Raise Your Hand If You Support Death!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1.What is the endgame most closely associated with the victory of any of these: Liberals, Democrats, Islamists, communists?

The single most repeated theme in all of the above is death

2.As with their predecessors, the Bolsheviks…….the Democrat Party stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did…..and simply shrugs when the 100 million slaughtered by their earlier iteration is brought up.

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

And even more death is associated with the modern Democrat Party: abortion, and every permutation and combination of nihilism.
And the group shielded and supported by the Democrats, and their most recent President, Islamists, is daily reported as slaughterers of the innocent.

3.Compare this with the basis on which this nation was created:

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator."

4.No wonder the Left hates this nation….it stands for the obliteration of America, the nation and the concept.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

A reformed member of the radicals testifies to this:

We “saw insidious oppression and exploitation in all social relationships, stifling our ability to relate to others or ourselves without cynicism. Activists anxiously pore over interactions, looking for ways in which the mundane conceals domination. To see every interaction as containing hidden violence is to become a permanent victim, because if all you are is a nail, everything looks like a hammer.

any action or statement can be shown with sufficient effort to hide privilege, a microaggression, or unconscious bias.Sad Radicals - Quillette

…when not given what they demand, not feted, these government school grads-raised on the ‘self-esteem regimen,’ often move from Leftist indoctrination on to anarchism, violence, Antifa.
These are not Republican voters, and we've seen the pattern for decades:
KKK.....SDS....The Weathermen.....Antifa

And once you believe the hype…..one can accept silencing, marginalization, and even violence against those ‘deplorables.’

And not debate.........DEATH.
Last edited:
5.The death-demand by the Left finds all sorts of targets.

“Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie."
Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, ch 2...
Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2)

After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp.145ff.

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

The only entity granted immortality by the Left is…….the state.

“In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will.”
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7
6.The roots of the death cult began early, but certainly found a voice in the French Revolution, which eschewed religion and morality in favor of reason and science.....:
  1. One of the most advanced, sophisticated nations of the 18th century kills 600,000 citizens- many of it’s most valuable citizens, plus some 145,000 flee the country-
    Schom, “Napoleon Bonaparte,” p. 253.

That’s why it ran with rivers of blood, in comparison to the American Revolution, motivated by religious individuals.

The French Revolution, under Robespierre interpreted violence as the ‘language’ that explained to the masses the ideals of the revolution. “If the spring of popular government in times of peace is virtue, the springs of popular government in revolution are at once virtue and terror….Terror is nothing other than justice.” Robespierre speech, February 5, 1794.

For the first time in history terror became an official government policy, with the stated aim to use violence in order to achieve a higher political goal. Unlike the later meaning of 'terrorists' as people who use violence against a government, the terrorists of the French Revolution were the government. The Terror was legal, having been voted for by the Convention. Robespierre and the Terror | History Today

Although attributed to Rousseau, it was Diderot who gave the model for totalitarianism of reason: “We must reason about all things,” and anyone who ‘refuses to seek out the truth’ thereby renounces his human nature and “should be treated by the rest of his species as a wild beast.” So, once ‘truth’ is determined, anyone who doesn’t accept it was “either insane or wicked and morally evil.” It is not the individual who has the “ right to decide about the nature of right and wrong,” but only “the human race,” expressed as the general will. Himmelfarb, “The Roads to Modernity,” p. 167-68

Disagree....and the consequence is death. Such is the view of every totalitarian regime.

Bolsheviks claimed descent: “Historians of the French Revolution, which the Russians saw as a model for their own…” Bolshevik Festivals, 1917–1920

And the Democrat Party saw the Bolsheviks as their model.
1.What is the endgame most closely associated with the victory of any of these: Liberals, Democrats, Islamists, communists?

The single most repeated theme in all of the above is death

2.As with their predecessors, the Bolsheviks…….the Democrat Party stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did…..and simply shrugs when the 100 million slaughtered by their earlier iteration is brought up.

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

And even more death is associated with the modern Democrat Party: abortion, and every permutation and combination of nihilism.
And the group shielded and supported by the Democrats, and their most recent President, Islamists, is daily reported as slaughterers of the innocent.

3.Compare this with the basis on which this nation was created:

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator."

4.No wonder the Left hates this nation….it stands for the obliteration of America, the nation and the concept.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

A reformed member of the radicals testifies to this:

We “saw insidious oppression and exploitation in all social relationships, stifling our ability to relate to others or ourselves without cynicism. Activists anxiously pore over interactions, looking for ways in which the mundane conceals domination. To see every interaction as containing hidden violence is to become a permanent victim, because if all you are is a nail, everything looks like a hammer.

any action or statement can be shown with sufficient effort to hide privilege, a microaggression, or unconscious bias.Sad Radicals - Quillette

…when not given what they demand, not feted, these government school grads-raised on the ‘self-esteem regimen,’ often move from Leftist indoctrination on to anarchism, violence, Antifa.
These are not Republican voters, and we've seen the pattern for decades:
KKK.....SDS....The Weathermen.....Antifa

And once you believe the hype…..one can accept silencing, marginalization, and even violence against those ‘deplorables.’

And not debate.........DEATH.

^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
1.What is the endgame most closely associated with the victory of any of these: Liberals, Democrats, Islamists, communists?

The single most repeated theme in all of the above is death

2.As with their predecessors, the Bolsheviks…….the Democrat Party stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did…..and simply shrugs when the 100 million slaughtered by their earlier iteration is brought up.

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

And even more death is associated with the modern Democrat Party: abortion, and every permutation and combination of nihilism.
And the group shielded and supported by the Democrats, and their most recent President, Islamists, is daily reported as slaughterers of the innocent.

3.Compare this with the basis on which this nation was created:

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator."

4.No wonder the Left hates this nation….it stands for the obliteration of America, the nation and the concept.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

A reformed member of the radicals testifies to this:

We “saw insidious oppression and exploitation in all social relationships, stifling our ability to relate to others or ourselves without cynicism. Activists anxiously pore over interactions, looking for ways in which the mundane conceals domination. To see every interaction as containing hidden violence is to become a permanent victim, because if all you are is a nail, everything looks like a hammer.

any action or statement can be shown with sufficient effort to hide privilege, a microaggression, or unconscious bias.Sad Radicals - Quillette

…when not given what they demand, not feted, these government school grads-raised on the ‘self-esteem regimen,’ often move from Leftist indoctrination on to anarchism, violence, Antifa.
These are not Republican voters, and we've seen the pattern for decades:
KKK.....SDS....The Weathermen.....Antifa

And once you believe the hype…..one can accept silencing, marginalization, and even violence against those ‘deplorables.’

And not debate.........DEATH.

^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Actually, I agree.....it's crazy of you to disagree when you can't point to a single error in the exposition.

Effectively, you've verified the post.

Now, toddle off.
1.What is the endgame most closely associated with the victory of any of these: Liberals, Democrats, Islamists, communists?

The single most repeated theme in all of the above is death

2.As with their predecessors, the Bolsheviks…….the Democrat Party stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did…..and simply shrugs when the 100 million slaughtered by their earlier iteration is brought up.

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

And even more death is associated with the modern Democrat Party: abortion, and every permutation and combination of nihilism.
And the group shielded and supported by the Democrats, and their most recent President, Islamists, is daily reported as slaughterers of the innocent.

3.Compare this with the basis on which this nation was created:

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator."

4.No wonder the Left hates this nation….it stands for the obliteration of America, the nation and the concept.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

A reformed member of the radicals testifies to this:

We “saw insidious oppression and exploitation in all social relationships, stifling our ability to relate to others or ourselves without cynicism. Activists anxiously pore over interactions, looking for ways in which the mundane conceals domination. To see every interaction as containing hidden violence is to become a permanent victim, because if all you are is a nail, everything looks like a hammer.

any action or statement can be shown with sufficient effort to hide privilege, a microaggression, or unconscious bias.Sad Radicals - Quillette

…when not given what they demand, not feted, these government school grads-raised on the ‘self-esteem regimen,’ often move from Leftist indoctrination on to anarchism, violence, Antifa.
These are not Republican voters, and we've seen the pattern for decades:
KKK.....SDS....The Weathermen.....Antifa

And once you believe the hype…..one can accept silencing, marginalization, and even violence against those ‘deplorables.’

And not debate.........DEATH.

^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Actually, I agree.....it's crazy of you to disagree when you can't point to a single error in the exposition.

Effectively, you've verified the post.

Now, toddle off.

I’m a Democrat and liberal, and my “endgame” is most certainly not “death.” Judging by that and your other posts, I must conclude you’re retarded and your caretaker must be helping you post here so you won’t hurt yourself.
I’m a Democrat and liberal, and my “endgame” is most certainly not “death.”

It most certainly is death, the DEATH of AMERICA via BANKRUPTCY.....

Spend Spend Spend Spend and never care about the DEBT or the DEFICIT....

How many ZEROES after the "1" in 10 trillion???
1.What is the endgame most closely associated with the victory of any of these: Liberals, Democrats, Islamists, communists?

The single most repeated theme in all of the above is death

2.As with their predecessors, the Bolsheviks…….the Democrat Party stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did…..and simply shrugs when the 100 million slaughtered by their earlier iteration is brought up.

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

And even more death is associated with the modern Democrat Party: abortion, and every permutation and combination of nihilism.
And the group shielded and supported by the Democrats, and their most recent President, Islamists, is daily reported as slaughterers of the innocent.

3.Compare this with the basis on which this nation was created:

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator."

4.No wonder the Left hates this nation….it stands for the obliteration of America, the nation and the concept.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

A reformed member of the radicals testifies to this:

We “saw insidious oppression and exploitation in all social relationships, stifling our ability to relate to others or ourselves without cynicism. Activists anxiously pore over interactions, looking for ways in which the mundane conceals domination. To see every interaction as containing hidden violence is to become a permanent victim, because if all you are is a nail, everything looks like a hammer.

any action or statement can be shown with sufficient effort to hide privilege, a microaggression, or unconscious bias.Sad Radicals - Quillette

…when not given what they demand, not feted, these government school grads-raised on the ‘self-esteem regimen,’ often move from Leftist indoctrination on to anarchism, violence, Antifa.
These are not Republican voters, and we've seen the pattern for decades:
KKK.....SDS....The Weathermen.....Antifa

And once you believe the hype…..one can accept silencing, marginalization, and even violence against those ‘deplorables.’

And not debate.........DEATH.

^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Hey, flaggy......I like the Virginia signature......I have family in Virginia.

Now....that motto...Sic Semper Tyrannis.....John Wilkes Booth's cry when he brought death to the first Republican President.....
...the theme of this thread.

Did you know that Booth was a Democrat....as were most presidential assassins.
1.What is the endgame most closely associated with the victory of any of these: Liberals, Democrats, Islamists, communists?

The single most repeated theme in all of the above is death

2.As with their predecessors, the Bolsheviks…….the Democrat Party stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did…..and simply shrugs when the 100 million slaughtered by their earlier iteration is brought up.

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

And even more death is associated with the modern Democrat Party: abortion, and every permutation and combination of nihilism.
And the group shielded and supported by the Democrats, and their most recent President, Islamists, is daily reported as slaughterers of the innocent.

3.Compare this with the basis on which this nation was created:

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator."

4.No wonder the Left hates this nation….it stands for the obliteration of America, the nation and the concept.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

A reformed member of the radicals testifies to this:

We “saw insidious oppression and exploitation in all social relationships, stifling our ability to relate to others or ourselves without cynicism. Activists anxiously pore over interactions, looking for ways in which the mundane conceals domination. To see every interaction as containing hidden violence is to become a permanent victim, because if all you are is a nail, everything looks like a hammer.

any action or statement can be shown with sufficient effort to hide privilege, a microaggression, or unconscious bias.Sad Radicals - Quillette

…when not given what they demand, not feted, these government school grads-raised on the ‘self-esteem regimen,’ often move from Leftist indoctrination on to anarchism, violence, Antifa.
These are not Republican voters, and we've seen the pattern for decades:
KKK.....SDS....The Weathermen.....Antifa

And once you believe the hype…..one can accept silencing, marginalization, and even violence against those ‘deplorables.’

And not debate.........DEATH.

^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Actually, I agree.....it's crazy of you to disagree when you can't point to a single error in the exposition.

Effectively, you've verified the post.

Now, toddle off.

I’m a Democrat and liberal, and my “endgame” is most certainly not “death.” Judging by that and your other posts, I must conclude you’re retarded and your caretaker must be helping you post here so you won’t hurt yourself.

Your mistaken choice of political lifestyle notwithstanding....

...can you point out errors in any of my posts?


A single one???????


Not any?

Excellent.....witness is dismissed.
1.What is the endgame most closely associated with the victory of any of these: Liberals, Democrats, Islamists, communists?

The single most repeated theme in all of the above is death

2.As with their predecessors, the Bolsheviks…….the Democrat Party stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did…..and simply shrugs when the 100 million slaughtered by their earlier iteration is brought up.

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

And even more death is associated with the modern Democrat Party: abortion, and every permutation and combination of nihilism.
And the group shielded and supported by the Democrats, and their most recent President, Islamists, is daily reported as slaughterers of the innocent.

3.Compare this with the basis on which this nation was created:

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator."

4.No wonder the Left hates this nation….it stands for the obliteration of America, the nation and the concept.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

A reformed member of the radicals testifies to this:

We “saw insidious oppression and exploitation in all social relationships, stifling our ability to relate to others or ourselves without cynicism. Activists anxiously pore over interactions, looking for ways in which the mundane conceals domination. To see every interaction as containing hidden violence is to become a permanent victim, because if all you are is a nail, everything looks like a hammer.

any action or statement can be shown with sufficient effort to hide privilege, a microaggression, or unconscious bias.Sad Radicals - Quillette

…when not given what they demand, not feted, these government school grads-raised on the ‘self-esteem regimen,’ often move from Leftist indoctrination on to anarchism, violence, Antifa.
These are not Republican voters, and we've seen the pattern for decades:
KKK.....SDS....The Weathermen.....Antifa

And once you believe the hype…..one can accept silencing, marginalization, and even violence against those ‘deplorables.’

And not debate.........DEATH.

^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Actually, I agree.....it's crazy of you to disagree when you can't point to a single error in the exposition.

Effectively, you've verified the post.

Now, toddle off.

You know, you could go on and on about manifesto and suspicions and your other weird conspiracies but when you smack up against cold hard facts. It’s an entirely different ball game.
For instance, Appalachia being the very bedrock of the Republican Party. And yet in Appalachia there’s people that don’t have electricity or running water. It’s an area of the United States where infant mortality rate is rising and life expectancy is falling.
An area of the United States where the number of people with college degrees are falling while the number of people with the college degrees in the rest of the country rises.
I think it’s time for you to put away some of your conspiracy theories and actually talk about issues that involve the nearly all white Republican base.
Perhaps you could consider helping them? After all they are the ones that need it the most.
1.What is the endgame most closely associated with the victory of any of these: Liberals, Democrats, Islamists, communists?

The single most repeated theme in all of the above is death

2.As with their predecessors, the Bolsheviks…….the Democrat Party stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did…..and simply shrugs when the 100 million slaughtered by their earlier iteration is brought up.

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

And even more death is associated with the modern Democrat Party: abortion, and every permutation and combination of nihilism.
And the group shielded and supported by the Democrats, and their most recent President, Islamists, is daily reported as slaughterers of the innocent.

3.Compare this with the basis on which this nation was created:

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator."

4.No wonder the Left hates this nation….it stands for the obliteration of America, the nation and the concept.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

A reformed member of the radicals testifies to this:

We “saw insidious oppression and exploitation in all social relationships, stifling our ability to relate to others or ourselves without cynicism. Activists anxiously pore over interactions, looking for ways in which the mundane conceals domination. To see every interaction as containing hidden violence is to become a permanent victim, because if all you are is a nail, everything looks like a hammer.

any action or statement can be shown with sufficient effort to hide privilege, a microaggression, or unconscious bias.Sad Radicals - Quillette

…when not given what they demand, not feted, these government school grads-raised on the ‘self-esteem regimen,’ often move from Leftist indoctrination on to anarchism, violence, Antifa.
These are not Republican voters, and we've seen the pattern for decades:
KKK.....SDS....The Weathermen.....Antifa

And once you believe the hype…..one can accept silencing, marginalization, and even violence against those ‘deplorables.’

And not debate.........DEATH.

^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Hey, flaggy......I like the Virginia signature......I have family in Virginia.

Now....that motto...Sic Semper Tyrannis.....John Wilkes Booth's cry when he brought death to the first Republican President.....
...the theme of this thread.

Did you know that Booth was a Democrat....as were most presidential assassins.

And now republicans celebrate Booth’s flag and attack Lincoln. But I’m glad you’re posting here instead of harming yourself or others. You and those you support for office would do well to remember that motto, btw.
And now republicans celebrate Booth’s flag and attack Lincoln

Thanks for using the small "r" because they aren't the supporters of the pre 1998 GOP.

SUBS that support the GOP today are much dumber, don't even understand what the word "conservative" means, think it means "christian..."
I’m a Democrat and liberal, and my “endgame” is most certainly not “death.”

It most certainly is death, the DEATH of AMERICA via BANKRUPTCY.....

Spend Spend Spend Spend and never care about the DEBT or the DEFICIT....

How many ZEROES after the "1" in 10 trillion???
Ask Trump. He’s the one venturing into record deficits during a time when our economy doesn't need it. What party is he again?
1.What is the endgame most closely associated with the victory of any of these: Liberals, Democrats, Islamists, communists?

The single most repeated theme in all of the above is death

2.As with their predecessors, the Bolsheviks…….the Democrat Party stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did…..and simply shrugs when the 100 million slaughtered by their earlier iteration is brought up.

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

And even more death is associated with the modern Democrat Party: abortion, and every permutation and combination of nihilism.
And the group shielded and supported by the Democrats, and their most recent President, Islamists, is daily reported as slaughterers of the innocent.

3.Compare this with the basis on which this nation was created:

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator."

4.No wonder the Left hates this nation….it stands for the obliteration of America, the nation and the concept.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

A reformed member of the radicals testifies to this:

We “saw insidious oppression and exploitation in all social relationships, stifling our ability to relate to others or ourselves without cynicism. Activists anxiously pore over interactions, looking for ways in which the mundane conceals domination. To see every interaction as containing hidden violence is to become a permanent victim, because if all you are is a nail, everything looks like a hammer.

any action or statement can be shown with sufficient effort to hide privilege, a microaggression, or unconscious bias.Sad Radicals - Quillette

…when not given what they demand, not feted, these government school grads-raised on the ‘self-esteem regimen,’ often move from Leftist indoctrination on to anarchism, violence, Antifa.
These are not Republican voters, and we've seen the pattern for decades:
KKK.....SDS....The Weathermen.....Antifa

And once you believe the hype…..one can accept silencing, marginalization, and even violence against those ‘deplorables.’

And not debate.........DEATH.

I support death for those who try to kill us.
1.What is the endgame most closely associated with the victory of any of these: Liberals, Democrats, Islamists, communists?

The single most repeated theme in all of the above is death

2.As with their predecessors, the Bolsheviks…….the Democrat Party stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did…..and simply shrugs when the 100 million slaughtered by their earlier iteration is brought up.

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

And even more death is associated with the modern Democrat Party: abortion, and every permutation and combination of nihilism.
And the group shielded and supported by the Democrats, and their most recent President, Islamists, is daily reported as slaughterers of the innocent.

3.Compare this with the basis on which this nation was created:

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator."

4.No wonder the Left hates this nation….it stands for the obliteration of America, the nation and the concept.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

A reformed member of the radicals testifies to this:

We “saw insidious oppression and exploitation in all social relationships, stifling our ability to relate to others or ourselves without cynicism. Activists anxiously pore over interactions, looking for ways in which the mundane conceals domination. To see every interaction as containing hidden violence is to become a permanent victim, because if all you are is a nail, everything looks like a hammer.

any action or statement can be shown with sufficient effort to hide privilege, a microaggression, or unconscious bias.Sad Radicals - Quillette

…when not given what they demand, not feted, these government school grads-raised on the ‘self-esteem regimen,’ often move from Leftist indoctrination on to anarchism, violence, Antifa.
These are not Republican voters, and we've seen the pattern for decades:
KKK.....SDS....The Weathermen.....Antifa

And once you believe the hype…..one can accept silencing, marginalization, and even violence against those ‘deplorables.’

And not debate.........DEATH.

^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Actually, I agree.....it's crazy of you to disagree when you can't point to a single error in the exposition.

Effectively, you've verified the post.

Now, toddle off.

You know, you could go on and on about manifesto and suspicions and your other weird conspiracies but when you smack up against cold hard facts. It’s an entirely different ball game.
For instance, Appalachia being the very bedrock of the Republican Party. And yet in Appalachia there’s people that don’t have electricity or running water. It’s an area of the United States where infant mortality rate is rising and life expectancy is falling.
An area of the United States where the number of people with college degrees are falling while the number of people with the college degrees in the rest of the country rises.
I think it’s time for you to put away some of your conspiracy theories and actually talk about issues that involve the nearly all white Republican base.
Perhaps you could consider helping them? After all they are the ones that need it the most.

Once again my revealing the truth seems to put a burr under the saddle of all of you donkeys.....

...can you point out errors in any of my posts?


A single one???????


Not any?

Excellent.....witness is dismissed.
1.What is the endgame most closely associated with the victory of any of these: Liberals, Democrats, Islamists, communists?

The single most repeated theme in all of the above is death

2.As with their predecessors, the Bolsheviks…….the Democrat Party stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did…..and simply shrugs when the 100 million slaughtered by their earlier iteration is brought up.

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

And even more death is associated with the modern Democrat Party: abortion, and every permutation and combination of nihilism.
And the group shielded and supported by the Democrats, and their most recent President, Islamists, is daily reported as slaughterers of the innocent.

3.Compare this with the basis on which this nation was created:

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator."

4.No wonder the Left hates this nation….it stands for the obliteration of America, the nation and the concept.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

A reformed member of the radicals testifies to this:

We “saw insidious oppression and exploitation in all social relationships, stifling our ability to relate to others or ourselves without cynicism. Activists anxiously pore over interactions, looking for ways in which the mundane conceals domination. To see every interaction as containing hidden violence is to become a permanent victim, because if all you are is a nail, everything looks like a hammer.

any action or statement can be shown with sufficient effort to hide privilege, a microaggression, or unconscious bias.Sad Radicals - Quillette

…when not given what they demand, not feted, these government school grads-raised on the ‘self-esteem regimen,’ often move from Leftist indoctrination on to anarchism, violence, Antifa.
These are not Republican voters, and we've seen the pattern for decades:
KKK.....SDS....The Weathermen.....Antifa

And once you believe the hype…..one can accept silencing, marginalization, and even violence against those ‘deplorables.’

And not debate.........DEATH.

Technically, death is not subject to negotiation, only the circumstances.
1.What is the endgame most closely associated with the victory of any of these: Liberals, Democrats, Islamists, communists?

The single most repeated theme in all of the above is death

2.As with their predecessors, the Bolsheviks…….the Democrat Party stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did…..and simply shrugs when the 100 million slaughtered by their earlier iteration is brought up.

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society
FDR Admiration Society

And even more death is associated with the modern Democrat Party: abortion, and every permutation and combination of nihilism.
And the group shielded and supported by the Democrats, and their most recent President, Islamists, is daily reported as slaughterers of the innocent.

3.Compare this with the basis on which this nation was created:

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says have been given to all humans by their creator."

4.No wonder the Left hates this nation….it stands for the obliteration of America, the nation and the concept.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

A reformed member of the radicals testifies to this:

We “saw insidious oppression and exploitation in all social relationships, stifling our ability to relate to others or ourselves without cynicism. Activists anxiously pore over interactions, looking for ways in which the mundane conceals domination. To see every interaction as containing hidden violence is to become a permanent victim, because if all you are is a nail, everything looks like a hammer.

any action or statement can be shown with sufficient effort to hide privilege, a microaggression, or unconscious bias.Sad Radicals - Quillette

…when not given what they demand, not feted, these government school grads-raised on the ‘self-esteem regimen,’ often move from Leftist indoctrination on to anarchism, violence, Antifa.
These are not Republican voters, and we've seen the pattern for decades:
KKK.....SDS....The Weathermen.....Antifa

And once you believe the hype…..one can accept silencing, marginalization, and even violence against those ‘deplorables.’

And not debate.........DEATH.

^ :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Actually, I agree.....it's crazy of you to disagree when you can't point to a single error in the exposition.

Effectively, you've verified the post.

Now, toddle off.

I’m a Democrat and liberal, and my “endgame” is most certainly not “death.” Judging by that and your other posts, I must conclude you’re retarded and your caretaker must be helping you post here so you won’t hurt yourself.

From the neck up, many would disagree.

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