ranking US Presidents

Dragon;5134045As for the economy under Nixon said:
I take it you belioeve a President shouldn't have any economic policies? Maybe you want to abolish the Treasury and Commerce Departments? Get real. Obviously a President is no economic dictator and his impact on the economy is obviously limited, but it can be very real nevertheless. Nixon let inflation get completely out of control.
The economy is not dictated by the President, but neither is it some force of nature.

Actually, I put him 6th in my list. But an argument could be made he should be put 5th (switching places with Theodore Roosevelt - close call).

Reagan actually changed the direction of the country in a very profound and lasting way. All Presidents who have followed him have, to an extent, been determined by the direction he chose. Internationally he was very significant too.

Actually, I put him 6th in my list. But an argument could be made he should be put 5th (switching places with Theodore Roosevelt - close call).

Reagan actually changed the direction of the country in a very profound and lasting way. All Presidents who have followed him have, to an extent, been determined by the direction he chose. Internationally he was very significant too.

only to a bind homer.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8XVBVkbh0A]The October Surprice, Ronald Reagan and the Media - GET (votes of) CARTER! (1988) - YouTube[/ame]
Are you really so afraid that someone will forget you are a far-left liberal that you need to post shit like this?
FDR was a failure

Conservatives have this strange thing about using the word "failure".

FDR created a middle class. (Conservative failure)
FDR won WWII. (Conservative failure)
FDR built infrastructure in the US. (Conservative failure)
FDR put power lines into rural areas. (Conservative failure)

Lets look at consevatives idea of "success".

Reagan deregulated the financial industry leading to several huge bailouts. (Conservative success)
Reagan funded the muj leading to both a regressive brutal government in Afghanistan and the worst terrorist attack in American history. (Conservative success)
Reagan secretly funded both Iran and the Contras, breaking with both the Constitution and American law while lying to the American public. (Conservative success)
Reagan enacted the biggest tax hike in American History. (Conservative success)
Reagan blew up the deficit spending like wild on super duper military weapon systems that never materialized. (Conservative success)
Reagan sent Marines into Lebanon which in turn elicted a terrorist attack killing over 200 of them. (Conservative success)

Odd use of the words.
Leave it to Swallow to lionize the scum who threw hundreds of thousands of Americans into concentration camps, extended the Great Depression, amassed dictatorial power, and saddled the nation with insupportable economic burdens.
Leave it to Swallow to lionize the scum who threw hundreds of thousands of Americans into concentration camps, extended the Great Depression, amassed dictatorial power, and saddled the nation with insupportable economic burdens.

Is this a free request to swallow my jiz..or are you on the clock again.

Listen little chinese boy who rike to dress like girl and suck off sailors.

Do what you do best. Let your face be target practice for the cum shot.

And do keep up that shit web site..gotta pay those bills..ya know.
This is not the place to try and drum up your business, Swallow. Take a break once in a while. You're too desperate.
This is not the place to try and drum up your business, Swallow. Take a break once in a while. You're too desperate.

Drum up business?

I'm not the one dressing like a china doll and asking for a swallow there..little girl. That would be you.

And you're shit sites not panning out?

Try Germans..I hear they like shit.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di9DBFoIR9M]funny part!!! WoW Southpark: Cartman's shit - YouTube[/ame]
This is not the place to try and drum up your business, Swallow. Take a break once in a while. You're too desperate.

Drum up business?

Yes, you're trying too hard again, Swallow. You're not going to find any customers here so either discuss the topic or go find the next lamp post, you two-bit little whore.

The only thing little here..is your member..little girl. Which the women of this site already figured out.

They know you like to dress up like a china doll..and play the sucky no fucky game.

They know about your scat sites too.

"Little China Girl".

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzcCVGiP-OE]David Bowie China Girl - YouTube[/ame]

Do construction workers line up for those one yuan specials from ya?
Yes, you're trying too hard again, Swallow. You're not going to find any customers here so either discuss the topic or go find the next lamp post, you two-bit little whore.

The only thing little here..

Let it go, Swallow. I told you - no sale. You're a pushy little bitch, Swallow, but the hard sell ain't working for ya.

You charging again? Sheesh. I don't want you to swallow my jiz..get it?

Free or otherwise you are still a little boy in girl's clothing..china doll.

But, how's the scat sites working for you? Making any money yet?

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