Racist Toward White Peope


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
After a discussion between friends, I wonder why some of them are surprised that other races than whites can be racist? After the attacks of 2015 and after the Arab Muslims terrorist shouted that they do not like the Westerners that is one the reason they came to kill some French people and we know that other Arabs support the terrorist nobody believe and says that they are racist towards the whites?

Why is that not possible for some people ?
Because whites are superior and no one can be racist towards them?
Or White are not at all superior, they are nothing as CNN demonstrates every day ?

Give your opinion .
I've been all over this planet and I can assure you, racism exists across the entire spectrum.
A good example I've given before is Japan. In Sasebo, Japan, while walking through the streets, I would occasionally see signs in the windows of stores. The signs would say, "No Whites," or "No Blacks," or "No Americans." My stance on that was and is: "It's their country and they have a right to restrict anyone they don't want in their establishment." I would simply go to stores that didn't have such signs on their establishment. They in turn, would get a sale, whereas those that restricted some from entering their establishment, wouldn't get as much money as their competitors.
In Asia in general, racism just......is. Go to north Africa and the Arabs don't like blacks and others don't like whites. Although, in Islamic nations, the dislike is often because of not believing and following their religion, which is bigotry, not racism.
Thank LuckyDuck for your explanation, I agree with you.
And I think excuses are often found for the Arab terrorist after they have committed attacks against the Westerners, and I find that frankly disgusting.
Like it’s normal for them to slaughter us? I also think that everyone knows that the mentality of certain races is purely barbaric especially towards women but here again nobody are in the street to protest against it .
It's pretty hard to watch and see the way the Arabs men treat women in the name of their culture and religion but some of the leftists always come to their aid to defend them.
As if women are worthless to them .
After a discussion between friends, I wonder why some of them are surprised that other races than whites can be racist? After the attacks of 2015 and after the Arab Muslims terrorist shouted that they do not like the Westerners that is one the reason they came to kill some French people and we know that other Arabs support the terrorist nobody believe and says that they are racist towards the whites?

Why is that not possible for some people ?
Because whites are superior and no one can be racist towards them?
Or White are not at all superior, they are nothing as CNN demonstrates every day ?

Give your opinion .
Most of the racism in America is towards white males !!
Why ?
Most of the haters are losers in life and are projecting their hate towards others
The main villain is Jewish Jeff Zucker
This little fascist pig is no different than the worst Nazis of last century
Well, the current theory of racism is based on the postmodern notion of post-colonialism where Whites are inherently oppressive and Non-Whites are inherently oppressed. This is what academia feeds society and journalists and other experts graduate with these ideas that they, in turn, feed to the rest of the population.
After a discussion between friends, I wonder why some of them are surprised that other races than whites can be racist? After the attacks of 2015 and after the Arab Muslims terrorist shouted that they do not like the Westerners that is one the reason they came to kill some French people and we know that other Arabs support the terrorist nobody believe and says that they are racist towards the whites?

Why is that not possible for some people ?
Because whites are superior and no one can be racist towards them?
Or White are not at all superior, they are nothing as CNN demonstrates every day ?

Give your opinion .
Well, the current theory of racism is based on the postmodern notion of post-colonialism where Whites are inherently oppressive and Non-Whites are inherently oppressed. This is what academia feeds society and journalists and other experts graduate with these ideas that they, in turn, feed to the rest of the population.
This is what history and that includes the present, shows to be the case. So when any of you whites here can present laws, policies, supreme court decisions or anything similar implemented by non whites to deny whites of equal opportunity, when any of you whites here can show a non white nation invading and colonizing white nations and then declaring those nations as theirs, then come talk to me about how everybody can be racist.
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This is what history and that includes the present, shows to be the case. So when any of you whites here can present laws, policies, supreme court decisions or anything similar implemented by non whites to deny whites of equal opportunity, when any of you whites here can show a non white nation invading and colonizing white nations and then declaring those nations a theirs, then come talk to me about how everybody can be racist.
By talking in terms of "White nations" and equating totalitarian monarchies to an entire race, you are putting the racial group as the primary unit of existence and implying that individuals recieve their character from being part of a group.

This is a very perceptual way of seeing the present and history and it stinks of the genetic determinism that is so typical for racists to spew.

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