Racist woke mixed-race commercials

That people should not be 'allowed' to be attracted to whoever they are attracted to?
How about not brainwashing the kids in the direction that perverts in hollywood and on madison ave want them to go?
How about not brainwashing the kids in the direction that perverts in hollywood and on madison ave want them to go?
What "direction" are you referring to? How is "fall in love with whomever you want" is brainwashing?
I Have a Dream That We Will Wake Up From This Jungle Nightmare

I'd disagree, but you'd just reply that I hate the color of your avatar and am not judging you by the content of your post. That's how primitive your simplistic debating ability is.
Care to actually address any of the things I actually wrote or are you just going to quote me and reply not to my post but to your brain ghosts?

You are so cringe, bro.
What "direction" are you referring to? How is "fall in love with whomever you want" is brainwashing?
You mean fall in love with who hollywood and the lib advertisers want them to

Its manipulation
You mean fall in love with who hollywood and the lib advertisers want them to

Its manipulation
So, you blame Hollywood for your favorite category of porn being "interracial", huh? Why don't you just grow up and start accepting responsibility? You do know that everyone is in control of their own actions, right?

Stop being ashamed for liking minority chicks already and go outside and ask one out. :)

I mean, it is by now no longer a secret to anybody that white supremacists are closeted mimority fetishists. Andrew Ugly and Richtard Spastic both got together with Asian chicks all while posting rAcE rEaLiSt garbage about "blood and soil" and "race preservence" on tjeir blogs. So, it would not be one bit surprising to me if you are a loser coomer whose favorite category of porn is interracial. :)
What conspiracy theory?
That Hollywood gets control of your actions as soon as you see Denzel Washington on the screen and use it to pair you up with a Black girl so that you and her can have mixed babies and thereby "wipe out the hwyte race".
Do ants “conspire” to create an ant colony or do they do what comes naturally?
Man is not an ant. There is nothing that comes "naturally" to us. But, it is not at all surprising to me that your view of what makes us human is so low.
The woke are the product of brainwashing themselves and do not need central planning
You are clearly equally brainwashed as the woke yourself.
That Hollywood gets control of your actions as soon as you see Denzel Washington on the screen and use it to pair you up with a Black girl so that you and her can have mixed babies and thereby "wipe out the hwyte race".

Man is not an ant. Tjere is nothing that comes "naturalky" to us. But, it is not at all surprising to me that your view of what makes us human is so low.

You are clearly equally brainwashed.
The scripts are written around wokeness, not to stimulate interest in the plot that isn't actually there.
The scripts are written around wokeness, not to stimulate interest in the plot that isn't actually there.
Any movies or shows in particular you are referring to? Most of what comes out of Hollywood today is indeed garbage, but not because there is some kind of political message I disagree with, but rather because the plots and underlying philosophies are absolute trash. There are exceptions though and you always have the choice to just watch the old productions. :)
Any movies or shows in particular you are referring to? Most of what comes out of Hollywood today is indeed garbage, but not because there is some kind of political message I disagree with, but rather because the plots and underlying philosophies are absolute trash. There are exceptions though and you always have the choice to just watch the old productions. :)
I gave up several years ago on super hero movies.
Almost every non-cable show has no plots or jokes that haven't already worked on the Andy Griffith Show or The Waltons.
I guess when you reached a certain age, Star Trek becomes boring as shit and every new show is actually an old show with better audio.
I gave up several years ago on super hero movies.
Almost every non-cable show has no plots or jokes that haven't already worked on the Andy Griffith Show or The Waltons.
I guess when you reached a certain age, Star Trek becomes boring as shit and every new show is actually an old show with better audio.
Superhero movies are for children.

'Joker' is one example of a newer and truly horrendous movie and producing anti-life filth of that kind is prominent even outside Hollywood with 'Squid Game' being one example. Art is rarely political (anything that is is not really art), but it is philosophical and does project a sense of life, value judgements and a broader message about what is possible and what man is.

This thread is about the "promotion of interracial love" in modern art in particular and I honestly cannot think of one such example and have not seen anyone provide any either. As a matter of fact, I cannot even recall when I last saw a "mixed couple" on the screen. Care to refresh my memory? And more importantly, why is that even so triggering to you?
The ratings of TV shows are plummeting due to their woke garbage.
If so, that could change the craziness. Where they tack miscegeny onto every commercial and every program. I turn off miscegeny commercials as soon as they start --- they seem to be selling whites getting involved with blacks more than a product! I can't see why that's a good selling tactic and it's disgusting.

IMO any white child that falls for this is just going to sacrifice his or her life to the Woke. The Baby Daddy will screw up and leave like Obama's pop, and the kids will be stupid. This is such a bad way for kids to ruin their lives, all for the God of Woke.

It's like being pushed into trannie beliefs and mutilations by "influencers" ---- it's a road to ruin.
Superhero movies are for children.

'Joker' is one example of a newer and truly horrendous movie and producing anti-life filth of that kind is prominent even outside Hollywood with 'Squid Game' being one example. Art is rarely political (anything that is is not really art), but it is philosophical and does project a sense of life, value judgements and a broader message about what is possible and what man is.

This thread is about the "promotion of interracial love" in modern art in particular and I honestly cannot think of one such example and have not seen anyone provide any either. As a matter of fact, I cannot even recall when I last saw a "mixed couple" on the screen. Care to refresh my memory? And more importantly, why is that even so triggering to you?
It's quite obvious that millions of habitual, brainless viewers are offended by wokeness so you will have to ask yourself why it doesn't bother you that the wokeness took the place of talent.
I believe most people who can write great stories and are hetero have been shunned by the industry,

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