Racist woke mixed-race commercials

They fear me, not the other way around. I just find them horrifically ugly-looking.
Dude, they are just children -- What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you bothered by whom strangers choose to breed with and why are you such an asshole of a human being to bully a child for the content of their skin?

Did the cute biracial chick in high school reject you or something?
Dude, they are just children -- What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you bothered by whom strangers choose to breed with and why are you such an asshole of a human being to bully a child for the content of their skin?

Did the cute biracial chick in high school reject you or something?
No, it was the biracial dude he was pursuing on the down-low.
Dude, they are just children -- What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you bothered by whom strangers choose to breed with and why are you such an asshole of a human being to bully a child for the content of their skin?

Did the cute biracial chick in high school reject you or something?
I'm not bothered by it, and I couldn't care any less who people choose to have babies with, but when somebody asks my opinion of it, or confronts me on the issue, I will tell them what I think. I find mixing like that personally abhorrent, and I think you are an asshole for claiming your opinion is somehow more moral than mine. I would not have interracial children because I would like my grandchildren to resemble my grandparents. I don't think that is an immoral position to take and most of the world agrees with me. Furthermore, to claim that is bullying a child who is not here is idiocy incarnate.
I'm not bothered by it, and I couldn't care any less who people choose to have babies with.....
Bullshit. All of your whining on this thread suggests that you are quite bothered and care all too much, chickenshit.
Dude, they are just children -- What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you bothered by whom strangers choose to breed with and why are you such an asshole of a human being to bully a child for the content of their skin?

Did the cute biracial chick in high school reject you or something?
No--I would never have any interest in a bi-racial woman. I happen to like White women only when it comes to dating, marrying, and having babies. Though, I have a Chinese sister and love her as if she were my biological sister.
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I have. Didn't run into anyone as cowardly as you.
Right---how "Diverse," were those countries, then, since you claim to have been there? Tell me, what would China, Japan, and Korea think if you were you to tell them that they need to be racially mixed societies?
I'm not bothered by it, and I couldn't care any less who people choose to have babies with, but when somebody asks my opinion of it, or confronts me on the issue, I will tell them what I think. I find mixing like that personally abhorrent, and I think you are an asshole for claiming your opinion is somehow more moral than mine. I would not have interracial children because I would like my grandchildren to resemble my grandparents. I don't think that is an immoral position to take and most of the world agrees with me. Furthermore, to claim that is bullying a child who is not here is idiocy incarnate.

So you think the world is a racist bastard like yourself?

I have two mixed race grandsons. One who looks a lot like his grandfather (me) and the other who looks like his other grandfather. They are both very handsome teenagers.
So you think the world is a racist bastard like yourself?

I have two mixed race grandsons. One who looks a lot like his grandfather (me) and the other who looks like his other grandfather. They are both very handsome teenagers.
Ahhhh,.,,,and there it is. You're fighting to justify your own family folly. What race do they "identify as." haha I guess you think the billion people in China, Japan, Korea, Israel, and other places with a heathy sense of self, family, and heritage are all "Racist bastards," because they would like to remain as they are and see themselves as part of a continuum.
Yeah, you seem like you'd be much more interested in biracial men.
Is that your fantasy, sausage choker? Is that what category you watch on your porn websites? I never had any problem with getting women at any point in my life, and I've been engaged to be married 3 times (including currently). Make all the homo jokes you want, because I'm immune to it.
... Tell me, what would China, Japan, and Korea think if you were you to tell them that they need to be racially mixed societies?
Why would I tell anyone who should or shouldn't be with whomever they choose? That seems to be your hang-up, chickenshit. There are racist weaklings like you in every country, but I can tell you that I saw plenty of commercials in all three countries featuring people of different races and nobody lost their mind over it. I can tell you that I saw plenty of mixed-race couples in the larger cities of all three countries. The whole world isn't as cowardly as you are, chickenshit. You'll have to look for some other way to justify your weakness.

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