Rand Paul's platform within his speech / 15 points worth debating

I think we should stop giving out so much welfare but on the otherhand I believe we should spend it on infrastructure, science and r&d. Mr.Paul has no plan beside to allow the fucking private sector to do everything....UNREGULATED.
You should probably listen to what he said again. Science and R&D belong in the private sector for the most part in my opinion. We end up spending way too much with no benefit with government handouts to political donors. Look no further than Solyndra. I'm good with some infrastructure spending but whenever they ask for that it's the last thing they use the money for. There is no way to regulate individual business owners with ideas or simply a new way to provide a service. The government isn't capable of controlling that. Under obie and the government thumb we made no progress. It's time to let the people have a chance to bat.

Nws, nasa, jpl, and dozens of others sure as fuck don't. You're completely clueless and just don't give a damn.

Get a clue.
As much as I despise Hillary for her anti-male bullcrap...She has my vote if the nomination goes to this loserterian. Our ability to compete in science and our current science programs are more important.

The private sector won't do 1/10th of what currently gets done and you'd better believe you'd pay through the ass for even the most basic of weather data.

Forget infrastructure as it cost way to fucking much for a private corp to do.
As much as I despise Hillary for her anti-male bullcrap...She has my vote if the nomination goes to this loserterian. Our ability to compete in science and our current science programs are more important.

The private sector won't do 1/10th of what currently gets done and you'd better believe you'd pay through the ass for even the most basic of weather data.

Forget infrastructure as it cost way to fucking much for a private corp to do.
You're fucking kidding me right? You seriously think the government is responsible for 90% of our success? Holy fuck dude.
12:31 EDT "It seems to me that both parties and the entire political system are to blame" (for the failings within America). He criticized "Big Government" and debt under both parties. Interesting start to his speech, I thought.

12:32 "Quit spending money we don't have" (fiscal restraint)

I could understand not spending as much on welfare and closing some bases, but to just do away with the basics that make all of our lives better? I don't think so. We don't lead shit by giving up on our infrastructure or science programs...And no the private sector won't do it.

12:32 "This message of liberty, opportunity and justice is for all Americans"

Sounds good, I have nothing against this. This should include white Americans.

12:33 "In order to restore our Liberty, we can not, we must not, give up on your principles. If we nominate a candidate who is simply "Democrat-lite", what's the point? Why bother?"

what principles? The ones you think we should have that gives everything to the private sector and turns 90% of this country into slaves for corporations??? Let me just say I don't share your idea of America.

12:34 "Washington is horribly broken. I fear it can't be fixed from within. We the people must rise up and demand action. Congress will never balance the budget unless we forced them to do so" - supports a constitutional amendment to balance the budget.

Balancing the fucking budget is more important then being a leader in science, infrastructure, education or anything else to this moron! Fuck you Paul! Fix health care and close some bases if you gave a damn about our budget.

12:35 "We limit the President to two-terms, it's about time we limit the terms of Congress" - for congressional term-limits.


12:35 He mentions his "read the bills" Act.

Lol...Well, may not be a bad idea.

12:38 Economy/Employment: "I have a vision for America where everyone who wants to work will have a job." In a very populist move, Paul notes that under both parties, the cleft between the rich and poor has continued to grow.

So killing our public sector leaving millions of workers unemployed will do this? LOL. Maybe you should think about pro-American business policies be it private or public and don't sucking loserterian dick.

12:39 "My plan includes economic freedom zones to allow empoverished areas like Detroit, W. Louisville, Eastern KY, to prosper by leaving more money in the pockets of the people who lived there."

Wow!!! So blacks get to pay a different level then whites. Sounds kind of racist!

12:40 Paul promises to bring back manufacturing jobs that pay well, by lowering the tax on those companies. Paul envisions building new highways and bridges in the USA not by raising taxes, but by lowering taxes on companies with manufacturing jobs outside of the USA, so that the estimate 2-3 Trillion in profits would be here rather than there. That is his point of argument.

Many of these companies are already paying too fucking little! Why not raise a fucking tarrif on imports to make it unfavorable to go over sea's? First of all Paul,,,it isn't the private sector that pays for our roads and bridges...Our tax dollars do that and not even Apple could afford to do it even if it was...You'd be paying a price to the corporations if you wished to drive on their roads...I doubt it would be as good of a deal as the government is giving us. Stupid!!!

12:41 "Liberal policies have failed our inner cities". Paul then hearkens to the words of MLK, speaking about "2 Americas." "It's time for a new way, predicated on opportunity, justice and freedom".

I agree with him on this! But, blacks need to start accepting that if they do the crime they pay the price.

12:42 Paul advocates for vouchers, which he calls "school choice".

Well, maybe if you can go to public, private or what ever with it.

12:43 "I propose we do something extraordinary, I propose that we just spend what comes in" (back to economy / finances).

China thanks you. Seriously, people would be getting killed in hurricanes, tornadoes and flash floods...Not only that food poisoning would fly through the roof. Sorry, but to maintain we have to tax the fucking rich!

12:43 "Without question, we must defend ourselves, and our interests, from our enemies. But until we name the enemy, we can't win the war: the enemy is radical Islam. You can't get around it. And not only will I name the enemy, I will do whatever it takes to protect us from these haters of mankind."

I agree that they're our enemy, but I wouldn't be isolatist!

12:44 national defense: modern and nimble. "At home, Conservatives understand that Government is the problem, not the solution. Conservatives should not succumb, though, to the notion that a government inept at home will somehow succeed in building nations abroad." AGAINST NATION BUILDING.

Nation building is stupid! I'll agree. How about getting us to Mars and doubling our science budget? Yeah, something that makes sense!

12:46 Rand Paul invokes Ronald Reagan: "Peace through strength". Rand Paul talked then about Iran. No Iran deal without the Congressional approval.

Well, I hope he is ready for war!

12:47 The goal is always: peace, not war.

Well, shouldn't it always?

12:48 "We must realize that we do not project strength by borrowing money from China to send it to Pakistan"... the gist of what he says is that he is against foreign aid, especially to any country that demonstrates against us. ANTI-FOREIGN AID.


12:49 Intelligence gathering: "Warrantless searches of Americans' phones and computers are unamerican and a threat to your civil liberties".... he then holds up a smartphone.... "I say that your phone records are yours, I say that the phone records of law-abiding citizens are none of their damned business"....."The President created this vast dragnet by Executive Order, and as President, on Day 1, I will immediately end this unconstitutional surveillance" (massive applause). Anti NSA.

I don't think this guy is the one that should be making this decision. Sometimes we have to.

12:50 "We must defend ourselves, but we must never give up who we are as a people. We must never diminish the Bill of Rights as we fight this long war against evil. We must believe in our founding documents, we must protect economic and personal liberty again."

Same as the above. Sorry, but the lives of Americans is just as important.

12:51 "I see an American strong enough deter foreign aggression, yet wise enough to avoid unnessary intervention". NON-INTERVENTIONISM.

Let's build a wall!

12:51 a big surprise: "I see an America where criminal justice is applied equally, and any law that disproportionally incarcerates people of color is repealed."

Blacks cause 5 times as much crime. Tell me how it isn't equal?

12:52 He sees a "restrained" IRS that cannot harrass American citizens for their political or religious beliefs. (Big applause)


12:52 "Today begins the journey to take America back".

You aint it!
12:40- companies don't leave for overseas because of our moderate tax on them they leave so they can exploit the resources of other nations,pay literal pennies per hour,and 0 regulations!
So we have two goobers in the race now.

Ted Cruz trying to act like Rand Paul,

and Rand Paul trying to act like Ted Cruz.

Here is where I have to disagree with you:

in tambre, quality and target audience, the two speeches could not have been more different. The only thing that united them was the frequent use of the word "liberty", but in two entirely different contexts.

I am keeping my personal views of both of these gentlemen out of this. I wrote the OP sticking simply and very exactly to what Sen. Paul said.

Were I a Republican, I would strongly tend to think that Rand Paul's launch was decidedly better than Ted Cruz's, because he is indeed casting a wider net.

Rand Paul is the first GOP candidate I have ever seen who is willing to reach out to minorities and who is actively courting the youth vote. Whether or not he would succeed remains to be seen and I'm in position to say whether he is genuine or not, but then again, he has been very consistent about most of his views, guided by a Libertarian tilt, ever since he himself entered politics.
America would be wise to do a couple of things.
1. Double all infrastructure and science funding. Take a listen from American history of the 40's and 50's. You can also look at China, India and all the developing nations throughout the world to understand this this is the right thing to do.

2. Replace our current educational system with one of the top 5 systems on this planet. 22nd in science and math is a joke...It isn't because it is PUBLIC as these top 5 systems are also public.

3. Move away from social issues. Seriously, sex shouldn't be more important then funding education or building new infrastructure.

Rand Paul can't do this. He wants to go back to the 19th century robber barons without regulations.
The only people I can see voting for is Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
And Mao, Stalin etc. That's worked out well for people.


Have you ever studied this stuff? The USSR didn't allow political or economic freedom....We're a social democracy that allows those things but also allows for a public sector to do things the private sector won't or shouldn't....

1. The public sector should collect taxes to give to private or public companies to pave roads, build bridges and to construct levies.

2. The public sector should give weather warning for all Americans.

3. The public sector should fund the best r&d and research. This helps keep America ahead and no develop country does otherwise...Major disadvantage for America if you get your way.

4. Public sector should handle ssi, ssd and welfare. What's it to the fucking private sector???

Honestly, we elect the government and the public sector to do some basic things for society. Why even vote if a unregulated and unelected private sector is going to do it all. Sounds worse then the USSR.
12:31 EDT "It seems to me that both parties and the entire political system are to blame" (for the failings within America). He criticized "Big Government" and debt under both parties. Interesting start to his speech, I thought.

12:32 "Quit spending money we don't have" (fiscal restraint)

I could understand not spending as much on welfare and closing some bases, but to just do away with the basics that make all of our lives better? I don't think so. We don't lead shit by giving up on our infrastructure or science programs...And no the private sector won't do it.

12:32 "This message of liberty, opportunity and justice is for all Americans"

Sounds good, I have nothing against this. This should include white Americans.

12:33 "In order to restore our Liberty, we can not, we must not, give up on your principles. If we nominate a candidate who is simply "Democrat-lite", what's the point? Why bother?"

what principles? The ones you think we should have that gives everything to the private sector and turns 90% of this country into slaves for corporations??? Let me just say I don't share your idea of America.

12:34 "Washington is horribly broken. I fear it can't be fixed from within. We the people must rise up and demand action. Congress will never balance the budget unless we forced them to do so" - supports a constitutional amendment to balance the budget.

Balancing the fucking budget is more important then being a leader in science, infrastructure, education or anything else to this moron! Fuck you Paul! Fix health care and close some bases if you gave a damn about our budget.

12:35 "We limit the President to two-terms, it's about time we limit the terms of Congress" - for congressional term-limits.


12:35 He mentions his "read the bills" Act.

Lol...Well, may not be a bad idea.

12:38 Economy/Employment: "I have a vision for America where everyone who wants to work will have a job." In a very populist move, Paul notes that under both parties, the cleft between the rich and poor has continued to grow.

So killing our public sector leaving millions of workers unemployed will do this? LOL. Maybe you should think about pro-American business policies be it private or public and don't sucking loserterian dick.

12:39 "My plan includes economic freedom zones to allow empoverished areas like Detroit, W. Louisville, Eastern KY, to prosper by leaving more money in the pockets of the people who lived there."

Wow!!! So blacks get to pay a different level then whites. Sounds kind of racist!

12:40 Paul promises to bring back manufacturing jobs that pay well, by lowering the tax on those companies. Paul envisions building new highways and bridges in the USA not by raising taxes, but by lowering taxes on companies with manufacturing jobs outside of the USA, so that the estimate 2-3 Trillion in profits would be here rather than there. That is his point of argument.

Many of these companies are already paying too fucking little! Why not raise a fucking tarrif on imports to make it unfavorable to go over sea's? First of all Paul,,,it isn't the private sector that pays for our roads and bridges...Our tax dollars do that and not even Apple could afford to do it even if it was...You'd be paying a price to the corporations if you wished to drive on their roads...I doubt it would be as good of a deal as the government is giving us. Stupid!!!

12:41 "Liberal policies have failed our inner cities". Paul then hearkens to the words of MLK, speaking about "2 Americas." "It's time for a new way, predicated on opportunity, justice and freedom".

I agree with him on this! But, blacks need to start accepting that if they do the crime they pay the price.

12:42 Paul advocates for vouchers, which he calls "school choice".

Well, maybe if you can go to public, private or what ever with it.

12:43 "I propose we do something extraordinary, I propose that we just spend what comes in" (back to economy / finances).

China thanks you. Seriously, people would be getting killed in hurricanes, tornadoes and flash floods...Not only that food poisoning would fly through the roof. Sorry, but to maintain we have to tax the fucking rich!

12:43 "Without question, we must defend ourselves, and our interests, from our enemies. But until we name the enemy, we can't win the war: the enemy is radical Islam. You can't get around it. And not only will I name the enemy, I will do whatever it takes to protect us from these haters of mankind."

I agree that they're our enemy, but I wouldn't be isolatist!

12:44 national defense: modern and nimble. "At home, Conservatives understand that Government is the problem, not the solution. Conservatives should not succumb, though, to the notion that a government inept at home will somehow succeed in building nations abroad." AGAINST NATION BUILDING.

Nation building is stupid! I'll agree. How about getting us to Mars and doubling our science budget? Yeah, something that makes sense!

12:46 Rand Paul invokes Ronald Reagan: "Peace through strength". Rand Paul talked then about Iran. No Iran deal without the Congressional approval.

Well, I hope he is ready for war!

12:47 The goal is always: peace, not war.

Well, shouldn't it always?

12:48 "We must realize that we do not project strength by borrowing money from China to send it to Pakistan"... the gist of what he says is that he is against foreign aid, especially to any country that demonstrates against us. ANTI-FOREIGN AID.


12:49 Intelligence gathering: "Warrantless searches of Americans' phones and computers are unamerican and a threat to your civil liberties".... he then holds up a smartphone.... "I say that your phone records are yours, I say that the phone records of law-abiding citizens are none of their damned business"....."The President created this vast dragnet by Executive Order, and as President, on Day 1, I will immediately end this unconstitutional surveillance" (massive applause). Anti NSA.

I don't think this guy is the one that should be making this decision. Sometimes we have to.

12:50 "We must defend ourselves, but we must never give up who we are as a people. We must never diminish the Bill of Rights as we fight this long war against evil. We must believe in our founding documents, we must protect economic and personal liberty again."

Same as the above. Sorry, but the lives of Americans is just as important.

12:51 "I see an American strong enough deter foreign aggression, yet wise enough to avoid unnessary intervention". NON-INTERVENTIONISM.

Let's build a wall!

12:51 a big surprise: "I see an America where criminal justice is applied equally, and any law that disproportionally incarcerates people of color is repealed."

Blacks cause 5 times as much crime. Tell me how it isn't equal?

12:52 He sees a "restrained" IRS that cannot harrass American citizens for their political or religious beliefs. (Big applause)


12:52 "Today begins the journey to take America back".

You aint it!

Well done at breaking it down, point by point. g5000 did that as well. Bravo.
Let's review some of Paul's more questionable proposals:

“for a balanced-budget amendment to the US Constitution”

Unnecessary, naïve, and unrealistic.

It's perfectly appropriate for the budget of a First World industrialized superpower to cycle from surplus to deficit and back to surplus again – particularly during a serious economic crisis such as the December 2007 recession, where government spending is necessary, proper, and vital to preventing an economic collapse and fostering economic recovery.

“for congressional term-limits”

We already have term limits, they called elections.

Term limits are fundamentally undemocratic and in conflict with the basic principles of our republican form of government, where the people are at liberty to elect whomever they wish, for as long as they wish.

“for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA”

Inane, meaningless, and economically naïve.

How is this to be accomplished in accordance with free market dogma, how are employers going to pay their US workers an appropriate wage and maintain a profit; are American consumers willing to pay $150 for a portable box fan they can now buy at Walmart for $20 made in China. We can afford to buy much of the things we buy because they're made in China by someone earning $900 a month. There's no point in “bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA” if the high wages those jobs used to pay don't come along with the jobs.

The reason why manufacturing jobs left the US in the first place was because businesses couldn't compete in the global market and earn the desired profits paying American workers a living wage.

“strongly against the NSA and warrantless data-gathering on US citizens”

It's ridiculous and ignorant to be 'against' the NSA, "strongly" or otherwise; the notion is completely meaningless.

And the data-gathering is 'warrantless' because no 'warrant' is required; the data-gathering is not pursuant to criminal prosecution, none of the information gathered can be used in a criminal proceeding, nor does the NSA have any desire to prosecute anyone. Moreover, there is no reasonable expectation of privacy concerning information voluntarily provided to a private third-party, such as a wireless company or ISP.

It's this sort of ignorance of the law and propensity toward demagoguery that renders Paul unqualified to be president, that he plays on the unfounded fears of Americans concerning 'surveillance,' it's paranoid and delusional – the stuff of libertarian conspiracy theories and the mythical 'police state.'

These four policy positions alone exhibit how Paul is naïve and uninformed when it comes to the issues, that he has a childish, sophomoric perception of the issues, and that his 'solutions' are devoid of merit, seeking to 'solve' problems that don't actually exist.
Paul promises to bring back manufacturing jobs that pay well, by lowering the tax on those companies. Paul envisions building new highways and bridges in the USA not by raising taxes, but by lowering taxes on companies with manufacturing jobs outside of the USA, so that the estimate 2-3 Trillion in profits would be here rather than there. That is his point of argument.

Looks like glorified trickle down
Let's review some of Paul's more questionable proposals:

“for a balanced-budget amendment to the US Constitution”

Unnecessary, naïve, and unrealistic.

It's perfectly appropriate for the budget of a First World industrialized superpower to cycle from surplus to deficit and back to surplus again – particularly during a serious economic crisis such as the December 2007 recession, where government spending is necessary, proper, and vital to preventing an economic collapse and fostering economic recovery.

“for congressional term-limits”

We already have term limits, they called elections.

Term limits are fundamentally undemocratic and in conflict with the basic principles of our republican form of government, where the people are at liberty to elect whomever they wish, for as long as they wish.

“for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA”

Inane, meaningless, and economically naïve.

How is this to be accomplished in accordance with free market dogma, how are employers going to pay their US workers an appropriate wage and maintain a profit; are American consumers willing to pay $150 for a portable box fan they can now buy at Walmart for $20 made in China. We can afford to buy much of the things we buy because they're made in China by someone earning $900 a month. There's no point in “bringing manufacturing jobs back to the USA” if the high wages those jobs used to pay don't come along with the jobs.

The reason why manufacturing jobs left the US in the first place was because businesses couldn't compete in the global market and earn the desired profits paying American workers a living wage.

“strongly against the NSA and warrantless data-gathering on US citizens”

It's ridiculous and ignorant to be 'against' the NSA, "strongly" or otherwise; the notion is completely meaningless.

And the data-gathering is 'warrantless' because no 'warrant' is required; the data-gathering is not pursuant to criminal prosecution, none of the information gathered can be used in a criminal proceeding, nor does the NSA have any desire to prosecute anyone. Moreover, there is no reasonable expectation of privacy concerning information voluntarily provided to a private third-party, such as a wireless company or ISP.

It's this sort of ignorance of the law and propensity toward demagoguery that renders Paul unqualified to be president, that he plays on the unfounded fears of Americans concerning 'surveillance,' it's paranoid and delusional – the stuff of libertarian conspiracy theories and the mythical 'police state.'

These four policy positions alone exhibit how Paul is naïve and uninformed when it comes to the issues, that he has a childish, sophomoric perception of the issues, and that his 'solutions' are devoid of merit, seeking to 'solve' problems that don't actually exist.

To your point about term limits: are you therefore against the constitutional amendment to limit presidential terms to 2?
Paul promises to bring back manufacturing jobs that pay well, by lowering the tax on those companies. Paul envisions building new highways and bridges in the USA not by raising taxes, but by lowering taxes on companies with manufacturing jobs outside of the USA, so that the estimate 2-3 Trillion in profits would be here rather than there. That is his point of argument.

Looks like glorified trickle down

Those were also my thoughts, but I was simply recording what he said at the time.
Sorry, I can't vote for a man that will kill our ability to maintain our leadership in the world. He sucks on science, he sucks on r&d investment and totally fucking sucks on maintaining infrastructure.

I'll never consider him.
ROFL ... translation... the idea of the US ending this nonsense of pissing away money on "global warming" research has Matthew pissing in his pants.
Paul promises to bring back manufacturing jobs that pay well, by lowering the tax on those companies. Paul envisions building new highways and bridges in the USA not by raising taxes, but by lowering taxes on companies with manufacturing jobs outside of the USA, so that the estimate 2-3 Trillion in profits would be here rather than there. That is his point of argument.

Looks like glorified trickle down
Apple has 4 billion in foreign banks that they refuse to bring to America because they don't want to pay 30% tax on that money. If Romney had won the election they would've gotten a tax holiday and that money would be in America, Today, being spent here, creating jobs here. And that is just one single company.

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