Rand Paul Thinks 'Lack Of Assimilation' Is Native Americans' Problem

Native Americans are refugees in their own country.
Native Americans were building civilizations, using science, developing math and empires before the white man landed on these shores. It isn't like science, math, infrastructure and ideas shared by all humans should be seen as a bad thing.

Both Pueblo and Mississippian culture built infrastructure and traded resources across their empires. SO it isn't just central and south America either.

Too bad they didn't think to invent repeating rifles, eh?

They beat Custer because they were better armed.

The problem with African-Americans is they try to look darker skinned than everyone else.

One day you seem like you have a clue, the next it's back to being the village retard.

Now if you only had an actual quote!

I'm not much of a Rand fan but I do slightly follow him and you seem to be trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator with your comments... But I'm sure there is some silly fully bullshit reason when you do it, it's actually intelligent.
Native Americans are refugees in their own country.

The thing you should learn from current day Native Americans situation is that, that's what life looks like when welfare wins. Not a single "native american" alive today is more or less native to this land than I am, I'm simply not born the right skin tone to bitch all day about how doing nothing gets me nowhere.
Assimilate or die.

No no, in the America Indians case it's about title.... You see, "American Indian" is not US Citizen.. American Indian = everlasting welfare. But Hey, US citizen ain't so far behind so many they will make the transition!

It's quite amazing how easy this all is to understand and yet people crap out their mouths some emo bullshit. The thing that really gets me is through all of history the US is by far the most tolerant... And oddly the US is mostly white.... Seems like it shouldn't be possible if you listen to some.

Just go back in history and look what countries did to each other, fuck just look at other countries around the world currently and what they do to each other. You guys are bitching because we don't give people enough free shit because of things that never actually happened to anyone alive today, anywhere, on plant earth.
Lets be honest here ..... Rand Paul is correct but not just about Native Americans, If every group that came to America tried to assimilate into the the American culture instead of trying to change it, they would be much better off as would the country itself.
Native Americans have the advantage over the white man. They don't pay taxes; actually 90% of blacks don't either.... trend?
when you choose suicide and alcohol over getting a job and actually working; things usually aren't too good for you.
All the true horrors in the United States, Canada, and Australia were caused by the government trying to assimilate the native population. It's a form of genocide. Natives should be left alone, and their kids should not be forced to attend public schools with white kids.

Cultural assimilation of Native Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also, there should be a law against selling liquor to natives. They can't handle it.
"If they were assimilated, within a decade they'd probably be doing as well as the rest of us."

That Paul is an idiot comes as no surprise.

Obviously he has no interest in becoming president.
"If they were assimilated, within a decade they'd probably be doing as well as the rest of us."

GOP presidential candidate Rand Paul took to the airwaves Thursday to broadcast his theory that Native Americans "don't do very well because of their lack of assimilation."

The Kentucky senator's comment followed an exchange with conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham about what she called "separatist" immigrant communities. Ingraham was incredulous that "the MSNBC crowd" supported Jeb Bush's penchant for speaking Spanish at campaign events.

Asked whether he thought speaking Spanish was appropriate, Paul veered off to talk about the only people who never immigrated to this country: Native Americans.

"I think assimilation is an amazing thing," Paul said. "A good example of how, even in our country, assimilation didn't happen -- and it has been a disaster for the people -- has been the Native American population on the reservations. If they were assimilated, within a decade they'd probably be doing as well as the rest of us. But instead, seclusion and isolating them -- we took their land, and then we put them all on small quadrants of land."

Ingraham did not point out Paul's historical revisionism, but Democrats and Native leaders did.

The Democratic National Committee said in a press release that Paul revealed a "shocking lack of historical and cultural awareness" about Native people.

This history includes warfare, forced removal, broken treaties and unkept promises, as well as the more recent, but often forgotten, record of abuse and cultural genocide suffered by Native American children through the boarding school system of the 19th and 20th centuries. That assimilation policy was designed to "kill the Indian and save the man."

"Sen. Paul's statements harken back to a disastrous era of federal policies that aimed to terminate tribal governments and eradicate Native American cultures," said PaaWee Rivera, a Pueblo of Pojoaque tribal member and the DNC's director of Native American engagement, in the press release.

Paul's proposed 2013 budget for the federal government would have cut Indian Health Services by more than 20 percent. The senator also voted against reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which would have given tribes the power to prosecute nontribal members for violence and abuse committed against Native women on tribal lands. His proposed 2015 budget goes so far as to eliminate the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the federal agency responsible for providing services to 566 federally recognized tribes across the United States.

"Assimilation implies erasing one's identity and culture -- that is not what the America I know stands for," Pata said in her statement. "America's strength comes from its diversity. Native Americans' strength comes from our connection to place and culture."

Rand Paul Thinks 'Lack Of Assimilation' Is Native Americans' Problem

Rand Paul said Scott Walker's Canadian wall idea was "pretty dumb" - well, what he said in this OP is far beyond "pretty dumb". Native Americans don't want to erase their identity and culture through assimilation with the culture that put them where they are. Paul has the sensitivity of Andrew Jackson. Their noble struggle continues.
Rand Paul?.....Come on.....
"If they were assimilated, within a decade they'd probably be doing as well as the rest of us."

That Paul is an idiot comes as no surprise.

Obviously he has no interest in becoming president.

Well what we do know is not assimilating and living on welfare has pretty much destroyed them.... While everyone else that assimilated seemed to do just fine. Seems like you are on the dumb shit end of logic here seeing as reality disagrees with you over and over and over and over.
Native Americans were building civilizations, using science, developing math and empires before the white man landed on these shores. It isn't like science, math, infrastructure and ideas shared by all humans should be seen as a bad thing.

Both Pueblo and Mississippian culture built infrastructure and traded resources across their empires. SO it isn't just central and south America either.
Shut the fuck up..
"Rand Paul Thinks 'Lack Of Assimilation' Is Native Americans' Problem"

That he'll never be president illustrates the wisdom of the Framers, and that the political process is not 'broken.'
Native Americans were building civilizations, using science, developing math and empires before the white man landed on these shores. It isn't like science, math, infrastructure and ideas shared by all humans should be seen as a bad thing.

Both Pueblo and Mississippian culture built infrastructure and traded resources across their empires. SO it isn't just central and south America either.
Shut the fuck up..

I learned what I said in a history class! SO you don't like being educated. lol
"If they were assimilated, within a decade they'd probably be doing as well as the rest of us."

That Paul is an idiot comes as no surprise.

Obviously he has no interest in becoming president.

I doubt you have the time to see past your own limited "opinion", but here... Give it a try and see if you can last more than a few seconds listening to someone other than yourself.

Lakhota hits the "funny" button on a 25 min video only maybe 2 min after I post it... Yeah, that's a guy that really reaches for answers before he reacts to them....

Sums you up Lakhota, reacting before you even know wtf you're reacting to.
Rand Paul is just an insane libertarian, I know no people who takes his seriously. I wonder why libertarians and communists even run for president... It sounds completely pointless, they are not going to win.
"If they were assimilated, within a decade they'd probably be doing as well as the rest of us."

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