Racist woke mixed-race commercials

What the hell are you talking about? How are television programs (or even - gasp! - commercials) you may choose to watch or not watch forcing you to do anything? You still haven't identified any "socialism" in a tv show that includes this or that kind of couple. "Socialism" is an insidious road to failure, but it is NOT a synonym for "anything I don't like." You're not one of those dopes who throws around words he doesn't understand, are you?
Sure they do, on every channel so unless you want to flip through each time a commercial comes on, you are forced to watch it.....to the tune of about 70% mixed. So, what is the proportion of mixed marriages/relationships in the US? 10%? 15%? Then I would expect to see an occasional commercial featuring mixed families instead of the flood of propaganda witnessed now. As for terminology, if you don't like socialist try commie or Dimmer idiot.....either of those works.
Sure they do, on every channel so unless you want to flip through each time a commercial comes on, you are forced to watch it........
You are not "forced" to watch anything. Turn the fucking TV off if it's so traumatic to your tender little sensibilities. Do you keep a notebook next to the remote so you can chart all of the fictional couples and families that scare you on a day to day basis? If you are watching the Hallmark Channel all the time, you have bigger problems than the color of the actors.
.... As for terminology, if you don't like socialist try commie......
So you ARE one of those dopes who throws around terms you don't understand. Lame brains like you aren't "conservative." You just want to wear team jerseys.
You are not "forced" to watch anything. Turn the fucking TV off if it's so traumatic to your tender little sensibilities. Do you keep a notebook next to the remote so you can chart all of the fictional couples and families that scare you on a day to day basis? If you are watching the Hallmark Channel all the time, you have bigger problems than the color of the actors.
Oh spare the rest of us on here your holier than thou baloney. We all know what is going on and what has been happening ever since the stolen election. The propaganda attack is so blatant now and the points that I and others are making is extremely valid. Its not enough for you Dims to make life miserable for real Americans with inflation, ridiculous prices, infestation of illegals....now you have to cram your alternate lifetyles and racist diversity idiocy down our throats too. Its not even subtle anymore commie.
Its obvious that the lib media is brainwashing children to embrace mixed race relationships

If you cant see it thats [sic] your problem not mine
How is not giving a shit about whoever someone else wants to have a relationship with "brainwashing"? Has a Cheerios commercial ever compelled you to seek out a relationship with some particular 'race'?
There are lots and lots of TV programs featuring police officers. Are hundreds of millions of Americans thereby compelled to go out and become police officers?
.........now you have to cram your alternate lifetyles and racist diversity idiocy down our throats too. ......
I don't work in movies or television, but it sure sounds like you need to get your TV fixed if it is cramming anything down your throat.
How is not giving a shit about whoever someone else wants to have a relationship with "brainwashing"? Has a Cheerios commercial ever compelled you to seek out a relationship with some particular 'race'?
You forgot to answer this ^^^^^^^

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