Rapes to "cure"homosexuality but no jail time

Not only that, the crime he was convicted of wasn't rape of underaged kids. It was exploitation by a therapist. These are young men that he had sex with, under the guise of counseling...but young MEN all the same. No rape.

Baloney. All the article says is that these kids were teenagers and that the butt raping preacher was under their care as a "youth Pastor".

You're defense and support of this monster is pathetic.

good post.
Liberal judges do not find pedophilia wrong. A judge just gave a man who raped a 14 year old girl 30 days. The girl later killed herself.

There is no evidence this judge was liberal, the fact that he was a prosecutor for 15 years and that he was appointed in a predominantly white christian town and county in the bible belt might lead one to conclude he is a religious conservative.

true. Katzndogz :tinfoil: rarely provides links unless she's backed against the wall. She'll lie all day :up: to support her failed ideology :)
I think the radical left would have shied away from this case if it wasn't for the juicy possibility that the monster was a conservative republican. He wasn't but that doesn't matter and the issue is backfiring on the radicals. Whatever the perp's political affiliation he was a homosexual pedophile predator and it vindicates the BSA for their courageous victory by being allowed to exclude homosexuals in supervisory positions with young boys.

He was a xtian pastor, married with 4 children.

Does anybody in their right mind doubt that he is a homosexual pedophile predator?

Only one of the men was underaged...17. The rest he entered into relationships with were young men. He was convicted of violating trust, not rape.
He was a xtian pastor, married with 4 children.

Does anybody in their right mind doubt that he is a homosexual pedophile predator?

Only one of the men was underaged...17. The rest he entered into relationships with were young men. He was convicted of violating trust, not rape.

You're playing stupid word games to excuse the behavior of someone who violated a trust and took advantage of young kids because of some dumbass idea that molesting them would prevent homosexuality. Is this the way your mind "works"?
Here's the thing...none of the liberal loons calling this *rape* would call it *rape* if the pastor was a teacher who said he was in love with the boys. Cuz homosexuality is to be encouraged among teenaged kids. The only reason it's rape in this instance is because it's a Christian who claims to be helping them to change to heterosexuality. The crime i their eyes isn't the rape...it's that he says they can change to hetero, rather than openly encouraging perversion among the younger set.

This is nothing but rabid right wing bullshit.

true. We just humor her here. Its obvious that she'll lie just so she doesn't contradict her particular cult's tenets
Liberal judges do not find pedophilia wrong. A judge just gave a man who raped a 14 year old girl 30 days. The girl later killed herself.

There is no evidence this judge was liberal, the fact that he was a prosecutor for 15 years and that he was appointed in a predominantly white christian town and county in the bible belt might lead one to conclude he is a religious conservative.

No, he was a PUBLIC DEFENDER for 15 years.

Not the same thing, lol.

"Steensland worked as a private practice lawyer for 15 years and as a public defender for 14 years.."
So to recap...

This event took place almost 2 years ago.

The Judge is an appointed liberal judge.

The "kids" were actually young men, and there was no rape conviction, because it wasn't rape, it was exploitation by a therapist, which is a totally different thing.

If this was an 18 year old student and a 14 year old student, you'd be screaming that children have the right to have homosexual relations with their mentors.

Just more evidence of the dishonesty and bigotry of the homo bloc.

Yes, let's recap your post...

This event took place almost 2 years ago.

No, the "events" took place over a long period of time, he was just arrested 2 years ago but the wheels of justice move slowly. The OP article of this post was Spet. 11, 2013.

The Judge is an appointed liberal judge.

He was originally appointed to fill a vacancy but has since run for election and won. There is no evidence to suggest this judge was "liberal".

The "kids" were actually young men, and there was no rape conviction, because it wasn't rape, it was exploitation by a therapist, which is a totally different thing.

A lie.

Court documents indicated Girouex told investigators the most sexual contact he had was with one teen over a four-year period, starting when the boy was 14 years old. Girouex speculated that he had “mutual” sexual contact with the teen between “25 and 50 times” over the four-year period. When investigators spoke to the teen, who is now an adult, he told them the number was between 50 and 100 times. Girouex allegedly said as a youth pastor he felt it was his duty “to help (the teen) with homosexual urges by praying while he had sexual contact with him.”

Full story here: Youth Pastor Brent Girouex Told His Teenage Victims They Were Ejaculating Sin Out Of Their Penises / Queerty

Youth Pastor Brent Girouex Told His Teenage Victims They Were Ejaculating Sin Out Of Their Penises / Queerty

So here we have evidence the boy who originally made the complaint was 14 when the rapes started, it happened over a four year period and the number of "incidents" alleged was between 50-100. Evidently you define it as an "adult relationship" because the kid was 17 when he went to police. You're a joke.

Any other lies you want to tell?

You're defense and support of this rapist/pervert is telling. Is it just a "christian thing"?
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The JUDGEMENT, which is the *event* we are discussing in this misleading and mis-placed thread, took place 2 years ago.

And love your source. "Queerty".
Let's see, apparently the young men weren't raped in a technical sense although women in the same situation would no doubt be considered to be victims of rape. He merely ruined the mental stability of young men because he was a homosexual predator. He never admitted to being homosexual and he managed to work himself into a position of authority over young men. The bi-polar left seems outraged that he would get away with such criminal conduct but on the other hand they hate the BSA for being unwilling to risk the mental and physical health of boys by hiring overt homosexuals as counselors.
And we see the wack bi-polar right defending him as well.

May the good Lord save us from the idiots who deny him and from the frauds who say they work in his Name.
The JUDGEMENT, which is the *event* we are discussing in this misleading and mis-placed thread, took place 2 years ago.

And love your source. "Queerty".

Do you have any evidence the original complainant WASN'T 14 when the abuse began?

You're constant reiteration of the fact that this kid went to police when he was 17, even though the abuse had been going on for 4 years, somehow invalidates the charges brought against the perp, is disturbing.

It reminds me of the catholics who when confronted with the vast molestation of young children in the catholic church whose opinion was "it happened so long ago, can't we just let it go and all get along?". Those kids have been and will be carrying the horrible memories of those incidents for the rest of their lives.

The position of the religious when their own priests and pastors are proven to be monster child molesters and rapists is frakking frightening.
Actually, no, that isn't my point at all. See #94 above (whitehall): "The bi-polar left seems outraged that he would get away with such criminal conduct but on the other hand they hate the BSA for being unwilling to risk the mental and physical health of boys by hiring overt homosexuals as counselors. "

That is the point.

Also, this isn't a current event. That's another point.
this seems like the same sort of *cough* "practice" that Bachmann (R) & her hubby- Marcus was/is running and he is as gay as a $3 bill. Coincidence?


Marcus & her got $137,000 in payments from, get this, Medicaid to "pray away the gay" :rofl: That is also what Michelle touts as her "small business experience" :rolleyes: No wonder she's not running for reelection.
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The JUDGEMENT, which is the *event* we are discussing in this misleading and mis-placed thread, took place 2 years ago.

And love your source. "Queerty".

So what? Does a crime committed against a child become less offensive as time passes?

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