Radical left are losing their minds over being called “groomers”.

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That kind of accommodation is harmless -- because it IS AGE APPROPRIATE. Again, no deep analysis required, just common sense. The PERVS pushing curriculum like the SKOKIE EVANSTON school board (I posted the link to their propaganda) are talking PAST the kids on things like the GAy B, Cs - and marching to the LGBTQ flag. Or Tranny story hour that has NO CONTEXT for any kid in the class unless the Tranny is one of their 2 Dads.

"A is for Ally"??? Seriously? in Kindergarten? Getting the Red Tricycle Children's Book Award? These people should be under restraining orders regarding kids under 12...
School is about socialization. It is exposing kids to other kids and people that may look different, have different interests, religions, family backgrounds etc. i don’t see any issues with the schools engaging with education that increases a child’s understanding of others and teaching inclusion, acceptance and healthy communication.

some schools or teachers may cross the line and get too graphic, I would not support that. Many who are opposing these things mischaracterize the actual interactions and ignorantly claim that schools are grooming kids to be gay or transsexuals. It’s a shame we can’t just have a semi honest conversation about the issue.
I certainly didn't...Now that is not to say that I didn't let my kids watch some Disney programming, but parked in front of a TV in their most formative years? Hell no....They were signed up for sports, ballet, gymnastics, and if not doing that, they were outside using their imaginations....Parents are too quick to use that idiot box to "raise their kids" then wonder why they turn out the way they do...

Most people with any knowledge at all about the thought process of MJ would never let their kids around him unsupervised...Watch this and tell me you would leave your 8 year old daughter with this person...?

And that is what this whole thing is about...The progressive left, or "they" if you will don't believe that you are responsible enough to teach your kids the "right things" so "they" must do it....To them, it's not about who is the parent here, they believe that their mission is to raise your kids instead of teach them....

Primary reason I left Cali was to spare my daughter from what was coming. Not JUST the "valley girl" syndrome, but also the rise of gangs in schools and schools treating children as INMATES with no trust in sight. D-Day was when we went to pick my daughter up at a fairly sheltered public school and had 2 kids out of a "gang" walk across the hood of my Bimmer. Public safety and education was going down fast.

So maybe if MJ had gotten his ass out of Cali -- he MIGHT not have the opportunity to have as many sleep-overs and quack doctors putting him to bed with Propofol. The decay was systemic back 16 or 18 yrs ago.
Primary reason I left Cali was to spare my daughter from what was coming. Not JUST the "valley girl" syndrome, but also the rise of gangs in schools and schools treating children as INMATES with no trust in sight. D-Day was when we went to pick my daughter up at a fairly sheltered public school and had 2 kids out of a "gang" walk across the hood of my Bimmer. Public safety and education was going down fast.

So maybe if MJ had gotten his ass out of Cali -- he MIGHT not have the opportunity to have as many sleep-overs and quack doctors putting him to bed with Propofol. The decay was systemic back 16 or 18 yrs ago.
Where did you live?
Are you not following your own conversation?

Maybe it's Xenforo's fault that folks are having a hard time following 2 page old convos. I'm pissed that our S/ware didn't allow us to choose how many quotes are carried forward into the current quote-back. You used to be able to review the "sub-threads" of a convo in every post. But they made us choose between only ONE back quote or ALL back-quotes. So here we are -- more retarded than Twitter trying to be a discussion board.

MODERATORS can't even find where problems begin or end anymore.
Yep, I’m following just fine. I asked you for an example and you Avoided answering. Can you try again?
You already gave one example of a child asking a teacher about, we'll call her little Suzy who has two mothers...And I answered...Now you are trying the tactic of confusing the conversation because you have no real intellectual thing to say....I understand...You're fighting a losing battle here...
Maybe it's Xenforo's fault that folks are having a hard time following 2 page old convos. I'm pissed that our S/ware didn't allow us to choose how many quotes are carried forward into the current quote-back. You used to be able to review the "sub-threads" of a convo in every post. But they made us choose between only ONE back quote or ALL back-quotes. So here we are -- more retarded than Twitter trying to be a discussion board.

MODERATORS can't even find where problems begin or end anymore.
Although I like the singular quote....many times people are intelligent enough to follow their own darn conversations if they're honest...
Primary reason I left Cali was to spare my daughter from what was coming. Not JUST the "valley girl" syndrome, but also the rise of gangs in schools and schools treating children as INMATES with no trust in sight. D-Day was when we went to pick my daughter up at a fairly sheltered public school and had 2 kids out of a "gang" walk across the hood of my Bimmer. Public safety and education was going down fast.

So maybe if MJ had gotten his ass out of Cali -- he MIGHT not have the opportunity to have as many sleep-overs and quack doctors putting him to bed with Propofol. The decay was systemic back 16 or 18 yrs ago.
Maybe if MJ had someone that really cared enough, he could have received the help he desperately needed....
Although I like the singular quote....many times people are intelligent enough to follow their own darn conversations if they're honest...

Well we need moderators smarter than me to follow quotes back several pages. :banana: I've got enough coding experience to know that Xenforo was DITCHING "message board" products and support in favor of "one size fits all" generic "board" software for business and medical portals and such..
Well we need moderators smarter than me to follow quotes back several pages. :banana: I've got enough coding experience to know that Xenforo was DITCHING "message board" products and support in favor of "one size fits all" generic "board" software for business and medical portals and such..
Are you inviting me? Lol
The left are having a meltdown over being called “groomers” for supporting a pro-transgender agenda being taught to young kids.

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View attachment 626781

What is your opinion? Is calling someone a “groomer” the same as accusing them of molesting children?

What should we call people that support drag queens reading stories to kids? To teachers talking about their sex lives with young kids?

One day they're doing everything they can to distance themselves from QAnon, the next day they're full Q with this non-stop pedo stuff.

The Orange Universe™, never a dull moment.

Wait, so those who oppose pedophiles and grooming are "QAnon?'

And to you those are the bad guys?

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