Radical left are losing their minds over being called “groomers”.

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Doubtful. There's plenty of candidates.

Yes, it is. Don't talk to my child about gay. She has no need to know about your sexual preferences.

Who needs a name? We just call you what you are. Sick fucks.
Of course she does. She knows what mommies and daddies are, right? why would you want her confused about classmates of hers that have two daddies or two mommies?
Lefties can’t debate anything because their entire platform is based on lies now. Politics isn’t about debating what the tax rate should be, it’s simply fighting against the crazies on the left. They need to be ridiculed, mocked, and called out for their insane beliefs. They literally now oppose measures to protect kids from pedophiles and gay/tranny groomers.

You really didn't understand where I PERSONALLY think they cross the line and make themselves ELIGIBLE to be called "groomers".. Which is your ENTIRE PURPOSE in repeatedly hawking that word and ignoring explanations from moderation.

You CANNOT "call them out for their beliefs" (talking about USMB members only) if they NEVER STATE THEIR SPECIFIC OPINIONS openly and decisively on the board. VERY FEW members on the left will even ENGAGE in any meaningful way in this thread. SOME do -- but they are not the people you're after.

Don't use "they" as a pronoun for MEMBERS who have NEVER ACTUALLY STATED opinions on specific gender/sexual orientation in primary grades (for example). If they do -- they set themselves up to lumped as "part of the problem". Do you SEE where the line is here? Or do you not care because like "them" -- you're only here for the brawl???
Of course she does. She knows what mommies and daddies are, right? why would you want her confused about classmates of hers that have two daddies or two mommies?

That kind of accommodation is harmless -- because it IS AGE APPROPRIATE. Again, no deep analysis required, just common sense. The PERVS pushing curriculum like the SKOKIE EVANSTON school board (I posted the link to their propaganda) are talking PAST the kids on things like the GAy B, Cs - and marching to the LGBTQ flag. Or Tranny story hour that has NO CONTEXT for any kid in the class unless the Tranny is one of their 2 Dads.

"A is for Ally"??? Seriously? in Kindergarten? Getting the Red Tricycle Children's Book Award? These people should be under restraining orders regarding kids under 12...
You really didn't understand where I PERSONALLY think they cross the line and make themselves ELIGIBLE to be called "groomers".. Which is your ENTIRE PURPOSE in repeatedly hawking that word and ignoring explanations from moderation.

You CANNOT "call them out for their beliefs" (talking about USMB members only) if they NEVER STATE THEIR SPECIFIC OPINIONS openly and decisively on the board. VERY FEW members on the left will even ENGAGE in any meaningful way in this thread. SOME do -- but they are not the people you're after.

Don't use "they" as a pronoun for MEMBERS who have NEVER ACTUALLY STATED opinions on specific gender/sexual orientation in primary grades (for example). If they do -- they set themselves up to lumped as "part of the problem". Do you SEE where the line is here? Or do you not care because like "them" -- you're only here for the brawl???

Everything in the 21st century is scorched earth....everything. Even people who WOULD be your allies. I have taught in public schools for close to 30 years--I am a conservative Christian who is not in the union. But I have been told multiple times in the the Great Groomer Panic that if I'm not STRIKING because some teachers are groomers I'm "part of the problem".


Can anyone tell me how this is any bit different from "defund the police"/all cops are horrid racists that we hated here two years ago????
It's like shining a flashlight on a cockroach.

The fascists are exposed as the groomers they are. They are lashing out to get out of the spotlight.

America will remember in November.

No democrat is fit to serve - the party of child predators cannot be allowed near the levers of power, or the widescale grooming that is occurring is the result.

It's a tough situation to be a voter in America nowadays. When the polarization is as bad as it is NOW -- you cannot pull a lever for Candidate A or B without getting a shitload of dirty baggage in return. Because most issues CAN NOT be "either or" by the design of a representative republic. We're supposed to be TOLERANT in order to ACCEPT this form of government. It does not work when everyone is pigeon holed into 2 dysfunctional cages.

Which is why I've gone to work getting folks elected as "Indies". Because to make all this work -- you've GOT to explain the nuances and the "red lines" and the COMPLEXITIES of running a system like this. Takes a LOT more preparation and thought to run as an Independent -- and YOU'VE GOT TRUST that the electorate is a lot smarter than either of the 2 dying, inept, corrupt parties we've stuck with for so long -- give us credit for.
Of course she does. She knows what mommies and daddies are, right? why would you want her confused about classmates of hers that have two daddies or two mommies?


What in the world ever gave you the idea that children are unaware that some families have two mommies?

Maybe you ought to get out of the basement sometime?
Everything in the 21st century is scorched earth....everything. Even people who WOULD be your allies. I have taught in public schools for close to 30 years--I am a conservative Christian who is not in the union. But I have been told multiple times in the the Great Groomer Panic that if I'm not STRIKING because some teachers are groomers I'm "part of the problem".


Can anyone tell me how this is any bit different from "defund the police"/all cops are horrid racists that we hated here two years ago????

It's 2 in the morning, I have to get some sleep.

231 signups today. This in the heart of the north Philly ghetto.

Rinse and repeat tomorrow.

No one's coming after you Sue, you don't have to worry. Just keep doing what you're doing, you've been doing it successfully, won awards and all that - why are you scared? You haven't done anything wrong!

We're going after policy, not teachers. "Someone" will go after individual teachers, but it won't be us. And if the pendulum swings too far to other side, you'll find us on the other side pushing back

We're NOT partisan, we're parents. We have nothing against teachers. We LOVE teachers - good ones, like yourself

It's 2 in the morning, I have to get some sleep.

231 signups today. This in the heart of the north Philly ghetto.

Rinse and repeat tomorrow.

No one's coming after you Sue, you don't have to worry. Just keep doing what you're doing, you've been doing it successfully, won awards and all that - why are you scared? You haven't done anything wrong!

We're going after policy, not teachers. "Someone" will go after individual teachers, but it won't be us. And if the pendulum swings too far to other side, you'll find us on the other side pushing back

We're NOT partisan, we're parents. We have nothing against teachers. We LOVE teachers - good ones, like yourself

I have taught 150-250 children every work day for my entire adult life. From ages 4 to 13. Through 9/11. Covid. Local school shootings. Fire alarms. Blizzards. Two pregnancies. A major illness. And you think YOU "scare me"?

You think I'm "scared"?

Oh honey
Would you have trusted MJ? I wouldn’t have….Trust is earned. I don’t need teachers to teach my children, (grandchildren now) tolerance. We can do that at home…teachers should be focusing on academics, not “woke” culture.

For God's sake man -- I trusted DISNEY to raise my kids before DISNEY became field commanders for the Woking Dead !!!!

Times and people change. MJ had a troubled life, but his public persona was gentle, kind and loving. I'm STILL not sure he got a fair shake with all the allegations, but it could have gotten harder to trust him once he hung his baby out of a four story window. LOL... :up:


Agree with the rest. Teachers are authority figures. One of the most important lessons to be learned in K-3rd. They need to better educated themselves and leave the woke College indoctrinations that they suffered out of the damn classrooms.. PRIORITIES should never include sex/gender indoctrination in elementary school.
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I have taught 150-250 children every work day for my entire adult life. From ages 4 to 13. Through 9/11. Covid. Local school shootings. Fire alarms. Blizzards. Two pregnancies. A major illness. And you think YOU "scare me"?

You think I'm "scared"?

Oh honey

My only experience in elementary education was as a HeadStart volunteer while I was in High School. And THAT was chaos barely under control.. Day ONE -- 2 kids show up. We ask the parents if they know why. Find out that parents are ashamed to send their kids over to the "fancy part of town" because shoes/clothes/etc. SO the entire next week -- the class volunteers spent organizing a clothes drive. Week 2 -- we had something just over 20 kids.

My aunt/uncle were HS principals in some of the worst NYCity schools. They had stripped cars and body scars. And they would INSIST that I sit in on classes when my family came to visit.

THAT WAS FRIGHTENING... But -- a valuable part of my awareness and a start on my life philosophy.
Dumbest statement of the day right there. Informing kids what gay means in not grooming, that’s you trying to spin up another name to call your political enemies. Grow up

I think it's great that you Fascists chose grooming as the hill to die on.

First off, because die you will. I suspect this will lead to the extinction of your filthy, fascist party. Oh to be sure, the power hungry vermin who are your rulers will slink off and return under some other name. But my guess is that due to the grooming, the democrat party is done as a brand. in 20 years, democrat will be like Whig.

The decision of your Reich that you will be the party of child predators might have been just a tad ill-advised.

What kind of sexually explicit material was being shown to 4 year olds that this law now bans? Be specific

“Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”

If what the fascists claim were true and this were not occurring, then the law would be meaningless and ignored by all.

BUT we know that grooming is a MAJOR part of the woke war against America.

The fascists have recoiled at being identified as "Groomers," pulling the usual shit or censorship, bullying, and screaming RAYSIST

So we get the Lincoln Project, who themselves are not legally allowed within a hundred yards of schools, spewing the "principled conservative®" idea that "we are BETTER than this, don't hurt the feelz of the groomers by calling them what they are."

Groomer cuts to the heart of the democrat - it is EXACTLY the weapon to use against the enemy of America - and be clear that those seeking to impose sexuality of 4 year olds ARE our enemy.

I find it very noteworthy that Democrats have attached themselves to child sexuality as an election issue.

This is "extreme" stupidity on the part of the Democrats. This issue CAN NOT WIN. Not in a million years. Society isn't anywhere near that fucked up.

No - what'll happen instead is, this issue will trigger a MASSIVE backlash against liberal corruption in all its forms.

The progs and the PTB are in deep trouble, they just don't know it yet.

One year from now there will be food shortages, and everyone will blame the Democrats. Because they're more interested in grooming children than they are keeping transportation costs low so the economy can prosper

Modern LIbEralism is both a mental disease and a moral disease.

If not for the aspect of it as a mental disease, they would at least understand that promoting an agenda that is based on sexually grooming and abusing children is going to hurt them in a major way at every election. Deep down, the moral disease would still be there, but they would keep it much more hidden, as they used to; and get more support from a public allowed to be more oblivious to the hidden moral depravity for which this side stands.
Doubtful. There's plenty of candidates.

Yes, it is. Don't talk to my child about gay. She has no need to know about your sexual preferences.

Who needs a name? We just call you what you are. Sick fucks.

In boxing, when the opponent starts to favor their left eye, you don't say "oh, I'm sorry, I'll be careful to not hit you there.."

democrats are the enemy of America, the enemy of children, the enemy of every parent in the nation.

Yes, they are groomers. Yes, they are wounded by the factual identification of what they are - groomers.

Let's make it a mortal wound.

Groomer Groomer Groomer Groomer Groomer Groomer Groomer Groomer Groomer Groomer Groomer
Groomers, many of which work in elementary schools, are trying their best to get grooming lumped into something more normal sounding like it's just another sexual preference. Promoting the normalcy of grooming children for sex seems to be a big liberal goal.
Groomers, many of which work in elementary schools, are trying their best to get grooming lumped into something more normal sounding like it's just another sexual preference. Promoting the normalcy of grooming children for sex seems to be a big liberal goal.

It's long been obvious that normalizing pedophilia is a goal. And if you're paying enough attention, you can clearly see how other perversions are being used as stepping stones toward that goal.

Don't forget that NAMBLA was part of the early homosexual-rights movement, which only distanced itself from NAMBLA when it became clear that society, at that time, was nowhere near the point of accepting sexual relations of any kind with young children as anything to be tolerated.

And where they've gone with “transgenderism”, is leading to the point where anyone can “identify” as anything, and demand to be accepted as such.

I have little doubt that if things continue as they are, within the next decade, the argument will be put forth, and not as soundly rejected as it should be, that a preadolescent boy can “identify” as an adult woman, and therefore there's nothing wrong with a faggot engaging in sexual activity with that boy.
For God's sake man -- I trusted DISNEY to raise my kids before DISNEY became field commanders for the Woking Dead !!!!

I certainly didn't...Now that is not to say that I didn't let my kids watch some Disney programming, but parked in front of a TV in their most formative years? Hell no....They were signed up for sports, ballet, gymnastics, and if not doing that, they were outside using their imaginations....Parents are too quick to use that idiot box to "raise their kids" then wonder why they turn out the way they do...

Times and people change. MJ had a troubled life, but his public persona was gentle, kind and loving. I'm STILL not sure he got a fair shake with all the allegations, but it could have gotten harder to trust him once he hung his baby out of a four story window. LOL... :up:

Most people with any knowledge at all about the thought process of MJ would never let their kids around him unsupervised...Watch this and tell me you would leave your 8 year old daughter with this person...?

Agree with the rest. Teachers are authority figures. One of the most important lessons to be learned in K-3rd. They need to better educated themselves and leave the woke College indoctrinations that they suffered out of the damn classrooms.. PRIORITIES should never include sex/gender indoctrination in elementary school.

And that is what this whole thing is about...The progressive left, or "they" if you will don't believe that you are responsible enough to teach your kids the "right things" so "they" must do it....To them, it's not about who is the parent here, they believe that their mission is to raise your kids instead of teach them....
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