Rand Paul? Breaks With Trump?

At some point anyone with at least half a brain agrees that the Trump and Barr goon squads are a huge mistake.
Inject Rand Paul into the issue. I hope more of Trump's stable of enablers see the light.

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Monday came out against President Donald Trump’s latest initiative of sending unidentified federal agents to round up protesters in American cities."

“We cannot give up liberty for security,” wrote Paul, a staunch ally of the president who at times contradicts him on issues like civil liberties. “Local law enforcement can and should be handling these situations in our cities but there is no place for federal troops or unidentified federal agents rounding people up at will.”

but theyre not unidentified fed agents,,,,and they arent rounding up protesters, they are rounding up criminals that have committed crimes,,,

He said federal troops, too. And they do not have identifying uniforms. And they are NOT rounding up people in the act of committing a crime.
Just how far you Trumptards will go up Trump's ass is stupefying.
Uniforms are not required, Dipshit.

And they were part of the mob defacing Federal buildings and threatening to burn them down, Simpleton.
To oakfine !!
Hey dolt !! I know your “ puny brain “‘cannot comprehend anything . The last 2 months : the violent Antifa vermin have been looting and burning at will . The states leaders are Bolshevik quisslings ) just like you )
Trump finally took some action and you( the useful idiot ) insults T
At some point anyone with at least half a brain agrees that the Trump and Barr goon squads are a huge mistake.
Inject Rand Paul into the issue. I hope more of Trump's stable of enablers see the light.

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Monday came out against President Donald Trump’s latest initiative of sending unidentified federal agents to round up protesters in American cities."

“We cannot give up liberty for security,” wrote Paul, a staunch ally of the president who at times contradicts him on issues like civil liberties. “Local law enforcement can and should be handling these situations in our cities but there is no place for federal troops or unidentified federal agents rounding people up at will.”

“We cannot give up liberty for security,” wrote Paul

Okfine, the libertarian???

Say it ain't so....

No f'n way
Funny how leftards cheered on the BLM when it came to the Bundys and cheered the Feds on at the Wildlife Refuge protest in Oregon.......you little commie fucks are hypocritical sacks of shit.

I said that today's protesters need to learn the lesson the Bundy's showed and bring guns.

Would that also be cool with you?
Fine with me....given their proclivity for violent behavior? Police would be totally justified to gun these commie fucks down and stack their bodies up like cordwood and let the maggots feast.
Rand Paul is a fool. When people start burning cities, and violently hurting people, the FBI and ATF&E are allowed to come in and do what is necessary to stop the shit. I know, because while Obama was playing god, i worked in the ATF&E headquarters and the agents there were getting ready for this shit....
Rand is asking legit questions....If the people being scooped up are in fact from violent Antifa goon squads then the raids are at least marginally proper.

BTW, flashing BATF credentials doesn't automatically make you one of the good guys...Just sayin'.

How many were charged with a crime, arrested and had to be bailed out or is still sitting in jail?
I don't know and neither do you...But at least I'm willing to wait until all the facts are in.

From all that I've read every one of them was simply released.

Exactly. So I don't see why the libs are making a big deal about it. All that the federal agents are doing is disrupting the riots.
Ryan is a puppet of “ the deep state and big business”
He is a leftist , and the second most pathetic person to ever be Speaker
At some point anyone with at least half a brain agrees that the Trump and Barr goon squads are a huge mistake.
Inject Rand Paul into the issue. I hope more of Trump's stable of enablers see the light.

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Monday came out against President Donald Trump’s latest initiative of sending unidentified federal agents to round up protesters in American cities."

“We cannot give up liberty for security,” wrote Paul, a staunch ally of the president who at times contradicts him on issues like civil liberties. “Local law enforcement can and should be handling these situations in our cities but there is no place for federal troops or unidentified federal agents rounding people up at will.”

but theyre not unidentified fed agents,,,,and they arent rounding up protesters, they are rounding up criminals that have committed crimes,,,

No they are not. At least one video shows them dragging someone off the street for no reason except he is there.
At some point anyone with at least half a brain agrees that the Trump and Barr goon squads are a huge mistake.
Inject Rand Paul into the issue. I hope more of Trump's stable of enablers see the light.

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Monday came out against President Donald Trump’s latest initiative of sending unidentified federal agents to round up protesters in American cities."

“We cannot give up liberty for security,” wrote Paul, a staunch ally of the president who at times contradicts him on issues like civil liberties. “Local law enforcement can and should be handling these situations in our cities but there is no place for federal troops or unidentified federal agents rounding people up at will.”

but theyre not unidentified fed agents,,,,and they arent rounding up protesters, they are rounding up criminals that have committed crimes,,,

He said federal troops, too. And they do not have identifying uniforms. And they are NOT rounding up people in the act of committing a crime.
Just how far you Trumptards will go up Trump's ass is stupefying.
Uniforms are not required, Dipshit.

And they were part of the mob defacing Federal buildings and threatening to burn them down, Simpleton.

Proof of that please.
Rand Paul is a fool. When people start burning cities, and violently hurting people, the FBI and ATF&E are allowed to come in and do what is necessary to stop the shit. I know, because while Obama was playing god, i worked in the ATF&E headquarters and the agents there were getting ready for this shit....
Rand is asking legit questions....If the people being scooped up are in fact from violent Antifa goon squads then the raids are at least marginally proper.

BTW, flashing BATF credentials doesn't automatically make you one of the good guys...Just sayin'.

How many were charged with a crime, arrested and had to be bailed out or is still sitting in jail?
I don't know and neither do you...But at least I'm willing to wait until all the facts are in.

From all that I've read every one of them was simply released.

Exactly. So I don't see why the libs are making a big deal about it. All that the federal agents are doing is disrupting the riots.

If I did it, it would be called kidnapping.
who got kidnapped???

what was their name???

Federal Officers Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab People In Portland, DHS Confirms
I asked for the name of someone that was kidnapped not taken in for questioning and then released,,,

who was kidnapped??? whats their name???

Was there charges filed? is that what you want? LOL. It was kidnapping.
what you provided was the accounts of someone that was brought in for questioning and then released,,,thats not kidnapping,,,

kidnapping is when they are not law enforcement and they dont let you leave with or without charges,,,

He was walking home. This is a clear violation of his civil rights.
no it wasnt,,,a cop can pick you up anytime the have reasonable suspicion and thats what they did,,,

That is not what they did. There was no probable cause. A cop cannot just pick someone up just for the hell of it.
Rand Paul is a fool. When people start burning cities, and violently hurting people, the FBI and ATF&E are allowed to come in and do what is necessary to stop the shit. I know, because while Obama was playing god, i worked in the ATF&E headquarters and the agents there were getting ready for this shit....
Rand is asking legit questions....If the people being scooped up are in fact from violent Antifa goon squads then the raids are at least marginally proper.

BTW, flashing BATF credentials doesn't automatically make you one of the good guys...Just sayin'.

How many were charged with a crime, arrested and had to be bailed out or is still sitting in jail?
I don't know and neither do you...But at least I'm willing to wait until all the facts are in.

From all that I've read every one of them was simply released.

Exactly. So I don't see why the libs are making a big deal about it. All that the federal agents are doing is disrupting the riots.

If I did it, it would be called kidnapping.
who got kidnapped???

what was their name???

Federal Officers Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab People In Portland, DHS Confirms
I asked for the name of someone that was kidnapped not taken in for questioning and then released,,,

who was kidnapped??? whats their name???

Was there charges filed? is that what you want? LOL. It was kidnapping.
what you provided was the accounts of someone that was brought in for questioning and then released,,,thats not kidnapping,,,

kidnapping is when they are not law enforcement and they dont let you leave with or without charges,,,

He was walking home. This is a clear violation of his civil rights.
no it wasnt,,,a cop can pick you up anytime the have reasonable suspicion and thats what they did,,,

They were walking home after a peaceful protest.
he was walking home from a riot not a protest,,and it doesnt matter,, they didnt kidnap him or violate his rights,,,

Looks like we will get a court to decide on that.

Also the IG.
At some point anyone with at least half a brain agrees that the Trump and Barr goon squads are a huge mistake.
Inject Rand Paul into the issue. I hope more of Trump's stable of enablers see the light.

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Monday came out against President Donald Trump’s latest initiative of sending unidentified federal agents to round up protesters in American cities."

“We cannot give up liberty for security,” wrote Paul, a staunch ally of the president who at times contradicts him on issues like civil liberties. “Local law enforcement can and should be handling these situations in our cities but there is no place for federal troops or unidentified federal agents rounding people up at will.”

“We cannot give up liberty for security,” wrote Paul

Okfine, the libertarian???

Say it ain't so....

No f'n way
Funny how leftards cheered on the BLM when it came to the Bundys and cheered the Feds on at the Wildlife Refuge protest in Oregon.......you little commie fucks are hypocritical sacks of shit.

I said that today's protesters need to learn the lesson the Bundy's showed and bring guns.

Would that also be cool with you?
Fine with me....given their proclivity for violent behavior? Police would be totally justified to gun these commie fucks down and stack their bodies up like cordwood and let the maggots feast.

You ars a fucking asshole. Thugs like you are the ones we need to take action against Wyhen Biden wins, they sho8uld re-enact Sherman's March to the Sea. Burn every Trump town down.
At some point anyone with at least half a brain agrees that the Trump and Barr goon squads are a huge mistake.
Inject Rand Paul into the issue. I hope more of Trump's stable of enablers see the light.

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Monday came out against President Donald Trump’s latest initiative of sending unidentified federal agents to round up protesters in American cities."

“We cannot give up liberty for security,” wrote Paul, a staunch ally of the president who at times contradicts him on issues like civil liberties. “Local law enforcement can and should be handling these situations in our cities but there is no place for federal troops or unidentified federal agents rounding people up at will.”

but theyre not unidentified fed agents,,,,and they arent rounding up protesters, they are rounding up criminals that have committed crimes,,,
Thank goodness for cell phones, cause everything you just said was a lie. We all saw they had no badge and did not identify themselves you idiot.
At some point anyone with at least half a brain agrees that the Trump and Barr goon squads are a huge mistake.
Inject Rand Paul into the issue. I hope more of Trump's stable of enablers see the light.

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Monday came out against President Donald Trump’s latest initiative of sending unidentified federal agents to round up protesters in American cities."

“We cannot give up liberty for security,” wrote Paul, a staunch ally of the president who at times contradicts him on issues like civil liberties. “Local law enforcement can and should be handling these situations in our cities but there is no place for federal troops or unidentified federal agents rounding people up at will.”

But Paul will vote for Trump, nonetheless.

That’s the problem.
Trump's plan will backfire. Not in my country. No police state. I will join forces if this shit comes to my town.

“The exercise also has the advantage for Trump of entrenching a new form of secret police and of turning federal agents into instruments of his authoritarianism.”

"Amid mounting criticism over the deployment of unidentified federal agents to Portland, Oregon—where they have been driving around in unmarked vehicles and snatching people off the streets—civil liberties advocates are increasingly concerned that President Donald Trump will similarly send “secret police” to other Democrat-led cites across the country as part of a 2020 campaign strategy to sow chaos and further his law-and-order message."

These unlawful, unwarranted, and un-Constitutional detentions are an effort by Trump to intimidate and silence his political opposition.
At some point anyone with at least half a brain agrees that the Trump and Barr goon squads are a huge mistake.
Inject Rand Paul into the issue. I hope more of Trump's stable of enablers see the light.

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Monday came out against President Donald Trump’s latest initiative of sending unidentified federal agents to round up protesters in American cities."

“We cannot give up liberty for security,” wrote Paul, a staunch ally of the president who at times contradicts him on issues like civil liberties. “Local law enforcement can and should be handling these situations in our cities but there is no place for federal troops or unidentified federal agents rounding people up at will.”

“We cannot give up liberty for security,” wrote Paul

Okfine, the libertarian???

Say it ain't so....

No f'n way
Funny how leftards cheered on the BLM when it came to the Bundys and cheered the Feds on at the Wildlife Refuge protest in Oregon.......you little commie fucks are hypocritical sacks of shit.

I said that today's protesters need to learn the lesson the Bundy's showed and bring guns.

Would that also be cool with you?
Fine with me....given their proclivity for violent behavior? Police would be totally justified to gun these commie fucks down and stack their bodies up like cordwood and let the maggots feast.

You ars a fucking asshole. Thugs like you are the ones we need to take action against Wyhen Biden wins, they sho8uld re-enact Sherman's March to the Sea. Burn every Trump town down.

Having the likes of a commie POS like you lamely attempt to insult me is akin to some street bum that curses at me in the parking lot of a convenience store because I won't toss him a federal reserve note towards his next purchase of a 40 ouncer.

"we need to take action against"? "WE"???? I could force feed you an entire box of Ex-Lax and you wouldn't so much as cut a fart unless I gave you permission. I find it hilarious that you believe I should have pity and empathy for a bunch of spoiled SJWs that have drank the kool-aid of collectivism. Take your action, klunt...bring all your little butthurt, emotional cripples that suffer from arrested development and bring plenty of matches. We will use them to set your rotting corpses ablaze so we don't further stink up our communities. Chew on that, commie piglet.
Trump's plan will backfire. Not in my country. No police state. I will join forces if this shit comes to my town.

“The exercise also has the advantage for Trump of entrenching a new form of secret police and of turning federal agents into instruments of his authoritarianism.”

"Amid mounting criticism over the deployment of unidentified federal agents to Portland, Oregon—where they have been driving around in unmarked vehicles and snatching people off the streets—civil liberties advocates are increasingly concerned that President Donald Trump will similarly send “secret police” to other Democrat-led cites across the country as part of a 2020 campaign strategy to sow chaos and further his law-and-order message."

These unlawful, unwarranted, and un-Constitutional detentions are an effort by Trump to intimidate and silence his political opposition.

Lil Clayton, the card carrying commie views anyone that doesn't vote for Pedo Joe, the creepy pervert as a "problem"......hilarious. I have yet to come across a single leftard on this forum that has ever made a coherent argument as to why anyone on the fence should throw support behind these marxist clowns.
Trump's plan will backfire. Not in my country. No police state. I will join forces if this shit comes to my town.

“The exercise also has the advantage for Trump of entrenching a new form of secret police and of turning federal agents into instruments of his authoritarianism.”

"Amid mounting criticism over the deployment of unidentified federal agents to Portland, Oregon—where they have been driving around in unmarked vehicles and snatching people off the streets—civil liberties advocates are increasingly concerned that President Donald Trump will similarly send “secret police” to other Democrat-led cites across the country as part of a 2020 campaign strategy to sow chaos and further his law-and-order message."

These unlawful, unwarranted, and un-Constitutional detentions are an effort by Trump to intimidate and silence his political opposition.

Who signed that NDAA of 2013 during the New Years holiday that included no due process and indefinite detention? I believe it was the Barrypuppet, the jug-eared mulatto.
At some point anyone with at least half a brain agrees that the Trump and Barr goon squads are a huge mistake.
Inject Rand Paul into the issue. I hope more of Trump's stable of enablers see the light.

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Monday came out against President Donald Trump’s latest initiative of sending unidentified federal agents to round up protesters in American cities."

“We cannot give up liberty for security,” wrote Paul, a staunch ally of the president who at times contradicts him on issues like civil liberties. “Local law enforcement can and should be handling these situations in our cities but there is no place for federal troops or unidentified federal agents rounding people up at will.”

but theyre not unidentified fed agents,,,,and they arent rounding up protesters, they are rounding up criminals that have committed crimes,,,

No they are not. At least one video shows them dragging someone off the street for no reason except he is there.
your ignorance is shining through the shitstain on your face,,,

he was arrested and taken in for questioning where he was read his rights and later released,,,
Rand Paul is a fool. When people start burning cities, and violently hurting people, the FBI and ATF&E are allowed to come in and do what is necessary to stop the shit. I know, because while Obama was playing god, i worked in the ATF&E headquarters and the agents there were getting ready for this shit....
Rand is asking legit questions....If the people being scooped up are in fact from violent Antifa goon squads then the raids are at least marginally proper.

BTW, flashing BATF credentials doesn't automatically make you one of the good guys...Just sayin'.

How many were charged with a crime, arrested and had to be bailed out or is still sitting in jail?
I don't know and neither do you...But at least I'm willing to wait until all the facts are in.

From all that I've read every one of them was simply released.

Exactly. So I don't see why the libs are making a big deal about it. All that the federal agents are doing is disrupting the riots.

If I did it, it would be called kidnapping.
who got kidnapped???

what was their name???

Federal Officers Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab People In Portland, DHS Confirms
I asked for the name of someone that was kidnapped not taken in for questioning and then released,,,

who was kidnapped??? whats their name???

Was there charges filed? is that what you want? LOL. It was kidnapping.
what you provided was the accounts of someone that was brought in for questioning and then released,,,thats not kidnapping,,,

kidnapping is when they are not law enforcement and they dont let you leave with or without charges,,,

He was walking home. This is a clear violation of his civil rights.
no it wasnt,,,a cop can pick you up anytime the have reasonable suspicion and thats what they did,,,

That is not what they did. There was no probable cause. A cop cannot just pick someone up just for the hell of it.
how do you know there wasnt probable cause???

were you there???
At some point anyone with at least half a brain agrees that the Trump and Barr goon squads are a huge mistake.
Inject Rand Paul into the issue. I hope more of Trump's stable of enablers see the light.

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Monday came out against President Donald Trump’s latest initiative of sending unidentified federal agents to round up protesters in American cities."

“We cannot give up liberty for security,” wrote Paul, a staunch ally of the president who at times contradicts him on issues like civil liberties. “Local law enforcement can and should be handling these situations in our cities but there is no place for federal troops or unidentified federal agents rounding people up at will.”

but theyre not unidentified fed agents,,,,and they arent rounding up protesters, they are rounding up criminals that have committed crimes,,,
Thank goodness for cell phones, cause everything you just said was a lie. We all saw they had no badge and did not identify themselves you idiot.
you dont know what happened in the van or back at the station where the guy said they read him his rights and ID themselves,,,

you need to educate yourself before speaking in public,,,

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