Rapes to "cure"homosexuality but no jail time

That would be a lot easier to take, if you weren't saying the exact opposite in this thread...do you maintain that the pastor wasn't homosexual? Or are you maintaining he wasn't a threat to children? Which is it?

Are you really THIS fucking stupid?

His sexual orientation has nothing to do with his crime.

His sexual orientation had nothing to do with his crime but it had a lot to do with his victims.
He did not self-identify as a homosexual, you know.

A man diddling little boys is by definition a homosexual.


Oh really.

Here let me educate you.



adjective: homosexual
(of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
involving or characterized by sexual attraction between people of the same sex

"homosexual desire"

noun: homosexual; plural noun: homosexuals
a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.
synonyms: gay, lesbian; More

Oops, looks like I was right.
People who assault youth and pre-pubescent children are either heterosexual or homosexual.

The great number of child assaults are made by heterosexuals, as we all know.

So let's stop the nonsense.
That's right, because none of the victims were pre-pubescent, and only one was not adult.

So that settles that. This guy was just straight homo. Like jake.
Oh, and almost 100 percent of sexual assault on MALE children are homosexual in nature.

The homo percentage for sexual assault on girls is somewhat lower, though still significant. As we all know.
Naw, they weren't little boys. They were young men that he entered into relationships with, under the auspices of providing therapy.

Typical homo scam.

Baloney. He is a predator that took advantage of his position of authority to molest those kids.
How you figure the radical left? They absolutely hate the BSA for having the right to prohibit homosexuals from supervising boys but they are outraged that a homosexual predator was not given more time in prison for molesting boys.

Who says the pastor was a homosexual?

The little boys he raped?

You're under the mistaken assumption that an adult male raping a male child has to be homosexual?
That would be a lot easier to take, if you weren't saying the exact opposite in this thread...do you maintain that the pastor wasn't homosexual? Or are you maintaining he wasn't a threat to children? Which is it?

Are you really THIS fucking stupid?

His sexual orientation has nothing to do with his crime.

His sexual orientation had nothing to do with his crime but it had a lot to do with his victims.

Wrong but thanks for playing.
Here's the thing...none of the liberal loons calling this *rape* would call it *rape* if the pastor was a teacher who said he was in love with the boys. Cuz homosexuality is to be encouraged among teenaged kids. The only reason it's rape in this instance is because it's a Christian who claims to be helping them to change to heterosexuality. The crime i their eyes isn't the rape...it's that he says they can change to hetero, rather than openly encouraging perversion among the younger set.

This is nothing but rabid right wing bullshit.

Yeah, I concur - the ignorance of that statement is breathtaking.
A man diddling little boys is by definition a homosexual.


Oh really.

Here let me educate you.



adjective: homosexual
(of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
involving or characterized by sexual attraction between people of the same sex

"homosexual desire"

noun: homosexual; plural noun: homosexuals
a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.
synonyms: gay, lesbian; More

Oops, looks like I was right.

You're not very bright, are you? Homosexuality is an adult relationship between two consenting adults of the same sex. What we have in this story is an adult male of unknown sexual orientation (statistically, he is probably a heterosexual) who is preying on children. That's not homosexuality. According to your logic, heterosexual males in prison automatically become homosexual if they are raped by a male prisoner.
Naw, they weren't little boys. They were young men that he entered into relationships with, under the auspices of providing therapy.

Typical homo scam.

You know, except for the 14 year old he bungholed for 4 years, who was the basis of the original criminal and only complaint.

Oh really.

Here let me educate you.



adjective: homosexual
(of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
involving or characterized by sexual attraction between people of the same sex

"homosexual desire"

noun: homosexual; plural noun: homosexuals
a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.
synonyms: gay, lesbian; More

Oops, looks like I was right.

You're not very bright, are you? Homosexuality is an adult relationship between two consenting adults of the same sex. What we have in this story is an adult male of unknown sexual orientation (statistically, he is probably a heterosexual) who is preying on children. That's not homosexuality. According to your logic, heterosexual males in prison automatically become homosexual if they are raped by a male prisoner.

He was married with 4 children. That makes him a heterosexual pedophile. That he chose little boys to act out his fantasies is immaterial...he only had influential access to little boys.

Oh really.

Here let me educate you.



adjective: homosexual
(of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
involving or characterized by sexual attraction between people of the same sex

"homosexual desire"

noun: homosexual; plural noun: homosexuals
a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.
synonyms: gay, lesbian; More

Oops, looks like I was right.

You're not very bright, are you? Homosexuality is an adult relationship between two consenting adults of the same sex. What we have in this story is an adult male of unknown sexual orientation (statistically, he is probably a heterosexual) who is preying on children. That's not homosexuality. According to your logic, heterosexual males in prison automatically become homosexual if they are raped by a male prisoner.

No the definitions I've read said nothing about relationships between two consenting adults.

Nope no mention of consenting adults in Merriam-Webster.

No according the definition a person is homosexual when that person is sexually attracted to people of their own sex. I don't think the person getting raped in prison is actually attracted to the one doing the raping.
Oh really.

Here let me educate you.



adjective: homosexual
(of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
involving or characterized by sexual attraction between people of the same sex

"homosexual desire"

noun: homosexual; plural noun: homosexuals
a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.
synonyms: gay, lesbian; More

Oops, looks like I was right.

You're not very bright, are you? Homosexuality is an adult relationship between two consenting adults of the same sex. What we have in this story is an adult male of unknown sexual orientation (statistically, he is probably a heterosexual) who is preying on children. That's not homosexuality. According to your logic, heterosexual males in prison automatically become homosexual if they are raped by a male prisoner.

He was married with 4 children. That makes him a heterosexual pedophile. That he chose little boys to act out his fantasies is immaterial...he only had influential access to little boys.

Correction. A homosexual pedophile.
Naw, these guys weren't pre-pubescent. They were young, adult men, save one, who I think was 14.

He was just a straight homo.
I hope I'm not the only poster here who sees the irony of KG frantically defending a sex offender.

In any case, this is a pretty good example of the flaws in our justice system.
The most dangerous and despicable kind of sexual predator is a person who pretends to be normal but works his way into positions of authority over his targets. Fortunately for society we do not allow men to directly supervise young girls or vulnerable young women nor should we allow admitted homosexual men to supervise boys or vulnerable young men.
I hope I'm not the only poster here who sees the irony of KG frantically defending a sex offender.

In any case, this is a pretty good example of the flaws in our justice system.

I'm not defending a sex offender. It does not surprise me that you are lacking the skills to comprehend what I am protesting...I protest the misleading and dishonest OP, which states that rape was used as a method of therapy (it was not), or that this is in any way a *CURRENT* event, since the sentence was passed two years ago.

But I'm sure it suits some greater purpose of your own.
How does the left balance their hatred of the Boy Scouts of America for being able to refuse to hire homosexuals when they see this kind of stuff?

Yea, right. All homosexuals are rapists. :cuckoo:

This is a sick individual. In fact, he is a repressed individual who has repressed his true sexuality. He's married with children, living the life of a heterosexual. He has acted out his pedophilia on children, on boys. That does not mean he is homosexual; it means he is a pedophile. Certainly the Boy Scouts should not hire pedophiles, but homosexuality and pedophilia are two completely different things.

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