?

What evidence can you provide for any of the above?

Looking forward to your response on these.
I've run into quite a few righties who pretend that racism is essentially a myth.

Institutional racism is one thing; everyday racism is another.

As we see on this thread, some on the right want to deflect even when it's this obvious. They refuse to take it head on, and it's noticeable.
We often bump heads Mac, but damn if you didn't nail this one!!


Wonder how the heating and cooling business is doing after all the free advertising?
He`s done. He can move to a trailer park and collect welfare now.
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Should never call him the “N” word. We don’t know what happened previous to this to know what created the outrage.

No matter what, if someone cuts you off, or whatever else and causes you a delay to the point where you're pissed off, but further delay your trip by following them just to tell them off, you're kinda fuckin stupid.

You're totally stupid if you do so in a business truck with a phone number on it.

You've achieved libturd stupid when you start calling people n!gger, due to a minor set back in a business truck with a phone number on it.
I agree with all your points. I never said he should have followed him. I also said he should have never called him the name. I simply stated we don't know what happened before.
for the second time, him who?
I agree with all your points. I never said he should have followed him. I also said he should have never called him the name. I simply stated we don't know what happened before.

I wasn't arguing with you, just solidifying my assertions.

IMO it doesn't matter what led up to him deciding to follow the guy and embarrass the living hell out of himself. I can't imagine wasting my time following someone home just to give them shit about something they did while driving. I certainly can't imagine doing so in a business truck w/ my number on it, and of all things, getting all racial about it.

That just blows my mind.

On top of that, it gives sniveling pieces of shit like the OP an excuse for their own intolerance and bigotry.

I dont have any stripes so I must not fit the description.
Oh you have them but like I said you can't see them and neither can that idiot in the van yelling at that woman....he thinks he is just fine and dandy....
If I had them then someone I knew would have pointed them out like my white family members, friends, and god daughter
Yeah I bet that guy in the van has a lot of black friends......just ask him....

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