Radical left are losing their minds over being called “groomers”.

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This is all one need know about the 'long march through the institutions' and way some of these so-called teachers operate in the classroom....

This particular scoundrel directed students to stand and pledge their allegiance to the gay pride flag in the classroom. She was quite giddy about it, too.

Said the American flag made her feel uncomfortable, so she removed it from the classroom.

Wow, it’s like the meme I made a while back was completely true:
The left are having a meltdown over being called “groomers” for supporting a pro-transgender agenda being taught to young kids.

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What is your opinion? Is calling someone a “groomer” the same as accusing them of molesting children?

What should we call people that support drag queens reading stories to kids? To teachers talking about their sex lives with young kids?

No, it isn't necessarily calling them child molesters.

We're just calling them accomplices to child molesters.

And a group of people who run around shouting, "Nazi! Racist!" at everyone they don't like can piss off back to their safe space to cry about it.
My point is that the lifestyle choices are theirs to make. Some guys may feel the same way about men as a straight guy feels about women and they may be just as repelled at the thought of being with a woman as a straight guy is at thinking about being with a man. Some people may be indifferent to to which sex a person is and be attracted to both. Whatever the situation, for some blowhard to determine what it is right and wrong and normal and perverted or not is just insane for many cases that I’ve seen

All that's easy to be tolerant and patient with. Not a lot of people actually judge the mating choice. What the kick-back is over is torturing the CONCEPT of man and women to the point where a SupCt nominee REFUSES TO ANSWER to the "definition" of a woman.

It goes BEYOND lifestyle PERSONAL choices when WOMEN have to be relegated to "birthing person" or have their athletic dreams CRUSHED by a couple males that "switched teams" recently and are DESTROYING womens league records.

That's a societal uprooting that should never happen if the whole friction was simply about who you love.
I don’t think kids are too confused about it. I don’t think they really give a shit. It’s the parents making a fuss about this

Kids are not confused. Neither are the converts to cults. That's what indoctrination is. I prefer the term indoctrination to grooming whenever the receiver of the information can't possibly be MAKING an informed decision. Gender fluidity could most likely be more "gender confusion" at pre-pubescent ages. And in a LOT of those cases -- it IS parents that are responsible for that when they themselves have been conditioned (indoctrinated) to want to see gender diversity.

The REST of parents who have children victimized by this indoctrination are NOT responsible for the confusion that WILL exist. The kids WILL BE confused, because educators are supposed to be "authority figures". And they will be "graded" in some way on LEARNING what is taught. So -- if you teach 6 years old that Ze Zem Zeir are the PREFERRED pronouns before they can process what a pronoun is -- their chances of surviving grammar studies or reading or anything related to language will be hindered.

The Woking Dead are themselves are confused by all this self-declared, self-diagnosed "gender diversity". Many gender declarations, like the one I MADE in FLame Zone recently -- have both "masculine and feminine" incarnations. But they can't DEFINE masculine or feminine or man or woman if Big Brother himself had them on a torture rack..

That's why "the definition of a woman" is so problematic to them. Or why they give a pass to a "pseudo-trans" H.S. dick-bearing track star that now has double criminal allegations of diddling females at school.

You cannot push these outrages further without righteously expecting political blow-back that this country has never seen before.
Yup, and the person I was responding to wanted to pile more regulation on top of that. No thanks

Nope.. Not MORE regulation. The FLorida bill was REQUIRED to STOP people from doing something that by COMMON SENSE should never enter an elementary school curriculum. THIS is what push BACK looks like. The law should NEVER HAD BEEN NEEDED in the 1st place if educators, unions, school boards and the media were not FAWNING over the stuff like "Tranny Story Hours", the GAY B Cs book, and teaching kindergarteners how to accurately PAINT an LGBT flag as one of their 1st art projects.

Public schools are writing their own death certificates if this keeps up, Same with the Woke infested colleges. Perhaps the NCAA is on that list of "endangered species". EVEN THEY are not replaceable.

It's not the "right" and certainly not JUST the right provoking the reactions that never needed to happen.

THe trust is GONE for Independents, Repubs and even a large fraction of Dems in those institutions.
It should be okay to call a communist a commie, and someone who supports groomers a “groomer”. I cannot control their reactions, nor am I responsible for their reactions. Free speech allows for offending people. If we didn’t have the right to offend people, then there is no free speech.

MY personal take is -- that person - ESPECIALLY IF they are a USMB member has had to suit up and SPECIFICALLY DECLARE their support in CONTENT on USMB --- ---- --- before you going tossing out the nuclear words like groomer.

Just OPPOSING you, trolling you, baiting YOU -- is NOT enough to justify it. Especially, if they are ignorant of the DANGER that you see in the press and elsewhere.

If there is a concerted effort to SUPPORT making gender/sexual orientation a KINDERGARTEN or even elementary school requirement and PRIORITY -- I might use that word or the close relative of it which sex/gender indoctrination and toss it out at a USMB member.
Isn’t posting anything on a message board about “getting a reaction”? It’s a discussion board, that is supposed to be the point. If someone is “offended” by a post or being called something, then let them articulate why. If we can’t have reactions and discussion and arguments over it, what is the point of being here?

Nope. And I've been on message boards since DARPA owned them. A reaction is just PERSONAL POKING. USMB is free speech to PROMOTE DISCUSSION and DEBATE -- not just a long form of Twitter with less holds barred. Wouldnt be spending time here if it was all about "personal poking" and getting reactions. Wish more people would support what we work for here.
I don’t think kids are too confused about it. I don’t think they really give a shit. It’s the parents making a fuss about this

Kindergarteners wouldn't give a shit about democracy vs communism either but it would DETRACT from focusing on the BASICS of what they SHOULD BE learning in order to handle the "knottier" issues hopefully in H.S. Even THAT is too much to expect anymore from the public school system.

Not just DETRACT -- and maybe they wouldn't really process or care about it -- But, if the curriculum was marching to the National Anthem to "go vote" and then "standing in an Venzuelan "bread line" to eat their snack --- THAT INDOCTRINATION would stick in their little sponge minds.
A reaction is just PERSONAL POKING. USMB is free speech to PROMOTE DISCUSSION and DEBATE -- not just a long form of Twitter with less holds barred.
Come on, as if anyone here “debates” anymore. Point out a debunked Ukrainian propaganda piece, you get called a “Putin stooge”. Lefties can’t debate anything because their entire platform is based on lies now. Politics isn’t about debating what the tax rate should be, it’s simply fighting against the crazies on the left. They need to be ridiculed, mocked, and called out for their insane beliefs. They literally now oppose measures to protect kids from pedophiles and gay/tranny groomers.
This is all one need know about the 'long march through the institutions' and way some of these so-called teachers operate in the classroom....

This particular scoundrel directed students to stand and pledge their allegiance to the gay pride flag in the classroom. She was quite giddy about it, too.

Said the American flag made her feel uncomfortable, so she removed it from the classroom.

Journalism and Ed schools are turning out people who have no coping skills, no common sense, and CERTAINLY NO expertise in covering news or educating.

And OF COURSE -- this stuff is pervasive on ChiCom TikTok. Xi and Putin are LOVING our demise as an educated, world leading country...
Come on, as if anyone here “debates” anymore. Point out a debunked Ukrainian propaganda piece, you get called a “Putin stooge”. Lefties can’t debate anything because their entire platform is based on lies now. Politics isn’t about debating what the tax rate should be, it’s simply fighting against the crazies on the left. They need to be ridiculed, mocked, and called out for their insane beliefs. They literally now oppose measures to protect kids from pedophiles and gay/tranny groomers.

Go elsewhere to mock. OR -- put the stuff in the Taunting Forums which are THERE for folks just like you.

We're all about topics here. And we dont test for effort. All YA GOTTA DO is be MORE interested in the topic than you are poking people.
We have all seen this movie before......they rant and rave about something they claim the Left is doing.........and then we find out it was the Right doing it all along.

Did you read my link to the Skokie Evanston school board curriculum for K thru 3rd or 4th? Kinda lays out what regular folks are reacting to.. And NOBODY's "imagining" anything. It's obscene, useless attempts to indoctrinate 5 to 9 yr olds.
Look y'all, I'm going to say this real simple.

Y'all can argue about the politics all you want. Knock yourselves out. It's fun reading the partisan back-and-forth.

But at the end of the day, here's how this rolls. (And I'll speak only for myself and my family, although I know for sure I speak for THOUSANDS of other families, because I've spoken with them in the last 7 days, including just hours ago):

We don't care about the partisan tug of war. What we're going to do, is straddle the puddle in the middle. No one's getting near it. Not with leftard kiddie fuckery, and not with Bible thumping.

You can argue all you want, pass all the laws you want, bring in all the social workers and academic 'experts" you want - at the end of the day, none of that matters

At the end of the day, here's the reality:


I will enforce that PERSONALLY, along with thousands of my rifle and shotgun carrying friends. We don't much care what your idiotic law says. If you touch our kids, prepare to die.

Simple and direct, okay? THAT is reality. Sorry if you don't like it, and test it at your own peril. Word
The left are having a meltdown over being called “groomers” for supporting a pro-transgender agenda being taught to young kids.

View attachment 626780
View attachment 626781

What is your opinion? Is calling someone a “groomer” the same as accusing them of molesting children?

What should we call people that support drag queens reading stories to kids? To teachers talking about their sex lives with young kids?

It's like shining a flashlight on a cockroach.

The fascists are exposed as the groomers they are. They are lashing out to get out of the spotlight.

America will remember in November.

No democrat is fit to serve - the party of child predators cannot be allowed near the levers of power, or the widescale grooming that is occurring is the result.
Not to mention loving pedo-loving Supreme Court nominees. I'm starting to think all Democrats' children should be taken from them.
Not to mention loving pedo-loving Supreme Court nominees. I'm starting to think all Democrats' children should be taken from them.

52% of DEMOCRATS support the Florida Anti-Grooming law. That would be the 52% with Children.

The fascist democrats have destroyed themselves with the pro-grooming demands.

May the be obliterated for eternity, the party of child predators.
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