
Unfortunately, since the Regressive Left has over-used the term "racism" into a caricature, the word doesn't carry the meaning that it should.

It's a terrible shame, because REAL racism does still exist. Obviously.

Very similar to what the Right has done to the term Socialism. The word means little now.

That's what happens when you go too far in search of political advantage.
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Tommy, how would you go about sanctioning those who are offensive?
In my early 20s I ran a restaurant and had a racist customer.
He wanted me to turn off the Bob Marley tape because he didnt like "f*ckin kaffir music".
So I kicked him out.
His behaviour was unacceptable and we didnt need his business.
Interesting. Some managers would have handled it differently. In other words, there is a time and a place and a way to school other people. I would have been inclined to tell the customer, sorry, there's always gonna be music somebody doesn't like. Sir, the next track is non kaffir.

I'm guessing you didn't have a long career in customer service.

Why would I facilitate his attitude ?
He actually had the cheek to phone in a complaint to our Head Office and was told to "F*ck off".
Part of your job was to put up with crap from customers. Just wondering. Have you corrected people who offend you in other times and places? The example you gave, is from thirty some years ago, right? Surely you haven't taken up facilitating since your restaurant stint.

Nope, my job was to run the restaurant and ensure that there was a safe and respectful atmosphere for all customers.

I think that you are trying to equate this idiots actions with a customer who ,for example, didnt enjoy his meal,or thought that the service was slow. I was paid to put up with that. There is a huge difference.

To be honest I am not going to outline my action,or inaction, against racists I have encountered in my life, my experiences are no more valid than yours.
Racism will never go away. People blame others for whatever negative thing that happens to them or has happened to them in some distant forgotten past. It's stupid but it's human nature.
If you want to see and hear real hateful racism go to any ghetto and invite yourself to dinner. It's on all sides. Rich or poor, white or black, brown or yellow. I dare say you will see less of it in among whites because they have been beaten to death with it.
Yeah, the real racism is going on where it is approved by the prog media in the white man hating parts of America and the world.
Racism will never go away. People blame others for whatever negative thing that happens to them or has happened to them in some distant forgotten past. It's stupid but it's human nature.
If you want to see and hear real hateful racism go to any ghetto and invite yourself to dinner. It's on all sides. Rich or poor, white or black, brown or yellow. I dare say you will see less of it in among whites because they have been beaten to death with it.
Yeah, the real racism is going on where it is approved by the prog media in the white man hating parts of America and the world.

Yes. The white man has a long history of being held down by the other races. It's such a burdon.
Unfortunately, since the Regressive Left has over-used the term "racism" into a caricature, the word doesn't carry the meaning that it should.

It's a terrible shame, because REAL racism does still exist. Obviously.

Very similar to what the Right has done to the term Socialism. The word means little now.

That's what happens when you go too far in search of political advantage.
I find it difficult to talk about in the abstract. If you could give examples it would be easier.

My own view is that it is a moving target. It is certainly better than 50 years ago. I also think that there is still a real stigma in an accusation of racism. Its not difficult to spot the scum bags from the ignorant.
Yes. The white man has a long history of being held down by the other races. It's such a burdon.
I didn't say held down. You don't have to be held down to be hated for your skin color but now that you bring it up check into the hiring practices of our federal government if you want to see unfair treatment of white men.
Tommy, how would you go about sanctioning those who are offensive?
In my early 20s I ran a restaurant and had a racist customer.
He wanted me to turn off the Bob Marley tape because he didnt like "f*ckin kaffir music".
So I kicked him out.
His behaviour was unacceptable and we didnt need his business.
Interesting. Some managers would have handled it differently. In other words, there is a time and a place and a way to school other people. I would have been inclined to tell the customer, sorry, there's always gonna be music somebody doesn't like. Sir, the next track is non kaffir.

I'm guessing you didn't have a long career in customer service.

Why would I facilitate his attitude ?
He actually had the cheek to phone in a complaint to our Head Office and was told to "F*ck off".
Part of your job was to put up with crap from customers. Just wondering. Have you corrected people who offend you in other times and places? The example you gave, is from thirty some years ago, right? Surely you haven't taken up facilitating since your restaurant stint.

Nope, my job was to run the restaurant and ensure that there was a safe and respectful atmosphere for all customers.

I think that you are trying to equate this idiots actions with a customer who ,for example, didnt enjoy his meal,or thought that the service was slow. I was paid to put up with that. There is a huge difference.

To be honest I am not going to outline my action,or inaction, against racists I have encountered in my life, my experiences are no more valid than yours.
I'm just trying to understand. Frankly, the jerk customer may or may not have been a racist. He may simply have disliked a certain style of music. You labeled him a racist. That you are unwilling to continue the discussion at this point, strongly suggests that you -cannot, or will not- define the most critical term in your own thread.
Unfortunately, since the Regressive Left has over-used the term "racism" into a caricature, the word doesn't carry the meaning that it should.

It's a terrible shame, because REAL racism does still exist. Obviously.

Very similar to what the Right has done to the term Socialism. The word means little now.

That's what happens when you go too far in search of political advantage.
I find it difficult to talk about in the abstract. If you could give examples it would be easier.

My own view is that it is a moving target. It is certainly better than 50 years ago. I also think that there is still a real stigma in an accusation of racism. Its not difficult to spot the scum bags from the ignorant.
I'm not sure what you're looking for. Anyone who has ever criticized a person who happens to be black has had RACIST screamed at them. It's all over this board and not difficult to find. "You only feel that way because ____ is black" has been tossed out a few thousand times here. It consumes our society and culture.
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Oh, I think it will go away, and I think it's already happening in some ways.

The problem is that progress being held up by those who are after guilt and payback instead of healing and mending
I hope you are right Mac...I'm 45 and I've been hearing about it all of my life, Kind of tired of it....People act as if white people have no burdens in life, we all have obstacles to over come in life.
There's a big risk with calling everyone who disagrees with you a racist. When everyone is a racist, no one is a racist. After a while, it loses it's sting and people just don't care anymore. To an extent, that's beginning now.
Don't bother looking under stones. A Trump rally is a much better place to find the KKK
Even you must know that is a foolish statement...those people are not racists they are patriots, happy to have stopped the direction the progressives were taking us.
And keep one thing in mind; Trump has already done his part by winning, now he is putting the icing on the cake.
What makes/causes people to hold racist views ?

What makes them feel superior just based on the colour of their skin ?

Family,peer pressure,lack of education ?

Lack of success or a bad experience ?

Are other races the scapegoats for your failures ?

How do people get to this stage in their development ?

And what can be done about it ?

My own view is that it could be a combination of any of these things. I also think that economic depression amplifies hate in many. It tends to keep a low profile when times are good.

What can be done about it ?

Education is the only real way forward but some sanctions are needed when people are being offensive.

There are a lot of racists on this board. Some deny it but some are comfortable with that label. Be interesting to find out what triggered their racism.

As if no one could possibly be concerned with the dumbing down of Humanity, and the erosion of their heritage due to multiculturalism.
What makes/causes people to hold racist views ?

What makes them feel superior just based on the colour of their skin ?

Family,peer pressure,lack of education ?

Lack of success or a bad experience ?

Are other races the scapegoats for your failures ?

How do people get to this stage in their development ?

And what can be done about it ?

My own view is that it could be a combination of any of these things. I also think that economic depression amplifies hate in many. It tends to keep a low profile when times are good.

What can be done about it ?

Education is the only real way forward but some sanctions are needed when people are being offensive.

There are a lot of racists on this board. Some deny it but some are comfortable with that label. Be interesting to find out what triggered their racism.


Unfamiliarity with the other.

Sometimes, when you're at the very bottom of the social class heap - race can ensure there is always SOMEONE lower.
What makes/causes people to hold racist views ?

What makes them feel superior just based on the colour of their skin ?

Family,peer pressure,lack of education ?

Lack of success or a bad experience ?

Are other races the scapegoats for your failures ?

How do people get to this stage in their development ?

And what can be done about it ?

My own view is that it could be a combination of any of these things. I also think that economic depression amplifies hate in many. It tends to keep a low profile when times are good.

What can be done about it ?

Education is the only real way forward but some sanctions are needed when people are being offensive.

There are a lot of racists on this board. Some deny it but some are comfortable with that label. Be interesting to find out what triggered their racism.

I believe generally it is about either lack of knowledge about other races (except what they see on tv or hear from others), or having a bad experience with someone of another race and projecting that onto all those of that race. Let's not forget family pressure.

I think education and exposure to many different kinds of people and cultures in a positive setting is helpful. A positive setting is important. You might run into different races in prison, but I doubt that experience would assuage any racist tendencies.
What makes/causes people to hold racist views ?

What makes them feel superior just based on the colour of their skin ?

Family,peer pressure,lack of education ?

Lack of success or a bad experience ?

Are other races the scapegoats for your failures ?

How do people get to this stage in their development ?

And what can be done about it ?

My own view is that it could be a combination of any of these things. I also think that economic depression amplifies hate in many. It tends to keep a low profile when times are good.

What can be done about it ?

Education is the only real way forward but some sanctions are needed when people are being offensive.

There are a lot of racists on this board. Some deny it but some are comfortable with that label. Be interesting to find out what triggered their racism.

and exposure to many different kinds of people and cultures in a positive setting is helpful. A positive setting is important. You might run into different races in prison, but I doubt that experience would assuage any racist tendencies.

What evidence do you have that exposure to many different kinds of people, and cultures makes people less racist?

The racist IAT scores against Blacks were highest (More racist) in states with more Blacks.

Racist IAT scores.


Black percentages.

Less than 10% of slaves landed in North America. So why was there a race problem in America and not everywhere else?

Because in 1664 Maryland passed the first British colonial law banning marriage between whites and slaves -- a law that, among other things, orders the enslavement of white women who have married black men. And in 1691 the Commonwealth of Virginia banned all interracial marriages. These laws spread to every colony and set us on the course of racial division.

Everywhere else in the world the races were allowed to mix and they were assimilated.


Races "mixed" everywhere, but the US refused to recognize interracial relationships as one between equals.
My experiences have taught me to not like certain groups.

- Italians tend to be very fussy, and touchy.

- Blacks tend to be very touchy, obnoxious, and rude.

- Hispanics tend to be pathological liars.

I don't particularly like these groups.

I haven't dealt with Asians, Muslims, or Jews quite enough to say.

But, Asians seem cold, as do Muslims, and Jews.

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