Rapture anyday now!

Those Who Belong to Christ

After thoroughly explaining the need for the resurrection (1 Cor. 15:12-21), Paul summarizes by saying that "in Christ all shall be made alive" (v. 22 NASB). He then adds (Greek): "To explain, each [will be resurrected] in his own order: Christ the first fruits, next after that, those [resurrected] who belong to Christ at His coming" (v. 23). Again, the change is specifically the resurrection. But in 15:51-54, it also includes a transformation physically of the living believers in Christ:

We shall not all sleep [physically die], but we shall all be changed .... The dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality
In 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10, Paul says we wait for God's Son from heaven,who will deliver us from the wrath to come. The implication is that we are taken up so that "we shall always be with the Lord" (4:17 NASB ). This has to mean we are taken to heaven. Again, this is not the Son of Man coming to reign on earth but to deliver us out of the way when God afflicts earth's inhabitants with an unparalleled series of physical torments.

Taken Before the Father

In 1 Thessalonians 3:13 the apostle further argues that our hearts be established unbiamable in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints. As in 2:19 (the presence of our Lord Jesus at his coming), "before" is used as a face-to-face encounter! Note the parallel: "Before (the presence of) our Lord Jesus"-2:19, and "before (the presence of) our God and Father"-3:13. This has to be in heaven.

Always With the Lord

Few would argue that when Paul says "thus we shall always be with the Lord" (1 Thess. 4:17 NASB), he must be referring to heaven. Bible scholars of all prophetic persuasions have always held this means going home to heaven. The passage in Greek even more strongly suggests this: "We shall be snatched (raptured) into the clouds into the meeting place of the Lord in the air. Thus, altogether we shall ourselves be together with the Lord." Also, Bible teachers concur that Paul is alluding to heaven when he writes: "whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him" (5:10).
All the contexts of the rapture passages either explicitly state or imply "going home to be with the Lord in heaven." But they also indicate believers will see Jesus instantly by the dynamic rapture and change upon those living or by the resurrection of the church saints. The purpose for this "catching away" of the living is so that the wrath may fall on the earth. When He comes to reign in His second coming, church saints return with Him.

Where Jesus Is, We Are

In John 14:3 Christ states it clearly: "I will be coming again and take you along [to my own home], that where I am, I and you [together]" (author's translation). The Lord's disciples could have been raptured while living, but they died and their souls were taken to heaven. So Christ's coming back with their souls will bring about the bodily resurrection whereby their souls will be joined to their bodies. The disciples will then receive their new bodies. But they could have been snatched away while living and suddenly have met Him in the air.
AT THE RAPTURE Jesus will remove His faithful Church sometime prior to these 1260 days(3 1/2 YEARS) of great tribulation and great deception or strong delusion. Those that remain and go through this end time turmoil on the earth will ultimately have to make a choice. Those that remain in the world will either choose to worship the Beast Antichrist that will appear in the image of Satan as the counterfeit god of this world, or else they will choose the true image of God and the true Creator of this world (Jesus). Most that will not worship the Beast Antichrist counterfeit god will lose their physical lives but in losing their lives for faithfulness to Jesus their eternal souls will be saved.

Most people living in the world today will see the fulfillment of these end time Bible prophecy events. Most world trends, church trends, world current events and prophetic signs of the end times indicate that the world is now on the eve of destruction and near the great deception that was foretold in the Bible.
AT THE RAPTURE Jesus will remove His faithful Church sometime prior to these 1260 days.

Don't worry Gism, help is on its way!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-lJZiqZaGA&feature=kp]They're Coming to Take Me Away Hahaaa! - YouTube[/ame]
Psalm 83 Prophecy Revealed
An ancient prophecy written over 3000 years ago reveals that the Arab states and terrorist populations, which presently share common borders with Israel, will soon confederate in order to wipe Israel off of the map. These enemies of Israel are depicted on the red arrows upon the book cover image, and their mandate is clear:

They have said, "Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more." (Psalm 83:4).

Psalm 83 predicts a climactic, concluding Arab-Israeli war the Middle East stage appears to be set for the fulfillment of this prophecy. PTL. GOD defeats all israel's enemies!
All the contexts of the rapture passages either explicitly state or imply "going home to be with the Lord in heaven." But they also indicate believers will see Jesus instantly by the dynamic rapture and change upon those living or by the resurrection of the church saints. The purpose for this "catching away" of the living is so that the wrath may fall on the earth. When He comes to reign in His second coming, church saints return with Him.

Where Jesus Is, We Are

In John 14:3 Christ states it clearly: "I will be coming again and take you along [to my own home], that where I am, I and you [together]" (author's translation). The Lord's disciples could have been raptured while living, but they died and their souls were taken to heaven. So Christ's coming back with their souls will bring about the bodily resurrection whereby their souls will be joined to their bodies. The disciples will then receive their new bodies. But they could have been snatched away while living and suddenly have met Him in the air.

Oh, NO.

John 14-3 has absolutely NOTHING to do with rupture.

stop confabulating.
AT THE RAPTURE Jesus will remove His faithful Church sometime prior to these 1260 days(3 1/2 YEARS) of great tribulation and great deception or strong delusion. Those that remain and go through this end time turmoil on the earth will ultimately have to make a choice. Those that remain in the world will either choose to worship the Beast Antichrist that will appear in the image of Satan as the counterfeit god of this world, or else they will choose the true image of God and the true Creator of this world (Jesus). Most that will not worship the Beast Antichrist counterfeit god will lose their physical lives but in losing their lives for faithfulness to Jesus their eternal souls will be saved.

Most people living in the world today will see the fulfillment of these end time Bible prophecy events. Most world trends, church trends, world current events and prophetic signs of the end times indicate that the world is now on the eve of destruction and near the great deception that was foretold in the Bible.

and where exactly JESUS CHRIST states that?

in Matthew? John? Luke? or maybe Mark?

who do you think inspired the HOLYBIBLE. GOD(JESUS) GOD breathed the WORD!
In the beginning the Word already existed.
The Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
He existed in the beginning with God.
God created everything through him,
and nothing was created except through him.
The Word gave life to everything that was created,
and his life brought light to everyone.
The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness can never extinguish it.JOHN 1:1-5
Jesus hasn't been around in like 2000 years

Before he does the rapture shit maybe we should bring him up to speed

You know....let him drive a bitch'n car
play some video games
Get shit assed drunk
Get laid
Then he can end the world
The world never ends tard!!! Earth is renewed and is a believer's eternal home as jesus brings heaven(the new jersulam) down to earth. But god hating,god rejecting sin loveing scoffing,mocking sinners are in eternal hell!!!! And you???
All the contexts of the rapture passages either explicitly state or imply "going home to be with the Lord in heaven." But they also indicate believers will see Jesus instantly by the dynamic rapture and change upon those living or by the resurrection of the church saints. The purpose for this "catching away" of the living is so that the wrath may fall on the earth. When He comes to reign in His second coming, church saints return with Him.

Where Jesus Is, We Are

In John 14:3 Christ states it clearly: "I will be coming again and take you along [to my own home], that where I am, I and you [together]" (author's translation). The Lord's disciples could have been raptured while living, but they died and their souls were taken to heaven. So Christ's coming back with their souls will bring about the bodily resurrection whereby their souls will be joined to their bodies. The disciples will then receive their new bodies. But they could have been snatched away while living and suddenly have met Him in the air.

Oh, NO.

John 14-3 has absolutely NOTHING to do with rupture.

stop confabulating.

In the bolded sense you are correct.

As far as John 14:3 goes, however, it DOES refer to a live Rapture.
Just not the secret, while you were asleep, "Left Behind" series way that you're thinking of.
Revelation 1:7 - Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they [also] which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
No man knows the hour or day
All the contexts of the rapture passages either explicitly state or imply "going home to be with the Lord in heaven." But they also indicate believers will see Jesus instantly by the dynamic rapture and change upon those living or by the resurrection of the church saints. The purpose for this "catching away" of the living is so that the wrath may fall on the earth. When He comes to reign in His second coming, church saints return with Him.

Where Jesus Is, We Are

In John 14:3 Christ states it clearly: "I will be coming again and take you along [to my own home], that where I am, I and you [together]" (author's translation). The Lord's disciples could have been raptured while living, but they died and their souls were taken to heaven. So Christ's coming back with their souls will bring about the bodily resurrection whereby their souls will be joined to their bodies. The disciples will then receive their new bodies. But they could have been snatched away while living and suddenly have met Him in the air.

Oh, NO.

John 14-3 has absolutely NOTHING to do with rupture.

stop confabulating.

In the bolded sense you are correct.

As far as John 14:3 goes, however, it DOES refer to a live Rapture.
Just not the secret, while you were asleep, "Left Behind" series way that you're thinking of.
Revelation 1:7 - Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they [also] which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
No man knows the hour or day

LOL!!! AND WHERE IS JESUS'S HOME IF NOT HEAVEN?? John 14:3 Christ states it clearly: "I will be coming again and take you along [to my own home], that where I am
All the contexts of the rapture passages either explicitly state or imply "going home to be with the Lord in heaven." But they also indicate believers will see Jesus instantly by the dynamic rapture and change upon those living or by the resurrection of the church saints. The purpose for this "catching away" of the living is so that the wrath may fall on the earth. When He comes to reign in His second coming, church saints return with Him.

Where Jesus Is, We Are

In John 14:3 Christ states it clearly: "I will be coming again and take you along [to my own home], that where I am, I and you [together]" (author's translation). The Lord's disciples could have been raptured while living, but they died and their souls were taken to heaven. So Christ's coming back with their souls will bring about the bodily resurrection whereby their souls will be joined to their bodies. The disciples will then receive their new bodies. But they could have been snatched away while living and suddenly have met Him in the air.

Oh, NO.

John 14-3 has absolutely NOTHING to do with rupture.

stop confabulating.

In the bolded sense you are correct.

As far as John 14:3 goes, however, it DOES refer to a live Rapture.
Just not the secret, while you were asleep, "Left Behind" series way that you're thinking of.
Revelation 1:7 - Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they [also] which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
No man knows the hour or day

No, it doesn't. It refers to the promise made by Jesus Christ that His followers will be with Him - nothing else.

Which is obviously true - but it has absolutely nothing to do with some snatching to the air.

that's your imagination only :)

and I am not interested in Revelation. I am talking about what Jesus Christ HIMSELF has been telling - nothing else.
Oh, NO.

John 14-3 has absolutely NOTHING to do with rupture.

stop confabulating.

In the bolded sense you are correct.

As far as John 14:3 goes, however, it DOES refer to a live Rapture.
Just not the secret, while you were asleep, "Left Behind" series way that you're thinking of.
Revelation 1:7 - Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they [also] which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
No man knows the hour or day

LOL!!! AND WHERE IS JESUS'S HOME IF NOT HEAVEN?? John 14:3 Christ states it clearly: "I will be coming again and take you along [to my own home], that where I am

and? where is there any mentioning of snatching to the air? NOWHERE.
as it could not be - as there is not going to be any snatching or rapture.

there is going to be the Last Judgement, but that has absolutely nothing to do with any raptures.

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