Racist Washington State to decriminalize the killing people of color

In Liberal states it's not the 'Chance" of hitting innocent bystanders, it's the "Hope" of hitting innocent bystanders.

Hence liberal cities unleashing the hell of violent felons back onto the streets daily and with reckless abandon.

Never attribute to malice that which can be explained just as easily by stupidity.

Most of these people really think there is inequality in the system due to racism. Compound that with thinking most criminals would go straight if just given the chance, and you get shit like this.
And it's only going to keep getting worse.

The silver lining?
Liberals are dying and suffering due to their own stupidity.
Unfortunately occasionally taking a few innocents with them.
So what. The average murder case gets pled down to a manslaughter charge and the violent perp serves 7 years. The enhancement REMOVED that option.

Oh, my god, you didn't know that?

Holy shit batman, you don't know shit about how the legal system releases violent assholes all of the time....

Even if all that is true...how is that decriminalization?
I like that you're still stamping around crowing like you've won.
Even if all that is true...how is that decriminalization?
I like that you're still stamping around crowing like you've won.

The act of drive by shooting was an enhancement that ENSURED a murder charge would not be reduced to manslaughter.

The act of drive by shooting was an enhancement that ENSURED a murder charge would not be reduced to manslaughter.

So...once again...how is that decriminalization?
And...you need to turn your vibrator off...it's coming through on your posts.
I'm supposed to admire your willingness to have an opinion on everything no matter how ignorant you are?
Shut the fuck up until you have something useful to say. All youre doing is dodging like a pussy. Youre weak, bro.
The argument is that the law was intended to target gangs...some would argue that's a racist law.
The amendment is so that drive-by shootings will be subject the same penalties as any other shootings.
It is not a decriminalization.
There are gangs of every race, that dog don't hunt.

The very nature of drive by shootings makes them separate. More innocent bystanders are at risk when bullets are flying from a moving vehicle than a pedestrian.

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