Radical left are losing their minds over being called “groomers”.

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If we have nothing to lose then we aren’t losing anything.
That's what I said. You have no minds to lose because they have already been lost for decades.

Thanks for supporting my argument
Hey, anytime you need someone to confirm that you are all mindless hand-puppets serving your chinese and Soros masters, you can count on me.

Don't say gay or you are a groomer like Roy Moore and Denny Hastert and Matt Gaetz!
There is, and there are still rational parents out there. Alarmist.

Rational parents or rational people to be complete about it -- dont play that way on social media. And by baiting ultra hot issues by trolling or just political identity -- they INFLAME the issue to the point of ending discussion. We see that here at USMB every day.
He's wrong, and I'm sure It's definitely not the first time that's happened.

No. The pedophile angle will sink every argument you make.

Sorry but not really sorry. You dont POKE at stuff to inflame and expect ZERO push-back. If you ARE a rational actor on social media you'll engage -- state a position -- put some skin in the game. Because there IS A THREAT to school curricula and parental rights. AND TO THE KIDS. Too many in the education elite are totally bought into indoctrinating little kids who are sponges at that age and can barely handle ABCs and counting to 20.


The GayBCs Hardcover – Illustrated, October 8, 2019​

by M. L. Webb (Author)
4.1 out of 5 stars 393 ratings
See all formats and editions

A Red Tricycle Best Kids Book of 2019

A joyful celebration of LGBTQ+ vocabulary for kids of all ages!

A playdate extravaganza transforms into a celebration of friendship, love, and identity as four friends sashay out of all the closets, dress up in a wardrobe fit for kings and queens, and discover the wonder of imagination. From A is for Ally to F is for Family to Q is for Queer, debut author/illustrator M. L. Webb’s bright illustrations and lively, inclusive poems delight in the beauty of embracing one’s truest self. A glossary in the back offers opportunity for further discussion of terms and identities. The GayBCs is perfect for fans of A Is for Activist and Feminist Baby—showing kids and adults alike that every identity is worthy of being celebrated.


When anything like this shows up in elementary school, parents are gonna be on the freaking warpath. NOT BECAUSE they are gay-phobic in ANY WAY -- but because it's INSANE to GROOM/INDOCTRINATE -- at those ages. It's not EVEN EDUCATION IN ANY WAY because the kids are not savvy enough to have the CONTEXT of any of that -- pre-puberty.
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The left are having a meltdown over being called “groomers” for supporting a pro-transgender agenda being taught to young kids.

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What is your opinion? Is calling someone a “groomer” the same as accusing them of molesting children?

What should we call people that support drag queens reading stories to kids? To teachers talking about their sex lives with young kids?
I’m not really into government regulation. I’d rather each community and school district figure it out on their own.

That's OK with me. If Cali wants stupid confused kids -- I dont live there anymore. People can make that choice. But EVENTUALLY -- in those one party cities and states, the remaining SANE people are gonna resist.
Radical left, radical right, who cares about them? I remember how radical rightists‘ heads exploded over being called insurrectionists. What’s the point of constantly pointing out what the fringe elements of either side think?

The point would be -- how much POLITICAL power they hold to ENFORCE the radicalism -- isn't it?

And once that power becomes not just POLITICAL power, but MEDIA power (think Disney) or other corporate or union power combined -- it's time for a reconning.
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There is an inherent danger to the overuse, and misuse of words like pedophile, and groomer. When it's just arbitrarily tossed about, it tends to lose significance, and meaning. Much like the modern loss of value in words like racist, and Nazi; which lends excllent cover to actual pedophiles, groomers, racists, and Nazis...

When pedophiles and groomers become INSTUTIONALIZED in schools, govt, media -- there's a whole NEW ballgame going on. We're not dealing with individuals anymore. The ROT is now systemic. As systemic as racism once was.

And yeah -- those words CAN lose all their value and power when over-used. But in this case, there's PLENTY more words where "groomer" came from. Like "idiot teachers" or "penultimate hypocrites" in the case of Disney.
There were parents that allowed sleepovers with Michael Jackson too. Were they rational?

Think about the question you're asking here? Is it rational to TRUST people of power/position? Those parents "trusted" MJ. Those parents were tolerant of eccentricities and differences. Wanna live in a society where "trust and tolerance" cannot SURVIVE?

I dont. I TRUST my neighbors, because I KNOW my neighbors. I'd LIKE to extend that trust and tolerance to others -- but societal decay makes that harder and harder EVERY FUCKING DAY...
That's OK with me. If Cali wants stupid confused kids -- I dont live there anymore. People can make that choice. But EVENTUALLY -- in those one party cities and states, the remaining SANE people are gonna resist.
Different people have different definitions of SANE. For example I think it is insane for a straight person to claim that gay people are wrong for feeling the way they feel. Or even worse is when they try and claim to know how gay people feel and proclaim that they are either mentally I’ll or making a conscious choice to feel that way. That’s just insane to me.
This is how it works...

Conservative person:
"I don't think it is a good idea to talk to little kids about sexuality, transgender issues etc."
Left Media/Left Posters here/Left Politicians: "Oh so you are homophobic? You think gay people should be burned at the stake and tortured!! You think transgenders are pedophiles and it is really you who think this!!"
Different people have different definitions of SANE. For example I think it is insane for a straight person to claim that gay people are wrong for feeling the way they feel. Or even worse is when they try and claim to know how gay people feel and proclaim that they are either mentally I’ll or making a conscious choice to feel that way. That’s just insane to me.

It's a high bar to be gay-phobic in any substantial way. Just like it's a high bar to be a genuine certified racist. Anything under that bar is not a real threat if you live your life as TOLERANT of other peoples decisions. As a raised Jew -- I'm not even believing that even 1/2 the stuff being called "anti-semitic" truly is. A lot of that is just uncured stupidity or over-wokeness.

Tolerance and patience is the best defense against opinions and decisions made by others.

BUT -- in this case, a LARGE MAJORITY of the "self-declared" identities of DOZENS OF GENDERS -- IS MAKING CONSCIOUS CHOICE. The best example is the "B" in LGBTQ. Those folks make DIFFERENT conscious "orientation" choices every other relationship.

Or see my "coming out" thread in Flame Zone that I started on April's Fools for an EXAMPLE of "conscious sexual orientation" choice that has NO basis in logic, reason, science or saneness.
The left are having a meltdown over being called “groomers” for supporting a pro-transgender agenda being taught to young kids.

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What is your opinion? Is calling someone a “groomer” the same as accusing them of molesting children?

What should we call people that support drag queens reading stories to kids? To teachers talking about their sex lives with young kids?

My opinion is your topic is inflammatory and trolling, and not worth any real thought or response.
No, why would I be losing my mind? I think it’s hilarious they hate it so much. They can sling shit all day, calling people on the right “homophobes”, “Nazi”, “racist”, but one little word sends them crying and demanding censorship and bans.

You making a difference starting threads to just toss an accusation out there repeatedly yet? Here's your chance to EXPLAIN your position and defend it. Is it just about getting reactions to a particular phrase? I hope not.
Anyone that thinks the "grooming" issue is JUST a fabrication of the radical right deserves to lose the Independent and some Democrat support in the next elections. This is NOT a hallucination of people who are Rep warrior class.

If not convinced -- go read what the Evanston - Skokie School District HAS for a K- 3rd grade 30 hours per year indoctrination curriculum into sexual orientation and LGBTQ celebrations.

They are TEACHING WOKE PRONOUNS before the kids even UNDERSTAND the meaning of a pronoun. Think that might confuse any meaningful "grammar" instruction at those ages?
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