Rand Paul trashes Ronald Reagan

Reagan didn't have unpaid for wars. Reagan didn't have a deregulated Wall Street. Reagan didn't have tens of thousands of young Americans maimed or life. And still Reagan had enormous deficits. Odd that.
Baloney. The bills rolling in from Vietnam were a large part of the Nixon/Carter malaise.
You know that American involvement in Vietnam ended in 1975 right? Carter did not take the oath of office until 1977.
How does that change the fact that the bills were not yet paid?

Wars always, yes always, cause economic downturns for years after they end.

True historical fact.
Reagan was great on foreign policy! Remember how he let those Marines get blown to smithereens then cut and ran from Lebanon? Then, to make up for it, he invaded that Caribbean powerhouse Grenada!

Then he armed Iran.

What a great president!

If he was Black, the wingnuts would still be burning him in effigy. But instead, they trumpet him as a great leader. What's that tell us about the wingnuts?

Did you forgot how Reagan defeated your home team the USSR?
My home team is America. And Reagan trashed America. Look at his involvement with labor unions. It's as if labor is merely a commodity, not humans. Workers should sit down, shut up, die quietly and stop bitching because, hey look! you have a job!

He sucked.
Baloney. The bills rolling in from Vietnam were a large part of the Nixon/Carter malaise.
You know that American involvement in Vietnam ended in 1975 right? Carter did not take the oath of office until 1977.
How does that change the fact that the bills were not yet paid?

Wars always, yes always, cause economic downturns for years after they end.

True historical fact.
Are you happy about the economic recovery under President Obama? Could it be there are residual effects from the actions of a previous administration at work here? Or does your understanding of war costs only serve to reflect well upon Republican presidencies?
Dems Controlled Congress, Dems passed the Budget Impoundment Act of 1974, Dems are behind most of the deficits.

Tom Delay and Dubya should rot in Hell
Reagan was great on foreign policy! Remember how he let those Marines get blown to smithereens then cut and ran from Lebanon? Then, to make up for it, he invaded that Caribbean powerhouse Grenada!

Then he armed Iran.

What a great president!

If he was Black, the wingnuts would still be burning him in effigy. But instead, they trumpet him as a great leader. What's that tell us about the wingnuts?

Did you forgot how Reagan defeated your home team the USSR?
My home team is America. And Reagan trashed America. Look at his involvement with labor unions. It's as if labor is merely a commodity, not humans. Workers should sit down, shut up, die quietly and stop bitching because, hey look! you have a job!

He sucked.


Reagan beat your Home team

Reagan trashed your home team

Reagan told Gorby to tear down the Berlin Wall
Did you forgot how Reagan defeated your home team the USSR?
My home team is America. And Reagan trashed America. Look at his involvement with labor unions. It's as if labor is merely a commodity, not humans. Workers should sit down, shut up, die quietly and stop bitching because, hey look! you have a job!

He sucked.


Reagan beat your Home team

Reagan trashed your home team

Reagan told Gorby to tear down the Berlin Wall
Break the pills in two. The old tactic of calling everyone a Communist went out with Brylcream. You ain't Tail Gunner Joe, but certainly one of his acolytes.
New video shows Rand Paul repeatedly bashing Ronald Reagan - Salon.com

...“The deficit went through the roof under Reagan,” Paul says in a video from 2007 showing him speaking on his father’s behalf. “So how long did it take Ron Paul to figure out that the guy he had liked, endorsed, campaigned for, campaigned for him [wasn't fiscally conservative]?” Paul asked. “The very first [Reagan] budget. Ron Paul voted ‘no’ against the very first Reagan budget… Everybody loved this ‘great’ budget. It was a $100 billion in debt. This was three times greater than Jimmy Carter’s worst deficit.”..

“People want to like Reagan,” Paul said. “He’s very likable. And what he had to say most of the time was a great message. But the deficits exploded under Reagan,” Paul continued. “The reason the deficits exploded is [Reagan] ignored spending. Domestic spending went up at a greater clip under Reagan than it did under Carter.”...

Don't bother attacking the source.

Its all on video.

So you'll be supporting Paul for President?
IMHO: There are a lot of things we can appreciate about the Reagan administration. Deficits ain't one of 'em.
Rand Paul is on target with this one.
My home team is America. And Reagan trashed America. Look at his involvement with labor unions. It's as if labor is merely a commodity, not humans. Workers should sit down, shut up, die quietly and stop bitching because, hey look! you have a job!

He sucked.


Reagan beat your Home team

Reagan trashed your home team

Reagan told Gorby to tear down the Berlin Wall
Break the pills in two. The old tactic of calling everyone a Communist went out with Brylcream. You ain't Tail Gunner Joe, but certainly one of his acolytes.

Face it. You hate Reagan because he beat your home team

He called you an "evil empire" Vowed to defeat you, and kicked your ass.

Reagan beat your Home team

Reagan trashed your home team

Reagan told Gorby to tear down the Berlin Wall
Break the pills in two. The old tactic of calling everyone a Communist went out with Brylcream. You ain't Tail Gunner Joe, but certainly one of his acolytes.

Face it. You hate Reagan because he beat your home team

He called you an "evil empire" Vowed to defeat you, and kicked your ass.
No. I hated Reagan for arming Iran, for dismantling unions, for cutting and running away after Marines were killed in their Beirut barracks, for slashing school funding and calling ketchup a vegetable. I'm an American citizen. I am immune to whatever idiotic tactic you and your fellow zipperheaded Conservatives try as if we are on a playground. Calling names is so third grade. Did you advance further in school than that?
Break the pills in two. The old tactic of calling everyone a Communist went out with Brylcream. You ain't Tail Gunner Joe, but certainly one of his acolytes.

Face it. You hate Reagan because he beat your home team

He called you an "evil empire" Vowed to defeat you, and kicked your ass.
No. I hated Reagan for arming Iran, for dismantling unions, for cutting and running away after Marines were killed in their Beirut barracks, for slashing school funding and calling ketchup a vegetable. I'm an American citizen. I am immune to whatever idiotic tactic you and your fellow zipperheaded Conservatives try as if we are on a playground. Calling names is so third grade. Did you advance further in school than that?

It's OK, Komrade.

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Break the pills in two. The old tactic of calling everyone a Communist went out with Brylcream. You ain't Tail Gunner Joe, but certainly one of his acolytes.

Face it. You hate Reagan because he beat your home team

He called you an "evil empire" Vowed to defeat you, and kicked your ass.
No. I hated Reagan for arming Iran, for dismantling unions, for cutting and running away after Marines were killed in their Beirut barracks, for slashing school funding and calling ketchup a vegetable. I'm an American citizen. I am immune to whatever idiotic tactic you and your fellow zipperheaded Conservatives try as if we are on a playground. Calling names is so third grade. Did you advance further in school than that?

Then you should have loved him for defeating the Sandinistas, standing up to PATCO, and driving the commies from Grenada.
Face it. You hate Reagan because he beat your home team

He called you an "evil empire" Vowed to defeat you, and kicked your ass.
No. I hated Reagan for arming Iran, for dismantling unions, for cutting and running away after Marines were killed in their Beirut barracks, for slashing school funding and calling ketchup a vegetable. I'm an American citizen. I am immune to whatever idiotic tactic you and your fellow zipperheaded Conservatives try as if we are on a playground. Calling names is so third grade. Did you advance further in school than that?

Then you should have loved him for defeating the Sandinistas, standing up to PATCO, and driving the commies from Grenada.

Yeah, Progs like that like Dracula taking a shower in Holy Water
Reagan was great on foreign policy! Remember how he let those Marines get blown to smithereens then cut and ran from Lebanon? Then, to make up for it, he invaded that Caribbean powerhouse Grenada!

Then he armed Iran.

What a great president!

If he was Black, the wingnuts would still be burning him in effigy. But instead, they trumpet him as a great leader. What's that tell us about the wingnuts?

Did you forgot how Reagan defeated your home team the USSR?
My home team is America. And Reagan trashed America. Look at his involvement with labor unions. It's as if labor is merely a commodity, not humans. Workers should sit down, shut up, die quietly and stop bitching because, hey look! you have a job!

He sucked.

That's an emotional response
Did you forgot how Reagan defeated your home team the USSR?
My home team is America. And Reagan trashed America. Look at his involvement with labor unions. It's as if labor is merely a commodity, not humans. Workers should sit down, shut up, die quietly and stop bitching because, hey look! you have a job!

He sucked.

That's an emotional response
That may be. But when the level of the questions posed erodes to the imbecilic, the level of my response erodes in kind.
Reagan was great on foreign policy! Remember how he let those Marines get blown to smithereens then cut and ran from Lebanon? Then, to make up for it, he invaded that Caribbean powerhouse Grenada!

Then he armed Iran.

What a great president!

If he was Black, the wingnuts would still be burning him in effigy. But instead, they trumpet him as a great leader. What's that tell us about the wingnuts?

Reagan wanted to bomb the Sheik Abdullah barracks in Baalbek but was talked out of it by Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger..... because he said it wasnt sure if Iran was behind the bombings....and new troops were brought in to replace the losses....how was that running?....

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