Rahm Emanuel engages in racketeering

No, your Republicans consider him tough but fair, honest, direct and candid.


Emanuel is consider a mobster, crooked and mobbed up.

Not certain what you are babbling about but Democrats begged him to stay in Washington. He's a real family man, I can see why he is taking on gun enthusiasts. His family and all of the shootings in Chicago, there's two.

He wanted to be Mayor of Chicago, who wouldn't? Not all politicians in Chicago are corrupt. Al Capone? :cuckoo:

Emanuel is no more corrupt than Blagojevich....
No, your Republicans consider him tough but fair, honest, direct and candid.


Emanuel is consider a mobster, crooked and mobbed up.

Not certain what you are babbling about but Democrats begged him to stay in Washington. He's a real family man, I can see why he is taking on gun enthusiasts. His family and all of the shootings in Chicago, there's two.

He wanted to be Mayor of Chicago, who wouldn't? Not all politicians in Chicago are corrupt. Al Capone? :cuckoo:

Emanuel is no more corrupt than Blagojevich....

You should change your username to Incorrect.
You should change your username to Incorrect.

What I present is fact.

Rahm Emanuel is engaged in racketeering in an attempt to disrupt or destroy legal businesses in the United States. This is irrefutable fact.

I believe he is acting on behalf of Barack Obama, as a way for Obama to engage in crime while maintaining plausible dependability.

Either way, Emanuel should be arrested on RICO violations - TODAY.

Now, if you want to masquerade as someone rational, feel free to explain why Emanuel should be allowed to engage in racketeering?
Rahm better have his skeletons locked up very tight, because i'm sure the NRA and the gun companies have their lawyers looking into his political life.
What Emanuel is doing has NOTHING to do with the 300+ million firearms that are already owned by private citizens.

Too late, Rhamy. The cows have already escaped the barn.

The Obamanistas should be VERY careful.

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