Radical left are losing their minds over being called “groomers”.

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It's a high bar to be gay-phobic in any substantial way. Just like it's a high bar to be a genuine certified racist. Anything under that bar is not a real threat if you live your life as TOLERANT of other peoples decisions. As a raised Jew -- I'm not even believing that even 1/2 the stuff being called "anti-semitic" truly is. A lot of that is just uncured stupidity or over-wokeness.

Tolerance and patience is the best defense against opinions and decisions made by others.

BUT -- in this case, a LARGE MAJORITY of the "self-declared" identities of DOZENS OF GENDERS -- IS MAKING CONSCIOUS CHOICE. The best example is the "B" in LGBTQ. Those folks make DIFFERENT conscious "orientation" choices every other relationship.

Or see my "coming out" thread in Flame Zone that I started on April's Fools for an EXAMPLE of "conscious sexual orientation" choice that has NO basis in logic, reason, science or saneness.
My point is that the lifestyle choices are theirs to make. Some guys may feel the same way about men as a straight guy feels about women and they may be just as repelled at the thought of being with a woman as a straight guy is at thinking about being with a man. Some people may be indifferent to to which sex a person is and be attracted to both. Whatever the situation, for some blowhard to determine what it is right and wrong and normal and perverted or not is just insane for many cases that I’ve seen
They are TEACHING WOKE PRONOUNS before the kids even UNDERSTAND the meaning of a pronoun. Think that might confuse any meaningful "grammar" instruction at those ages?
I don’t think kids are too confused about it. I don’t think they really give a shit. It’s the parents making a fuss about this
The left are having a meltdown over being called “groomers” for supporting a pro-transgender agenda being taught to young kids.

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What is your opinion? Is calling someone a “groomer” the same as accusing them of molesting children?

What should we call people that support drag queens reading stories to kids? To teachers talking about their sex lives with young kids?
Notice they don't care about ruining kids lives by lying to them and giving them misinformation about the Mental and Spiritual Illness that is Homosexuality.

What else can you call the Alphabet Pedo Agenda?

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Then why are you responding?

You sound a little triggered.

I am triggered. This topic is offensive. Especially this:

I don’t think kids are too confused about it. I don’t think they really give a shit. It’s the parents making a fuss about this
The Alphabet Pedo Agenda is what confuses them. Kids left on their own become secure in their identity and it matches their chromosomes. Sorry if that's not the case for you.
The Alphabet Pedo Agenda is what confuses them. Kids left on their own become secure in their identity and it matches their chromosomes. Sorry if that's not the case for you.
Stop pretending like you know anything about what kids are confused about.
Stop pretending like you know anything about what kids are confused about.
Kids grow up to be happy and productive when The Alphabet Pedo Agenda does not molest their little minds.
You are the one confused Mr. Alphabet.
Define what a woman is....
You making a difference starting threads to just toss an accusation out there repeatedly yet? Here's your chance to EXPLAIN your position and defend it. Is it just about getting reactions to a particular phrase? I hope not.
It should be okay to call a communist a commie, and someone who supports groomers a “groomer”. I cannot control their reactions, nor am I responsible for their reactions. Free speech allows for offending people. If we didn’t have the right to offend people, then there is no free speech.

Isn’t posting anything on a message board about “getting a reaction”? It’s a discussion board, that is supposed to be the point. If someone is “offended” by a post or being called something, then let them articulate why. If we can’t have reactions and discussion and arguments over it, what is the point of being here?
Yes, banning teachers from telling kids about transgender BS and homosexual lifestyle is anti-groomer. That’s why the radical left hate it so much.

This is all one need know about the 'long march through the institutions' and way some of these so-called teachers operate in the classroom....

This particular scoundrel directed students to stand and pledge their allegiance to the gay pride flag in the classroom. She was quite giddy about it, too.

Said the American flag made her feel uncomfortable, so she removed it from the classroom.
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