Rand Paul goes after Clinton and Lewinsky scandal

Clinton is a scumbag predator, with multiple instances of treating women like garbage.

None of that matters to leftists so long as he supports abortion.
Clinton is a scumbag predator, with multiple instances of treating women like garbage.

None of that matters to leftists so long as he supports abortion.

Oh, and he also would win hands down if he decided to run again. Rand Paul is cutting his own throat.
Wasn't that like 15 years ago or so?
I think everybody is aware of Willie's crap behavior. Yet in a Gallup poll in 2012, Clinton had a 69% approval rating!
Rand Paul could very well be shooting himself in the foot with the general public but the far right will love it that Rand is bashing Willie.
Rand Paul, the sniveling Kentucky rich kid, just can't help himself. I'm guessing he's trying to put doubt into voters minds about Hillary. Like, what kind of woman stays with a guy who does this?

16 years ago, nobody but Republicans cared. 16 years later, nobody but Republicans thinks this attack will do any harm.

Clinton is one of the most popular presidents of all time. Republicans hate that fact.
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Rand Paul should look no further than his own father. Ron Paul checked out more female crotches than Bill Clinton ever did
I hate to break this to you, but Hillary actually wrote about this in her book.
Is she now going to sue Rand for plagiarism?
Wasn't that like 15 years ago or so?
I think everybody is aware of Willie's crap behavior. Yet in a Gallup poll in 2012, Clinton had a 69% approval rating!
Rand Paul could very well be shooting himself in the foot with the general public but the far right will love it that Rand is bashing Willie.

Reminding the public of what Willy did 15 years ago will win Hillary a larger portion of the female vote. Rand is making a huge mistake.
Rand Paul accuses Bill Clinton of "predatory" behavior toward Monica Lewinsky - CBS News

Has he lost his frigin mind? This will only help Hillary in 2016. How stupid can someone be?
FUNNY! :razz:

Because of his unpopularity in large segments of the US, especially in Rand Paul's state of Kentucky, Obama is unable to campaign for a lot of Democratic candidates.

With the House and Senate up for grabs this year, the Democratic Party is launching a very popular Bill Clinton as a stand-in for Obama. Clinton is going to be stumping for Senate and House candidates all over the country.

Rand Paul is trying to pre-emptively put a dent in the Clinton strategy.
Here you go: Bill Clinton to hit campaign trail in Kentucky

Dated today.

The big dog is heading to Kentucky to help Alison Lundergan Grimes.

Former president Bill Clinton will head to Louisville in February for a campaign event for Grimes, who is running for the U.S. Senate and trying to topple Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

McConnell is the senior senator from Kentucky and the Senate minority leader.

Rand Paul is the junior senator from Kentucky. He's shooting at Clinton on McConnells' behalf.
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Rand Paul goes after Clinton and Lewinsky scandal

How does this help the GOP in 2014 or 2016?
Rand Paul should look no further than his own father. Ron Paul checked out more female crotches than Bill Clinton ever did

I think it's great that you hate on doctors while mindlessly support corrupted politicians that use their position of power to fuck interns.

It's, well it's just so you RW.
Just after Paul’s appearance, Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., chided Paul for bringing up the incident in connection with Hillary Clinton.

“Hillary Clinton has established her own reputation, her own name. And her own basis for running for president should she choose to do it. And the issues that were raised by my colleague Senator Paul have been litigated in the public square for over a decade,” he said. “For goodness' sakes, let's judge Hillary Clinton based on her talents and her vision of America should she choose to run for president.”
I agree with Durban. Let's judge her on her record as Sec. of State. We can start with Benghazi.
Ovbviously Paul is just trying to kneecap Clinton's appearance in Kentucky.

As for Paul's statement, I can agree with:
"One of the workplace laws and rules that I think are good is that bosses shouldn't prey on young interns in their office.... He took advantage of a girl that was 20 years old and an intern in his office. There is no excuse for that.”

I can agree with that. But when he tries to get the mud to spatter all the way to Hillary (even though I would never vote for her unless the Republicans are stupid enough to nominate Paul) by saying:

Though Paul said that Hillary Clinton shouldn’t be judged for her husband’s behavior, he added, “it's hard to separate one from the other."

He's completely full of crap. Trying to tar one of the victims with the guilt of the perpetrator, is about as low as it gets. And he thinks that "undercuts" the GOP's perceived war on women? By trying to smear Hillary with the behavior of her husband?????

What an idiot.
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