Rapture anyday now!

What God exterminated was an earth completely filled with vile nasty creatures. A combination of demon and human breeding. Methuselah was named, "When I die, it starts". He holds the record for longest living human, because what came after his death grieved God so much. His death was postponed as long as God could put it off. When there were only eight pure human bloodlines left, it was time. If He hadn't, we wouldn't be here.
What God exterminated was an earth completely filled with vile nasty creatures. A combination of demon and human breeding. Methuselah was named, "When I die, it starts". He holds the record for longest living human, because what came after his death grieved God so much. His death was postponed as long as God could put it off. When there were only eight pure human bloodlines left, it was time. If He hadn't, we wouldn't be here.

And here we see the mythology of justification; because, without it, genocide on a planetary scale would be just that.
Here we see the History of Man. Co-heirs of the Universe. Children of the Most High.
God can see the end from the beginning. He knows what is best for us before there is an us.
Trust His judgement and lean not on your own understanding.

For instance, would you exterminate a swarm of African killer bees to protect your broods and keep them unaltered? If the answer is yes, then you fiend? If the answer is no, then you idiot? Preserving your precious bee colony would make you which, killer or savior?
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Here we see the History of Man. Co-heirs of the Universe. Children of the Most High.
God can see the end from the beginning. He knows what is best for us before there is an us.
Trust His judgement and lean not on your own understanding.

For instance, would you exterminate a swarm of African killer bees to protect your broods and keep them unaltered? If the answer is yes, then you fiend? If the answer is no, then you idiot? Preserving your precious bee colony would make you which, killer or savior?

Huh?? The opiate of the masses kinda thing i guess
Cherry, Since Christ said NO ONE knows...........

Many of us are not interested in anything that Christ may or may not say .
His track record -- and that of his father in exile -- are so hopeless that his credibility disappeared a long time ago .
AGAIN! The question I ask you is==After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do????

As others have pointed out far more graphically , you do seem to have gone deaf , blind and become mentally challenged .
To ask a hypothetical question is fairly pointless . But to upbraid people for not giving you a hypothetical response to the originally useless question is silly .
I suggest that you repeat many times to yourself --- Sane people in balance see the very idea of " Rapture" day as delusional .
What God exterminated was an earth completely filled with vile nasty creatures. A combination of demon and human breeding. Methuselah was named, "When I die, it starts". He holds the record for longest living human, because what came after his death grieved God so much. His death was postponed as long as God could put it off. When there were only eight pure human bloodlines left, it was time. If He hadn't, we wouldn't be here.

Wow. Just. wow.
Pretty sure that Jesus appearing and saying "I am the Son of God" is pretty much going to remove all doubt.

And when he appears and says he's not the Son of God and that Muhammed was a Prophet?

He's not going to lie.
You're kind of proving the point of the sillyness of the OP. You clearly cannot answer a hypothetical that contradicts your beliefs, but the OP expects non-Christians to be able to do so.
"CAUGHT UP" is the rapture!!===1Th 4:16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a [fn]shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

1Th 4:17 Then we who are alive [fn]and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.

Why do you say this going to happen soon? We can go with dueling Bible quotes, if you like.

Matthew 25:13 (KJV)

Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Christ Himself doesn't know the day or the hour. That doesn't mean His return isn't emanate. In fact, He gave us signs to clue us in as to when to start looking for Him:
The Church isn't mentioned after the 3rd chapter in Rev. and further evidence would be His word that His children will not be subjected to His wrath.

All of the prophesies that had to be fulfilled before Christ's return have been fulfilled.
Of all the end time prophesies, only 500 are left to fulfill, and will be during the tribulation. (God's prophets rising after being killed and left in the street, etc).
The gospel has to have the tech to be heard to the 4 corners of the earth.
There has to be an Israel.
^ surrounded by it's enemies.
^being forced (for the sake of peace) to give up God's land.
A global initiative.

He comes after the age of the Gentiles. Each age we have had is approx. 2,000 yrs.
We Gentiles are at the end of our age, which began when we were adopted into Jewish line, by Christ.
The Bible Code identifies the time we are living in where we find the Twin Towers event, and then goes on to name every one of the terrorists involved. The planes hit the Towers in the End of Days.

Here this may help:
View topic - End times prophecy checklist... ? Evidence for God from Science

Any day now. Because He said, this time, when it starts, it will proceed quickly.

If we knew the day and the hour, we'd act like hell until 1 minute till midnight and then hit our knees. :eusa_angel:
No, now is not the time....if there even is a rapture before the tribulation period....

The TEMPLE has not been rebuilt....that's a biggie, and not something that can be done overnight....there has not been a 7 year peace treaty signed either. For 1800 years after Christ, there was no mention of this "Rapture" in Christianity, it's a fairly new thing, created in the 19th century by some Pastor.....who said the rapture was upon us back then, in his day...and he was clearly wrong.... so, I wouldn't bank on not suffering through the tribulation, if I were you.... If you are right....then so be it, but it is highly unlikely in my opinion...yet I won't rule it out...anything can be done with God.

If there is any kind of rapture, it is for the 144,000 of the "elect"....12000 for each of the 12 tribes of Israel...
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Another prankster , care4all ?
If not , read your last sentence again -- out loud and slowly .
Now do you begin to see why 99.9% of people find your words silly and very annoying when repeated .
By all means hold your own opinion , but don't repeat your silly nonsense endlessly to others .
And when he appears and says he's not the Son of God and that Muhammed was a Prophet?

He's not going to lie.
You're kind of proving the point of the sillyness of the OP. You clearly cannot answer a hypothetical that contradicts your beliefs, but the OP expects non-Christians to be able to do so.

Why would i answer a hypothetical question with a lie? Christ is returning. He is the Son of God. That isn't going to change merely because I believe differently. Why waste time with lies?
He's not going to lie.
You're kind of proving the point of the sillyness of the OP. You clearly cannot answer a hypothetical that contradicts your beliefs, but the OP expects non-Christians to be able to do so.

Why would i answer a hypothetical question with a lie? Christ is returning. He is the Son of God. That isn't going to change merely because I believe differently. Why waste time with lies?

Why should I answer a hypothetical with a lie? Jesus is not returning, nor the son of God. That's not going to change regardless of how much you or the OP believe it. So why should I answer a hypothetical that's untrue?
You're kind of proving the point of the sillyness of the OP. You clearly cannot answer a hypothetical that contradicts your beliefs, but the OP expects non-Christians to be able to do so.

Why would i answer a hypothetical question with a lie? Christ is returning. He is the Son of God. That isn't going to change merely because I believe differently. Why waste time with lies?

Why should I answer a hypothetical with a lie? Jesus is not returning, nor the son of God. That's not going to change regardless of how much you or the OP believe it. So why should I answer a hypothetical that's untrue?

Im not the one asking a hypothetical. your mirror response just makes you look completely silly here.
Why would i answer a hypothetical question with a lie? Christ is returning. He is the Son of God. That isn't going to change merely because I believe differently. Why waste time with lies?

Why should I answer a hypothetical with a lie? Jesus is not returning, nor the son of God. That's not going to change regardless of how much you or the OP believe it. So why should I answer a hypothetical that's untrue?

Im not the one asking a hypothetical. your mirror response just makes you look completely silly here.

The OP is a hypothetical. My point is that it is a silly hypothetical.
Another prankster , care4all ?
If not , read your last sentence again -- out loud and slowly .
Now do you begin to see why 99.9% of people find your words silly and very annoying when repeated .
By all means hold your own opinion , but don't repeat your silly nonsense endlessly to others .

So you're the only one allowed to???


I will never understand the fascination non-believers have with religious threads

Why do you say this going to happen soon? We can go with dueling Bible quotes, if you like.

Matthew 25:13 (KJV)

Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Christ Himself doesn't know the day or the hour. That doesn't mean His return isn't emanate. In fact, He gave us signs to clue us in as to when to start looking for Him:
The Church isn't mentioned after the 3rd chapter in Rev. and further evidence would be His word that His children will not be subjected to His wrath.

All of the prophesies that had to be fulfilled before Christ's return have been fulfilled.
Of all the end time prophesies, only 500 are left to fulfill, and will be during the tribulation. (God's prophets rising after being killed and left in the street, etc).
The gospel has to have the tech to be heard to the 4 corners of the earth.
There has to be an Israel.
^ surrounded by it's enemies.
^being forced (for the sake of peace) to give up God's land.
A global initiative.

He comes after the age of the Gentiles. Each age we have had is approx. 2,000 yrs.
We Gentiles are at the end of our age, which began when we were adopted into Jewish line, by Christ.
The Bible Code identifies the time we are living in where we find the Twin Towers event, and then goes on to name every one of the terrorists involved. The planes hit the Towers in the End of Days.

Here this may help:
View topic - End times prophecy checklist... ? Evidence for God from Science

Any day now. Because He said, this time, when it starts, it will proceed quickly.

If we knew the day and the hour, we'd act like hell until 1 minute till midnight and then hit our knees. :eusa_angel:
No, now is not the time....if there even is a rapture before the tribulation period....

The TEMPLE has not been rebuilt....that's a biggie, and not something that can be done overnight....there has not been a 7 year peace treaty signed either. For 1800 years after Christ, there was no mention of this "Rapture" in Christianity, it's a fairly new thing, created in the 19th century by some Pastor.....who said the rapture was upon us back then, in his day...and he was clearly wrong.... so, I wouldn't bank on not suffering through the tribulation, if I were you.... If you are right....then so be it, but it is highly unlikely in my opinion...yet I won't rule it out...anything can be done with God.

If there is any kind of rapture, it is for the 144,000 of the "elect"....12000 for each of the 12 tribes of Israel...

What you are referring to is pre tribulation rapture vs mid trib. rapture. Neither of which can happen until all of the prophesies concerning Christ's return are fulfilled. They have been. He can come at any time. No other generation has been able to say that.

The temple will be built during the 7 year tribulation period. That will come after the peace treaty is signed. Nothing in the Bible says that the rapture cannot happen until the treaty is signed. There is nothing in the Bible that states the rapture cannot happen until the Temple is built.
What it does say is that the antichrist will sit in the Temple and the shit will hit the fan.
THAT is what God said He would take us out of. The rapture can occur anytime from now until the antichrist sits in the Temple.
You are confusing what will take place in the end times with the act of being raptured in the end times. Both occur around the same timeline, but one is not contingent upon the other.

But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.' For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 1Thessalonians 4:13-18

The word in question is "harpazo". The term is found 13 times in the New Testament .
"Harpazo" means "to seize (in various applications): - catch (away, up), pluck, pull, take (by force)."
You can find it in the Latin Vulgate from the 400's, not the 1800's.
Proof that it will take place comes from God. He told us that His children will not be appointed to His wrath. And His wrath is clearly defined in Rev.

Why on earth would God seal the 144, 000 Messianic Jews to spread the gospel during the tribulation and then rapture them instead????? They are sealed to keep them from being killed during that period. No where in the Bible does it even suggest they are raptured. Rapturing them would defeat their purpose. They remain safe here on earth until Christ returns.
It will fulfill God's promise to Abraham concerning his children. Every tribe will survive the coming holocaust. :eusa_angel:

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