Rashida Tlaib asked Israel for entry to see her grandmother in West Bank,they approve, she declines!

Rep Tlaib just showed everyone that politics are more important than her family. Here’s an idea, do not use Grandma as a political prop!
Politics or human rights?

If the person is using their family as a prop, it’s a distinction without a difference. If Rep Tlaib wants to criticize Israel, that is her right. However, it speaks volumes when you bring Your grandmother into the discussion to set up a “gotcha” moment.
Apartheid?!!? LMAO. Impossible to have apartheid against terrorists.
Apartheid?!!? LMAO. Impossible to have apartheid against terrorists.
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.".

"Desmond Tutu"

Don't dance with Israeli Apartheid! - BDS Italia

You love radical Islam? What a winner you are.
You love radical Islam? What a winner you are

Did you vote for this Loser?

Who did you vote for and why?
Who did you vote for and why?

Stein billed herself as "Bernie's Plan B"
When corporate Dems nominated Clinton, my "choice" was reduced to one candidate in 2016.
Who was your choice?

The actual winner.
Bullshit propaganda
Bullshit propaganda
Israel is among the most racist states on this planet which probably explains its high approval rating among Trump's Chumps

"In 2007, in advance of a report from the United Nations Human Rights Council, Special Rapporteur John Dugard said that 'Israel's laws and practices in the OPT [occupied Palestinian territories] certainly resemble aspects of apartheid.'

"Dugard asked: 'Can it seriously be denied that the purpose [...] is to establish and maintain domination by one racial group (Jews) over another racial group (Palestinians) and systematically oppressing them?'[110][111]

"In October 2010, Richard A. Falk reported to the General Assembly Third Committee that 'the nature of the occupation as of 2010 substantiates earlier allegations of colonialism and apartheid in evidence and law to a greater extent than was the case even three years ago.'

"Falk described it as a 'cumulative process' and said 'the longer it continues...the more serious is the abridgment of fundamental Palestinian rights.'"

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia

Arafat never negotiated in good faith.

Arafat continued negotiations with Netanyahu's successor, Ehud Barak, at the Camp David 2000 Summit in July 2000. Due partly to his own politics (Barak was from the leftist Labor Party, whereas Netanyahu was from the rightist LikudParty) and partly due to insistence for compromise by President Clinton, Barak offered Arafat a Palestinian state in 73 percent of the West Bank and all of the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian percentage of sovereignty would extend to 90 percent over a ten- to twenty-five-year period. Also included in the offer was the return of a small number of refugees and compensation for those not allowed to return. Palestinians would also have "custodianship" over the Temple Mount, sovereignty on all Islamic and Christian holy sites, and three of Jerusalem's four Old City quarters. Arafat rejected Barak's offer and refused to make an immediate counter-offer.[97] He told President Clinton that, "the Arab leader who would surrender Jerusalem is not born yet."[111]
Arafat never negotiated in good faith.

Arafat continued negotiations with Netanyahu's successor, Ehud Barak, at the Camp David 2000 Summit in July 2000. Due partly to his own politics (Barak was from the leftist Labor Party, whereas Netanyahu was from the rightist LikudParty) and partly due to insistence for compromise by President Clinton, Barak offered Arafat a Palestinian state in 73 percent of the West Bank and all of the Gaza Strip
Arafat knew he would follow in the footsteps of Yitzhak Rabin if he ever signed away the Right of Return for the millions of non-Jews who had their homes, businesses, and bank accounts stolen by Jews in 1948:

2000 Camp David Summit - Wikipedia

"Due to the first Arab-Israeli war, a significant number of Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes inside what is now Israel.

"These refugees numbered approximately 711,000 to 725,000 at the time. Today, they and their descendants number about four million, comprising about half the Palestinian people.

"Since that time, the Palestinians have demanded full implementation of the right of return, meaning that each refugee would be granted the option of returning to his or her home, with property restored, and receive compensation.

"Israelis asserted that allowing a right of return to Israel proper, rather than to the newly created Palestinian state, would mean an influx of Palestinians that would fundamentally alter the demographics of Israel, jeopardizing Israel's Jewish character and its existence as a whole."

To be clear. Arafat was offered a Palestinian state and he turned it down because he was a disingenuous asshole.

Who did you for POTUS in 2016 and why?
To be clear. Arafat was offered a Palestinian state and he turned it down because he was a disingenuous asshole.
Who controlled the air space above this alleged Palestinian state?

Who was the President of “Palestine” in 1946?
'BDS Is a Bullshit Purity Test' for Dems: Bill Mahers Rants Against Boycott Israel Group
Apartheid?!!? LMAO. Impossible to have apartheid against terrorists.
Apartheid?!!? LMAO. Impossible to have apartheid against terrorists.
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.".

"Desmond Tutu"

Don't dance with Israeli Apartheid! - BDS Italia

You love radical Islam? What a winner you are.
You love radical Islam? What a winner you are

Did you vote for this Loser?

Who did you vote for and why?
Who did you vote for and why?

Stein billed herself as "Bernie's Plan B"
When corporate Dems nominated Clinton, my "choice" was reduced to one candidate in 2016.
Who was your choice?

So you didn't participate
That's probably a plus for the country.
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.".

"Desmond Tutu"

Don't dance with Israeli Apartheid! - BDS Italia

You love radical Islam? What a winner you are.
You love radical Islam? What a winner you are

Did you vote for this Loser?

Who did you vote for and why?
Who did you vote for and why?

Stein billed herself as "Bernie's Plan B"
When corporate Dems nominated Clinton, my "choice" was reduced to one candidate in 2016.
Who was your choice?

The actual winner.
The actual winner was President Trump
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.".

"Desmond Tutu"

Don't dance with Israeli Apartheid! - BDS Italia

You love radical Islam? What a winner you are.
You love radical Islam? What a winner you are

Did you vote for this Loser?

Who did you vote for and why?
Who did you vote for and why?

Stein billed herself as "Bernie's Plan B"
When corporate Dems nominated Clinton, my "choice" was reduced to one candidate in 2016.
Who was your choice?

So you didn't participate
That's probably a plus for the country.

Even worse he is a Sanders supporter aka Communist. He just wants free stuff and to have someone else pay for it.
You love radical Islam? What a winner you are.
You love radical Islam? What a winner you are

Did you vote for this Loser?

Who did you vote for and why?
Who did you vote for and why?

Stein billed herself as "Bernie's Plan B"
When corporate Dems nominated Clinton, my "choice" was reduced to one candidate in 2016.
Who was your choice?

The actual winner.
The actual winner was President Trump

Yes that was who I voted for. I answered His Question. He voted for a fruitcake.
They approved, but they made all kinds of restrictions.

Israel claims they’re a democracy like the United States used to be.
They approved, but they made all kinds of restrictions.

Israel claims they’re a democracy like the United States used to be.

They asked her not to bash Israel while she was there.

Seems reasonable.

You are not allowed to do that in many countries if you are a guest.

She wanted to go there and then shit all over Israel. It was a stunt and they knew it.

They referred to it as Palestine on their itinerary.
Rep Tlaib just showed everyone that politics are more important than her family. Here’s an idea, do not use Grandma as a political prop!
Politics or human rights?

If the person is using their family as a prop, it’s a distinction without a difference. If Rep Tlaib wants to criticize Israel, that is her right. However, it speaks volumes when you bring Your grandmother into the discussion to set up a “gotcha” moment.
If the person is using their family as a prop, it’s a distinction without a difference. If Rep Tlaib wants to criticize Israel, that is her right. However, it speaks volumes when you bring Your grandmother into the discussion to set up a “gotcha” moment
If the person's grandmother, along with millions of other non-Jews, is being used as a pawn by agents of a racist, illegal occupation, the only "gotcha" moment reveals how afraid the Jews of Israel are about their apartheid and injustice being revealed by a member of the US Congress.
They approved, but they made all kinds of restrictions.

Israel claims they’re a democracy like the United States used to be.

Israel was kind enough to inform/remind her supporting the boycott of Israel that she supports was against the law in Israel.

That's really the extent of it.
Rep Tlaib just showed everyone that politics are more important than her family. Here’s an idea, do not use Grandma as a political prop!
Politics or human rights?

If the person is using their family as a prop, it’s a distinction without a difference. If Rep Tlaib wants to criticize Israel, that is her right. However, it speaks volumes when you bring Your grandmother into the discussion to set up a “gotcha” moment.
If the person is using their family as a prop, it’s a distinction without a difference. If Rep Tlaib wants to criticize Israel, that is her right. However, it speaks volumes when you bring Your grandmother into the discussion to set up a “gotcha” moment
If the person's grandmother, along with millions of other non-Jews, is being used as a pawn by agents of a racist, illegal occupation, the only "gotcha" moment reveals how afraid the Jews of Israel are about their apartheid and injustice being revealed by a member of the US Congress.
You do realize that arabs and jew are not races? There is no occupation. It's Israel's land.
They approved, but they made all kinds of restrictions.

Israel claims they’re a democracy like the United States used to be.

Israel is the beacon of democracy in the shit hole that is the Middle East.
Israel is among the most racist states on this planet which probably explains its high approval rating among Trump's Chumps

"In 2007, in advance of a report from the United Nations Human Rights Council, Special Rapporteur John Dugard said that 'Israel's laws and practices in the OPT [occupied Palestinian territories] certainly resemble aspects of apartheid.'

"Dugard asked: 'Can it seriously be denied that the purpose [...] is to establish and maintain domination by one racial group (Jews) over another racial group (Palestinians) and systematically oppressing them?'[110][111]

"In October 2010, Richard A. Falk reported to the General Assembly Third Committee that 'the nature of the occupation as of 2010 substantiates earlier allegations of colonialism and apartheid in evidence and law to a greater extent than was the case even three years ago.'

"Falk described it as a 'cumulative process' and said 'the longer it continues...the more serious is the abridgment of fundamental Palestinian rights.'"

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia

Arafat never negotiated in good faith.

Arafat continued negotiations with Netanyahu's successor, Ehud Barak, at the Camp David 2000 Summit in July 2000. Due partly to his own politics (Barak was from the leftist Labor Party, whereas Netanyahu was from the rightist LikudParty) and partly due to insistence for compromise by President Clinton, Barak offered Arafat a Palestinian state in 73 percent of the West Bank and all of the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian percentage of sovereignty would extend to 90 percent over a ten- to twenty-five-year period. Also included in the offer was the return of a small number of refugees and compensation for those not allowed to return. Palestinians would also have "custodianship" over the Temple Mount, sovereignty on all Islamic and Christian holy sites, and three of Jerusalem's four Old City quarters. Arafat rejected Barak's offer and refused to make an immediate counter-offer.[97] He told President Clinton that, "the Arab leader who would surrender Jerusalem is not born yet."[111]
Arafat never negotiated in good faith.

Arafat continued negotiations with Netanyahu's successor, Ehud Barak, at the Camp David 2000 Summit in July 2000. Due partly to his own politics (Barak was from the leftist Labor Party, whereas Netanyahu was from the rightist LikudParty) and partly due to insistence for compromise by President Clinton, Barak offered Arafat a Palestinian state in 73 percent of the West Bank and all of the Gaza Strip
Arafat knew he would follow in the footsteps of Yitzhak Rabin if he ever signed away the Right of Return for the millions of non-Jews who had their homes, businesses, and bank accounts stolen by Jews in 1948:

2000 Camp David Summit - Wikipedia

"Due to the first Arab-Israeli war, a significant number of Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes inside what is now Israel.

"These refugees numbered approximately 711,000 to 725,000 at the time. Today, they and their descendants number about four million, comprising about half the Palestinian people.

"Since that time, the Palestinians have demanded full implementation of the right of return, meaning that each refugee would be granted the option of returning to his or her home, with property restored, and receive compensation.

"Israelis asserted that allowing a right of return to Israel proper, rather than to the newly created Palestinian state, would mean an influx of Palestinians that would fundamentally alter the demographics of Israel, jeopardizing Israel's Jewish character and its existence as a whole."

To be clear. Arafat was offered a Palestinian state and he turned it down because he was a disingenuous asshole.

Who did you for POTUS in 2016 and why?
To be clear. Arafat was offered a Palestinian state and he turned it down because he was a disingenuous asshole.
Who controlled the air space above this alleged Palestinian state?

Who was the President of “Palestine” in 1946?
'BDS Is a Bullshit Purity Test' for Dems: Bill Mahers Rants Against Boycott Israel Group
It wasn't George V (or Bill Mahers)

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

Why do you suppose the heroic Zionists required British bayonets to colonize Palestine?

Did you vote for this Loser?

Who did you vote for and why?
Who did you vote for and why?

Stein billed herself as "Bernie's Plan B"
When corporate Dems nominated Clinton, my "choice" was reduced to one candidate in 2016.
Who was your choice?

The actual winner.
The actual winner was President Trump

Yes that was who I voted for. I answered His Question. He voted for a fruitcake.
Yes that was who I voted for. I answered His Question. He voted for a fruitcake.
You were conned.

Don't you feel stupid?
Arafat never negotiated in good faith.

Arafat continued negotiations with Netanyahu's successor, Ehud Barak, at the Camp David 2000 Summit in July 2000. Due partly to his own politics (Barak was from the leftist Labor Party, whereas Netanyahu was from the rightist LikudParty) and partly due to insistence for compromise by President Clinton, Barak offered Arafat a Palestinian state in 73 percent of the West Bank and all of the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian percentage of sovereignty would extend to 90 percent over a ten- to twenty-five-year period. Also included in the offer was the return of a small number of refugees and compensation for those not allowed to return. Palestinians would also have "custodianship" over the Temple Mount, sovereignty on all Islamic and Christian holy sites, and three of Jerusalem's four Old City quarters. Arafat rejected Barak's offer and refused to make an immediate counter-offer.[97] He told President Clinton that, "the Arab leader who would surrender Jerusalem is not born yet."[111]
Arafat never negotiated in good faith.

Arafat continued negotiations with Netanyahu's successor, Ehud Barak, at the Camp David 2000 Summit in July 2000. Due partly to his own politics (Barak was from the leftist Labor Party, whereas Netanyahu was from the rightist LikudParty) and partly due to insistence for compromise by President Clinton, Barak offered Arafat a Palestinian state in 73 percent of the West Bank and all of the Gaza Strip
Arafat knew he would follow in the footsteps of Yitzhak Rabin if he ever signed away the Right of Return for the millions of non-Jews who had their homes, businesses, and bank accounts stolen by Jews in 1948:

2000 Camp David Summit - Wikipedia

"Due to the first Arab-Israeli war, a significant number of Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes inside what is now Israel.

"These refugees numbered approximately 711,000 to 725,000 at the time. Today, they and their descendants number about four million, comprising about half the Palestinian people.

"Since that time, the Palestinians have demanded full implementation of the right of return, meaning that each refugee would be granted the option of returning to his or her home, with property restored, and receive compensation.

"Israelis asserted that allowing a right of return to Israel proper, rather than to the newly created Palestinian state, would mean an influx of Palestinians that would fundamentally alter the demographics of Israel, jeopardizing Israel's Jewish character and its existence as a whole."

To be clear. Arafat was offered a Palestinian state and he turned it down because he was a disingenuous asshole.

Who did you for POTUS in 2016 and why?
To be clear. Arafat was offered a Palestinian state and he turned it down because he was a disingenuous asshole.
Who controlled the air space above this alleged Palestinian state?

Who was the President of “Palestine” in 1946?
'BDS Is a Bullshit Purity Test' for Dems: Bill Mahers Rants Against Boycott Israel Group
It wasn't George V (or Bill Mahers)

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

Why do you suppose the heroic Zionists required British bayonets to colonize Palestine?

They made it their land in 1967
Who did you vote for and why?
Who did you vote for and why?

Stein billed herself as "Bernie's Plan B"
When corporate Dems nominated Clinton, my "choice" was reduced to one candidate in 2016.
Who was your choice?

The actual winner.
The actual winner was President Trump

Yes that was who I voted for. I answered His Question. He voted for a fruitcake.
Yes that was who I voted for. I answered His Question. He voted for a fruitcake.
You were conned.

Don't you feel stupid?

Not remotely. I love That he won. Love it. Only one stupid in this convo is you, Frenchie.
'The Prophet preached a method of violence, not one of reasonable persuasion. He not only split mankind into righteous believers and sinners, he also denied human rights to unbelievers. His holy wars finally led to spiritual divisions in Islam. Thus by its fruit shall you know the tree. Judaism and its two fanatical offspring, Christianity and Islam, demonstrate all too well the results of monotheism -- intolerance, destruction, and genocide.'
(Katz, The Ways of An Atheist)

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