Racist woke mixed-race commercials

Ahhhh,.,,,and there it is. You're fighting to justify your own family folly. What race do they "identify as." haha I guess you think the billion people in China, Japan, Korea, Israel, and other places with a heathy sense of self, family, and heritage are all "Racist bastards," because they would like to remain as they are and see themselves as part of a continuum.
Family folly? They honestly don't identify as any race, but they are mixed race. Why does this matter to you? Only racists oppose miscegenation.

If given the opportunity, most of those people have no problem marrying people of other races. I have a friend whose wife is Fillipino. My Senator, Mitch McConnell's wife is Chinese.

I found out recently through DNA testing that my great grandfather was black, even though I am as white as snow because of my Viking ancestry. Should my wife have refused to marry me in that by the one-drop rule which racists like yourself apply, I am black?
Is that your fantasy, sausage choker? Is that what category you watch on your porn websites? I never had any problem with getting women at any point in my life, and I've been engaged to be married 3 times (including currently). Make all the homo jokes you want, because I'm immune to it.
What are their names? Bill? Fred? Giovanni?
I'm not bothered by it, and I couldn't care any less who people choose to have babies with, but when somebody asks my opinion of it, or confronts me on the issue, I will tell them what I think. I find mixing like that personally abhorrent,
Only thing abhorrent here is your racial collectivism and genetic-lineage-fetishism. The fact that you choose to label "mixing" as "abhorrent" proves that you do have a problem with it.
and I think you are an asshole for claiming your opinion is somehow more moral than mine. I would not have interracial children because I would like my grandchildren to resemble my grandparents. I don't think that is an immoral position to take and most of the world agrees with me. Furthermore, to claim that is bullying a child who is not here is idiocy incarnate.
What an utterly pathetic and second-handed reason; why do you want your grand-children to look like your grand-parents and why do you rely on what "the rest of the world" thinks to form your opinion?

Your opinion is very immoral because you are putting the collective above yourself and basing your conclusions not on yoyr own judgement but on that of "the rest of the world". Your opinion is immoral bevause you are judging other individuals based on their genetic lineage instead of for their individual choices and individual character.

My position is the moral one.
No--I would never have any interest in a bi-racial woman. I happen to like White women only when it comes to dating, marrying, and having babies.
Never? Are you sure?
Though, I have a Chinese sister and love her as if she were my biological sister.
Wait a minute! Are you saying race doesn't matter? Are you saying you love someone who does not look like your great-great-great-grandma as if she were your biological sister?
I'm watching all these commercials with mixed race parents - and of course I'm not supposed to even notice that it's so. These commercials are just more examples of racism on the left.

Keep in mind, we have never had a black president; we had a half-black president. We do not have a black vice-president today; we have a half-black vice-president. The left don't really like black people at all.

Now all these commercials showing half-black children in mixed-race couples really show just how much the left hates black people and black children. A back child hasn't got a chance in the commercial acting business today; it's all going to half-black children. More racism on the left. Only those blacks with at least a bit of white in them are acceptable.

As they have since LBJ instituted the Great Society, the left continues to show their contempt for black families with these new "woke" commercials. Someone needs to tell the woke that it's OK to be black.

It's almost like their goal is to sell shit to the largest group possible, amazing.
I think that widdle mga138 runned aways ‘cause him TV box show skeery people who don’t look exactly like the ugly person in him mirror!
I think that widdle mga138 runned aways ‘cause him TV box show skeery people who don’t look exactly like the ugly person in him mirror!
He is busy fantasising about his biracial crush. Of course, he is too scared to tell her and does not has the balls to admit to himself he is evading, so instead he rationalises it with White Supremacy.

Maybe we should help him out. :)
It's almost like their goal is to sell shit to the largest group possible, amazing.
TV commercials and news shows are filled with blacks these days. Imo it is a massive attempt at social engineering.

The powers that be seem to creating, on television and in movies, the society they want to force upon us.

I watch only a few news shows because I don't find most of the anchors attractive these days.

PBS is also heavily filled with programming about blacks, so I've removed it from my Favorite Channels list.

Blacks are about 13 percent of our population, but they're vastly over-represented on TV. So I guess it's time to go to carefully chosen DVDs rather than expecting any worthwhile or interesting content on broadcast shows.
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TV commercials and news shows are filled with blacks these days. Imo it is a massive attempt at social engineering.
How is this collectivist worldview of yours any better or even different than that of the LeFtIsT you claim to oppose?

In reality, race is insignificant and the fact that the race of people bothers you really tells a lot about what kind of person you are.
The powers that be seem to creating, on television and in movies, the society they want to force upon us.

I watch only a few news shows because I don't find most of the anchors attractive these days.

PBS is also heavily filled with programming about blacks, so I've removed it from my Favorite Channels list.

Blacks are about 13 percent of our population, but they're vastly over-represented on TV. So I guess it's time to go to carefully chosen DVDs rather than expecting any worthwhile or interesting content on broadcast shows.
OK Boomer.
It's almost like their goal is to sell shit to the largest group possible, amazing.
That's a pretty racist thing to say. Do you really only buy products based on the race of the people in the commercial? You should be cancelled.

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