Ramping Up For 2014 Mid Terms


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
The obama regime is......

Obama’s IRS Goon Squad Ramping Up Efforts To Target Conservative Groups In 2014…


Via WSJ:

President Obama and Democrats have been at great pains to insist they knew nothing about IRS targeting of conservative 501(c)(4) nonprofits before the 2012 election. They’ve been at even greater pains this week to ensure that the same conservative groups are silenced in the 2014 midterms.

That’s the big, dirty secret of the omnibus negotiations. As one of the only bills destined to pass this year, the omnibus was—behind the scenes—a flurry of horse trading. One of the biggest fights was over GOP efforts to include language to stop the IRS from instituting a new round of 501(c)(4) targeting. The White House is so counting on the tax agency to muzzle its political opponents that it willingly sacrificed any manner of its own priorities to keep the muzzle in place.

And now back to our previously scheduled outrage over the Chris Christie administration’s abuse of traffic cones on the George Washington Bridge.

Yet my sources say that throughout the negotiations Democrats went all in on keeping the IRS rule, even though it meant losing their own priorities. In the final hours before the omnibus was introduced Monday night, the administration made a last push for IMF money. Asked to negotiate that demand in the context of new IRS language, it refused.

That’s a lot to sacrifice for a rule that the administration has barely noted in public, and that then-acting IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel claimed last fall when it was introduced is simply about providing “clarity” to nonprofits. It only makes sense in a purely political context. The president’s approval ratings are in the toilet, the economy is in idle, the ObamaCare debate rages on, and the White House has a Senate majority to preserve. With one little IRS rule it can shut up hundreds of groups that pose a direct threat by restricting their ability to speak freely in an election season about spending or ObamaCare or jobs. And it gets away with it by positioning this new targeting as a fix for the first round.

This week’s Democratic rally-round further highlights the intensely political nature of their IRS rule. It was quietly dropped in the runup to the holiday season, to minimize the likelihood of an organized protest during its comment period. That 90-day comment period meantime ends on Feb. 27, positioning the administration to shut down conservative groups early in this election cycle.

H/T Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Just some rogue agents in Cincinnati, no doubt.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Gotta understand something..... 501(c)4 groups began in the Deep South. When Republicans went South to fight racist dimocraps, it was tough going. Many were murdered by dimocraos, hanged, lynched, and many more were beaten and chased away.

What makes a 501(c)4 work is that donors are anonymous.

Why is that important?

Let's say you were a decent human being, as opposed to a dimocrap, living in the Deep South and were sympathetic to the plight of Blacks.

You wanted to do something but you knew if you did, and it got out, you would be in BIG trouble in the Community.

You donate to a Charity whose goal was to educate Black kids, or to stop the lynching by dimocraps of Black Men for looking at a White Woman the wrong way (think about how current dimocraps treat Black Republicans and you'll understand)....

And if it gets out, you're in trouble. Not pretend trouble -- Real trouble.

Today's dimocraps are no different than dimocraps of 150 years ago.

They don't want people contributing to organizations they don't approve of. And so they've pulled out all the stops to prevent it.

dimocraps haven't changed, only the times have changed.

BTW, donations to a 501(4) c aren't even tax-deductible. They're just anonymous.

Can't have that..... dimocraps need to know who to target when they have their White Robes on and burn a Cross or two.

And no, I'm really not kidding around.

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