'Radio Active Trump' Antidote to the 'PC' Political Morass...?

I'll start out by taking issue with your quote by Fredrich Hayek...

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about.

I submit that the use of government to prevent change is not out of temerity but out of moral consistency to fundamental rudiments of a belief system... be it a morality based faith in God or adherence to Constitutionalism. Fundamentally for many, the unwillingness to see 'change' or 'progressive ideology' is not because we are appealing to our timidity and fear but because it goes against the tenets that we believe to be true, Biblically (scary stuff), and the bedrock of our Nation conceived by the framers of our Constitution and Bill of rights after a Judaeo Christian template. Obviously 'spontaneous' faith in an ideology that runs counter to ones foundational beliefs is, like you said a 'No Go' for the likes of 'us'. One doesn't have to be a raving Christian or religious to still hold the tenets of our Judaeo Christian framework at the core of their Nationalistic belief structure.

The problem is that change is the one true constant in the universe, it is always in a state of change. Nothing stays the same and the fight against change is a fight against nature. If you are a practicing Christian, your religion is very different than it was 100 years ago and vastly different than it was 1500 years ago.

Even those of us who think the Founding Fathers did an amazing job without Constitution, realize they were not without their faults and some of their views and rules.

People have used the argument of "moral consistency to a belief system" to fight against the end of slavery, the rights of women, the civil rights movement, and more.

The struggle against change is destined to fail, it is far better to drive the change than to fight it.

Moral Relativism is the world view that I hear coming out most... Appreciate your .02 $
I'll start out by taking issue with your quote by Fredrich Hayek...

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about.

I submit that the use of government to prevent change is not out of temerity but out of moral consistency to fundamental rudiments of a belief system... be it a morality based faith in God or adherence to Constitutionalism. Fundamentally for many, the unwillingness to see 'change' or 'progressive ideology' is not because we are appealing to our timidity and fear but because it goes against the tenets that we believe to be true, Biblically (scary stuff), and the bedrock of our Nation conceived by the framers of our Constitution and Bill of rights after a Judaeo Christian template. Obviously 'spontaneous' faith in an ideology that runs counter to ones foundational beliefs is, like you said a 'No Go' for the likes of 'us'. One doesn't have to be a raving Christian or religious to still hold the tenets of our Judaeo Christian framework at the core of their Nationalistic belief structure.

The problem is that change is the one true constant in the universe, it is always in a state of change. Nothing stays the same and the fight against change is a fight against nature. If you are a practicing Christian, your religion is very different than it was 100 years ago and vastly different than it was 1500 years ago.

Even those of us who think the Founding Fathers did an amazing job without Constitution, realize they were not without their faults and some of their views and rules.

People have used the argument of "moral consistency to a belief system" to fight against the end of slavery, the rights of women, the civil rights movement, and more.

The struggle against change is destined to fail, it is far better to drive the change than to fight it.
First of all, Christianity is not a religion it is a faith ~ religion is man-made.
There is nothing right about political correctness change or not.
People do not need to change to be right, Being politically correct is never right it’s spineless at best...

People often mistake adult behavior for political correctness.
There is nothing about political correctness that is adult, political correctness is all about the controlling of other people. There is another word for it... Orwellian
Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking, politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed' stand for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change!!!
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niche in the spectrum of robotic liars neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere (or) are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
Trump is considered "radioactive" for three reasons. In chronological order:

First, his childish, rude and humiliating public comments. From talking about the size of his DICK and making fun of the looks of his opponents during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, to his stupid comments about John McCain, to his never-ending string of embarrassing "tweets", he has acted like a petulant child since the day he took that funride down the escalator. There is a difference between not worrying about being PC, and ignoring fundamental adult behavior.

Second, his characteristically simplistic and vicious attacks on the media, which cut to the very core of their "integrity" and has motivated them to drop all pretense of objectivity and go after him with everything they have. Even as one who agrees the media is clearly biased, I've been stunned by his behavior there. He and his supporters are pretending that this was the only way to do it, when it could have been done in a much smarter way. Bottom line? He asked for it, and now he's getting it.

Third, his behaviors have changed little since he hit the Oval Office. In the ridiculous and unreal world of national politics, I can see a little showbiz to get elected in our shallow, celebrity-saturated culture. But for the most part, his behaviors have continued and his actions have clearly been towards satisfying his rabid base, to the exclusion of virtually everyone else, worldwide.

Writer Victor Davis Hansen is a good and obedient partisan, and he makes a fair case here and there. But to ignore, forgive, excuse and spin for Trump's behavior doesn't tell the whole story. No one has brought this on Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.
ya know what, I bet you're a "typical white woman."
Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking, politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed' stand for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change!!!
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niche in the spectrum of robotic liars neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere (or) are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
Trump is considered "radioactive" for three reasons. In chronological order:

First, his childish, rude and humiliating public comments. From talking about the size of his DICK and making fun of the looks of his opponents during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, to his stupid comments about John McCain, to his never-ending string of embarrassing "tweets", he has acted like a petulant child since the day he took that funride down the escalator. There is a difference between not worrying about being PC, and ignoring fundamental adult behavior.

Second, his characteristically simplistic and vicious attacks on the media, which cut to the very core of their "integrity" and has motivated them to drop all pretense of objectivity and go after him with everything they have. Even as one who agrees the media is clearly biased, I've been stunned by his behavior there. He and his supporters are pretending that this was the only way to do it, when it could have been done in a much smarter way. Bottom line? He asked for it, and now he's getting it.

Third, his behaviors have changed little since he hit the Oval Office. In the ridiculous and unreal world of national politics, I can see a little showbiz to get elected in our shallow, celebrity-saturated culture. But for the most part, his behaviors have continued and his actions have clearly been towards satisfying his rabid base, to the exclusion of virtually everyone else, worldwide.

Writer Victor Davis Hansen is a good and obedient partisan, and he makes a fair case here and there. But to ignore, forgive, excuse and spin for Trump's behavior doesn't tell the whole story. No one has brought this on Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.
You do realize That socialism/progressivism/political correctness/affirmative-action has destroyed this country? Career politicians are the enablers... along with the media.
It's possible to be different without being this way. This isn't the only option.

but i also don't think the death of something extreme like this would happen by normal people doing normal things. quite the contrary to me - that's how we got here. i totally agree on your commentary on trump. i just disagree that someone less "out there" could achieve the same results against the left.
I read the article. It was one man's opinion, Victor Davis Hanson. It was a well written as Hanson is an accomplished journalist but written more as conjecture or rationalizations than anything seriously researched. He deals a lot with trumps comportment or more accurately, trumps role as an entertainer on the world stage. The author himself describes trumps character as "a needy egoist or anarchist", among other things. However, Hanson goes on to defend trumps deluded behavior as what should be the new norm in communication. Without saying as much, his point is to reduce civility, politeness and courtesy down to trumps abysmal level.

It was well written babble.
I read the article. It was one man's opinion, Victor Davis Hanson. It was a well written as Hanson is an accomplished journalist but written more as conjecture or rationalizations than anything seriously researched. He deals a lot with trumps comportment or more accurately, trumps role as an entertainer on the world stage. The author himself describes trumps character as "a needy egoist or anarchist", among other things. However, Hanson goes on to defend trumps deluded behavior as what should be the new norm in communication. Without saying as much, his point is to reduce civility, politeness and courtesy down to trumps abysmal level.

It was well written babble.
so - reduce it down to the progressive liberals level?

got it.
People do not need to change to be right, Being politically correct is never right it’s spineless at best...

People often mistake adult behavior for political correctness.
There is nothing about political correctness that is adult, political correctness is all about the controlling of other people. There is another word for it... Orwellian

I agree totally.

The problem is that many people look basic adult behavior and label it PC so that they can act like children.
I'll start out by taking issue with your quote by Fredrich Hayek...

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about.

I submit that the use of government to prevent change is not out of temerity but out of moral consistency to fundamental rudiments of a belief system... be it a morality based faith in God or adherence to Constitutionalism. Fundamentally for many, the unwillingness to see 'change' or 'progressive ideology' is not because we are appealing to our timidity and fear but because it goes against the tenets that we believe to be true, Biblically (scary stuff), and the bedrock of our Nation conceived by the framers of our Constitution and Bill of rights after a Judaeo Christian template. Obviously 'spontaneous' faith in an ideology that runs counter to ones foundational beliefs is, like you said a 'No Go' for the likes of 'us'. One doesn't have to be a raving Christian or religious to still hold the tenets of our Judaeo Christian framework at the core of their Nationalistic belief structure.

The problem is that change is the one true constant in the universe, it is always in a state of change. Nothing stays the same and the fight against change is a fight against nature. If you are a practicing Christian, your religion is very different than it was 100 years ago and vastly different than it was 1500 years ago.

Even those of us who think the Founding Fathers did an amazing job without Constitution, realize they were not without their faults and some of their views and rules.

People have used the argument of "moral consistency to a belief system" to fight against the end of slavery, the rights of women, the civil rights movement, and more.

The struggle against change is destined to fail, it is far better to drive the change than to fight it.
First of all, Christianity is not a religion it is a faith ~ religion is man-made.
There is nothing right about political correctness change or not.

Christianity is man-made.
I read the article. It was one man's opinion, Victor Davis Hanson. It was a well written as Hanson is an accomplished journalist but written more as conjecture or rationalizations than anything seriously researched. He deals a lot with trumps comportment or more accurately, trumps role as an entertainer on the world stage. The author himself describes trumps character as "a needy egoist or anarchist", among other things. However, Hanson goes on to defend trumps deluded behavior as what should be the new norm in communication. Without saying as much, his point is to reduce civility, politeness and courtesy down to trumps abysmal level.

It was well written babble.

Isn't the premise of the article (the title its self 'Radioactive Trump') indicative of an X factor, thus far foreign to US politics as we have known politics? Granted a huge portion of what makes Trump unique as a politician & president is the mountain of unsavory baggage that comes with him. None the less, unmitigated honesty... call it bluntness and bravado if you will, meaning what you say N' backing it up.. is a factor in his ability to elicit responses from individuals, groups, parties and nations that seem unparalleled, by some.. including the author.

I would submit, "trumps deluded behavior as what should be the new norm in communication" 'Windparadox' is more of an inference rather than an overarching template to be carried forth. To do so would be to perpetuate that 'mountain of baggage' in the next one to pick up the torch.

Perhaps we are supposed to deduce that the positive attributes, outlined in the article might be valuable to hold our next president, congressman, town selectman... to. What is "radioactive Trump"? Is it his unsavory baggage that elicits such a 'novel' political response or could it be his qualities of directness, unflappability, meaning what you say and backing it up etc. etc.

Some 'never trumpers' might have to think long and hard as to whether there are not some characteristics, displayed by Trump, that are not worth emulating... jut based on efficacy alone. That's a portion of what I got from Hanison's article.
I read the article. It was one man's opinion, Victor Davis Hanson. It was a well written as Hanson is an accomplished journalist but written more as conjecture or rationalizations than anything seriously researched. He deals a lot with trumps comportment or more accurately, trumps role as an entertainer on the world stage. The author himself describes trumps character as "a needy egoist or anarchist", among other things. However, Hanson goes on to defend trumps deluded behavior as what should be the new norm in communication. Without saying as much, his point is to reduce civility, politeness and courtesy down to trumps abysmal level.

It was well written babble.

Isn't the premise of the article (the title its self 'Radioactive Trump') indicative of an X factor, thus far foreign to US politics as we have known politics? Granted a huge portion of what makes Trump unique as a politician & president is the mountain of unsavory baggage that comes with him. None the less, unmitigated honesty... call it bluntness and bravado if you will, meaning what you say N' backing it up.. is a factor in his ability to elicit responses from individuals, groups, parties and nations that seem unparalleled, by some.. including the author.

I would submit, "trumps deluded behavior as what should be the new norm in communication" 'Windparadox' is more of an inference rather than an overarching template to be carried forth. To do so would be to perpetuate that 'mountain of baggage' in the next one to pick up the torch.

Perhaps we are supposed to deduce that the positive attributes, outlined in the article might be valuable to hold our next president, congressman, town selectman... to. What is "radioactive Trump"? Is it his unsavory baggage that elicits such a 'novel' political response or could it be his qualities of directness, unflappability, meaning what you say and backing it up etc. etc.

Some 'never trumpers' might have to think long and hard as to whether there are not some characteristics, displayed by Trump, that are not worth emulating... jut based on efficacy alone. That's a portion of what I got from Hanison's article.
If you think that Democrats have been civil, you are willfully blind. It has been going on for years, their iterations, that have been less than civil and polite. It was just accepted by all the GOP and media wouldn’t call them out on it. The media would actually enforce their bad behavior.
A simple example, this headline during Ford’s run, yet he never said it-

I read the article. It was one man's opinion, Victor Davis Hanson. It was a well written as Hanson is an accomplished journalist but written more as conjecture or rationalizations than anything seriously researched. He deals a lot with trumps comportment or more accurately, trumps role as an entertainer on the world stage. The author himself describes trumps character as "a needy egoist or anarchist", among other things. However, Hanson goes on to defend trumps deluded behavior as what should be the new norm in communication. Without saying as much, his point is to reduce civility, politeness and courtesy down to trumps abysmal level.

It was well written babble.
Isn't the premise of the article (the title its self 'Radioactive Trump') indicative of an X factor, thus far foreign to US politics as we have known politics? Granted a huge portion of what makes Trump unique as a politician & president is the mountain of unsavory baggage that comes with him. None the less, unmitigated honesty... call it bluntness and bravado if you will, meaning what you say N' backing it up.. is a factor in his ability to elicit responses from individuals, groups, parties and nations that seem unparalleled, by some.. including the author.I would submit, "trumps deluded behavior as what should be the new norm in communication" 'Windparadox' is more of an inference rather than an overarching template to be carried forth. To do so would be to perpetuate that 'mountain of baggage' in the next one to pick up the torch.Perhaps we are supposed to deduce that the positive attributes, outlined in the article might be valuable to hold our next president, congressman, town selectman... to. What is "radioactive Trump"? Is it his unsavory baggage that elicits such a 'novel' political response or could it be his qualities of directness, unflappability, meaning what you say and backing it up etc. etc.Some 'never trumpers' might have to think long and hard as to whether there are not some characteristics, displayed by Trump, that are not worth emulating... jut based on efficacy alone. That's a portion of what I got from Hanison's article.
What the heck are you trying to say? "Radioactive" is a metaphor. You want to talk about a metaphor or what the article was about?????
Isn't the premise of the article (the title its self 'Radioactive Trump') indicative of an X factor, thus far foreign to US politics as we have known politics? Granted a huge portion of what makes Trump unique as a politician & president is the mountain of unsavory baggage that comes with him. None the less, unmitigated honesty... call it bluntness and bravado if you will, meaning what you say N' backing it up.. is a factor in his ability to elicit responses from individuals, groups, parties and nations that seem unparalleled, by some.. including the author.I would submit, "trumps deluded behavior as what should be the new norm in communication" 'Windparadox' is more of an inference rather than an overarching template to be carried forth. To do so would be to perpetuate that 'mountain of baggage' in the next one to pick up the torch.Perhaps we are supposed to deduce that the positive attributes, outlined in the article might be valuable to hold our next president, congressman, town selectman... to. What is "radioactive Trump"? Is it his unsavory baggage that elicits such a 'novel' political response or could it be his qualities of directness, unflappability, meaning what you say and backing it up etc. etc.Some 'never trumpers' might have to think long and hard as to whether there are not some characteristics, displayed by Trump, that are not worth emulating... jut based on efficacy alone. That's a portion of what I got from Hanison's article.
What the heck are you trying to say? "Radioactive" is a metaphor. You want to talk about a metaphor or what the article was about?????
Yeh... eliciting change/reaction
Article was about effecting change in a new and powerful way, a-typical of political norms...
Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking, politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed' stand for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change!!!
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niche in the spectrum of robotic liars neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere (or) are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
Trump is considered "radioactive" for three reasons. In chronological order:

First, his childish, rude and humiliating public comments. From talking about the size of his DICK and making fun of the looks of his opponents during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, to his stupid comments about John McCain, to his never-ending string of embarrassing "tweets", he has acted like a petulant child since the day he took that funride down the escalator. There is a difference between not worrying about being PC, and ignoring fundamental adult behavior.

Second, his characteristically simplistic and vicious attacks on the media, which cut to the very core of their "integrity" and has motivated them to drop all pretense of objectivity and go after him with everything they have. Even as one who agrees the media is clearly biased, I've been stunned by his behavior there. He and his supporters are pretending that this was the only way to do it, when it could have been done in a much smarter way. Bottom line? He asked for it, and now he's getting it.

Third, his behaviors have changed little since he hit the Oval Office. In the ridiculous and unreal world of national politics, I can see a little showbiz to get elected in our shallow, celebrity-saturated culture. But for the most part, his behaviors have continued and his actions have clearly been towards satisfying his rabid base, to the exclusion of virtually everyone else, worldwide.

Writer Victor Davis Hansen is a good and obedient partisan, and he makes a fair case here and there. But to ignore, forgive, excuse and spin for Trump's behavior doesn't tell the whole story. No one has brought this on Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.
You do realize That socialism/progressivism/political correctness/affirmative-action has destroyed this country? Career politicians are the enablers... along with the media.

yeah, we need more norwegians to fix the *problem*, don't we?
I'll start out by taking issue with your quote by Fredrich Hayek...

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about.

I submit that the use of government to prevent change is not out of temerity but out of moral consistency to fundamental rudiments of a belief system... be it a morality based faith in God or adherence to Constitutionalism. Fundamentally for many, the unwillingness to see 'change' or 'progressive ideology' is not because we are appealing to our timidity and fear but because it goes against the tenets that we believe to be true, Biblically (scary stuff), and the bedrock of our Nation conceived by the framers of our Constitution and Bill of rights after a Judaeo Christian template. Obviously 'spontaneous' faith in an ideology that runs counter to ones foundational beliefs is, like you said a 'No Go' for the likes of 'us'. One doesn't have to be a raving Christian or religious to still hold the tenets of our Judaeo Christian framework at the core of their Nationalistic belief structure.

The problem is that change is the one true constant in the universe, it is always in a state of change. Nothing stays the same and the fight against change is a fight against nature. If you are a practicing Christian, your religion is very different than it was 100 years ago and vastly different than it was 1500 years ago.

Even those of us who think the Founding Fathers did an amazing job without Constitution, realize they were not without their faults and some of their views and rules.

People have used the argument of "moral consistency to a belief system" to fight against the end of slavery, the rights of women, the civil rights movement, and more.

The struggle against change is destined to fail, it is far better to drive the change than to fight it.
First of all, Christianity is not a religion it is a faith ~ religion is man-made.
There is nothing right about political correctness change or not.

Christianity is man-made.
I'll start out by taking issue with your quote by Fredrich Hayek...

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about.

I submit that the use of government to prevent change is not out of temerity but out of moral consistency to fundamental rudiments of a belief system... be it a morality based faith in God or adherence to Constitutionalism. Fundamentally for many, the unwillingness to see 'change' or 'progressive ideology' is not because we are appealing to our timidity and fear but because it goes against the tenets that we believe to be true, Biblically (scary stuff), and the bedrock of our Nation conceived by the framers of our Constitution and Bill of rights after a Judaeo Christian template. Obviously 'spontaneous' faith in an ideology that runs counter to ones foundational beliefs is, like you said a 'No Go' for the likes of 'us'. One doesn't have to be a raving Christian or religious to still hold the tenets of our Judaeo Christian framework at the core of their Nationalistic belief structure.

The problem is that change is the one true constant in the universe, it is always in a state of change. Nothing stays the same and the fight against change is a fight against nature. If you are a practicing Christian, your religion is very different than it was 100 years ago and vastly different than it was 1500 years ago.

Even those of us who think the Founding Fathers did an amazing job without Constitution, realize they were not without their faults and some of their views and rules.

People have used the argument of "moral consistency to a belief system" to fight against the end of slavery, the rights of women, the civil rights movement, and more.

The struggle against change is destined to fail, it is far better to drive the change than to fight it.
First of all, Christianity is not a religion it is a faith ~ religion is man-made.
There is nothing right about political correctness change or not.

Christianity is man-made.

that video is man-made also.
Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking, politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed' stand for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change!!!
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niche in the spectrum of robotic liars neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere (or) are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
Trump is considered "radioactive" for three reasons. In chronological order:

First, his childish, rude and humiliating public comments. From talking about the size of his DICK and making fun of the looks of his opponents during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, to his stupid comments about John McCain, to his never-ending string of embarrassing "tweets", he has acted like a petulant child since the day he took that funride down the escalator. There is a difference between not worrying about being PC, and ignoring fundamental adult behavior.

Second, his characteristically simplistic and vicious attacks on the media, which cut to the very core of their "integrity" and has motivated them to drop all pretense of objectivity and go after him with everything they have. Even as one who agrees the media is clearly biased, I've been stunned by his behavior there. He and his supporters are pretending that this was the only way to do it, when it could have been done in a much smarter way. Bottom line? He asked for it, and now he's getting it.

Third, his behaviors have changed little since he hit the Oval Office. In the ridiculous and unreal world of national politics, I can see a little showbiz to get elected in our shallow, celebrity-saturated culture. But for the most part, his behaviors have continued and his actions have clearly been towards satisfying his rabid base, to the exclusion of virtually everyone else, worldwide.

Writer Victor Davis Hansen is a good and obedient partisan, and he makes a fair case here and there. But to ignore, forgive, excuse and spin for Trump's behavior doesn't tell the whole story. No one has brought this on Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.
ya know what, I bet you're a "typical white woman."
Hey, sure, why not!

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