Raising A Society of Fascists

Yup, we know you are a right wing fascist and uber nationalist, Edgetho.
A correction..... The Nazis were National Socialists, not Fascists.

There are similarities between the two but it would be like calling Tuberculosis Lung Cancer.

During WWII, Stalin prevailed upon his friends in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the Lame Stream Media (who were legion) to stop calling Germany's National Socialists by their proper name and instead refer to them as 'Fascists'.

Reason being is that Stalin didn't want the word 'socialist' tarnished by the inevitable defeat and ardent denunciation of the National Socialists ('Nazi' was merely a nickname for nationalsozialistische in German)

It worked. Stalin got his way and German National Socialists will forever be known as Fascists -- Inaccurately, I might add.

In other news, measles is now called mumps

So it looks like the Socialists won in the historic struggle of semantics.
The main problem is not in raisibng society of fascists.
The problem is that ethnic minorities become fascists and teach their kids too...
And this is not our problem, it's a problem of people who rule country, but always forget about minorities!
So it looks like the Socialists won in the historic struggle of semantics.

Not semantics, douchebag.

Hitler's National Socialists were brutal, racist, insular, conquering dirtbags.

Fascists weren't racists. Mussolini was an Empire-Builder but Italians forgot how to fight 1,500 years ago.

Franco was neither a racist nor an Empire Builder.

And you're just a moron
Yup, Franco intended to hang onto Spain's colonies.

And, you, Edgetho, are a would be empire builder.
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After listening to faux right wingers insist for years on end, right up to the present day, that waterboarding is not torture, I cannot take any of them seriously when they whine it's the other guys who are fascists.

"....that waterboarding is not torture,..."

Of course, it isn't.
You're making this too easy PoliticalSpice

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So it looks like the Socialists won in the historic struggle of semantics.

Not semantics, douchebag.

Hitler's National Socialists were brutal, racist, insular, conquering dirtbags.

Fascists weren't racists. Mussolini was an Empire-Builder but Italians forgot how to fight 1,500 years ago.

Franco was neither a racist nor an Empire Builder.

And you're just a moron

I'm sorry fuck wad, but I must disagree. Your alleged argument is entirely semantic. As if the word "socialist" had anything to do with Nazi philosophy. Feel free to elaborate about Hitler's writing's and speeches promoting communist ideals.
All of your posts are excellent examples of your agenda, yes?

Not one?

Couldn't come up with a single example of "....PC and Cruz are protected in their free speech in support of their anti-American agendas ...."

As I stated, you are a self-identified lying wretch.

Don't ever change.

PC always defaults to personal attacks. ALWAYS. Read everyone of her threads, they all follow the same script. She trolls, she attacks, she cuts and runs.

I've noticed there never seems to be anything of any substance there. I wonder why she bothers.

You've proven unable to 'notice.'

Or learn.
Yup, you are confirming my point.

Tell me, if your agenda ever takes power, will you continue to protect your opponents' right to publish and disseminate their views?

I've revealed you to be a lying wretch...you've served your purpose.

Why are you still here?
You admit that you would suppress your opponents' free speech. Yes, that is an anti-American agenda on your part.

"You admit that you would suppress your opponents' free speech."

Wait....let me go over the example and/or proof that I would do so....


You didn't provide any????

Would that be because you are congenital liar, or because you are sack of sewage?
You continue to fail here, PC

However, tell us that you would protect free speech IAW the Constitution.
The Nazis were National Socialists, not Fascists.

Right, in the same way North Korea is a Republic the Nazis were Socialist. They were dedicated fascist. They supported the fascist dictator in Spain against the Socialist.
You continue to fail here, PC

However, tell us that you would protect free speech IAW the Constitution.

You're really demented, aren't you.

You lie, I call you on being a liar....and you simply go off on another tangent.

The traits that distinguish you from the rest of the population include various emotional deficits, lack of empathy, or guilt.
PC refuses to admit that she would protect her opponents' free speech rights.
All of your posts are excellent examples of your agenda, yes?

Not one?

Couldn't come up with a single example of "....PC and Cruz are protected in their free speech in support of their anti-American agendas ...."

As I stated, you are a self-identified lying wretch.

Don't ever change.

PC always defaults to personal attacks. ALWAYS. Read everyone of her threads, they all follow the same script. She trolls, she attacks, she cuts and runs.

I've noticed there never seems to be anything of any substance there. I wonder why she bothers.

You've proven unable to 'notice.'

Or learn.

Because of your consistent dishonesty it really doesn't even seem worth while to respond to you directly. I just wanted to stop by and point out how pointless your thread is.
Should Liberalsism/Progressivism continue in the ascendancy, American will be fascist, as it was when Progressive Woodrow Wilson was President.


Only to a slight degree....'fascism' in America looks different than the long black coated Gestapo of Nazi Germany because it has been altered by the history of America.

" The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated [in America] by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

[The loss of liberty....as in free speech.]

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, as the American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."
"Liberal Fascism," Goldberg

Say anything out of sync with the milieu and the fascists of today call it 'fascistic' and claim the right to silence it.

For a limited, but salient, definition of 'fascist,' let's focus on the shutting down and punishing those who say things one doesn't agree with. In America today, fascism is known as 'political correctness',,,,and it is not merely a suggestion.
So saith the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats.

Seems the recent Oklahoma State kerfuffle had drawn a clear line between those who honor the Constitution, specifically the first amendment, and those who honor 'political correctness,' the contemporary fascists.

1. "....University of Oklahoma President David Boren chose to expel two students for singing a vile, racist ditty at a fraternity event. There is nothing funny about lyrics that make light of lynching and chant a racial slur.

2. .... Boren was wrong to act as he did. As UCLA law Professor Eugene Volokh wrote, “racist speech is constitutionally protected, just as is expression of other contemptible ideas; and universities may not discipline students based on their speech.” Courts have consistently ruled to that effect.
A free country doesn’t want the government to educate only people with approved viewpoints..... Boren’s move appears to be wildly popular in academia.'"

a. "Boren wrote to the two frat boys that he was expelling them because of their “leadership role in leading a racist and exclusionary chant which has created a hostile educational environment for others.”
I pledge allegiance to the First Amendment - SFGate

So the latest amendment to the 'living Constitution' of the LIberals is 'never offend.'

A tour de force, chic.
All of your posts are excellent examples of your agenda, yes?

Not one?

Couldn't come up with a single example of "....PC and Cruz are protected in their free speech in support of their anti-American agendas ...."

As I stated, you are a self-identified lying wretch.

Don't ever change.

PC always defaults to personal attacks. ALWAYS. Read everyone of her threads, they all follow the same script. She trolls, she attacks, she cuts and runs.

I've noticed there never seems to be anything of any substance there. I wonder why she bothers.

You've proven unable to 'notice.'

Or learn.

Because of your consistent dishonesty it really doesn't even seem worth while to respond to you directly. I just wanted to stop by and point out how pointless your thread is.

Since I'm never dishonest.....that makes you a sniveling little liar, doesn't it.
Not one?

Couldn't come up with a single example of "....PC and Cruz are protected in their free speech in support of their anti-American agendas ...."

As I stated, you are a self-identified lying wretch.

Don't ever change.

PC always defaults to personal attacks. ALWAYS. Read everyone of her threads, they all follow the same script. She trolls, she attacks, she cuts and runs.

I've noticed there never seems to be anything of any substance there. I wonder why she bothers.

You've proven unable to 'notice.'

Or learn.

Because of your consistent dishonesty it really doesn't even seem worth while to respond to you directly. I just wanted to stop by and point out how pointless your thread is.

Since I'm never dishonest.....that makes you a sniveling little liar, doesn't it.

You are consistently dishonest. You have mastered the art of using the truth to spread lies.
Not one?

Couldn't come up with a single example of "....PC and Cruz are protected in their free speech in support of their anti-American agendas ...."

As I stated, you are a self-identified lying wretch.

Don't ever change.

PC always defaults to personal attacks. ALWAYS. Read everyone of her threads, they all follow the same script. She trolls, she attacks, she cuts and runs.

I've noticed there never seems to be anything of any substance there. I wonder why she bothers.

You've proven unable to 'notice.'

Or learn.

Because of your consistent dishonesty it really doesn't even seem worth while to respond to you directly. I just wanted to stop by and point out how pointless your thread is.

Since I'm never dishonest.....that makes you a sniveling little liar, doesn't it.

No, it just means you're doing it again.

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