Racist woke mixed-race commercials

Wow. You really worship me. I'm impressed. You think I'm perfect and an advertising expert. I've never claimed to be, or in any other way inferred, that I was either and yet you say I'm coming across as both. Thanks for the compliment and adoration but I don't want the adoration of racists.

And I don't call everything racist; I called you a racist because you admitted that you are a racist by stating that the race of the actor in the commercial influences your purchasing decisions. If you're making decisions based on race, you're a racist, racist.

EDIT: Oh, my mistake. I hadn't yet called you a racist and you didn't make the statement that you buy based on race. I didn't pay attention and assumed that your response was because I had called you a racist but it wasn't you that I had quoted then. See. I'm not perfect. Pretty damn close but still not perfect.

Juicin is a racist. About you, on the other hand, I haven't seen enough to say you're a racist but I'm definitely starting to lean toward you being ignorant.

Edit 2: See, I'm still not perfect, though I am still very close. I edited again because I said I never inferred I was perfect even though we all know I can't infer about myself. I should have said, and I'll leave it wrong above as a testimony to my humanity, was that I never implied I was perfect. But catching my own mistakes and owning up to them supports that I am pretty damn close.
Have someone read, and explain, post #243 to you - especially the very last line.

You're the kind of arrogant, self-righteous c-unt I hate most of all. You want everyone to live and think as you do. Anyone who disagrees with you gets labeled a ...,wait for it ... Racist. Surprise, surprise.

What a dull-minded, predictable, boring loser you are.

Find some new words to throw at people you disagree with. The word 'Racist' has lost any power it might have had, because clowns like you have used it to death. I'll end with a sentence from post #243 that is especially applicable to you:

You, are full of shit.
Racist bastard.
Just because you and your family are all mixed up, don't attack other people who aren't and vow never to be. You can keep your identity crisis within your own family.

Mixed And Mental: Are People From Mixed Raced Backgrounds More Likely To Suffer From Mental Illness?

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If race is insignificant, then why are #OscarsTooWhite? Why are Blacks massively overrepresented in all media by design? Why is anything deemed "too White," from birdwatching, classical studies, yoga classes, Opera, etc..(and I can show you articles published by mainstream publications claiming as such) if race were insignificant?
Because those people are absolutely insane and if you agree with me on that you should not try to fight it with the same kind of insanity.

Race is insignificant and is largely an anti-concept.

More likely, race is VERY significant if White people need to be attacked , removed, or diminished, but when non-Whites have the upper hand, then suddenly, race isn't real and shouldn't be noticed.
Which Alinsky rule is that one?
Boo hoo. Cut the cringe, stop appropriating critical race theory's rhetorics and enter reality instead. The solution is reason, you should try it.
I’m curious, have you told all your leftarded buddies in the race industry that?
They are not my "buddies". They are my enemies and if anyone of us two would be buddies with them, it would be you since you very clearly agree with them on all the fundamentals.
Just so we know you’re credible, link us to your posts that show you’ve detested leftards and their nonstop identity politics bullshit. Thanks in advance.
My profile is open to everyone and if you want to read my posts, you are free to do so.
Because those people are absolutely insane and if you agree with me on that you should not try to fight it with the same kind of insanity.

Race is insignificant and is largely an anti-concept.

Boo hoo. Cut the cringe, stop appropriating critical race theory's rhetorics and enter reality instead. The solution is reason, you should try it.

Nobody who claims to be into "reason," would claim that race is insignificant. Race is a biological reality and it has profound affect on society, individuals, and every aspect of life. There is nothing insane about having an in-group preference. Race is an extension of family, and just because one loves his or her own family more than the family down the street, doesn't mean that one Hates that other family.
Of course, Whites aren't allowed to have in-group preferences, and to that end, Leftist Whites actually have Out-group presence, and they are the only people on Earth to have that. That is far, far closer to insanity than anything you can claim I ever wrote.
There is Nothing insane about preferring your own people. There is nothing more sane and rational than that.
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Just because you and your family are all mixed up, don't attack other people who aren't and vow never to be. You can keep your identity crisis within your own family.

Who the fuck are YOU to accuse his family of having an "identity crisis," you cowardly fucking douche bag?
Because those people are absolutely insane and if you agree with me on that you should not try to fight it with the same kind of insanity.

Race is insignificant and is largely an anti-concept.
The Left took your nuts…you are PC programmed….OfFuckingCourse race is significant. Look at all the skin color data….don’t be scared.
The Left took your nuts…you are PC programmed….OfFuckingCourse race is significant. Look at all the skin color data….don’t be scared.
They aren't interested in data, facts, science, or reality. This is their religion and they are cultish Zealots. To correct them or to disagree with them is to blasphemy in their world.

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