Raise the minimum wage

On which planet ? A burger flipper or shelf stocker works harder than a skilled tradesman, doctor, lawyer, the dreaded CEO etc.......? I think not....

Have you ever worked in fast food? Most people who look down upon it haven't worked in that kind of business before, but they consider themselves experts in it.

I have worked in fast food for almost 7 years. I would be a manager but the fact that I am partially deaf means I can't wear a headset to run drive thru, and I also can't work nights, so that cancels me out. I stay longer, I come in to work on my days off with a half hours notice, I am about to head home when some fuck wit calls up sick and I have to stay an extra few hours. I don't complain. I work my arse off and have done for 7 fucking years, and when dickheads like you presume to think that people who work in fast food are uneducated and stupid, that insults me.

I get paid $16.75 an hour, and I am worth every damned penny of that, thank you very much. Plus, we get a pay rise every year, which is more than I can say for the people who work 12 hour shifts at the local McDonalds and take home less than half of what I get paid per week.
When people after a certain age do it, unless they're immigrants in the kitchen with limited local language skills or seniors trying to supplement their pensions, it's not all that impressive. Still, it's better than sucking on the public teat.

Unless we raise the MW it is sucking on the public teat.
Minimum wage is not to be a living wage.. it is a STARTER wage... for the ones with zero experience, just beginning their working careers...

This is a simple concept that left wingers just cannot seem to understand

If you are trying to raise a family and you are in a job where you are making minimum
wage..... you obviously made some bad career choices.And you want to blame it all on
republicans of course as to why you are not making a salary where you could support
that family. :cuckoo:

Yeah, how dare you go to work for a corporation that decided to offshore all it's productivity? How dare you have children while you are making good money and then expect to keep them when you are forced to get a MW job because your jobs was sent overseas?
Minimum wage is not to be a living wage.. it is a STARTER wage... for the ones with zero experience, just beginning their working careers...

This is a simple concept that left wingers just cannot seem to understand

If you are trying to raise a family and you are in a job where you are making minimum
wage..... you obviously made some bad career choices.And you want to blame it all on
republicans of course as to why you are not making a salary where you could support
that family. :cuckoo:

Would a "bad career choice" be one where the person enlists in the U.S. Military, and decides to serve 20 years and gets out only to end up in a minimum wage job situation, because they are either "overqualified" or "underqualified", or that their military career doesn't translate well into the civilian world?

Is choosing to defend this country by enlisting and coming back to civilian life a "bad career choice"?
I've already said, several times..a living wage is enough for ONE person to afford a roof over their heads in a cheap apartment, utilities, food, clothing, medical care and transportation to and from work. It's basic stuff. No one who wants the minimum wage raised expects minimum wage workers to suddenly be able to afford expensive cars, etc. The expect them to be able to afford the basic necessities without having to bum off of their family, friends and government. No one who is working should have to collect foodstamps. That amounts to welfare for the company that is employing them.

Why should it be ONE person?? People too good for roommates? Too good to live at home?? Too good to walk to work?

No.. minimum wage is not supposed to be an 'on your own' wage.. it is supposed to be a STARTER wage

A lot of MW workers don't have a home to live at, and some of them don't have people they can live with. How do you walk to work when work is 10 miles from your cheap apartment? Would you rather they pay 3 times for the apartment so they can walk to work? When I said transportation I didn't mean car, I meant bus. Remember most MW workers aren't teenagers living at home. Most of them are adults. Take a look around the next time you go to a restaurant. They pay MW, how many of the workers are teenagers?

And again, why do you believe MW workers today are worth less than they were in 1968?

Work 2 jobs... hell, minimum wage jobs are EVERYWHERE... in EVERY neighborhood

Most minimum wage workers SHOULD BE TEENAGERS.. if you are 25 and have a wife and/or kids, you should NOT BE WORKING A MINIMUM WAGE JOB.. if you are, it should you have done NOTHING in 9 years... not trained for a skill, not proven a damn thing, NOTHING

And the min wage jobs at a restaurant (usually hostess, cashier, or bus person) are indeed usually teens... waitresses, bartenders etc earn tips.. cooks and managers earn more than min wage...

And again... because there are more people who are unskilled now than there were then.. more lazy fucks who do nothing, draw assistance, etc... because the economy and the value of a dollar now (thanks to government printing money, spending like a fiend, etc) sucks... there are many reasons... but that is not a reason to raise your min wage... you gonna lower it when the economy is better?? Didn't think so
Why should it be ONE person?? People too good for roommates? Too good to live at home?? Too good to walk to work?

No.. minimum wage is not supposed to be an 'on your own' wage.. it is supposed to be a STARTER wage

A lot of MW workers don't have a home to live at, and some of them don't have people they can live with. How do you walk to work when work is 10 miles from your cheap apartment? Would you rather they pay 3 times for the apartment so they can walk to work? When I said transportation I didn't mean car, I meant bus. Remember most MW workers aren't teenagers living at home. Most of them are adults. Take a look around the next time you go to a restaurant. They pay MW, how many of the workers are teenagers?

And again, why do you believe MW workers today are worth less than they were in 1968?

Work 2 jobs... hell, minimum wage jobs are EVERYWHERE... in EVERY neighborhood

Most minimum wage workers SHOULD BE TEENAGERS.. if you are 25 and have a wife and/or kids, you should NOT BE WORKING A MINIMUM WAGE JOB.. if you are, it should you have done NOTHING in 9 years... not trained for a skill, not proven a damn thing, NOTHING

And the min wage jobs at a restaurant (usually hostess, cashier, or bus person) are indeed usually teens... waitresses, bartenders etc earn tips.. cooks and managers earn more than min wage...

And again... because there are more people who are unskilled now than there were then.. more lazy fucks who do nothing, draw assistance, etc... because the economy and the value of a dollar now (thanks to government printing money, spending like a fiend, etc) sucks... there are many reasons... but that is not a reason to raise your min wage... you gonna lower it when the economy is better?? Didn't think so

What if you're working a minimum wage job at 25 because you'd decided to enlist in the US Military when you graduated high school, and when you got out, were unable to find a better paying job because most places would consider you either "over qualified", or "under qualified", or your primary specialty in the military didn't translate well into civilian job terms?

Are they "unskilled" because of their bad choices as well?
A lot of MW workers don't have a home to live at, and some of them don't have people they can live with. How do you walk to work when work is 10 miles from your cheap apartment? Would you rather they pay 3 times for the apartment so they can walk to work? When I said transportation I didn't mean car, I meant bus. Remember most MW workers aren't teenagers living at home. Most of them are adults. Take a look around the next time you go to a restaurant. They pay MW, how many of the workers are teenagers?

And again, why do you believe MW workers today are worth less than they were in 1968?

Work 2 jobs... hell, minimum wage jobs are EVERYWHERE... in EVERY neighborhood

Most minimum wage workers SHOULD BE TEENAGERS.. if you are 25 and have a wife and/or kids, you should NOT BE WORKING A MINIMUM WAGE JOB.. if you are, it should you have done NOTHING in 9 years... not trained for a skill, not proven a damn thing, NOTHING

And the min wage jobs at a restaurant (usually hostess, cashier, or bus person) are indeed usually teens... waitresses, bartenders etc earn tips.. cooks and managers earn more than min wage...

And again... because there are more people who are unskilled now than there were then.. more lazy fucks who do nothing, draw assistance, etc... because the economy and the value of a dollar now (thanks to government printing money, spending like a fiend, etc) sucks... there are many reasons... but that is not a reason to raise your min wage... you gonna lower it when the economy is better?? Didn't think so

What if you're working a minimum wage job at 25 because you'd decided to enlist in the US Military when you graduated high school, and when you got out, were unable to find a better paying job because most places would consider you either "over qualified", or "under qualified", or your primary specialty in the military didn't translate well into civilian job terms?

Are they "unskilled" because of their bad choices as well?

Yeah.. lets leave off the value of all the benefits... housing, food, medical, etc is NOTHING :rolleyes:... Increased pay, housing allowance, food allowance for the family folk too... Not to mention, HOW LONG ARE YOU AN E-1?? You remember your first 2 promotions and when/how fast they came??.. AND let us not forget the benefits of training etc that you do get for when you are exiting.. plus we have all seen people re-classing to other jobs when they realize 11B is not something to get you a job if you're only staying in a short time

Don't you DARE try and put it that the military is just a minimum wage job.. it ain't all that great on the pay scale, but there is benefit to it beyond what you see on the basic pay chart of an E-1

And if you chose 88M or other jobs... yes, that is on you when you get out
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Work 2 jobs... hell, minimum wage jobs are EVERYWHERE... in EVERY neighborhood

Most minimum wage workers SHOULD BE TEENAGERS.. if you are 25 and have a wife and/or kids, you should NOT BE WORKING A MINIMUM WAGE JOB.. if you are, it should you have done NOTHING in 9 years... not trained for a skill, not proven a damn thing, NOTHING

And the min wage jobs at a restaurant (usually hostess, cashier, or bus person) are indeed usually teens... waitresses, bartenders etc earn tips.. cooks and managers earn more than min wage...

And again... because there are more people who are unskilled now than there were then.. more lazy fucks who do nothing, draw assistance, etc... because the economy and the value of a dollar now (thanks to government printing money, spending like a fiend, etc) sucks... there are many reasons... but that is not a reason to raise your min wage... you gonna lower it when the economy is better?? Didn't think so

What if you're working a minimum wage job at 25 because you'd decided to enlist in the US Military when you graduated high school, and when you got out, were unable to find a better paying job because most places would consider you either "over qualified", or "under qualified", or your primary specialty in the military didn't translate well into civilian job terms?

Are they "unskilled" because of their bad choices as well?

Yeah.. lets leave off the value of all the benefits... housing, food, medical, etc is NOTHING :rolleyes:... Increased pay, housing allowance, food allowance for the family folk too... Not to mention, HOW LONG ARE YOU AN E-1?? You remember your first 2 promotions and when/how fast they came??.. AND let us not forget the benefits of training etc that you do get for when you are exiting.. plus we have all seen people re-classing to other jobs when they realize 11B is not something to get you a job if you're only staying in a short time

Don't you DARE try and put it that the military is just a minimum wage job.. it ain't all that great on the pay scale, but there is benefit to it beyond what you see on the basic pay chart of an E-1

And if you chose 88M or other jobs... yes, that is on you when you get out

Never said anything about the benefits you receive while you're in.

I wanted to know what you thought of those in the military who were discharged and had to work for minimum wage.

Did those military people who enlisted and then separated make "bad choices" because the only job they could find at 25 was making minimum wage?

Especially because most of the people hiring thought they had PTSD and refused to hire them?
What if you're working a minimum wage job at 25 because you'd decided to enlist in the US Military when you graduated high school, and when you got out, were unable to find a better paying job because most places would consider you either "over qualified", or "under qualified", or your primary specialty in the military didn't translate well into civilian job terms?

Are they "unskilled" because of their bad choices as well?

Yeah.. lets leave off the value of all the benefits... housing, food, medical, etc is NOTHING :rolleyes:... Increased pay, housing allowance, food allowance for the family folk too... Not to mention, HOW LONG ARE YOU AN E-1?? You remember your first 2 promotions and when/how fast they came??.. AND let us not forget the benefits of training etc that you do get for when you are exiting.. plus we have all seen people re-classing to other jobs when they realize 11B is not something to get you a job if you're only staying in a short time

Don't you DARE try and put it that the military is just a minimum wage job.. it ain't all that great on the pay scale, but there is benefit to it beyond what you see on the basic pay chart of an E-1

And if you chose 88M or other jobs... yes, that is on you when you get out

Never said anything about the benefits you receive while you're in.

I wanted to know what you thought of those in the military who were discharged and had to work for minimum wage.

Did those military people who enlisted and then separated make "bad choices" because the only job they could find at 25 was making minimum wage?

Especially because most of the people hiring thought they had PTSD and refused to hire them?

The only reason thats an issue is bc jobs are scarce right now. In a good economy former military are prized by human resources managers regardless of what mos they had
Have you ever worked in fast food? Most people who look down upon it haven't worked in that kind of business before, but they consider themselves experts in it.

I have worked in fast food for almost 7 years. I would be a manager but the fact that I am partially deaf means I can't wear a headset to run drive thru, and I also can't work nights, so that cancels me out. I stay longer, I come in to work on my days off with a half hours notice, I am about to head home when some fuck wit calls up sick and I have to stay an extra few hours. I don't complain. I work my arse off and have done for 7 fucking years, and when dickheads like you presume to think that people who work in fast food are uneducated and stupid, that insults me.

I get paid $16.75 an hour, and I am worth every damned penny of that, thank you very much. Plus, we get a pay rise every year, which is more than I can say for the people who work 12 hour shifts at the local McDonalds and take home less than half of what I get paid per week.
When people after a certain age do it, unless they're immigrants in the kitchen with limited local language skills or seniors trying to supplement their pensions, it's not all that impressive. Still, it's better than sucking on the public teat.

Unless we raise the MW it is sucking on the public teat.
That would simply transfer part of the cost to the consumer teat. Here's a thought, we get rid of entitlements for healthy lower income recipients and let the states take care of minimum wage without federal involvement.
When people after a certain age do it, unless they're immigrants in the kitchen with limited local language skills or seniors trying to supplement their pensions, it's not all that impressive. Still, it's better than sucking on the public teat.

Unless we raise the MW it is sucking on the public teat.
That would simply transfer part of the cost to the consumer teat. Here's a thought, we get rid of entitlements for healthy lower income recipients and let the states take care of minimum wage without federal involvement.

Yeah............................sure...........................get rid of entitlements and let the corporations take care of the people.............................

Do you not know the reasons unions were created? Look it up sometime.

Unions are the reason we HAD a strong middle class.
When people after a certain age do it, unless they're immigrants in the kitchen with limited local language skills or seniors trying to supplement their pensions, it's not all that impressive. Still, it's better than sucking on the public teat.

Unless we raise the MW it is sucking on the public teat.
That would simply transfer part of the cost to the consumer teat. Here's a thought, we get rid of entitlements for healthy lower income recipients and let the states take care of minimum wage without federal involvement.

5 states don't have minimum wage laws and 4 states have minimum wages less than the federal minimum wage. 17 states are smart enough to have minimum wage laws higher than the federal minimum wage.
A lot of MW workers don't have a home to live at, and some of them don't have people they can live with. How do you walk to work when work is 10 miles from your cheap apartment? Would you rather they pay 3 times for the apartment so they can walk to work? When I said transportation I didn't mean car, I meant bus. Remember most MW workers aren't teenagers living at home. Most of them are adults. Take a look around the next time you go to a restaurant. They pay MW, how many of the workers are teenagers?

And again, why do you believe MW workers today are worth less than they were in 1968?

Work 2 jobs... hell, minimum wage jobs are EVERYWHERE... in EVERY neighborhood

Most minimum wage workers SHOULD BE TEENAGERS.. if you are 25 and have a wife and/or kids, you should NOT BE WORKING A MINIMUM WAGE JOB.. if you are, it should you have done NOTHING in 9 years... not trained for a skill, not proven a damn thing, NOTHING

And the min wage jobs at a restaurant (usually hostess, cashier, or bus person) are indeed usually teens... waitresses, bartenders etc earn tips.. cooks and managers earn more than min wage...

And again... because there are more people who are unskilled now than there were then.. more lazy fucks who do nothing, draw assistance, etc... because the economy and the value of a dollar now (thanks to government printing money, spending like a fiend, etc) sucks... there are many reasons... but that is not a reason to raise your min wage... you gonna lower it when the economy is better?? Didn't think so

What if you're working a minimum wage job at 25 because you'd decided to enlist in the US Military when you graduated high school, and when you got out, were unable to find a better paying job because most places would consider you either "over qualified", or "under qualified", or your primary specialty in the military didn't translate well into civilian job terms?

Are they "unskilled" because of their bad choices as well?

For 20 years you knew that someday you were going to get out of the service. 20 years to use GI benefits or whatever to learn a skill you could use. Sorry there is no a lot of call for gunnery sargents or whatever. That said, thank you for your service.
Unless we raise the MW it is sucking on the public teat.
That would simply transfer part of the cost to the consumer teat. Here's a thought, we get rid of entitlements for healthy lower income recipients and let the states take care of minimum wage without federal involvement.

Yeah............................sure...........................get rid of entitlements and let the corporations take care of the people.............................

Do you not know the reasons unions were created? Look it up sometime.

Unions are the reason we HAD a strong middle class.

No, business and industry is why we had a strong middle class. Both have moved away, taken by illegals or dried up. Now there is no where for the low educated or low skilled to work.
That would simply transfer part of the cost to the consumer teat. Here's a thought, we get rid of entitlements for healthy lower income recipients and let the states take care of minimum wage without federal involvement.

Yeah............................sure...........................get rid of entitlements and let the corporations take care of the people.............................

Do you not know the reasons unions were created? Look it up sometime.

Unions are the reason we HAD a strong middle class.

No, business and industry is why we had a strong middle class. Both have moved away, taken by illegals or dried up. Now there is no where for the low educated or low skilled to work.

Bulcrap. It was changes in the laws for business and industry bought by corporations that led to those jobs going overseas or being taken by illegals. Unions brought us the 5 day work week, overtime, the end of child labor, health and safety laws, etc. Business and Industry didn't like that so they bought our politicians and the rest is history.
Yeah............................sure...........................get rid of entitlements and let the corporations take care of the people.............................

Do you not know the reasons unions were created? Look it up sometime.

Unions are the reason we HAD a strong middle class.

No, business and industry is why we had a strong middle class. Both have moved away, taken by illegals or dried up. Now there is no where for the low educated or low skilled to work.

Bulcrap. It was changes in the laws for business and industry bought by corporations that led to those jobs going overseas or being taken by illegals. Unions brought us the 5 day work week, overtime, the end of child labor, health and safety laws, etc. Business and Industry didn't like that so they bought our politicians and the rest is history.

Which politicians were bought by business and industry (whoever they are)?
Work 2 jobs... hell, minimum wage jobs are EVERYWHERE... in EVERY neighborhood

Most minimum wage workers SHOULD BE TEENAGERS.. if you are 25 and have a wife and/or kids, you should NOT BE WORKING A MINIMUM WAGE JOB.. if you are, it should you have done NOTHING in 9 years... not trained for a skill, not proven a damn thing, NOTHING

And the min wage jobs at a restaurant (usually hostess, cashier, or bus person) are indeed usually teens... waitresses, bartenders etc earn tips.. cooks and managers earn more than min wage...

And again... because there are more people who are unskilled now than there were then.. more lazy fucks who do nothing, draw assistance, etc... because the economy and the value of a dollar now (thanks to government printing money, spending like a fiend, etc) sucks... there are many reasons... but that is not a reason to raise your min wage... you gonna lower it when the economy is better?? Didn't think so

What if you're working a minimum wage job at 25 because you'd decided to enlist in the US Military when you graduated high school, and when you got out, were unable to find a better paying job because most places would consider you either "over qualified", or "under qualified", or your primary specialty in the military didn't translate well into civilian job terms?

Are they "unskilled" because of their bad choices as well?

For 20 years you knew that someday you were going to get out of the service. 20 years to use GI benefits or whatever to learn a skill you could use. Sorry there is no a lot of call for gunnery sargents or whatever. That said, thank you for your service.

Actually, my primary job description was in pay and personnel, 2 skills very transferable to the outside world.

However...............all the jobs I went to apply at I was told that I was over qualified, and for the jobs that I DID get, they all started me out at minimum wage.

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