Racists At It Again In Alabummer!

When the latter is a direct result of the former, they are the same.

How is the message being silenced? Shame? I don't think that counts as forcing them into silence. Speak out all you want. If you get offended by being called bigot or racist, well, like conservatives say: that's on you.

You don't have the ability to offend me. You can claim racism all day. I can claim the sky is green but we'd both be wrong.

Sorry, I should've written "one" instead "you", unless, of course, you think black people, in general, are inferior to white people?

I wouldn't say inferior. However, if one goes by standards used in education, whites perform on a higher level.

So they're not as smart as white people?

Depends on how you measure intelligence and what you call smart. If you use IQ, you tell me based on the numbers.
How is the message being silenced? Shame? I don't think that counts as forcing them into silence. Speak out all you want. If you get offended by being called bigot or racist, well, like conservatives say: that's on you.

You don't have the ability to offend me. You can claim racism all day. I can claim the sky is green but we'd both be wrong.

Sorry, I should've written "one" instead "you", unless, of course, you think black people, in general, are inferior to white people?

I wouldn't say inferior. However, if one goes by standards used in education, whites perform on a higher level.

So they're not as smart as white people?

Depends on how you measure intelligence and what you call smart. If you use IQ, you tell me based on the numbers.

IQ tests don't truly test intelligence. They test how well someone takes an IQ test.

But, I get your point: black people aren't, generally, as intelligent as white people, right? Unless you want to keep skirting the issue?
Intelligent people don't use Wiki as a source.
Well ... liberals don't anyway ... they prefer the Black Panthers newsletter. Got it.

But I'm pretty certain you would reject the truth regardless of the source.

Idi Amin killed black people in the hundreds of thousands, not millions, let alone white. There may have been some whites, but its Uganda. Not many whites have ever lived there.

And read what happened when he expelled a certain minority: economic collapse. Think about that the next time you advocate expelling inmigrants...

Yes ... he exiled Asians. That makes him a racist (something the bulk of our brainwashed society conveniently chooses to ignore). Only whites can be racists (according to the uninformed, ignorant, or plain stupid walking among us). And yes ... he killed anyone who stood in his way and his dream of a totally black Uganda.

Please quote me "advocating expelling immigrants." What I advocate is keeping illegal immigrants from entering our nation illegally to begin with. Then ... if they are caught breaking our laws then we expel them for breaking our laws. Pretty simple stuff.

I didn't say you had advocated for it, but just in case you ever were tempted to...

Please link to reports, polls, studies where anyone claims only white people can be racist. Hell, quote a poster, if you can...
Isn't it convenient that you have never seen any of the threads or posts where blacks admitted that they hated whites, that they wanted to separate from whites or where others claimed only whites could be racist.

Yes, convenient for someone who says that black people hold that position...until he gets called on it...
You don't have the ability to offend me. You can claim racism all day. I can claim the sky is green but we'd both be wrong.

Sorry, I should've written "one" instead "you", unless, of course, you think black people, in general, are inferior to white people?

I wouldn't say inferior. However, if one goes by standards used in education, whites perform on a higher level.

So they're not as smart as white people?

Depends on how you measure intelligence and what you call smart. If you use IQ, you tell me based on the numbers.

IQ tests don't truly test intelligence. They test how well someone takes an IQ test.

But, I get your point: black people aren't, generally, as intelligent as white people, right? Unless you want to keep skirting the issue?

It's designed to test how well someone learns.

Use whatever test you want that you believe tests intelligence and, as a whole, whites do better than blacks.
Sorry, I should've written "one" instead "you", unless, of course, you think black people, in general, are inferior to white people?

I wouldn't say inferior. However, if one goes by standards used in education, whites perform on a higher level.

So they're not as smart as white people?

Depends on how you measure intelligence and what you call smart. If you use IQ, you tell me based on the numbers.

IQ tests don't truly test intelligence. They test how well someone takes an IQ test.

But, I get your point: black people aren't, generally, as intelligent as white people, right? Unless you want to keep skirting the issue?

It's designed to test how well someone learns.

Use whatever test you want that you believe tests intelligence and, as a whole, whites do better than blacks.

So you are a racist!
Must shut down opposing voices at all costs.

Not shut them down, but ridicule and mock them as they deserve.

Which is the same thing. Ridicule, mock, marginalize = shut them down.

It's not the same thing. One exposes the message as ignorant, bigotted, fearful persuading others not to take it seriously. The other violates a Constitutional right to free speech.

I doubt seriously that you are as dumb as you pretend.
Must shut down opposing voices at all costs.

Not shut them down, but ridicule and mock them as they deserve.

Which is the same thing. Ridicule, mock, marginalize = shut them down.

It's not the same thing. One exposes the message as ignorant, bigotted, fearful persuading others not to take it seriously. The other violates a Constitutional right to free speech.

When the latter is a direct result of the former, they are the same.

He knows that, he's just refusing to admit being wrong.
I didn't make the claim, gunny, you did. Show me a black person demanding separation of the races. All I've ever heard of was integration, and how it had to be forced on southern white people...
Maybe you're too young or just convientely forgot about the Boston Bussing riots in the 70s.
Sorry, I should've written "one" instead "you", unless, of course, you think black people, in general, are inferior to white people?

I wouldn't say inferior. However, if one goes by standards used in education, whites perform on a higher level.

So they're not as smart as white people?

Depends on how you measure intelligence and what you call smart. If you use IQ, you tell me based on the numbers.

IQ tests don't truly test intelligence. They test how well someone takes an IQ test.

But, I get your point: black people aren't, generally, as intelligent as white people, right? Unless you want to keep skirting the issue?

It's designed to test how well someone learns.

Use whatever test you want that you believe tests intelligence and, as a whole, whites do better than blacks.
Why do you bother debating this fool? He just wants the opportunity to call you and all conservatives racists because he has no answer as to why blacks as a group do poorly when it comes to education. So he (liberals in general) pretend there are no ignorant blacks because that would make them racist to think that. Liberals simply don't want to face reality. That's why blacks suffer while on the liberal plantation. Liberals can't accept educated blacks like Dr Ben Carson. He proves blacks don't need them to succeed.
I wouldn't say inferior. However, if one goes by standards used in education, whites perform on a higher level.

So they're not as smart as white people?

Depends on how you measure intelligence and what you call smart. If you use IQ, you tell me based on the numbers.

IQ tests don't truly test intelligence. They test how well someone takes an IQ test.

But, I get your point: black people aren't, generally, as intelligent as white people, right? Unless you want to keep skirting the issue?

It's designed to test how well someone learns.

Use whatever test you want that you believe tests intelligence and, as a whole, whites do better than blacks.
Why do you bother debating this fool? He just wants the opportunity to call you and all conservatives racists because he has no answer as to why blacks as a group do poorly when it comes to education. So he (liberals in general) pretend there are no ignorant blacks because that would make them racist to think that. Liberals simply don't want to face reality. That's why blacks suffer while on the liberal plantation. Liberals can't accept educated blacks like Dr Ben Carson. He proves blacks don't need them to succeed.

What you have written is not true.

I don't think all conservatives are racists, just some of them, many on this board.

Liberals don't pretend there aren't any ignorant black people; everyone can be ignorant, especially racists.

If liberals can't accept educated black people, then explain President Obama?

Liberals fully accept that black youth, in general, statistically don't do as well as white when it comes to education. The difference is liberals think its for cultural and socio-economic reasons and not due to their race.

Why do you think black people don't, in general, do as well as whites when it comes to education?
I didn't make the claim, gunny, you did. Show me a black person demanding separation of the races. All I've ever heard of was integration, and how it had to be forced on southern white people...
Maybe you're too young or just convientely forgot about the Boston Bussing riots in the 70s.

Right. White people wanting to remain segregated from black people. You just keep supporting my point.

A billboard displaying a message tied to a segregationist "mantra" popular with white supremacists has cropped up outside of Birmingham, Alabama, a city that has seen several racially charged, separatist signs posted in recent years.

AL.com reported Sunday that a billboard reading "Diversity means chasing down the last white person #whitegenocide" was posted on I-59 in St. Clair County.

The news website noted the similarity between the billboard and one posted within Birmingham city limits in June 2013 reading "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white." AL.com reported that both phrases are attributed to the White Genocide Project, a group composed of white supremacists and segregationists.

The "anti-racist is a code for anti-white" phrase is part of a creed known as the "Mantra" that was written by segregationist Robert Whitaker in the mid-2000s, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.



I actually thought this was funny.
Like a satirical sarcastic statement.

If you are going to protest something, at least be creative. Humor can be a plus.

I sympathize with anyone who feels oppressed, excluded and discriminated against, on EITHER side of a conflict,
and just hope we can find more effective ways of correcting problems, to break away from the mutual exclusion
going on, instead of compounding it more. All sides need to be included in the corrections if we are going to "overcome."

A billboard displaying a message tied to a segregationist "mantra" popular with white supremacists has cropped up outside of Birmingham, Alabama, a city that has seen several racially charged, separatist signs posted in recent years.

AL.com reported Sunday that a billboard reading "Diversity means chasing down the last white person #whitegenocide" was posted on I-59 in St. Clair County.

The news website noted the similarity between the billboard and one posted within Birmingham city limits in June 2013 reading "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white." AL.com reported that both phrases are attributed to the White Genocide Project, a group composed of white supremacists and segregationists.

The "anti-racist is a code for anti-white" phrase is part of a creed known as the "Mantra" that was written by segregationist Robert Whitaker in the mid-2000s, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.



I actually thought this was funny.
Like a satirical sarcastic statement.

If you are going to protest something, at least be creative. Humor can be a plus.

I sympathize with anyone who feels oppressed, excluded and discriminated against, on EITHER side of a conflict,
and just hope we can find more effective ways of correcting problems, to break away from the mutual exclusion
going on, instead of compounding it more. All sides need to be included in the corrections if we are going to "overcome."

I thought it was hilarious and telling at the same time. When people talk about diversity training and diverse places, what they're saying is that white people should be willing to accept that although the white person may be the most qualified, they shouldn't have a problem with a non-white getting ahead of them. When people talk about discussing race relations, they're saying that white people should sit down, shut up, and be willing to be told how bad they are.
So they're not as smart as white people?

Depends on how you measure intelligence and what you call smart. If you use IQ, you tell me based on the numbers.

IQ tests don't truly test intelligence. They test how well someone takes an IQ test.

But, I get your point: black people aren't, generally, as intelligent as white people, right? Unless you want to keep skirting the issue?

It's designed to test how well someone learns.

Use whatever test you want that you believe tests intelligence and, as a whole, whites do better than blacks.
Why do you bother debating this fool? He just wants the opportunity to call you and all conservatives racists because he has no answer as to why blacks as a group do poorly when it comes to education. So he (liberals in general) pretend there are no ignorant blacks because that would make them racist to think that. Liberals simply don't want to face reality. That's why blacks suffer while on the liberal plantation. Liberals can't accept educated blacks like Dr Ben Carson. He proves blacks don't need them to succeed.

What you have written is not true.

I don't think all conservatives are racists, just some of them, many on this board.

Liberals don't pretend there aren't any ignorant black people; everyone can be ignorant, especially racists.

If liberals can't accept educated black people, then explain President Obama?

Liberals fully accept that black youth, in general, statistically don't do as well as white when it comes to education. The difference is liberals think its for cultural and socio-economic reasons and not due to their race.

Why do you think black people don't, in general, do as well as whites when it comes to education?

1. In case you didn't notice, Liberal politics embrace black leaders, educated or not, if they support the given party line.

The Blacks in our district who came up with ideas for sustainable solutions to end welfare
DIDN'T have the "money, influence, or legal resources" that the corporate interests had
who CAN influence who gets elected to office or gets to keep their office.

So Mayor Brown (African American) who DID kowtow to corporate developer interests so he could get into office,
got to keep his office. But if he had opposed and spoken in defense of the historic Black community getting evicted
off the property that developers had pegged for themselves, no, he would not have been "cool" with them at all.

If you notice, Obama had the political backing to borrow 15 million from Bank of America for his campaign,
spending a total of $6 BILLION to get re-elected.

How many people, black or white, educated or not, have that kind of political backing?

2. As for why the percentages of black population end up in prisons rather than in college.

When I fought for years to get Black leaders and community members to invest in plans to BUY LAND and property to TEACH property and business management, they were more afraid of the DEBT. Because they didn't have credit, they were afraid they would lose the land. So instead of pushing for financial independence, they would rather stay safe and keep depending on political leaders and govt to make those decisions -- NOT try to take over ownership and break free.

They are not like the wealthy corporate developers who get "millions in loans" using property they own as collateral and leverage.

The Black generations are up to 150 years behind on the learning curve of owning and managing property.
Some of this is directly from slavery and not owning their own bodies much less owning land, houses or businesses.
Much less owning their own schools.

And YES it affects the mentality of people, and to what extent they believe they can be empowered and independent.
If they don't believe they can ever own their own house, or school, or city, they are not "equal" with someone who can.

The choices given to many Blacks are to depend on the public schools which is a monopoly by govt bureucrats now.

So it is more enslavement, where the communities have NO control if the schools seize land by eminent domain
(as they succeeded to in my district, whereas "richer more educated white families" in ANOTHER district were able to sue to stop the schools from taking their property). In our poor Black historic district, the churches teach to respect their govt leaders and not to sue or fight. One church owner even told me she thought it was "against God" to sue the City, to "make demands" so she just wants to "ask." So the govt takes advantage of people not willing to sue, especially Houston where lawsuits are the only thing they listen to. In multiple cases in Houston, the only reason the residents stopped the City from unconstitutional policies was by organizing legal resources to sue, and to win as well. You only have rights if you can sue to defend them. So what good is it to "educate" people on law and rights, if those only count for people with resources to sue?

Even a wealthy predominantly WHITE district, Kingwood which was once a separate entity from the City of Houston,
got ANNEXED against their consent by the City that SEIZED control of their resources they had bought and built themselves, such as their fire dept. and other services, and claimed all that as part of the City of Houston. So the people of Kingwood
even lost their rights and property because they didn't have ability to SUE and WIN.

Our laws and schools teach one thing, but our society teaches another; and you wonder why education is failing. I was so disgusted with this, I wrote and presented a poem protesting: what ARE we teaching our kids about law and justice? What kind of example ARE we setting if none of this adds up. That's why I find we are failing to teach respect for law -- because our own govt doesn't follow the laws, so why should anyone else?

Until ALL citizens, not just the poor not just the Black or minority districts, but ALL people have EQUAL ability to buy out, own and manage their own schools and districts to govern themselves,
NONE of us can really be equal. We will ALWAYS be under the authority of other people in an UNEQUAL setting as long as "someone else owns the land". It would have to be SHARED, and this take not just education but hands-on experience and training to learn to own and manage property on such an EQUAL level as govt.

People whose family generations already had education and experience with land and business ownership, and governance,
are AHEAD on the learning curve.

Obama's mother was instrumental in setting up microlending programs in Indonesia that are among the largest, best established in the world. That has an influence on the next generation.

So people WITHOUT that take longer to catch up and break out of the poverty and "rental" mentality
and learn to manage "ownership" mentality. Owning a house is one thing, owning rental property is another.
And owning shares in a land trust or in your own city is another level.

How can you expect someone who has never even owned their own home, but depended on renting from others
to compare or compete in understanding and empowerment with someone who has managed so much investments
in businesses and land that they can influence govt policy?

The other factor is the spiritual factor of division and resentment about the property laws and unequal rights and authority.

Because of the genocidal abuses, both among the Black tribes themselves and mixing in the European slave trade exploiting Blacks from Africa that added racial abuses to the economic and political divisions,
there is an inbred hatred and hostility passed down to future generations until this is healed.

I learned the hard way that some of the fear and resentment over property and ownership
is tied to this, so there is avoidance, almost "phobic" regarding owning and managing property.
Until Obama started changing perceptions, many Black students and even adults I met and even public leaders like
Farrakhan were conditioned or preaching AGAINST the laws as "white man's laws" that are "never going to be equal"
for Blacks. That's why so many are conditioned to fear and go against the police, because the laws are seen on the side of the white man and prejudiced when it comes to Blacks who are assumed to be criminal and railroaded into jails for control.

The educational factor has to address this embedded cultural and political bias,
that is weighed down due to the long history of slavery and segregation, teachings that the Blacks were inferior.

It is a spiritual process of healing, so that the education can take place without the barriers and conflicts from
the past causing obstruction.

So it takes more than just academic education to solve the spiritual, social, financial and political levels affected.

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