Rand Paul trashes Ronald Reagan

Reagan was great on foreign policy! Remember how he let those Marines get blown to smithereens then cut and ran from Lebanon? Then, to make up for it, he invaded that Caribbean powerhouse Grenada!

Then he armed Iran.

What a great president!

If he was Black, the wingnuts would still be burning him in effigy. But instead, they trumpet him as a great leader. What's that tell us about the wingnuts?

Did you forgot how Reagan defeated your home team the USSR?
My home team is America. And Reagan trashed America. Look at his involvement with labor unions. It's as if labor is merely a commodity, not humans. Workers should sit down, shut up, die quietly and stop bitching because, hey look! you have a job!

He sucked.

yea lets look at it....when he became president my Union the N.A.L.C. was saying he will try and bust the Union....8 years later there was no attempt and the Union was still there and negotiated one of its better contracts during that time.....its still standing today....
Did you forgot how Reagan defeated your home team the USSR?
My home team is America. And Reagan trashed America. Look at his involvement with labor unions. It's as if labor is merely a commodity, not humans. Workers should sit down, shut up, die quietly and stop bitching because, hey look! you have a job!

He sucked.

yea lets look at it....when he became president my Union the N.A.L.C. was saying he will try and bust the Union....8 years later there was no attempt and the Union was still there and negotiated one of its better contracts during that time.....its still standing today....

he broker the air traffic controllers' union and started the anti-union/pro-corporatist ravings that you hear today.

same as he gave the radical religious right their seat at the table and left us saddled with theocrats who want to remake the country
My home team is America. And Reagan trashed America. Look at his involvement with labor unions. It's as if labor is merely a commodity, not humans. Workers should sit down, shut up, die quietly and stop bitching because, hey look! you have a job!

He sucked.

yea lets look at it....when he became president my Union the N.A.L.C. was saying he will try and bust the Union....8 years later there was no attempt and the Union was still there and negotiated one of its better contracts during that time.....its still standing today....

he broker the air traffic controllers' union and started the anti-union/pro-corporatist ravings that you hear today.

same as he gave the radical religious right their seat at the table and left us saddled with theocrats who want to remake the country

Jill the Air Traffic Controllers knew what would possibly happen and they gambled and they lost....THEY just like me had to sign a paper saying they WILL NOT STRIKE if things are not going the way they want them too....an arbitrator would have been selected to arbitrate the dispute....and both parties have to agree on that decision what ever it would be......PATCO fucked up...Federal Workers are not allowed to strike over a contract...thats the way it is and every one of us know this and what will happen if you do on day 1....im sure your husband has signed the same paper as the rest of us had to sign......
My home team is America. And Reagan trashed America. Look at his involvement with labor unions. It's as if labor is merely a commodity, not humans. Workers should sit down, shut up, die quietly and stop bitching because, hey look! you have a job!

He sucked.

yea lets look at it....when he became president my Union the N.A.L.C. was saying he will try and bust the Union....8 years later there was no attempt and the Union was still there and negotiated one of its better contracts during that time.....its still standing today....

he broker the air traffic controllers' union and started the anti-union/pro-corporatist ravings that you hear today.

same as he gave the radical religious right their seat at the table and left us saddled with theocrats who want to remake the country

Theocrats who want to remake the country? LOL
Paul is right on this one. Reagan's deficits were way out of line.

But it's probably not smart for him to bash Reagan while trying to get the GOP nomination.
New video shows Rand Paul repeatedly bashing Ronald Reagan - Salon.com

...“The deficit went through the roof under Reagan,” Paul says in a video from 2007 showing him speaking on his father’s behalf. “So how long did it take Ron Paul to figure out that the guy he had liked, endorsed, campaigned for, campaigned for him [wasn't fiscally conservative]?” Paul asked. “The very first [Reagan] budget. Ron Paul voted ‘no’ against the very first Reagan budget… Everybody loved this ‘great’ budget. It was a $100 billion in debt. This was three times greater than Jimmy Carter’s worst deficit.”..

“People want to like Reagan,” Paul said. “He’s very likable. And what he had to say most of the time was a great message. But the deficits exploded under Reagan,” Paul continued. “The reason the deficits exploded is [Reagan] ignored spending. Domestic spending went up at a greater clip under Reagan than it did under Carter.”...

Don't bother attacking the source.

Its all on video.

This is so old news to me. I've been saying that for years. Reagan was only a conservative in ideology but he governed as a pragmatist. That is why I actually liked Reagan a great deal. What is funny is that cons still have not figured this out. Well, Rand Paul has, but he's the only one. Compare how much Obama has increased the size of the federal government to how much Reagan increased it. It isn't even close.
Reagan was great on foreign policy! Remember how he let those Marines get blown to smithereens then cut and ran from Lebanon? Then, to make up for it, he invaded that Caribbean powerhouse Grenada!

Then he armed Iran.

What a great president!

If he was Black, the wingnuts would still be burning him in effigy. But instead, they trumpet him as a great leader. What's that tell us about the wingnuts?

Reagan wanted to bomb the Sheik Abdullah barracks in Baalbek but was talked out of it by Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger..... because he said it wasnt sure if Iran was behind the bombings....and new troops were brought in to replace the losses....how was that running?....

The barracks bombing occurred on 23 Oct '83. Reagan ordered the withdrawal on 7 Feb 1984. The French made air attacks because their barracks were also attacked. The US did not. They (French) wanted more attacks, including the one on the Sheik Abdullah barracks. The air strike was coordinated and ready for attack orders by French and American air assets, but as stated, those orders were kept from being given due to objections by Casper Weinberger. Casper wasn't the President and Reagan did not have to follow his advice. It was Reagan's decision, not Casper Weinberger's, and plenty of administration and Pentagon officials wanted Reagan to go against Weinberger's advice.
Reagan was great on foreign policy! Remember how he let those Marines get blown to smithereens then cut and ran from Lebanon? Then, to make up for it, he invaded that Caribbean powerhouse Grenada!

Then he armed Iran.

What a great president!

If he was Black, the wingnuts would still be burning him in effigy. But instead, they trumpet him as a great leader. What's that tell us about the wingnuts?

Reagan wanted to bomb the Sheik Abdullah barracks in Baalbek but was talked out of it by Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger..... because he said it wasnt sure if Iran was behind the bombings....and new troops were brought in to replace the losses....how was that running?....

The barracks bombing occurred on 23 Oct '83. Reagan ordered the withdrawal on 7 Feb 1984. The French made air attacks because their barracks were also attacked. The US did not. They (French) wanted more attacks, including the one on the Sheik Abdullah barracks. The air strike was coordinated and ready for attack orders by French and American air assets, but as stated, those orders were kept from being given due to objections by Casper Weinberger. Casper wasn't the President and Reagan did not have to follow his advice. It was Reagan's decision, not Casper Weinberger's, and plenty of administration and Pentagon officials wanted Reagan to go against Weinberger's advice.

hey i think he should have bombed the holy fuck out of them....but what ya gonna do?...he listened to who he listened to.....Bush listened to who he listened too with Iraq.....i think both listened to the wrong people....
yea lets look at it....when he became president my Union the N.A.L.C. was saying he will try and bust the Union....8 years later there was no attempt and the Union was still there and negotiated one of its better contracts during that time.....its still standing today....

he broker the air traffic controllers' union and started the anti-union/pro-corporatist ravings that you hear today.

same as he gave the radical religious right their seat at the table and left us saddled with theocrats who want to remake the country

Theocrats who want to remake the country? LOL
Jillian doesn't know the meaning. I guess she would equate the Regime of weirdbeards in Iran to the Founders of this Nation.

She doesn't know what she's talking about.
My home team is America. And Reagan trashed America. Look at his involvement with labor unions. It's as if labor is merely a commodity, not humans. Workers should sit down, shut up, die quietly and stop bitching because, hey look! you have a job!

He sucked.


Reagan beat your Home team

Reagan trashed your home team

Reagan told Gorby to tear down the Berlin Wall
Break the pills in two. The old tactic of calling everyone a Communist went out with Brylcream. You ain't Tail Gunner Joe, but certainly one of his acolytes.
Uh-huh...just as Obama chastised Romney regarding Russia...and look where we are? I think it is YOU that need to take the entire pill, maybe TWO.
Reagan wanted to bomb the Sheik Abdullah barracks in Baalbek but was talked out of it by Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger..... because he said it wasnt sure if Iran was behind the bombings....and new troops were brought in to replace the losses....how was that running?....

The barracks bombing occurred on 23 Oct '83. Reagan ordered the withdrawal on 7 Feb 1984. The French made air attacks because their barracks were also attacked. The US did not. They (French) wanted more attacks, including the one on the Sheik Abdullah barracks. The air strike was coordinated and ready for attack orders by French and American air assets, but as stated, those orders were kept from being given due to objections by Casper Weinberger. Casper wasn't the President and Reagan did not have to follow his advice. It was Reagan's decision, not Casper Weinberger's, and plenty of administration and Pentagon officials wanted Reagan to go against Weinberger's advice.

hey i think he should have bombed the holy fuck out of them....but what ya gonna do?...he listened to who he listened to.....Bush listened to who he listened too with Iraq.....i think both listened to the wrong people....

We need to quit pretending like we elect "good" Presidents just because we like a few of their positions on a few issue's or because we root or cheer for their party. Our President selections suck. The majority are so stuck with accepting one party or another that we bury our heads in the sand when it comes to being honest in our evaluations of of leaders. The argument should be which President was worst. Was Reagan worse than Obama? Is Obama worse than Bush? When is the last time we had a President that wasn't a special interest shill and who didn't have his campaign contributors up at the top of his priority list?
I'm sure that made you want to cry

Maybe he can get in Teddy Kennedy next to trash, we should all go dancing on his grave

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