Rafael Edwardo Cruz, loans, sleight of hand, credit, banks and not reporting it.

Even if it's unethical it's chicken feed compared to the money the Clinton's have skimmed from their "fund". Don't forget that Enron was raking in the dough during the Clinton administration and Bill pardoned the most notorious corporate criminal in history at that time while he was on the FBI's "10 most wanted". Allegedly all it took for Clinton to use the pardon pen was Rich's wife donating a couple of bucks to Clinton's Arkansas library.

Enron and Ken Lay were Jeb Bush's single biggest donors when Bush was running for governor IIRC.
That's almost like having Rezko buy your house for you!!
Who did Rezko buy a house for? I know you have a link.
Hint: first name was Barack
I don't want a hint. I want to see a link. Can you or can you not produce one?
I can produce links showing rezko overpaying for vacant land from the same seller who sold the Obama their house at a large discount. Then Rita Rezko sold a part of the vacant land to the Obama's all while rezko was under investigation
That's almost like having Rezko buy your house for you!!
Who did Rezko buy a house for? I know you have a link.
Hint: first name was Barack
I don't want a hint. I want to see a link. Can you or can you not produce one?
I can produce links showing rezko overpaying for vacant land from the same seller who sold the Obama their house at a large discount. Then Rita Rezko sold a part of the vacant land to the Obama's all while rezko was under investigation

"Showing he just didn't care, Obama wrote letters on Illinois Senate letterhead supporting government loans for slum projects.
Obama coauthored the Illinois law that gave tax breaks to his slum lord friends, including now convicted felon Tony Rezko who helped Obama buy a million-dollar house.
As a US Senator, Obama worked to increase federal subsidies for his slum lord pals who donated more than $175,000 to Obama's campaigns with Rezko raising another $200,000."

Obama the Slumlord

  1. Obama with coincidental investment connections. Obama who was an upside down borrower on his condo. Obama who just got a little “boneheaded” advice from convicted felon Tony Rezko when he bought his mansion in Chicago. Obama the Investor — Brian Sussman
  2. So let’s sum up Obama’s Chicago connections. His chief financial supporter was Tony Rezko, now on his way to federal prison. His spiritual adviser and mentor was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, of “God damn America” fame. And the guy who got him his only administrative job and put him in charge of doling out $50 million is William Ayers, a terrorist who was a domestic Osama bin Laden in his youth.....Why was he so close to Rezko?
    Because he funded Obama’s campaigns and helped him buy a house for $300,000 less than he otherwise would have had to pay.
    Not a good recommendation for a president." The Obama-Ayers connection

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