Rand Paul's platform within his speech / 15 points worth debating

Stat -Thank you for the excellent summary.

I agree with Rand on every issue he discussed.

Got it. Check.

Stat, this conversation of brain storming and "public opinion" can be useful for the den candidate
Fuck that, make Congress unpaid, part time work no staffing. We don't need a permanent political class and we have more than enough laws

I agree on the Representative level. They should have regular jobs and convene for 2 weeks in a year. Senators may need to stay longer in Washington. In case of emergency like war, for example: when the Liechtenstein-Luxemburg coalition attacks the USA, they should convene for two days to decide to surrender or fight back.

Oh, I agree, it can be useful for every single candidate. I was pressed for time during Ted Cruz's speech and so I didn't get around to it then. It was not meant as a slight, but I do have a life and lots of work.... but when time allows, I plan to do this with the other candidacy speeches as well. They generally don't go over 30 minutes.
Probably time to set up a politics sub-forum for this stuff.

There is the elections forum, but for now, I think it's prolly ok here in politics.
14.) wants to repeal laws that disproportionately incarcerates blacks/latinos

What exactly does this mean? Are you going to relax laws for minorities just to make it look good on paper? If blacks and latino's commit more crimes as a percentage of the population then their numbers in prison SHOULD be higher. I suspect he's setting up some kind of drug legalization stance.
He may be referring to laws such as those regarding crack cocaine, where the penalty is much higher than that for powder cocaine and disproportionately effects the black community. The only difference between the two is baking soda, yet penalties may be decades of prison time apart.
I thought crack had some properties that made it much more potent, therefore the longer prison times. Then again everything I know about drug dealing is what I learned from Breaking Bad.
14.) wants to repeal laws that disproportionately incarcerates blacks/latinos

What exactly does this mean? Are you going to relax laws for minorities just to make it look good on paper? If blacks and latino's commit more crimes as a percentage of the population then their numbers in prison SHOULD be higher. I suspect he's setting up some kind of drug legalization stance.
He may be referring to laws such as those regarding crack cocaine, where the penalty is much higher than that for powder cocaine and disproportionately effects the black community. The only difference between the two is baking soda, yet penalties may be decades of prison time apart.
I thought crack had some properties that made it much more potent, therefore the longer prison times. Then again everything I know about drug dealing is what I learned from Breaking Bad.

Breaking what?

So, if we take his "platform points", chrononogically, then candidate Paul is:

1.) for fiscal restraint (don't spend more than we bring in)
2.) for a balanced-budget amendment to the US Constitution
3.) for congressional term-limits
4.) for "read the bills" act.
5.) for Economic Freedom Zones in the big cities.
6.) for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA.
7.) for school vouchers
8.) for naming the enemy as "radical Islam", and then acting accordingly.
9.) against nation-building
10.) against any Iran-deal without express Congressional approval
11.) against foreign aid
12.) strongly against the NSA and warrantless data-gathering on US citizens.
13.) anti- interventionistic
14.) wants to repeal laws that disproportionately incarcerates blacks/latinos
15.) for a "restrained" IRS.

Thank you for taking so much time and making a big effort to do this. I am very, very impressed. This topic is a breath of fresh air.

Seriously. Thank you.

Since you took so much effort, I will reciprocate and address each plank.

1. Fiscal restraint. Okay. Great. Sounds good. I don't know anyone who is against fiscal restraint, though. Pulling it off is an entirely different proposition. So we are going to need...you know...a plan on the table, Rand.

2. Balanced budget amendment. This is something out of Ronald Reagan's playbook. And here we are, 35 years later, and no amendment. In fact, Reagan never passed a single balanced budget. Is Rand Paul greater than Reagan?

3. Congressional term limits. Sounds good. Won't make a bit of difference.

4. Read the bills act. Okay. He stole that idea from his dad. I have no problem with it, but how are you going to prove someone didn't read a bill?

5. Economic Freedom Zones. He stole that idea from Jack Kemp. I liked it 40 years ago, I still like it. But here we are, 40 years later, and no Economic Freedom Zones. Is Rand Paul greater than Jack Kemp? I hope so.

6. Bring manufacturing jobs back to the USA. Another one that sounds nice but is practically meaningless. We are making more stuff than ever. It just takes less people to make it due to capital investments netting production increases. God bless America! As for the rest, why would we want to bring lava lamp manufacturing jobs back to America? Serious question. See my post about the Smiley Curve of Production. The Jeopardy question to the answer , "Jobs" is, "What is more higher education?"

7. School vouchers. I like them. Go Rand!

8. Naming radical Islam as the enemy. Well let's hope the rubes heard that key word "radical" in that statement. I'm betting they didn't. The tards have VERY selective hearing, and I have a hunch Rand is totally counting on that.

9. Against nation building. Okaaaaaay. So was Bush...

10. Against Iran deal without Congressional approval. I'm sure he will continue to believe that...right up until the day he becomes President.

11. Against foreign aid. Okay. That would save us about six or seven cents. A year.

12. Against NRA and warrantless wiretaps. Here, I am in complete accordance with Rand. Go Rand!

13. Anti-interventionistic. That won't play well when some asshole somewhere starts committing genocide against his population. As soon as a bunch of pop singers release an album about the atrocities, Rand will be sending in the ordnance.

14. Wants to repeal laws which disproportionately jails blacks/latinos. Got a list of those laws you would repeal, Rand?

15. For a "restrained" IRS. Whatever that means!
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So, if we take his "platform points", chrononogically, then candidate Paul is:

1.) for fiscal restraint (don't spend more than we bring in)
2.) for a balanced-budget amendment to the US Constitution
3.) for congressional term-limits
4.) for "read the bills" act.
5.) for Economic Freedom Zones in the big cities.
6.) for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA.
7.) for school vouchers
8.) for naming the enemy as "radical Islam", and then acting accordingly.
9.) against nation-building
10.) against any Iran-deal without express Congressional approval
11.) against foreign aid
12.) strongly against the NSA and warrantless data-gathering on US citizens.
13.) anti- interventionistic
14.) wants to repeal laws that disproportionately incarcerates blacks/latinos
15.) for a "restrained" IRS.

Thank you for taking so much time and making a big effort to do this. I am very, very impressed. This topic is a breath of fresh air.

Seriously. Thank you.

Since you took so much effort, I will reciprocate and address each plank.

1. Fiscal restraint. Okay. Great. Sounds good. I don't know anyone who is against fiscal restraint, though. Pulling it off is an entirely different proposition. So we are going to need...you know...a plan on the table, Rand.

2. Balanced budget amendment. This is something out of Ronald Reagan's playbook. And here we are, 35 years later, and no amendment. In fact, Reagan never passed a single balanced budget. Is Rand Paul greater than Reagan?

3. Congressional term limits. Sounds good. Won't make a bit of difference.

4. Read the bills act. Okay. He stole that idea from his dad. I have no problem with it, but how are you going to prove someone didn't read a bill?

5. Economic Freedom Zones. He stole that idea from Jack Kemp. I like it 40 years ago, I still like it. But here we are, 40 years later, and no Economic Freedom Zones. Is Rand Paul greater than Jack Kemp?

6. Bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA. Another one that sounds nice but is practically meaningless. We are making more stuff than ever. It just takes less people to make it due to capital investments netting production increases. God bless America! As for the rest, why would we want to bring lava lamp manufacturing jobs back to America? Serious question. See my post about the Smiley Curve of Production.

7. School vouchers. I like them. Go Rand!

8. Naming radical Islam as the enemy. Well let's hope the rubes heard that key word "radical" in that statement. I'm betting they didn't. The tards have VERY selective hearing, and I have a hunch Rand is totally counting on that.

9. Against nation building. Okaaaaaay. So was Bush...

10. Against Iran deal without Congressional approval. I'm sure he will continue to believe that...right up until the day he becomes President.

11. Against foreign aid. Okay. That would save us about six or seven cents. A year.

12. Against NRA and warrantless wiretaps. Here, I am in complete accordance with Rand. Go Rand!

13. Anti-interventionistic. That won't play well when some asshole somewhere starts committing genocide against his population. As soon as a bunch of pop singers release an album about the atrocities, Rand will be sending in the ordnance.

14. Wants to repeal laws which disproportionately jails blacks/latinos. Got a list of those laws you would repeal, Rand?

15. For a "restrained" IRS. Whatever that means![/URL]

And we have a winner. Exactly the kind of participation I was hoping and praying for.

Rand Paul said a LOT of good things, only, the difference between idea and application can be enormous. And just so show how big a Liberal I am, I agree with you very much on:

1,2,3,4,5,6, 10,11,12


Strongly in agreement with 12.

The fucking Patriot Act has paved the way for all of this, one of those things where the Senators really SHOULD have read the entire bill.

So, a lot of this stuff sounds good on the surface, but when you scratch, more questions appear, which is also good. That is good for debate.

I strongly disgree on 7. Draining the lifeblood out of public schools is not the way to go.
So, I watched and listened to Rand Paul's candidacy speech, which lasted about 23 minutes.

After describing some aspects of his life (much of it a very compelling personal history, I must say), Sen. Paul began to outline his platform, which he described as "my vision for America"

12:31 EDT "It seems to me that both parties and the entire political system are to blame" (for the failings within America). He criticized "Big Government" and debt under both parties. Interesting start to his speech, I thought.

12:32 "Quit spending money we don't have" (fiscal restraint)

12:32 "This message of liberty, opportunity and justice is for all Americans"

12:33 "In order to restore our Liberty, we can not, we must not, give up on your principles. If we nominate a candidate who is simply "Democrat-lite", what's the point? Why bother?"

12:34 "Washington is horribly broken. I fear it can't be fixed from within. We the people must rise up and demand action. Congress will never balance the budget unless we forced them to do so" - supports a constitutional amendment to balance the budget.

12:35 "We limit the President to two-terms, it's about time we limit the terms of Congress" - for congressional term-limits.

12:35 He mentions his "read the bills" Act.

12:38 Economy/Employment: "I have a vision for America where everyone who wants to work will have a job." In a very populist move, Paul notes that under both parties, the cleft between the rich and poor has continued to grow.

12:39 "My plan includes economic freedom zones to allow empoverished areas like Detroit, W. Louisville, Eastern KY, to prosper by leaving more money in the pockets of the people who lived there."

12:40 Paul promises to bring back manufacturing jobs that pay well, by lowering the tax on those companies. Paul envisions building new highways and bridges in the USA not by raising taxes, but by lowering taxes on companies with manufacturing jobs outside of the USA, so that the estimate 2-3 Trillion in profits would be here rather than there. That is his point of argument.

12:41 "Liberal policies have failed our inner cities". Paul then hearkens to the words of MLK, speaking about "2 Americas." "It's time for a new way, predicated on opportunity, justice and freedom".

12:42 Paul advocates for vouchers, which he calls "school choice".

12:43 "I propose we do something extraordinary, I propose that we just spend what comes in" (back to economy / finances).

12:43 "Without question, we must defend ourselves, and our interests, from our enemies. But until we name the enemy, we can't win the war: the enemy is radical Islam. You can't get around it. And not only will I name the enemy, I will do whatever it takes to protect us from these haters of mankind."

12:44 national defense: modern and nimble. "At home, Conservatives understand that Government is the problem, not the solution. Conservatives should not succumb, though, to the notion that a government inept at home will somehow succeed in building nations abroad." AGAINST NATION BUILDING.

12:46 Rand Paul invokes Ronald Reagan: "Peace through strength". Rand Paul talked then about Iran. No Iran deal without the Congressional approval.

12:47 The goal is always: peace, not war.

12:48 "We must realize that we do not project strength by borrowing money from China to send it to Pakistan"... the gist of what he says is that he is against foreign aid, especially to any country that demonstrates against us. ANTI-FOREIGN AID.

12:49 Intelligence gathering: "Warrantless searches of Americans' phones and computers are unamerican and a threat to your civil liberties".... he then holds up a smartphone.... "I say that your phone records are yours, I say that the phone records of law-abiding citizens are none of their damned business"....."The President created this vast dragnet by Executive Order, and as President, on Day 1, I will immediately end this unconstitutional surveillance" (massive applause). Anti NSA.

12:50 "We must defend ourselves, but we must never give up who we are as a people. We must never diminish the Bill of Rights as we fight this long war against evil. We must believe in our founding documents, we must protect economic and personal liberty again."

12:51 "I see an American strong enough deter foreign aggression, yet wise enough to avoid unnessary intervention". NON-INTERVENTIONISM.

12:51 a big surprise: "I see an America where criminal justice is applied equally, and any law that disproportionally incarcerates people of color is repealed."

12:52 He sees a "restrained" IRS that cannot harrass American citizens for their political or religious beliefs. (Big applause)

12:52 "Today begins the journey to take America back".


So, if we take his "platform points", chrononogically, then candidate Paul is:

1.) for fiscal restraint (don't spend more than we bring in)
2.) for a balanced-budget amendment to the US Constitution
3.) for congressional term-limits
4.) for "read the bills" act.
5.) for Economic Freedom Zones in the big cities.
6.) for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA.
7.) for school vouchers
8.) for naming the enemy as "radical Islam", and then acting accordingly.
9.) against nation-building
10.) against any Iran-deal without express Congressional approval
11.) against foreign aid
12.) strongly against the NSA and warrantless data-gathering on US citizens.
13.) anti- interventionistic
14.) wants to repeal laws that disproportionately incarcerates blacks/latinos
15.) for a "restrained" IRS.

Now, a lot of these talking points of his are very familiar to me. Note that Rand Paul did not mention the Fed at all. And notice that he never once used the word "God" in his speech. And when speaking of liberty, he mentioned "religious liberty" only once in his speech. That alone sets him apart from many of his expected Republican opponents for the nomination.

I have to say, Rand Paul is making a big play for minorities, especially our fellow Black citizens, talking about big cities, economic freedom zones, repealing laws that disproportionately throw blacks into jail - and also by invoking, at length, MLK. I don't remember any Republican in my lifetime ever doing that before.

On the economic stuff, I think he was very, very fuzzy.

If you compare his speech to Ted Cruz's speech, you will find striking differences. And of course, there is that Libertarian element in his thinking and actions that would indeed make him the first Libertarian Republican since Barry Goldwater to be nominated, were he to make it so far.

But I found FIFTEEN points in his speech that you could call his "platform points", and that should give people more than enough to discuss and debate.

The point I am going to start with is: agree with him or disagree with him, it looks pretty obvious to me that he is casting a larger net than Ted Cruz did. It should be noted that Rand Paul has an organization in all 50 states and appears to be savvy at securing the finances he needs to wage a primary campaign and beyond.

My encouragement would be for everyone who wants to to copy one of the platform points, like:

"7.) for school vouchers"

-and then start to give input. What surprised you about it, or didn't surprise you at all. Is there anything you expected him to say that you think he left out.

I personally am going to be VERY curious to see what his polling values among GOPers do in the next weeks. With Marco Rubio likely to announce in the next 7 days, Rand Paul will need to do all he can in this week to make his mark.

cereal_killer - I am thinking this is a debate that would especially interest you and maybe you would like to throw some wood on the fire as well.
Thank you very much for this excellent summary! I was somewhat surprised to find myself in agreement on many of his positions, especially his non-interventionist and anti NSA stances. I would seriously consider voting for him should he become a nominee. I am a Democrat, but I think I'd rather see him as president than Hillary.
So, I watched and listened to Rand Paul's candidacy speech, which lasted about 23 minutes.

After describing some aspects of his life (much of it a very compelling personal history, I must say), Sen. Paul began to outline his platform, which he described as "my vision for America"

12:31 EDT "It seems to me that both parties and the entire political system are to blame" (for the failings within America). He criticized "Big Government" and debt under both parties. Interesting start to his speech, I thought.

12:32 "Quit spending money we don't have" (fiscal restraint)

12:32 "This message of liberty, opportunity and justice is for all Americans"

12:33 "In order to restore our Liberty, we can not, we must not, give up on your principles. If we nominate a candidate who is simply "Democrat-lite", what's the point? Why bother?"

12:34 "Washington is horribly broken. I fear it can't be fixed from within. We the people must rise up and demand action. Congress will never balance the budget unless we forced them to do so" - supports a constitutional amendment to balance the budget.

12:35 "We limit the President to two-terms, it's about time we limit the terms of Congress" - for congressional term-limits.

12:35 He mentions his "read the bills" Act.

12:38 Economy/Employment: "I have a vision for America where everyone who wants to work will have a job." In a very populist move, Paul notes that under both parties, the cleft between the rich and poor has continued to grow.

12:39 "My plan includes economic freedom zones to allow empoverished areas like Detroit, W. Louisville, Eastern KY, to prosper by leaving more money in the pockets of the people who lived there."

12:40 Paul promises to bring back manufacturing jobs that pay well, by lowering the tax on those companies. Paul envisions building new highways and bridges in the USA not by raising taxes, but by lowering taxes on companies with manufacturing jobs outside of the USA, so that the estimate 2-3 Trillion in profits would be here rather than there. That is his point of argument.

12:41 "Liberal policies have failed our inner cities". Paul then hearkens to the words of MLK, speaking about "2 Americas." "It's time for a new way, predicated on opportunity, justice and freedom".

12:42 Paul advocates for vouchers, which he calls "school choice".

12:43 "I propose we do something extraordinary, I propose that we just spend what comes in" (back to economy / finances).

12:43 "Without question, we must defend ourselves, and our interests, from our enemies. But until we name the enemy, we can't win the war: the enemy is radical Islam. You can't get around it. And not only will I name the enemy, I will do whatever it takes to protect us from these haters of mankind."

12:44 national defense: modern and nimble. "At home, Conservatives understand that Government is the problem, not the solution. Conservatives should not succumb, though, to the notion that a government inept at home will somehow succeed in building nations abroad." AGAINST NATION BUILDING.

12:46 Rand Paul invokes Ronald Reagan: "Peace through strength". Rand Paul talked then about Iran. No Iran deal without the Congressional approval.

12:47 The goal is always: peace, not war.

12:48 "We must realize that we do not project strength by borrowing money from China to send it to Pakistan"... the gist of what he says is that he is against foreign aid, especially to any country that demonstrates against us. ANTI-FOREIGN AID.

12:49 Intelligence gathering: "Warrantless searches of Americans' phones and computers are unamerican and a threat to your civil liberties".... he then holds up a smartphone.... "I say that your phone records are yours, I say that the phone records of law-abiding citizens are none of their damned business"....."The President created this vast dragnet by Executive Order, and as President, on Day 1, I will immediately end this unconstitutional surveillance" (massive applause). Anti NSA.

12:50 "We must defend ourselves, but we must never give up who we are as a people. We must never diminish the Bill of Rights as we fight this long war against evil. We must believe in our founding documents, we must protect economic and personal liberty again."

12:51 "I see an American strong enough deter foreign aggression, yet wise enough to avoid unnessary intervention". NON-INTERVENTIONISM.

12:51 a big surprise: "I see an America where criminal justice is applied equally, and any law that disproportionally incarcerates people of color is repealed."

12:52 He sees a "restrained" IRS that cannot harrass American citizens for their political or religious beliefs. (Big applause)

12:52 "Today begins the journey to take America back".


So, if we take his "platform points", chrononogically, then candidate Paul is:

1.) for fiscal restraint (don't spend more than we bring in)
2.) for a balanced-budget amendment to the US Constitution
3.) for congressional term-limits
4.) for "read the bills" act.
5.) for Economic Freedom Zones in the big cities.
6.) for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA.
7.) for school vouchers
8.) for naming the enemy as "radical Islam", and then acting accordingly.
9.) against nation-building
10.) against any Iran-deal without express Congressional approval
11.) against foreign aid
12.) strongly against the NSA and warrantless data-gathering on US citizens.
13.) anti- interventionistic
14.) wants to repeal laws that disproportionately incarcerates blacks/latinos
15.) for a "restrained" IRS.

Now, a lot of these talking points of his are very familiar to me. Note that Rand Paul did not mention the Fed at all. And notice that he never once used the word "God" in his speech. And when speaking of liberty, he mentioned "religious liberty" only once in his speech. That alone sets him apart from many of his expected Republican opponents for the nomination.

I have to say, Rand Paul is making a big play for minorities, especially our fellow Black citizens, talking about big cities, economic freedom zones, repealing laws that disproportionately throw blacks into jail - and also by invoking, at length, MLK. I don't remember any Republican in my lifetime ever doing that before.

On the economic stuff, I think he was very, very fuzzy.

If you compare his speech to Ted Cruz's speech, you will find striking differences. And of course, there is that Libertarian element in his thinking and actions that would indeed make him the first Libertarian Republican since Barry Goldwater to be nominated, were he to make it so far.

But I found FIFTEEN points in his speech that you could call his "platform points", and that should give people more than enough to discuss and debate.

The point I am going to start with is: agree with him or disagree with him, it looks pretty obvious to me that he is casting a larger net than Ted Cruz did. It should be noted that Rand Paul has an organization in all 50 states and appears to be savvy at securing the finances he needs to wage a primary campaign and beyond.

My encouragement would be for everyone who wants to to copy one of the platform points, like:

"7.) for school vouchers"

-and then start to give input. What surprised you about it, or didn't surprise you at all. Is there anything you expected him to say that you think he left out.

I personally am going to be VERY curious to see what his polling values among GOPers do in the next weeks. With Marco Rubio likely to announce in the next 7 days, Rand Paul will need to do all he can in this week to make his mark.

cereal_killer - I am thinking this is a debate that would especially interest you and maybe you would like to throw some wood on the fire as well.
Thank you very much for this excellent summary! I was somewhat surprised to find myself in agreement on many of his positions, especially his non-interventionist and anti NSA stances. I would seriously consider voting for him should he become a nominee. I am a Democrat, but I think I'd rather see him as president than Hillary.

Glad it was a help to you. That's, imo, the purpose of debate: to clarify.

He is an interesting figure, to say the least, and I would venture to say that the GOP has never had one quite like him before.

Those who "misunderestimate" him do so at their own peril, but even if he does not win his party's nomination, he will have made a real mark on his party.
So, if we take his "platform points", chrononogically, then candidate Paul is:

1.) for fiscal restraint (don't spend more than we bring in)
2.) for a balanced-budget amendment to the US Constitution
3.) for congressional term-limits
4.) for "read the bills" act.
5.) for Economic Freedom Zones in the big cities.
6.) for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA.
7.) for school vouchers
8.) for naming the enemy as "radical Islam", and then acting accordingly.
9.) against nation-building
10.) against any Iran-deal without express Congressional approval
11.) against foreign aid
12.) strongly against the NSA and warrantless data-gathering on US citizens.
13.) anti- interventionistic
14.) wants to repeal laws that disproportionately incarcerates blacks/latinos
15.) for a "restrained" IRS.

Thank you for taking so much time and making a big effort to do this. I am very, very impressed. This topic is a breath of fresh air.

Seriously. Thank you.

Since you took so much effort, I will reciprocate and address each plank.

1. Fiscal restraint. Okay. Great. Sounds good. I don't know anyone who is against fiscal restraint, though. Pulling it off is an entirely different proposition. So we are going to need...you know...a plan on the table, Rand.

2. Balanced budget amendment. This is something out of Ronald Reagan's playbook. And here we are, 35 years later, and no amendment. In fact, Reagan never passed a single balanced budget. Is Rand Paul greater than Reagan?

3. Congressional term limits. Sounds good. Won't make a bit of difference.

4. Read the bills act. Okay. He stole that idea from his dad. I have no problem with it, but how are you going to prove someone didn't read a bill?

5. Economic Freedom Zones. He stole that idea from Jack Kemp. I like it 40 years ago, I still like it. But here we are, 40 years later, and no Economic Freedom Zones. Is Rand Paul greater than Jack Kemp?

6. Bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA. Another one that sounds nice but is practically meaningless. We are making more stuff than ever. It just takes less people to make it due to capital investments netting production increases. God bless America! As for the rest, why would we want to bring lava lamp manufacturing jobs back to America? Serious question. See my post about the Smiley Curve of Production.

7. School vouchers. I like them. Go Rand!

8. Naming radical Islam as the enemy. Well let's hope the rubes heard that key word "radical" in that statement. I'm betting they didn't. The tards have VERY selective hearing, and I have a hunch Rand is totally counting on that.

9. Against nation building. Okaaaaaay. So was Bush...

10. Against Iran deal without Congressional approval. I'm sure he will continue to believe that...right up until the day he becomes President.

11. Against foreign aid. Okay. That would save us about six or seven cents. A year.

12. Against NRA and warrantless wiretaps. Here, I am in complete accordance with Rand. Go Rand!

13. Anti-interventionistic. That won't play well when some asshole somewhere starts committing genocide against his population. As soon as a bunch of pop singers release an album about the atrocities, Rand will be sending in the ordnance.

14. Wants to repeal laws which disproportionately jails blacks/latinos. Got a list of those laws you would repeal, Rand?

15. For a "restrained" IRS. Whatever that means![/URL]

And we have a winner. Exactly the kind of participation I was hoping and praying for.

Rand Paul said a LOT of good things, only, the difference between idea and application can be enormous. And just so show how big a Liberal I am, I agree with you very much on:

1,2,3,4,5,6, 10,11,12


Strongly in agreement with 12.

The fucking Patriot Act has paved the way for all of this, one of those things where the Senators really SHOULD have read the entire bill.

So, a lot of this stuff sounds good on the surface, but when you scratch, more questions appear, which is also good. That is good for debate.

I strongly disgree on 7. Draining the lifeblood out of public schools is not the way to go.
Sadly have to admit I was one of those that at the time thought the Patriot Act was needed and wouldn't get out of control. In short I trusted government and that bites you in thee ass every time.

As far as schools go they should be made to compete. There is absolutely no benefit to having a school system at taxpayers expense that can't allow or stops any competition to enter their cherished union held wind fall. No reason for that. Every child should get a voucher then the parents can pick which school that voucher will be used at based on what is best for their kids. If the parents are too lazy to do it let the kids themselves decide.
I just watched his speech and it was pretty good. I liked most everything he had to say. His delivery is...something but I'm willing to let that slide to get some return to sanity. Over all I like both candidates that are in so far.
So we have two goobers in the race now.

Ted Cruz trying to act like Rand Paul,

and Rand Paul trying to act like Ted Cruz.
Did you watch either of their speeches?

My lack of a life doesn't go quite that far.
So you're just going to go the uninformed voter route. Not unexpected.
nyc is still waiting for the democrat talking points so he'll know how to respond...
So we have two goobers in the race now.

Ted Cruz trying to act like Rand Paul,

and Rand Paul trying to act like Ted Cruz.
Did you watch either of their speeches?

My lack of a life doesn't go quite that far.
So you're just going to go the uninformed voter route. Not unexpected.
nyc is still waiting for the democrat talking points so he'll know how to respond...
Yeah he has no clue what to do right now. Just listening to his speech is too much to hope for I guess.
I think we should stop giving out so much welfare but on the otherhand I believe we should spend it on infrastructure, science and r&d. Mr.Paul has no plan beside to allow the fucking private sector to do everything....UNREGULATED.
I think we should stop giving out so much welfare but on the otherhand I believe we should spend it on infrastructure, science and r&d. Mr.Paul has no plan beside to allow the fucking private sector to do everything....UNREGULATED.
You should probably listen to what he said again. Science and R&D belong in the private sector for the most part in my opinion. We end up spending way too much with no benefit with government handouts to political donors. Look no further than Solyndra. I'm good with some infrastructure spending but whenever they ask for that it's the last thing they use the money for. There is no way to regulate individual business owners with ideas or simply a new way to provide a service. The government isn't capable of controlling that. Under obie and the government thumb we made no progress. It's time to let the people have a chance to bat.

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