Raise the minimum wage

Why should they work to improve themselves when they know that Nana Govmint will pick up the slack.

That is what under paying & government subsidizing/supporting minimum wage workers gets you. It trains them that government will take care of them regardless of how hard they work. They need to be paid enough to live off of so they can stand on their own 2 feet & take pride in their accomplishments. Most of the "47% takers" have low paying jobs that instill them with the virtue of government dependency.
Minimum wage is not to be a living wage.. it is a STARTER wage... for the ones with zero experience, just beginning their working careers...

This is a simple concept that left wingers just cannot seem to understand

So why is the starting wage so much less today than it was in 1968? in 2012 dollars, mw was almost $11 an hour. Today, in 2012, mw is about $7.00 and hour. More than 75% of MW workers are adults, why on earth do you think they are worth less today than in 1968.

Because there are more people in a pool that can do mindless work that anyone else can do
A person working full time on minimum wage should be expected to live on it. If you Americans can't get that through your heads, there is something wrong.

Hmm.. meant for students etc who are JUST STARTING... it should NOT be expected to pay solo rent, car payments, raise kids, etc... you ADVANCE to EARN what is needed to provide for such things.. if YOU or ANYONE ELSE is earning minimum wage at age 25 with 2 kids, 2 cars, a 3BR apartment or house, etc, YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID.... you are not OWED the payment for such things for the lowest level shit out there... ANYONE can flip a burger, sweep a floor, or ring a cash register.. but guess what... If you stay with a company, show potential and effort, show some loyalty, advance your skills, learn new skills, and initiative, etc YOU WILL GET RAISES MOST LIKELY BECAUSE OF THE VALUE YOU ADD ABOVE THE ENTRY LEVEL GOOBERS


You have an unrealistic expectation of life.

No.. it appears it is you who has the unrealistic, pie in the sky, expectation of life... to think that you should be comfortable on the lowest rung is ridiculous
You have an unrealistic expectation of life.
He likely has higher expectations of people. I wish more people would do likewise instead of accepting mediocrity. The minimum wage is a manifestation of low expectations as your own. I doesn't stop there though. People instill mediocrity in their children and in doing so perpetuate ignorance and poverty. That is the reason for people making minimum wage, and a tragedy to boot.

There are many people who want to get somewhere in life, but sometimes, circumstances don't allow for that to happen. Its life, and people need to accept that.

You accept this 'destiny' approach... circumstances smirkumstances.... you need to have more to provide.. you work 2+ jobs.. you take it upon yourself to advance... you pay for training or education.. you step up at work to get more responsibility.. you make yourself more marketable... you don't get get it because you are in existence and do nothing to get yourself off the bottom rung
Because there are more people in a pool that can do mindless work that anyone else can do

Investment banking schemes are mindless theft of the protected elite. It has been around before Jesus kicked over their money changing tables & laws were made to stop it. Yet those protected few are now allowed to mindlessly steal our wealth again.
Look at the unemployment rates amng those most affected by min wage, e.g. black teenagers. Currently is over 20%. It will correlate somewhat with min wage rises, and it has. So if we raise the min wage rate we will prevent more black teens from getting jobs and getting started with their careers. This way they can drop out, sling dope, and become wards of the state. And Dem voters, of course.

Only an idiot thinks raising the min wage will accomplish anything.

unfortunately there are a lot of idiots in the dem party, with the head idiot sitting in the oval office
Look at the unemployment rates amng those most affected by min wage, e.g. black teenagers. Currently is over 20%. It will correlate somewhat with min wage rises, and it has. So if we raise the min wage rate we will prevent more black teens from getting jobs and getting started with their careers. This way they can drop out, sling dope, and become wards of the state. And Dem voters, of course.

Only an idiot thinks raising the min wage will accomplish anything.

unfortunately there are a lot of idiots in the dem party, with the head idiot sitting in the oval office

I disagree. Obama isn't the head idiot. The head has brains.
Look at the unemployment rates amng those most affected by min wage, e.g. black teenagers. Currently is over 20%. It will correlate somewhat with min wage rises, and it has. So if we raise the min wage rate we will prevent more black teens from getting jobs and getting started with their careers. This way they can drop out, sling dope, and become wards of the state. And Dem voters, of course.

Only an idiot thinks raising the min wage will accomplish anything.

unfortunately there are a lot of idiots in the dem party, with the head idiot sitting in the oval office

I disagree. Obama isn't the head idiot. The head has brains.

Or at least cunning and charisma
Why should they work to improve themselves when they know that Nana Govmint will pick up the slack.

That is what under paying & government subsidizing/supporting minimum wage workers gets you. It trains them that government will take care of them regardless of how hard they work. They need to be paid enough to live off of so they can stand on their own 2 feet & take pride in their accomplishments. Most of the "47% takers" have low paying jobs that instill them with the virtue of government dependency.

This is true, to a point.

But , in a lot of cases those jobs trap people. I mean they pay just enough to wear people can't afford to quit them to return to school or whatever, but not enough to where they can get off assistance.

It's certainly a chicken/egg argument.

I don't have the answer but just saying "there is no problem" isn't going to solve anything.
A person working full time on minimum wage should be expected to live on it. If you Americans can't get that through your heads, there is something wrong.

Hmm.. meant for students etc who are JUST STARTING... it should NOT be expected to pay solo rent, car payments, raise kids, etc... you ADVANCE to EARN what is needed to provide for such things.. if YOU or ANYONE ELSE is earning minimum wage at age 25 with 2 kids, 2 cars, a 3BR apartment or house, etc, YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID.... you are not OWED the payment for such things for the lowest level shit out there... ANYONE can flip a burger, sweep a floor, or ring a cash register.. but guess what... If you stay with a company, show potential and effort, show some loyalty, advance your skills, learn new skills, and initiative, etc YOU WILL GET RAISES MOST LIKELY BECAUSE OF THE VALUE YOU ADD ABOVE THE ENTRY LEVEL GOOBERS


You have an unrealistic expectation of life.

He has unrealistic expectations?
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You fucken kill me!!
So being a slug is a good thing in your book?
I can honestly say I have never read such a ridicules statement on this board or any other.
Please say you were being sarcastic.
You have an unrealistic expectation of life.
He likely has higher expectations of people. I wish more people would do likewise instead of accepting mediocrity. The minimum wage is a manifestation of low expectations as your own. I doesn't stop there though. People instill mediocrity in their children and in doing so perpetuate ignorance and poverty. That is the reason for people making minimum wage, and a tragedy to boot.

There are many people who want to get somewhere in life, but sometimes, circumstances don't allow for that to happen. Its life, and people need to accept that.

Holy Shit!!! You were serious!!!
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Good luck with your lifetime career at MickyDs.
What's the matter? Can not answer why we can not move the minimum wage mandate to 500 dollars an hour? Why can we not do that since this policy is without consequence?

You can't make a case against the 9 dollar an hour minimum wage so you want someone to argue over a 500 dollar an hour wage. That makes you an asshole, not that you weren't already.

The case against mandating any minimum wage has been made repeatedly. Libs just refuse to acknowledge the reality that one of their sacred cow issues is really an economic albatross.
TSAB is right, in for a dime, in for a dollar. If we insist on raising the minimum wage a measly couple of bucks, why not just shoot for the moon and demand $500/hr?

Why do you think minimum wage workers are worth less today than minimum wage workers in 1968?
You can't make a case against the 9 dollar an hour minimum wage so you want someone to argue over a 500 dollar an hour wage. That makes you an asshole, not that you weren't already.

The case against mandating any minimum wage has been made repeatedly. Libs just refuse to acknowledge the reality that one of their sacred cow issues is really an economic albatross.
TSAB is right, in for a dime, in for a dollar. If we insist on raising the minimum wage a measly couple of bucks, why not just shoot for the moon and demand $500/hr?

Why do you think minimum wage workers are worth less today than minimum wage workers in 1968?

Do you think there is more of a number of unskilled people for the labor force?? More people who do not put it upon themselves to train, gain skills, etc that would take them out of the unskilled labor category??

If there is more unskilled labor, of course it is worth less
Raising the minimum wage isn't such a good idea since we just enacted universal healthcare. Businesses have been affected (but not enough to justify ANY lay offs, so you conservatives don't need to get a big dick over this post) by the healthcare act which is a good thing and a step forward in the direction of becoming an even more privileged country. There are people who simply cannot afford any sort of health care.

Now, if we absolutely HAD to raise minimum wage some how. Lets offer tax breaks for all businesses who voluntarily set their minimum wage to atleast $8.25 an hour. But keep the minimum wage of $7.25 if they prefer to pay all of their obligated taxes.
The case against mandating any minimum wage has been made repeatedly. Libs just refuse to acknowledge the reality that one of their sacred cow issues is really an economic albatross.
TSAB is right, in for a dime, in for a dollar. If we insist on raising the minimum wage a measly couple of bucks, why not just shoot for the moon and demand $500/hr?

Why do you think minimum wage workers are worth less today than minimum wage workers in 1968?

Do you think there is more of a number of unskilled people for the labor force?? More people who do not put it upon themselves to train, gain skills, etc that would take them out of the unskilled labor category??

If there is more unskilled labor, of course it is worth less

obviously the population has grown so of course there, of course there are more jobs to.

I'm not sure it's fair to say there are more people who are satisfied with minimum wage jobs and not trying for better than there were though.
Why do you think minimum wage workers are worth less today than minimum wage workers in 1968?

Do you think there is more of a number of unskilled people for the labor force?? More people who do not put it upon themselves to train, gain skills, etc that would take them out of the unskilled labor category??

If there is more unskilled labor, of course it is worth less

obviously the population has grown so of course there, of course there are more jobs to.

I'm not sure it's fair to say there are more people who are satisfied with minimum wage jobs and not trying for better than there were though.

That is not what I am saying.. I am saying though.. with the entitlement mantra we have.. we have more that just do not try and think it is owed to them... and that we have a larger unskilled labor force because of it
Do you think there is more of a number of unskilled people for the labor force?? More people who do not put it upon themselves to train, gain skills, etc that would take them out of the unskilled labor category??

If there is more unskilled labor, of course it is worth less

obviously the population has grown so of course there, of course there are more jobs to.

I'm not sure it's fair to say there are more people who are satisfied with minimum wage jobs and not trying for better than there were though.

That is not what I am saying.. I am saying though.. with the entitlement mantra we have.. we have more that just do not try and think it is owed to them... and that we have a larger unskilled labor force because of it

i wouldn't disagree with that dave. Which is why I think the minimum wage SHOULD be set at something that is a decent wage. No, not enough to make anyone even middle class as just minimum wage but enough that we can do away with welfare except to those who are provably unable to support themselves. Not those who won't , those who CAN'T.

if you choose not to work and starve, not our problem; but if you're out working your ass off for Company X, company X will make sure you don't need welfare.

Of course the key to my plan is that companies shouldn't have to just eat the higher cost. Taxes should be lowered at the same time, and that isn't going to happen , so I don't favor raising the minimum wage at this time.
The case against mandating any minimum wage has been made repeatedly. Libs just refuse to acknowledge the reality that one of their sacred cow issues is really an economic albatross.
TSAB is right, in for a dime, in for a dollar. If we insist on raising the minimum wage a measly couple of bucks, why not just shoot for the moon and demand $500/hr?

Why do you think minimum wage workers are worth less today than minimum wage workers in 1968?

Do you think there is more of a number of unskilled people for the labor force?? More people who do not put it upon themselves to train, gain skills, etc that would take them out of the unskilled labor category??

If there is more unskilled labor, of course it is worth less

Since American's have limited their children to less than replacement value, then there are no more unskilled laborers than their were in 1968, except of course for the massive immigration both legal and illegal that our government has perpetrated to keep our wages artificially low.
Raising the minimum wage does not cause recessions.

Well raising the minimum wage to $9.00 an hour will after deducting payroll taxes leave $3,841.76 more to be spent in the economy.
What it cost the employer though is $4,478 (people seem to forget Employer matches employee's payroll taxes)
So while the employee has $3,841 more employer has $4,478 less or a loss to the economy of:$636 per employee.
If an employer with 50 employees says I'm not going to cost my business $223,912 more what will the employer do?

He will find ways to AUTOMATE and replace at least 10 employees to save the $223,000!!!

So the issue is will it cause a recession? Letting people go will NOT put money into the economy!

I'm curious...the money being spent by those making more per hour...does that money evaporate or does it stay in the economy?

If we raise the minimum wage, jobs will be lost because if businesses have to pay higher wages they will either have to lay off workers or raise the price of their products or services.

Ya' know.....that's been said.....previous to EACH time the minimum-wage has been boosted.....and, every time it's been proven to be......

:eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand:

"John Schmitt finds the answer in a paper out this month for the Center for Economic and Policy Research. After reviewing the available data, he concludes that employers react to minimum wage increases by adjusting their practices in a wide range of ways, some of which can strengthen their businesses and the economy as a whole.

The GOP’s doom and gloom predictions, however, are unfounded and contrary to their rhetoric, the majority of low‐wage workers “are not employed by small businesses, but rather by large corporations with over 100 employees These companies have largely recovered from the recession and can afford to pay their employees more."


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