Rapes to "cure"homosexuality but no jail time

How does the left balance their hatred of the Boy Scouts of America for being able to refuse to hire homosexuals when they see this kind of stuff?

doubtful this guy is a rw....he was a PD for 14 years, most PD's are liberal

I know of no Republican of any stripe of politics in the Party that sides with the Judge's decision

Anyone who says that Luddly Neddite is politicizing this tragedy for unethical reasons is 100% correct.

He is not the only one.

i was merely responding to luddly's claim you ignorant jackass

and quite funny how you ignore jakey claiming they are reactionaries

did jake give you a reach around for this post?
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Here's the thing...the judge was able to suspend the sentence for *treatment*because progressives have changed the laws that used to make raping children 100 percent illegal. Rape used to be a capitol crime in some states. But not since the enlightenment of the 70s, when we began to remove the stigma of perversion, and reduce sentences in favor of "treatment" in cases of sexual abuse/rape of children. Well done, progressives! He can't help it, he was born that way! It's an illness! All children are sexual, it's just a *mild* form of pedophilia, I'm sure!

Okay - yes, the guy needs help because there is something wrong with him. But he also needs to be punished. Locking him up and making him have sex offender treatment in jail would be decent - no jail time is just wrong.

absolutely, WA state has a good program for this, and i believe you can't be released unless a qualified doctor says you are "healed" or at least "reformed"

the fact the guy has no jail time makes disgusted with our judicial system. i know not all judges are like this guy, but still, there should be some recourse for what is obviously an unjust sentence, i mean we are talking dozens of boys.
How does the left balance their hatred of the Boy Scouts of America for being able to refuse to hire homosexuals when they see this kind of stuff?

I know of no Republican of any stripe of politics in the Party that sides with the Judge's decision

Anyone who says that Luddly Neddite is politicizing this tragedy for unethical reasons is 100% correct.

He is not the only one.

i was merely responding to luddly's claim you ignorant jackass and quite funny how you ignore jakey claiming they are reactionaries did jake give you a reach around for this post?
(1) I said, "I know of no Republican of any stripe of politics in the Party that sides with the Judge's decision." That means I know no reactionaries who side with the Judge's decision, as well.

(2) You, like Luddly, are politicizing this tragedy, and you are both wrong for doing so.
how is responding politicizing? oh wait...it isn't and jake gets caught in yet another lie

btw...i never said what party or "reactionary" group he belonged to...another jake lie

2 in one post...good job jake
No jail time for pastor convicted of raping boys to ?cure? homosexuality - National Humanist | Examiner.com

An Iowa youth pastor convicted of raping underage boys to “cure” them of their homosexuality will serve no jail time.

“Rape away the gay” pastor Brent Girouex, a 31-year-old Iowa man, will not serve jail time after confessing to police that he had sex with at least four youths, according to a recent report.

Girouex, who is married with four children, was arrested last year on 60 counts of suspicion of sexual exploitation by a counselor or therapist. UPI reports Girouex confessed to Council Bluffs police detectives that he had sexual relations with four young men starting in 2007 to help them gain "sexual purity" in the eyes of God. However, at least eight men have come forward with complaints that the pastor molested them.

Girouex told detectives that his actions were meant to “help with homosexual urges by praying while he had sexual contact with [them]” in order to keep them “sexually pure” for God. Because, as Girouex explained to detectives, ”when they would ejaculate, they would be getting rid of the evil thoughts in their mind.”

A judge issued a 17-year prison sentence for the heinous crimes, but then inexplicably suspended the sentence to allow Girouex to get sex offender treatment and probation. Girouex's probation will last five years, the maximum allowed by law.....................

Disgusting. Faggot rapists should be hung.
I think the radical left would have shied away from this case if it wasn't for the juicy possibility that the monster was a conservative republican. He wasn't but that doesn't matter and the issue is backfiring on the radicals. Whatever the perp's political affiliation he was a homosexual pedophile predator and it vindicates the BSA for their courageous victory by being allowed to exclude homosexuals in supervisory positions with young boys.

He was a xtian pastor, married with 4 children.

Does anybody in their right mind doubt that he is a homosexual pedophile predator?

Pedophilia is not equal to homosexuality. Many pedophiles are heterosexual.
How you figure the radical left? They absolutely hate the BSA for having the right to prohibit homosexuals from supervising boys but they are outraged that a homosexual predator was not given more time in prison for molesting boys.

Who says the pastor was a homosexual?
For those who said they could not find the judge's name ... It was in my original post and in the second post as well.

Here it is AGAIN -

In case you'd like to make your feelings known -

-- Judge Greg Steenslands office and complain 712-563-4275 or write a letter : 318 Leroy Street #6
Audubon, IA 50025
Here's the thing...none of the liberal loons calling this *rape* would call it *rape* if the pastor was a teacher who said he was in love with the boys. Cuz homosexuality is to be encouraged among teenaged kids. The only reason it's rape in this instance is because it's a Christian who claims to be helping them to change to heterosexuality. The crime i their eyes isn't the rape...it's that he says they can change to hetero, rather than openly encouraging perversion among the younger set.
Not only that, the crime he was convicted of wasn't rape of underaged kids. It was exploitation by a therapist. These are young men that he had sex with, under the guise of counseling...but young MEN all the same. No rape.
Liberal judges do not find pedophilia wrong. A judge just gave a man who raped a 14 year old girl 30 days. The girl later killed herself.
Yeah, he's an appointed liberal judge...and the judgement you're squawking about took place more than a year ago. Greg W. Steensland - Judgepedia

Yes, he was appointed to fill a vacated spot but was subject to reelection in Nov of 2012...which he won with 66% of the vote.

This is the most disgusting thing, that voters of that county would put him back on the bench. The town this occurred in is Council Bluffs, it is 92% white and almost 100% christian. Demos have people claiming membership in a local christian church at 85% with 15% claiming "other".

This occurred over a year ago but voters put this idiot back in court after he "absolved' the rapist of his crime and gave him probation. One can only conclude the voters approved of his action and on can surmise he did so in order to gain reelection.

This is one sick county and city. The bible belt...what are you gong to do?
Not only that, the crime he was convicted of wasn't rape of underaged kids. It was exploitation by a therapist. These are young men that he had sex with, under the guise of counseling...but young MEN all the same. No rape.

Baloney. All the article says is that these kids were teenagers and that the butt raping preacher was under their care as a "youth Pastor".

You're defense and support of this monster is pathetic.
Liberal judges do not find pedophilia wrong. A judge just gave a man who raped a 14 year old girl 30 days. The girl later killed herself.

There is no evidence this judge was liberal, the fact that he was a prosecutor for 15 years and that he was appointed in a predominantly white christian town and county in the bible belt might lead one to conclude he is a religious conservative.
Here's the thing...none of the liberal loons calling this *rape* would call it *rape* if the pastor was a teacher who said he was in love with the boys. Cuz homosexuality is to be encouraged among teenaged kids. The only reason it's rape in this instance is because it's a Christian who claims to be helping them to change to heterosexuality. The crime i their eyes isn't the rape...it's that he says they can change to hetero, rather than openly encouraging perversion among the younger set.

This is nothing but rabid right wing bullshit.
So to recap...

This event took place almost 2 years ago.

The Judge is an appointed liberal judge.

The "kids" were actually young men, and there was no rape conviction, because it wasn't rape, it was exploitation by a therapist, which is a totally different thing.

If this was an 18 year old student and a 14 year old student, you'd be screaming that children have the right to have homosexual relations with their mentors.

Just more evidence of the dishonesty and bigotry of the homo bloc.

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