Radical left are losing their minds over being called “groomers”.

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truth hurts

which is why the left are SOOOO angry and unhappy sounding all the time

they know they are violating truth at every turn...
I’ve got no clue why your talking about. What Lefty’s are you hanging with?
All that's easy to be tolerant and patient with. Not a lot of people actually judge the mating choice. What the kick-back is over is torturing the CONCEPT of man and women to the point where a SupCt nominee REFUSES TO ANSWER to the "definition" of a woman.

It goes BEYOND lifestyle PERSONAL choices when WOMEN have to be relegated to "birthing person" or have their athletic dreams CRUSHED by a couple males that "switched teams" recently and are DESTROYING womens league records.

That's a societal uprooting that should never happen if the whole friction was simply about who you love.
A SCOTUS nominee shouldn’t answer that question as Trans rights is a heavily debated topic which is making its way through the courts. Arguments need to be objectively heard by judges.
Kids are not confused. Neither are the converts to cults. That's what indoctrination is. I prefer the term indoctrination to grooming whenever the receiver of the information can't possibly be MAKING an informed decision. Gender fluidity could most likely be more "gender confusion" at pre-pubescent ages. And in a LOT of those cases -- it IS parents that are responsible for that when they themselves have been conditioned (indoctrinated) to want to see gender diversity.

The REST of parents who have children victimized by this indoctrination are NOT responsible for the confusion that WILL exist. The kids WILL BE confused, because educators are supposed to be "authority figures". And they will be "graded" in some way on LEARNING what is taught. So -- if you teach 6 years old that Ze Zem Zeir are the PREFERRED pronouns before they can process what a pronoun is -- their chances of surviving grammar studies or reading or anything related to language will be hindered.

The Woking Dead are themselves are confused by all this self-declared, self-diagnosed "gender diversity". Many gender declarations, like the one I MADE in FLame Zone recently -- have both "masculine and feminine" incarnations. But they can't DEFINE masculine or feminine or man or woman if Big Brother himself had them on a torture rack..

That's why "the definition of a woman" is so problematic to them. Or why they give a pass to a "pseudo-trans" H.S. dick-bearing track star that now has double criminal allegations of diddling females at school.

You cannot push these outrages further without righteously expecting political blow-back that this country has never seen before.
For it to be indoctrination it would be uncontested. These beliefs are very much contested by parents, the media, and half of our political leaders. Indoctrination is a buzz word, not an accurate one
Nope.. Not MORE regulation. The FLorida bill was REQUIRED to STOP people from doing something that by COMMON SENSE should never enter an elementary school curriculum. THIS is what push BACK looks like. The law should NEVER HAD BEEN NEEDED in the 1st place if educators, unions, school boards and the media were not FAWNING over the stuff like "Tranny Story Hours", the GAY B Cs book, and teaching kindergarteners how to accurately PAINT an LGBT flag as one of their 1st art projects.

Public schools are writing their own death certificates if this keeps up, Same with the Woke infested colleges. Perhaps the NCAA is on that list of "endangered species". EVEN THEY are not replaceable.

It's not the "right" and certainly not JUST the right provoking the reactions that never needed to happen.

THe trust is GONE for Independents, Repubs and even a large fraction of Dems in those institutions.
Common sense would be to expose and education children about realities in our world. Gay people exists, transsexuals exist. Why shield children from them and treat them as negative elements? Some of their classmates may have gay parents. They may have a gay teacher. What’s wrong with exposing those people and relationships in the same way mommy’s and daddy’s are talked about?
Think about the question you're asking here? Is it rational to TRUST people of power/position? Those parents "trusted" MJ. Those parents were tolerant of eccentricities and differences. Wanna live in a society where "trust and tolerance" cannot SURVIVE?

I dont. I TRUST my neighbors, because I KNOW my neighbors. I'd LIKE to extend that trust and tolerance to others -- but societal decay makes that harder and harder EVERY FUCKING DAY...
Would you have trusted MJ? I wouldn’t have….Trust is earned. I don’t need teachers to teach my children, (grandchildren now) tolerance. We can do that at home…teachers should be focusing on academics, not “woke” culture.
For it to be indoctrination it would be uncontested. These beliefs are very much contested by parents, the media, and half of our political leaders. Indoctrination is a buzz word, not an accurate one
The media? Really?
Common sense would be to expose and education children about realities in our world. Gay people exists, transsexuals exist. Why shield children from them and treat them as negative elements? Some of their classmates may have gay parents. They may have a gay teacher. What’s wrong with exposing those people and relationships in the same way mommy’s and daddy’s are talked about?
It all comes from that filthy bible. They believe they were given a divine crusade to eradicate it although God never mentioned it.
They are all republicans and think all teachers are communists. They are hypocrites by not taking their kids out of public schools whilst bludging
On the taxpayer. Basically, very little intelligence.
It all comes from that filthy bible. They believe they were given a divine crusade to eradicate it although God never mentioned it.
They are all republicans and think all teachers are communists. They are hypocrites by not taking their kids out of public schools whilst bludging
On the taxpayer. Basically, very little intelligence.
You’re displaying your intelligence right here.
A SCOTUS nominee shouldn’t answer that question as Trans rights is a heavily debated topic which is making its way through the courts. Arguments need to be objectively heard by judges.

The distinction between men and women is a matter of objective biology. There is something very, very, very wrong with anyone who is confused by this distinction.

Even KBJ's bullshit excuse that she couldn't state the distinction, because she's not a biologist, is an inadvertent admission that she knows damn well that it's a biological distinction.
For it to be indoctrination it would be uncontested. These beliefs are very much contested by parents, the media, and half of our political leaders. Indoctrination is a buzz word, not an accurate one

That's why the fascists pushed it into kindergarten. It is uncontested.

But it's far more insidious than that.

Some events cause the Nazi party to become so deranged that their carefully crafted facade cracks and you see them in all their evil. Such is the case with the Anti-Grooming bill in Florida that stops public school teachers from sexualizing 4 and 5 year olds. The Nazi democrats have decided this is the hill they will die on, grooming now and forever.

But why?

"democrats just want to diddle kiddies" is the stock answer. But is that really it? Are all 81 million democrats, living and dead pedophiles? Some are to be sure, Joe Biden. But for the most part this misses the mark of what the democrats are trying to do.

Ultimately the goal of democrats is the destruction of America and the establishment of totalitarian dictatorship. democrats are Nazis. What this is, is critical theory in action. Young children are brought into the public schools and divided into oppressors, the hated whites, and oppressed, everyone else. A 4 or 5 year child is brought into the viper pit that is the public schools and either taught that they are an oppressed minority who should hate white oppressors or they are white and evil oppressors.

A 5 year old white child has no understanding of "oppression." They only know that teacher says they're bad, and they don't know what they did, they just want to please teacher. But they are the oppressor, they are bad and nothing they do can make it better.

Until one day teacher tells them that trans and non-binary kids are special and good like the non-white kids, all they have to do is be trans, and they will no longer be hated, but beloved oppressed minorities.

You see, it has nothing to with democrats wanting to diddle kids, the Nazis are creating Hitler Youth, they are destroying the cultural identity of children and replacing it with one they can control and manipulate.

It is CRITICAL that the Nazis indoctrinate children at an extremely young age for this to work.
Common sense would be to expose and education children about realities in our world. Gay people exists, transsexuals exist. Why shield children from them and treat them as negative elements? Some of their classmates may have gay parents. They may have a gay teacher. What’s wrong with exposing those people and relationships in the same way mommy’s and daddy’s are talked about?

I never took my children to see porn when they were 4 and 5. But you think I should have - porn exists...

The left lacks decency. Yes, children should be shielded from depravity.
Over the past few days there’s been a noticeable trend in the legacy media, which appears to be taking a defensive stance over accusations of pedophilia and sexual grooming of children against the left.
The frantic tone is evident in a smattering of recent headlines from corporate publications, as the leftist media struggles to cope with Florida’s passage of the Parental Rights (AKA “Don’t Say Gay”) bill and the GOP’s rejection of Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson over her record of light sentencing for child porn offenders.

The QAnon part out loud: GOP smears political opponents as ‘pro-pedophile,’” reads a headline at MSNBC, evidently assuming their readers dislike anti-pedophile politicians.


(On a side note, when asked in Aug. 2020 whether he agreed with the QAnon goal of exposing pedophiles, former President Donald Trump responded, “Is that supposed to be a bad thing?”)

Similarly, the Washington Post appeared to be offended by characterizations from conservatives of educators who discuss sexuality with children as “groomers,” in addition to smearing accusations of pedophilia as “the new red scare.”……………….

The source wouldn’t be approved by google controlled .

That's why the fascists pushed it into kindergarten. It is uncontested.

But it's far more insidious than that.

Some events cause the Nazi party to become so deranged that their carefully crafted facade cracks and you see them in all their evil. Such is the case with the Anti-Grooming bill in Florida that stops public school teachers from sexualizing 4 and 5 year olds. The Nazi democrats have decided this is the hill they will die on, grooming now and forever.

But why?

"democrats just want to diddle kiddies" is the stock answer. But is that really it? Are all 81 million democrats, living and dead pedophiles? Some are to be sure, Joe Biden. But for the most part this misses the mark of what the democrats are trying to do.

Ultimately the goal of democrats is the destruction of America and the establishment of totalitarian dictatorship. democrats are Nazis. What this is, is critical theory in action. Young children are brought into the public schools and divided into oppressors, the hated whites, and oppressed, everyone else. A 4 or 5 year child is brought into the viper pit that is the public schools and either taught that they are an oppressed minority who should hate white oppressors or they are white and evil oppressors.

A 5 year old white child has no understanding of "oppression." They only know that teacher says they're bad, and they don't know what they did, they just want to please teacher. But they are the oppressor, they are bad and nothing they do can make it better.

Until one day teacher tells them that trans and non-binary kids are special and good like the non-white kids, all they have to do is be trans, and they will no longer be hated, but beloved oppressed minorities.

You see, it has nothing to with democrats wanting to diddle kids, the Nazis are creating Hitler Youth, they are destroying the cultural identity of children and replacing it with one they can control and manipulate.

It is CRITICAL that the Nazis indoctrinate children at an extremely young age for this to work.
You are a sick and disturbed individual
The distinction between men and women is a matter of objective biology. There is something very, very, very wrong with anyone who is confused by this distinction.

Even KBJ's bullshit excuse that she couldn't state the distinction, because she's not a biologist, is an inadvertent admission that she knows damn well that it's a biological distinction.
Of course there is a biological distinction. But there’s also much more too it which is why she was smart to answer the question in the way that she did.
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