Racist woke mixed-race commercials

What is so wrong about interracial marriage? Why does it trigger you so much?
On the contrary

It triggers guilt ridden white liberals who dispair that blacks will never catch up so they hope to convince young children that mixed race is the way to go

Its brainwashing pure and simple
I thought it was only leftists who bitched about representation in the media. XD
No bitching, simply bringing up the obvious point that the Dimmers have upped their propaganda campaign to commercials in addition to movies now. Believe it or don't, your choice....
Of what? You see couples of a sort your don't 'approve of' on tv, and you take it to mean you are being forced to watch it as part of some brainwashing scheme.
You pretend not to understand that I am talking about the minds of impressionable children not adults
On the contrary

It triggers guilt ridden white liberals who dispair that blacks will never catch up so they hope to convince young children that mixed race is the way to go

Its brainwashing pure and simple
I swear to god all you right wingers sound exactly like the woke left and are equally busy minding everyone's business but your own. xD

You should use all that energy on improving your own life, imo. Perhaps date a few colored chicks too or at least leave your room and interact with real people in the real world.
I swear to god all you right wingers sound exactly like the woke left and are equally busy minding everyone's business but your own. xD

You should use all that energy on improving your own life, imo. Perhaps date a few colored chicks too or at least leave your room and interact with real peopke in the real world.
You should go check out the Wizard up in Oz, word is he might have a spare brain for a Dimmer......
You pretend not to understand that I am talking about the minds of impressionable children not adults
"Won't somebody please think of the children?" LMAO.

Only thing I can say is that I wish contemporary culture was teaching our "impressionable children" to not take race seriously, but sadly that is not the case. In the mainstream we have the race-mongers of CRT and in the outliers we have the racemongers of rAcE rEaLiSm like yourself.
No bitching, simply bringing up the obvious point that the Dimmers have upped their propaganda campaign to commercials in addition to movies now. Believe it or don't, your choice....

You sound exactly like a college feminist screaming about patriarchy being promoted everwhere. Perhaps you should join them for a protest or something.,:)
When I was an "impressionable child" I was watching a lot of MTV and loved seeing Mariah Carey and did not for one second think I was being brainwashed to accept "race mixing" because I am not gay. I liked seeing her. ;)
You pretend not to understand that I am talking about the minds of impressionable children not adults
What 'dangerous' message do you think the children are having "forced" upon them? That it doesn't matter what color people are if they fall in love? Oh no! Not that! Stop being ridiculous.
I swear to god all you right wingers sound exactly like the woke left and are equally busy minding everyone's business but your own. xD

Your not part of the left, woke or unwoke?

That’ll be the day
Only thing I can say is that I wish contemporary culture was teaching our "impressionable children" to not take race seriously,
But the left are taking race seriously

And you would be a fool to bury your head in the sand and ignore them
But the left are taking race seriously

And you would be a fool to bury your head in the sand and ignore them
Yes they sure as hell are and so is the right. Unfortunately. When you notice something stupid and/or evil, you do not fight it by adopting the same kibd of stupid-evil. You beat it with what is right and rational.

The solution to racism is not racism. Thinking that the only alternative is to bury yoyr head in the sand is just dumb and lazy.
Quite the contrary -- There is no reason in ascribing social, political or moral significance to a man's genetic lineage. Believing that a man's character and intellect is to be judged by his skintone is a profoundly primitive notion.

"Race" is furthermore an anti-concept with no proper definition and something that has zero impact on both society and individual and also on life at large. Only ideas impact society, individual and life and racism (i.e. the belief that "race" is relevant) does indeed have a profoubdly bad effect on all of them.

It is not just insane, but also is it pathetic. Something only suitable to a very primitive man and not something to be taken seriously by anyone who is civilised.

If someone is evil, they are evil regardless of their colour. Heck, even your actual, biological family members can be evil and if they are, then they are.

What does "your own people" even mean? Taking such deterministic collectivism seriously is to reduce man to the level of animals and to disregard everything that makes us human. One's internal body chemistry and "racial" lineage has zero meaning in reality because each individual is exactly that, an individual with his own mind, his own values and his own capacity to think and to act.
I Have a Dream That We Will Wake Up From This Jungle Nightmare

I'd disagree, but you'd just reply that I hate the color of your avatar and am not judging you by the content of your post. That's how primitive your simplistic debating ability is.
“Forced” is not the right word because the kids have no resistance

Imprinted is more descriptive
What would you like "imprinted" on kids? That people should not be 'allowed' to be attracted to whoever they are attracted to? That they should not be 'allowed' to fall in love with someone because they are not the 'correct' color according to some racist douche bag? It sounds like some posting here want their own bigotry and fear "imprinted" on kids.

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