Racist woke mixed-race commercials

There are lots and lots of TV programs featuring police officers. Are hundreds of millions of Americans thereby compelled to go out and become police officers?
If the message is positive then public attitude toward police officers will be positive

And more so for children than adults

Thats why the Black Lies Matter message is so harmful you black kids
If the message is positive then public attitude toward police officers will be positive

And more so for children than adults

Thats why the Black Lies Matter message is so harmful you black kids
On most TV shows, the law enforcement officers are the heroes (as they are in real life). Why aren't police academies overflowing with applicants?
married black.png

^ Black married couples.

white married couples.png

^^^ White married couples.
Ironically, the Lovings weren't trying to "promote" or "shove" anything "down (anyone's) throat." They just wanted to be married, have a family, and be left the hell alone. Some of the people posting here give the distinct impression that they would find it terribly threatening to have the Lovings as neighbors.
I must have missed all the movies and tv shows telling people who they can be attracted to. Oh wait, that's what YOU'RE doing.

Have you ever heard of subliminal messages?

Simply flooding the airwaves with mixed race couples is imprinting a message on young and undeveloped brain
Nobody who claims to be into "reason," would claim that race is insignificant. Race is a biological reality and it has profound affect on society, individuals, and every aspect of life.
Quite the contrary -- There is no reason in ascribing social, political or moral significance to a man's genetic lineage. Believing that a man's character and intellect is to be judged by his skintone is a profoundly primitive notion.

"Race" is furthermore an anti-concept with no proper definition and something that has zero impact on both society and individual and also on life at large. Only ideas impact society, individual and life and racism (i.e. the belief that "race" is relevant) does indeed have a profoubdly bad effect on all of them.

There is nothing insane about having an in-group preference. Race is an extension of family, and just because one loves his or her own family more than the family down the street, doesn't mean that one Hates that other family.
It is not just insane, but also is it pathetic. Something only suitable to a very primitive man and not something to be taken seriously by anyone who is civilised.

If someone is evil, they are evil regardless of their colour. Heck, even your actual, biological family members can be evil and if they are, then they are.
Of course, Whites aren't allowed to have in-group preferences, and to that end, Leftist Whites actually have Out-group presence, and they are the only people on Earth to have that. That is far, far closer to insanity than anything you can claim I ever wrote.
There is Nothing insane about preferring your own people. There is nothing more sane and rational than that.
What does "your own people" even mean? Taking such deterministic collectivism seriously is to reduce man to the level of animals and to disregard everything that makes us human. One's internal body chemistry and "racial" lineage has zero meaning in reality because each individual is exactly that, an individual with his own mind, his own values and his own capacity to think and to act.
The Left took your nuts…you are PC
My nuts are in place and as far as I am concerned you and your racist pals are the ones who are PC because the dominating idea in today's culture is the collectivist notion that race matters. Here you are the one who agrees with the proponents of CRT. Whereas I am the voice of the opposition. That makes you PC.
programmed….OfFuckingCourse race is significant. Look at all the skin color data….don’t be scared.
Bish pls. As if you have any idea how statistics and econometrics work, lmfao. I bet you have not even read one book about it, but think you are an expert because you have watched JBP and lubed it up and stroked it to rAcIaL rEaLiSt nonsense on the web. Give me a break.
Have you ever heard of subliminal messages?

Simply flooding the airwaves with mixed race couples is imprinting a message on young and undeveloped brain
What is so wrong about interracial marriage? Why does it trigger you so much? Why do you care whom other peopke choose to marry?

I seriously doubt that people make marital decision based on pop culture and I do not see anything wrong in portraying "mixed race" romances on TV.
Sure they do, on every channel so unless you want to flip through each time a commercial comes on, you are forced to watch it.....to the tune of about 70% mixed. So, what is the proportion of mixed marriages/relationships in the US? 10%? 15%? Then I would expect to see an occasional commercial featuring mixed families instead of the flood of propaganda witnessed now. As for terminology, if you don't like socialist try commie or Dimmer idiot.....either of those works.
I thought it was only leftists who bitched about representation in the media. XD
You are in deep denial
Of what? You see couples of a sort your don't 'approve of' on tv, and you take it to mean you are being forced to watch it as part of some brainwashing scheme. What am I denying? I don't deny that you are batshit crazy, and that the other two nitwits whining about this today are spineless cowards.

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