rank your favorite political subjects from 1st to infinity!

1). Pissing off the Left.
2). Securing the border (which pisses off the Left).
3). Reducing big government (which pisses off the Left).
4). Making people more autonomous (which pisses off the Left).
5). Educating the public (which pisses off the Left).
6). Better trade deals (which pisses off the Left).
7). Noting that Trump seems to be winning at most everything he does (which pisses off the Left).
8). Reminding the world of the as-yet still unpunished crimes by the DNC (which pisses off the Left).
9). Promoting religion, morality, speaking English, legal immigration, and the family unit (which pisses off the Left).
10). Noting that Trump will likely win again in 2020 because everything good for America pisses off the Left!
1). Pissing off the Left.
2). Securing the border (which pisses off the Left).
3). Reducing big government (which pisses off the Left).
4). Making people more autonomous (which pisses off the Left).
5). Educating the public (which pisses off the Left).
6). Better trade deals (which pisses off the Left).
7). Noting that Trump seems to be winning at most everything he does (which pisses off the Left).
8). Reminding the world of the as-yet still unpunished crimes by the DNC (which pisses off the Left).
9). Promoting religion, morality, speaking English, legal immigration, and the family unit (which pisses off the Left).
10). Noting that Trump will likely win again in 2020 because everything good for America pisses off the Left!
Don't be so mature.
1). Pissing off the Left.
2). Securing the border (which pisses off the Left).
3). Reducing big government (which pisses off the Left).
4). Making people more autonomous (which pisses off the Left).
5). Educating the public (which pisses off the Left).
6). Better trade deals (which pisses off the Left).
7). Noting that Trump seems to be winning at most everything he does (which pisses off the Left).
8). Reminding the world of the as-yet still unpunished crimes by the DNC (which pisses off the Left).
9). Promoting religion, morality, speaking English, legal immigration, and the family unit (which pisses off the Left).
10). Noting that Trump will likely win again in 2020 because everything good for America pisses off the Left!
Don't be so mature.

What's immature about securing the border, reducing government, help people raise themselves up, educating folks, seeking better trade, wanting justice for all, promoting morality and noting that Trump will likely win next year? I have no control over the fact that all these things also happen to piss the Left off, I merely note it.
1. The psychology of partisan ideology from a sociological/anthropological perspective.

That's about it. Otherwise it's mostly intellectually dishonest noise from tribalists, narcissists and egotists whose reason and logic have atrophied.

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