Rapes to "cure"homosexuality but no jail time

The Boy Scouts were so busy watching out for homosexuals that the pedophiles were sneaking in right under their noses. The funny thing is that James Dale, the scout whose ouster prompted the Supreme Court case, got high praise from his superiors for years before the administration was made aware of his homosexuality (that's right - they had to be TOLD and if you can't tell that someone is gay unless you're told, then how could that person be a bad influence on young boys?) Recently after the public outcry, the BSA decided to allow gay scouts but still would not allow homosexuals to be scout masters so they are still of the archaic belief that homosexuals seek out converts or somehow infect children with their homosexuality. That's just institutionalized stupidity. They do have a right to be stupid bigots but we also have the right to stop supporting them and make sure the government stops giving them support with tax dollars.

What parent would send their boys camping with a homosexual? What parent would send their daughters camping with a straight guy? Of course most homosexuals aren't pedophiles. Most straight people aren't pedophiles either. There are, however, pedophiles in each group so to hell with political correctness and keep your kids as safe as you can.

It is completely inappropriate for any scout master to talk about sexuality with young scouts. That has always been the case so why is it only becoming an issue when it comes to gay scout leaders? It is because so many believe that a gay scout master will try to "recruit" boys into homosexuality and that is nothing but ignorant horse shit.

I thought we were talking about pedophiles? I don't believe homosexuals go around "recruiting" boys into homosexuality. Your response really had nothing to do with my post. The only ignorant horse shit I see are parents who would place political correctness above the safety of their children. This idea that homosexuals cannot commit the same atrocities as straight people is odd.
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