Ramadi Being Taken Back From ISIS, With Paris Attack Planner Dead Bonus Sauce


For terrorists, a "mastermind" is someone who can plan an attack with more than one person.

Buh-bye, "mastermind".
Yes, downplay any accomplishment of America as long as the black guy is in charge, and jump for joy and jizz your jeans when the KGB thug drops a dozen bombs.
It's nice to see the Iraqis showing some spine. Finally. Taking back Ramadi door to door.

The harder you have to work for something, the more you appreciate it.

But not a single RWnut here is happy about that. Their distress that Iraqis are fighting and dying instead of Americans is well,

fucking creepy, to say the least.
It's nice to see the Iraqis showing some spine. Finally. Taking back Ramadi door to door.

The harder you have to work for something, the more you appreciate it.

But not a single RWnut here is happy about that. Their distress that Iraqis are fighting and dying instead of Americans is well,

fucking creepy, to say the least.
Airstrike kills ISIS leader linked to Paris attacks mastermind | Fox News

An Islamic State leader with direct links to the alleged Paris attacks mastermind has been killed in an air strike in Syria.

Mouadan was one of 10 ISIS leaders killed by the U.S.-led coaltion in Syria in the past month in a number of air strikes.

Iraqi forces raise flag in victory over IS in Ramadi

Iraq's military flew the Iraqi flag above the central government complex in city of Ramadi, a military spokesman said on Monday, the morning after the army declared the city captured in its first major victory over Islamic State fighters.

"Yes, the city of Ramadi has been liberated. The Iraqi counter terrorism forces have raised the Iraqi flag over the government complex in Anbar", joint operations spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Rasool said in a statement broadcast on state television.

YAY PUTIN! Putin rocks! All hail Putin!

Oh, wait...


Silly far left drone!

See how the far left supports the illegal wars of Obama!

Funny how you're agreeing with me that we should have gotten out of the ME a long time ago.

Funny that you fully supported Bush's disaster in Iraq though.

We should have never been there in the first damn place, and we should have never supported any form of regime change in Syria either...

So let me make myself clear and Bush is at fault for the mess in Iraq, and should have left Saddam in power, but he did not, and President Obama is at fault for backing a regime change in Syria without understanding the people he was backing are the real enemy and not Assad!

There is a reason why nations like Syria and Iraq have brutal dictators, and ISIL is the proof of that!
The Iraqi prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, has arrived in Ramadi a day after his government declared the city liberated from Islamic State.

The prime minister declared in a speech broadcast on state television that Isis would soon be cleared from the country. “2016 will be the year of the big and final victory, when Daesh’s presence in Iraq will be terminated,” he said

“We are coming to liberate Mosul and it will be the fatal and final blow to Daesh,” he added. Mosul, the main city in northern Iraq, is by far the largest population centre in territory held by Isis in Iraq and Syria.

Iraqi PM visits Ramadi after declaring Isis will be 'terminated' in 2016
Poor sheep..
Meanwhile we are giving IS weapons and are friends with people that DIRECTLY support IS .
Yayyy Obama

Get lost.
Don't like facts?
You are like Putin's personal mouthpiece. Why don't you move there?
LOL the WH fuckin said it G. I gave you the link of Obama going there LAST YEAR to ask them why.
Take obamas dick out of your mouth. Makes you look like a faggot.
10,000 Iraqis against 300 ISIS....it took them eleven months to get it done. :confused-84:
IKR? That's like them "dropping and leaving" their weapons when thousands of Iraqi soldiers were going into battle with a couple hundred IS soldiers, don't it?

For terrorists, a "mastermind" is someone who can plan an attack with more than one person.

Buh-bye, "mastermind".
Yes, downplay any accomplishment of America as long as the black guy is in charge, and jump for joy and jizz your jeans when the KGB thug drops a dozen bombs.
Take a good luck at this, folks. This is what happens when PC distorts perceptions.

The first thing I say is "nice". And I'm then told that I'm a racist. In a story about a bad guy in the Middle East getting whacked.

We really need to marginalize the crazies somehow.

Holy crap.

For terrorists, a "mastermind" is someone who can plan an attack with more than one person.

Buh-bye, "mastermind".
Yes, downplay any accomplishment of America as long as the black guy is in charge, and jump for joy and jizz your jeans when the KGB thug drops a dozen bombs.
Take a good luck at this, folks. This is what happens when PC distorts perceptions.

The first thing I say is "nice". And I'm then told that I'm a racist. In a story about a bad guy in the Middle East getting whacked.

We really need to marginalize the crazies somehow.

Holy crap.
How Libs debate: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
10,000 Iraqis against 300 ISIS....it took them eleven months to get it done. :confused-84:
IKR? That's like them "dropping and leaving" their weapons when thousands of Iraqi soldiers were going into battle with a couple hundred IS soldiers, don't it?

10,000 vs 300 is like a one day battle, two tops
There are up to 6,000 ISISBOOMBAH troops in Iraq.


Of course, some of them might be under your bed or in your closet, pants shitter.

For terrorists, a "mastermind" is someone who can plan an attack with more than one person.

Buh-bye, "mastermind".
Yes, downplay any accomplishment of America as long as the black guy is in charge, and jump for joy and jizz your jeans when the KGB thug drops a dozen bombs.
Take a good luck at this, folks. This is what happens when PC distorts perceptions.

The first thing I say is "nice". And I'm then told that I'm a racist. In a story about a bad guy in the Middle East getting whacked.

We really need to marginalize the crazies somehow.

Holy crap.
How Libs debate: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'm not surprised much any more, but sometimes....

For terrorists, a "mastermind" is someone who can plan an attack with more than one person.

Buh-bye, "mastermind".
Yes, downplay any accomplishment of America as long as the black guy is in charge, and jump for joy and jizz your jeans when the KGB thug drops a dozen bombs.
Take a good luck at this, folks. This is what happens when PC distorts perceptions.

The first thing I say is "nice". And I'm then told that I'm a racist. In a story about a bad guy in the Middle East getting whacked.

We really need to marginalize the crazies somehow.

Holy crap.
How Libs debate: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I know how you like it. Glorify anything Putin does, downplay any victories or good news for America. I get it. I get it.

Happy when unemployment rises, sad when people get jobs.

As long as the black guy is in charge.
Sorry.. According to Iraq officials it was 30K troops verses 200 ISIS troops when they "dropped" their weapons and fled.
Sorry.. According to Iraq officials it was 30K troops verses 200 ISIS troops when they "dropped" their weapons and fled.
No, it was about 600 ISIS when they took Ramadi.

You have no evidence to back up the claim there are only 300 in Ramadi now.

There are up to 6,000 ISISBOOMBAH in Iraq. The Iraqi Prime Minister has just vowed to clear them all out in 2016. The Iraqis have found their spine after their embarrassing setback.

This is good news, no matter how much you want it otherwise.

For terrorists, a "mastermind" is someone who can plan an attack with more than one person.

Buh-bye, "mastermind".
Yes, downplay any accomplishment of America as long as the black guy is in charge, and jump for joy and jizz your jeans when the KGB thug drops a dozen bombs.
Take a good luck at this, folks. This is what happens when PC distorts perceptions.

The first thing I say is "nice". And I'm then told that I'm a racist. In a story about a bad guy in the Middle East getting whacked.

We really need to marginalize the crazies somehow.

Holy crap.
How Libs debate: | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I know how you like it. Glorify anything Putin does, downplay any victories or good news for America. I get it. I get it.

Happy when unemployment rises, sad when people get jobs.

As long as the black guy is in charge.
If this is a "victory" to you, it answers a lot...
And there is the race card :gay:

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