Rapes to "cure"homosexuality but no jail time

Take it up with the frikken judges, losers

there isn't a damn THING any of US here can DO ABOUT IT
Iowa Youth Pastor Rapes Boys To 'Cure' Them Of Homosexuality, Won't Spend One Day In Prison -


Notice how normal this monster pedophile looks.

.... Brent Girouex, 31, was arrested on 60 counts of suspicion of sexual exploitation by a counselor or therapist.

According to KRMG in Oklahoma, Girouex confessed to police that he had sex with at least four youths, but eight more have since come forward claiming that they were also violated by the now former pastor of Victory Fellowship Church....

Girouex told detectives that his actions were meant to “help with homosexual urges by praying while he had sexual contact with [them]” in order to keep them “sexually pure” for God. He then allegedly told police that “when they would ejaculate, they would be getting rid of the evil thoughts in their mind.”

Victims say Girouex took them to his own home to violate them. It’s the same home Girouex’s wife and four children resided in....

The judge in the case sentenced Girouex to 17 years in prison last week, and then immediately suspended the sentence in favor of sex offender treatment and five years probation. All Girouex has to do is avoid violating his probation and he’ll NEVER spend a single minute in a prison cell.

Just once, I'd really like to read rw's at least pretending to side with the poor abused kids.

Just once, I'd really like to read lw's at least pretending to side with the poor abused kids. See? I can pretend I'm brain dead too!

They use these kids just like they did the Martin kid..For an AGENDA...they could care less about their deaths or abuse
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my remark is true, most are either independent or left leaning, you can't be a rw and defend criminals you fucking idiot

ask any lawyer you fucking dumbass who claims i'm on ignore

and reactionaries....lmao....that is just jake talk for "i have no clue what i'm talking about so i will just say reactionaries to try and look smart"

No, your remark is not true. You have nothing but your opinion, and we all know what that is worth. :lol:
Anybody who says this is not political, isn't paying attention.

Try finding even one issue that is not political.

This monster is not a liberal or a conservative. He's a pedophile who is getting away with his crimes.

And, the fact is, rw's don't give a crap about kids.
and oddly, you can't back up your opinion, but you claim it is true

more jake two face trolling

explain to me what rightwinger philosophy would have a person defend criminals...and i'm not talking conservative, but rightwinger, far right philosophy. try to explain how i'm wrong instead of trolling.
Anybody who says this is not political, isn't paying attention.

Try finding even one issue that is not political.

This monster is not a liberal or a conservative. He's a pedophile who is getting away with his crimes.

And, the fact is, rw's don't give a crap about kids.

pound sand you whiny troll

you're the on who doesn't care about kids, you use their molestation as an excuse to bash your mysterious political boogeymen. you are disgusting. there is nothing political about this.

prove the judge is rw or stfu
It's Iowa, where the usual rules for child molestation and rape don't apply if one is a "god fearin' pastor".
Weird, this thread has been up since 10am, where are the usual saved and devout xtians screaming for this guys execution?
How does the left balance their hatred of the Boy Scouts of America for being able to refuse to hire homosexuals when they see this kind of stuff?

Seems like it would be more effective refusing to hire married pastors with 4 children.
Anybody who says this is not political, isn't paying attention.

Try finding even one issue that is not political.

This monster is not a liberal or a conservative. He's a pedophile who is getting away with his crimes.

And, the fact is, rw's don't give a crap about kids.

the fact is you will use anyone and anything to use for your hate for others

If you gave a crap about these kids you wouldn't use them for this purpose..you just can't help your miserable self
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Weird, there's more animosity aimed at Ludd by the xtians then their is at the PASTOR who stuck his penis up the butts of 8 little boys.

Do you all hate boys?
The guy is a homosexual pedophile predator. He should be in prison for a long time. Why is NAMBLA part of the democrat party base?
Iowa Youth Pastor Rapes Boys To 'Cure' Them Of Homosexuality, Won't Spend One Day In Prison -


Notice how normal this monster pedophile looks.

.... Brent Girouex, 31, was arrested on 60 counts of suspicion of sexual exploitation by a counselor or therapist.

According to KRMG in Oklahoma, Girouex confessed to police that he had sex with at least four youths, but eight more have since come forward claiming that they were also violated by the now former pastor of Victory Fellowship Church....

Girouex told detectives that his actions were meant to “help with homosexual urges by praying while he had sexual contact with [them]” in order to keep them “sexually pure” for God. He then allegedly told police that “when they would ejaculate, they would be getting rid of the evil thoughts in their mind.”

Victims say Girouex took them to his own home to violate them. It’s the same home Girouex’s wife and four children resided in....

The judge in the case sentenced Girouex to 17 years in prison last week, and then immediately suspended the sentence in favor of sex offender treatment and five years probation. All Girouex has to do is avoid violating his probation and he’ll NEVER spend a single minute in a prison cell.

Just once, I'd really like to read rw's at least pretending to side with the poor abused kids.

It's liberal judges that keep giving these assholes light sentences and its liberals like you that don't support Jessica's Law......
I think the radical left would have shied away from this case if it wasn't for the juicy possibility that the monster was a conservative republican. He wasn't but that doesn't matter and the issue is backfiring on the radicals. Whatever the perp's political affiliation he was a homosexual pedophile predator and it vindicates the BSA for their courageous victory by being allowed to exclude homosexuals in supervisory positions with young boys.
No jail time for pastor convicted of raping boys to ?cure? homosexuality - National Humanist | Examiner.com

An Iowa youth pastor convicted of raping underage boys to “cure” them of their homosexuality will serve no jail time.

“Rape away the gay” pastor Brent Girouex, a 31-year-old Iowa man, will not serve jail time after confessing to police that he had sex with at least four youths, according to a recent report.

Girouex, who is married with four children, was arrested last year on 60 counts of suspicion of sexual exploitation by a counselor or therapist. UPI reports Girouex confessed to Council Bluffs police detectives that he had sexual relations with four young men starting in 2007 to help them gain "sexual purity" in the eyes of God. However, at least eight men have come forward with complaints that the pastor molested them.

Girouex told detectives that his actions were meant to “help with homosexual urges by praying while he had sexual contact with [them]” in order to keep them “sexually pure” for God. Because, as Girouex explained to detectives, ”when they would ejaculate, they would be getting rid of the evil thoughts in their mind.”

A judge issued a 17-year prison sentence for the heinous crimes, but then inexplicably suspended the sentence to allow Girouex to get sex offender treatment and probation. Girouex's probation will last five years, the maximum allowed by law.....................

That is sick. He is a sexual predator and needs to be jailed!
Here's the thing...the judge was able to suspend the sentence for *treatment*because progressives have changed the laws that used to make raping children 100 percent illegal. Rape used to be a capitol crime in some states. But not since the enlightenment of the 70s, when we began to remove the stigma of perversion, and reduce sentences in favor of "treatment" in cases of sexual abuse/rape of children. Well done, progressives! He can't help it, he was born that way! It's an illness! All children are sexual, it's just a *mild* form of pedophilia, I'm sure!
I think the radical left would have shied away from this case if it wasn't for the juicy possibility that the monster was a conservative republican. He wasn't but that doesn't matter and the issue is backfiring on the radicals. Whatever the perp's political affiliation he was a homosexual pedophile predator and it vindicates the BSA for their courageous victory by being allowed to exclude homosexuals in supervisory positions with young boys.

He was a xtian pastor, married with 4 children.
Weird, there's more animosity aimed at Ludd by the xtians then their is at the PASTOR who stuck his penis up the butts of 8 little boys.

I wonder how much of the judge's change of heart had to do with the felon being a "pastor"?

And where is the Christian outrage that this man used his position as a clergyman and counselor to molest boys?
Here's the thing...the judge was able to suspend the sentence for *treatment*because progressives have changed the laws that used to make raping children 100 percent illegal. Rape used to be a capitol crime in some states. But not since the enlightenment of the 70s, when we began to remove the stigma of perversion, and reduce sentences in favor of "treatment" in cases of sexual abuse/rape of children. Well done, progressives! He can't help it, he was born that way! It's an illness! All children are sexual, it's just a *mild* form of pedophilia, I'm sure!

Okay - yes, the guy needs help because there is something wrong with him. But he also needs to be punished. Locking him up and making him have sex offender treatment in jail would be decent - no jail time is just wrong.

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